module CurationConcerns::CollectionsHelper def has_collection_search_parameters? params[:cq].present? end def collection_modal_id(collectible) "#{':', '-')}-modal" end def link_to_select_collection(collectible, opts = {}) html_class = opts[:class] link_to '#', data: { toggle: 'modal', target: '#' + collection_modal_id(collectible) }, class: "add-to-collection #{html_class}", title: "Add #{collectible.human_readable_type} to Collection" do icon('plus-sign') + ' Add to a Collection' end end # override hydra-collections def link_to_remove_from_collection(document, label = 'Remove From Collection') collection_id = @collection ? : link_to collections.collection_path(collection_id, collection: { members: 'remove' }, batch_document_ids: []), method: :put do icon('minus-sign') + ' ' + label end end def icon(type) content_tag :span, '', class: "glyphicon glyphicon-#{type}" end def collection_options_for_select(exclude_item = nil) options_for_select(available_collections(exclude_item)) end private # return a list of collections for the current user with the exception of the passed in collection def available_collections(exclude_item) if exclude_item collection_options.reject { |n| n.last == } else collection_options end end def collection_options @collection_options ||= current_users_collections end # Defaults to returning a list of all collections. # If you have implement User.collections, the results of that will be used. def current_users_collections if current_user.respond_to?(:collections) { |c| [c.title.join(', '),] } else query = ActiveFedora::SolrQueryBuilder.construct_query_for_rel(has_model: Collection.to_class_uri) ActiveFedora::SolrService.query(query, fl: 'title_tesim id', rows: 1000).map { |r| [r['title_tesim'].join(', '), r['id']] }.sort { |a, b| a.first <=> b.first } end end end