en: messages: please_sign_in: Sign in login_failed: Login failed destroy_succeed_fluentd_setting: "Deleted %{brand} setting" available_new_fluentd_ui: 'fluentd-ui %{version} is available. Go to system information page' fluentd_start_failed: Failed to start fluentd fluentd_stop_failed: Failed to stop fluentd fluentd_restart_failed: Failed to restart fluentd fluentd_start_stop_delay_notice: "'%{action} daemon' is accepted. That operation could take a minute for complete." password_successfully_updated: "Your password has been changed successfully." fluentd_status_running: Running fluentd_status_stopped: Stopped config_successfully_copied: "Config has been copied successfully. Please restart %{brand} to use the new config" note_updating_success: "Note successfully updated." dryrun_is_passed: config test passed no_diff: There is no difference in files. terms: &terms name: Name password: Password sign_in: Sign in sign_out: Sign out install: Install uninstall: Uninstall upgrade: Upgrade installed: Installed not_installed: Not Installed processing: Processing new_version: "%{version} is available" install_latest: Install latest installed_plugins: Installed Plugins plugins: Plugins misc: Miscellaneous version: Version fluent_version: "fluentd %{version}" no_alert: Nothing update_password: Update Password detail: Detail cancel: Cancel create: Create update: Update & Restart save: Save edit: Edit destroy: Destroy new: New initial_setup: Setup setup: "Setup %{target}" install_it: "Install %{target}" installing: "Installing: %{target}" uninstalling: "Uninstalling: %{target}" search: Search changeme_password: 'Change the password from default for your security' destroy_confirm_title: "%{target} Deletion" confirm_body: | Really %{action}? reload_log: Reload log auto_reload: "Auto Reload(every %{seconds} seconds)" next: Next prev: Prev advanced_setting: Advanced Settings notice_restart_for_config_edit: "NOTICE: running %{brand} will restart after update config" lines: Lines languages: Language backup_file: Backup File backup_time: Backed up at note: Note reuse: reuse configtest: config test plugins: view_on_rubygems_org: View on rubygems.org common: name: Plugin Name status: Status authors: Authors summary: Summary category: Category installed_version: Installed Version latest_version: Latest Version install_specific_version: Install this version install_latest_version: Install latest version no_updates: No updates available no_installed: No installed plugins installed: page_title: Installed Plugins recommended: page_title: Recommended Plugins updated: page_title: Updated Plugins users: show: page_title: Password fluentd: common: start: Start stop: Stop restart: Restart log: Log stopped: Stopped running: Running operation: Detail edit_config: Edit Config raw_edit_config: Edit Config file directory config_file: Config file page_title: "%{label}" setup_in_tail: File setup_in_syslog: Syslog Protocol setup_in_monitor_agent: Monitoring Agent setup_in_http: http setup_in_forward: Forwarding (receiving from another fluentd) setup_out_td: Treasure Data setup_out_mongo: MongoDB setup_out_stdout: stdout (log) setup_out_forward: Forwarding setup_out_s3: Amazon S3 setup_out_elasticsearch: Elasticsearch finish: Update & Restart fluentd_info: Setting info recent_errors: "Errors within recent %{days} days" raw_log_link: Download destroy_fluentd_setting: "Delete %{brand} setting" destroy_fluentd_setting_warning: | Delete %{brand} setting.

Running %{brand} will be stopped, but log and config file are still exists.

never_started_yet: "%{brand} had never been started yet." show: page_title: Dashboard new: page_title: New edit: page_title: Edit log: page_title: log errors: page_title: Error log error_is_empty: No errors settings: source_and_output: page_title: Add Source and Output in: Source out: Output current: Current setting setting_empty: Not exists show: page_title: Config File in_out_head: In/Out setting link_to_histories: See more histories edit: page_title: Edit Config File out_forward: option_guide: | For each config parameter, please refer to the Forward output plugin documentation page. secondary_note: | All servers are unavailable, store data as a file to specified path. show: page_title: Add Output to another Fluentd out_s3: option_guide: | For each config parameter, please refer to the Amazon S3 output plugin documentation page. show: page_title: Add Output to Amazon S3 out_td: option_guide: | For each config parameter, please refer to the Treasure Data output plugin documentation page. show: page_title: Add Output to Treasure Data out_elasticsearch: option_guide: | For each config parameter, please refer to the Elasticsearch output plugin documentation page. show: page_title: Add Output to Elasticsearch out_mongo: option_guide: | For each config parameter, please refer to the MongoDB output plugin documentation page. show: page_title: Add Output to MongoDB out_stdout: option_guide: | Print events to STDOUT (or fluentd log file if launched with daemon mode). Please refer to the stdout output plugin documentation page. show: page_title: stdout (log) in_syslog: option_guide: | For each config parameter, please refer to the MongoDB output plugin documentation page. show: page_title: Add Input from Syslog Protocol in_monitor_agent: option_guide: | Monitoring agent returns current fluentd/td-agent setting as JSON via HTTP.
Please see refer to the Monitoring Agent documentation page. show: page_title: Monitoring Agent (monitor_agent) in_http: option_guide: | Retrieve records from http POST.
The URL path becomes the tag of the Fluentd event log and the POSTed body element becomes the record itself.
Please see refer to the http Input Plugin documentation page. show: page_title: Add http Input Plugin in_forward: option_guide: | Listen to a TCP socket to receive the event stream and an UDP socket to receive heartbeat messages. Please see refer to the forward Input Plugin documentation page. show: page_title: Add forward Input Plugin in_tail_option_guide: | For each config parameter, please refer to the Tail input plugin documentation page. in_tail: notice_for_permission: "Please check permission or group setting for %{user} user can read it." restart_from_first: Restart from first grok_manual: |

Grok syntax, for example, %{INT:foo} pattern given then translate to /(?<foo>(?:[+-]?(?:[0-9]+)))/ regexp.

Available key/value are here.


Nov 29 17:02:55 MacBook-Pro-2.local UserEventAgent[239] : cannot find fw daemon port 1102 the log you have,
%{MONTH:month}%{SPACE}%{MONTHDAY:day} %{TIME:time} %{DATA} \[%{INT:pid}\] for matching that, you will gain following result.

Key Value
show: page_title: "Choose File Path" after_file_choose: page_title: "Select File Format" after_format: page_title: "Config Parameters" confirm: page_title: "Confirmation" history: "Setting History" histories: index: page_title: "Setting Histories" show: page_title: "Reuse Setting History" target_config: "Target Config" current_config: "Current Config" diff_description: "diff between current config and target config(%{file_name}) (showing with '+' and '-' if any)" show_current: "> see current config" running_backup: title: "Running Config" show: page_title: "Running Config" diff_description: "diff between config and running config (showing with '+' and '-' if any)" show_current: "> see current config" misc: information: env: Environment Variable env_key: Key env_value: Value page_title: System Information update_fluentd_ui: "Update %{title}" update_fluentd_ui_caution: "Note: %{brand} will not restart" download_system_information: Download System Information update_fluentd_ui: update_title: "Updating %{title}" updating: Updating.. update_finish: Update finished! failed: "Failed to update. Please see %{title} log" errors: messages: &error_messages wrong_password: is wrong lack_read_permission: doesn't readable lack_write_permission: doesn't writable is_a_directory: is a directory. should be a file duplicated_conf: Configurations is duplicated out_forward_blank_server: server settings should be at least one activemodel: &activemodel errors: messages: <<: *error_messages models: user: user #g attributes: user: name: Name password_digest: password_digest #g remember_token: remember_token #g current_password: Current Password password: New Password password_confirmation: New Password (confirmation) fluentd: log_file: Log file pid_file: PID file config_file: Config file variant: type api_endpoint: API Endpoint activerecord: # for rspec <<: *activemodel