use tokio_1 as tokio; use tokio::io::unix::AsyncFd; use libc::c_int; use core::{task, time}; use core::pin::Pin; use core::future::Future; pub trait TimerFd: crate::std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd + Sync + Send + Unpin { fn new() -> Self; fn set(&mut self, time: time::Duration); fn unset(&mut self); fn read(&mut self) -> usize; } ///Wrapper over fd based timer. pub struct RawTimer(c_int); impl crate::std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd for RawTimer { #[inline(always)] fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> c_int { self.0 } } #[cfg(target_os = "android")] mod sys { #[repr(C)] pub struct itimerspec { pub it_interval: libc::timespec, pub it_value: libc::timespec, } extern "C" { pub fn timerfd_create(clockid: libc::clockid_t, flags: libc::c_int) -> libc::c_int; pub fn timerfd_settime(timerid: libc::c_int, flags: libc::c_int, new_value: *const itimerspec, old_value: *mut itimerspec) -> libc::c_int; } pub const TFD_NONBLOCK: libc::c_int = libc::O_NONBLOCK; } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] use libc as sys; #[cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"))] impl TimerFd for RawTimer { fn new() -> Self { let fd = unsafe { sys::timerfd_create(libc::CLOCK_MONOTONIC, sys::TFD_NONBLOCK) }; os_assert!(fd != -1); Self(fd) } fn set(&mut self, timeout: time::Duration) { #[cfg(not(target_pointer_width = "64"))] use core::convert::TryFrom; let it_value = libc::timespec { tv_sec: timeout.as_secs() as libc::time_t, #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] tv_nsec: libc::suseconds_t::from(timeout.subsec_nanos()), #[cfg(not(target_pointer_width = "64"))] tv_nsec: libc::suseconds_t::try_from(timeout.subsec_nanos()).unwrap_or(libc::suseconds_t::max_value()), }; let timer = sys::itimerspec { it_interval: unsafe { core::mem::MaybeUninit::zeroed().assume_init() }, it_value, }; let ret = unsafe { sys::timerfd_settime(self.0, 0, &timer, core::ptr::null_mut()) }; os_assert!(ret != -1); } #[inline] fn unset(&mut self) { self.set(time::Duration::from_secs(0)); } fn read(&mut self) -> usize { let mut read_num = 0u64; match unsafe { libc::read(self.0, &mut read_num as *mut u64 as *mut _, 8) } { -1 => { let error = crate::std::io::Error::last_os_error(); match error.kind() { crate::std::io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => 0, _ => panic!("Unexpected read error: {}", error), } } _ => read_num as usize, } } } #[cfg(any(target_os = "bitrig", target_os = "dragonfly", target_os = "freebsd", target_os = "ios", target_os = "macos", target_os = "netbsd", target_os = "openbsd"))] impl TimerFd for RawTimer { fn new() -> Self { let fd = unsafe { libc::kqueue() }; //If you hit this, then most likely you run into OS imposed limit on file descriptor number os_assert!(fd != -1); Self(fd) } fn set(&mut self, time: time::Duration) { let timeout = libc::timespec { tv_sec: 0, tv_nsec: 0, }; let mut empty = []; let mut event = libc::kevent { ident: 1, filter: libc::EVFILT_TIMER, flags: libc::EV_ADD | libc::EV_ENABLE | libc::EV_ONESHOT, fflags: libc::NOTE_NSECONDS, data: 0, udata: core::ptr::null_mut(), }; let mut time = time.as_nanos(); if time > isize::max_value() as u128 { event.fflags = libc::NOTE_USECONDS; time /= 1_000; } if time > isize::max_value() as u128 { event.fflags = 0; //default value is ms time /= 1_000; } if time > isize::max_value() as u128 { event.fflags = libc::NOTE_SECONDS; time /= 1_000; } = time as _; let set = unsafe { libc::kevent(self.0, &event, 1, empty.as_mut_ptr(), 0, &timeout) }; os_assert!(set != -1); } fn unset(&mut self) { let timeout = libc::timespec { tv_sec: 0, tv_nsec: 0, }; let mut empty = []; let event = libc::kevent { ident: 1, filter: libc::EVFILT_TIMER, flags: libc::EV_DELETE, fflags: 0, data: 0, udata: core::ptr::null_mut(), }; let unset = unsafe { libc::kevent(self.0, &event, 1, empty.as_mut_ptr(), 0, &timeout) }; os_assert!(unset != -1); } fn read(&mut self) -> usize { let timeout = libc::timespec { tv_sec: 0, tv_nsec: 0, }; let empty = []; let mut event = libc::kevent { ident: 0, filter: libc::EVFILT_TIMER, flags: 0, fflags: 0, data: 0, udata: core::ptr::null_mut(), }; let read = unsafe { libc::kevent(self.0, empty.as_ptr(), 0, &mut event, 1, &timeout) }; os_assert!(read != -1); read as _ } } enum State { Init(time::Duration), Running(T, bool), } ///Timer implemented on top of `AsyncFd` pub struct AsyncTokioTimer { state: State> } impl AsyncTokioTimer { #[inline] ///Creates new instance pub const fn new(time: time::Duration) -> Self { Self { state: State::Init(time), } } } impl super::Timer for AsyncTokioTimer { #[inline(always)] fn new(timeout: time::Duration) -> Self { assert_time!(timeout); debug_assert!(timeout.as_millis() <= u32::max_value().into()); Self { state: State::Init(timeout), } } #[inline] fn is_ticking(&self) -> bool { match &self.state { State::Init(_) => false, State::Running(_, state) => !*state, } } #[inline] fn is_expired(&self) -> bool { match &self.state { State::Init(_) => false, State::Running(_, state) => *state } } fn restart(&mut self, new_value: time::Duration) { assert_time!(new_value); debug_assert!(new_value.as_millis() <= u32::max_value().into()); match &mut self.state { State::Init(ref mut timeout) => { *timeout = new_value; }, State::Running(ref mut fd, ref mut state) => { *state = false; fd.get_mut().set(new_value); } } } #[inline(always)] fn restart_ctx(&mut self, new_value: time::Duration, _: &task::Waker) { self.restart(new_value) } fn cancel(&mut self) { unreachable!(); } } impl Future for AsyncTokioTimer { type Output = (); fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, ctx: &mut task::Context) -> task::Poll { if let State::Init(ref timeout) = &self.state { let mut fd = AsyncFd::with_interest(T::new(), tokio::io::Interest::READABLE).expect("To create AsyncFd"); fd.get_mut().set(*timeout); self.state = State::Running(fd, false) }; if let State::Running(ref mut fd, ref mut state) = &mut self.state { if *state { return task::Poll::Ready(()); } let fd = Pin::new(fd); match fd.poll_read_ready(ctx) { task::Poll::Pending => return task::Poll::Pending, task::Poll::Ready(ready) => { let mut ready = ready.expect("Unable to read async timer's fd"); //technically we should read first, but we cannot borrow as mut then ready.clear_ready(); match fd.get_mut().get_mut().read() { 0 => { *state = false; return task::Poll::Pending }, _ => { *state = true; return task::Poll::Ready(()) } } } } } else { unreach!(); } } } ///Timer based on tokio's `AsyncFd` pub type AsyncTimer = AsyncTokioTimer;