# (c) Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. :default: :maestro_url: https://github.com/forj-oss/maestro.git # Default Infra repository to use. If missing, it will be proposed to be created. :infra_repo: ~/.forj/infra # You can set proto2b in your ~/.forj/config.yaml if you built it from maestro/build. Read the maestro/README.md to create it. :image_name: Ubuntu Precise 12.04.4 LTS Server 64-bit 20140414 (Rescue Image) # Flavor to use for Maestro :flavor: medium # Default flavor to use for all Blueprint nodes. :bp_flavor: small # Ports to open for Maestro, added to the security group :security_group: forj :ports: [22, 80, 443, 3000, 3131-3135, 4505-4506, 5000, 5666, 8000, 8080-8081, 8083, 8125, 8139-8140, 8773-8776, 9292, 29418, 35357] # Network: If network doesn't exist, forj cli will try to create it, and attach it a router. :network: forj # Users: Default user for ssh connection, if user doesn't exits, forj cli will try to get the user from the server image on it's name attribute :users: ['ubuntu', 'fedora', 'cloud-user', 'cirros', 'centos', 'cloud', 'root'] # build.sh internal variables. :build_config: box :branch: master :box_name: maestro :provider_name: hpcloud :maestro_bootstrap_dir: build/maestro/bootstrap :description: # Description of build.sh environment variable defined by forj cli for build.sh. (~/.forj/infra/build/.build.env) :FORJ_HPC: "HPCloud cli Account used to build your Maestro box" :FORJ_HPC_COMPUTE: "HPCloud Compute service (like region-b.geo-1) used to run your Maestro Box" :FORJ_TENANT_NAME: "HPCloud Tenant name used build your nodes" :FORJ_HPC_NET: "HPCloud Network name to use, while booting all boxes." :FORJ_KEYPAIR: "Keypair used to access boxes." :FORJ_SECURITY_GROUP: "Security group associated to each box" :FORJ_HPC_NOVA_KEYPUB: "Public key used by build.sh to ensure his existence on HPCloud" :FORJ_BASE_IMG: "Base image used to build all boxes" :FORJ_FLAVOR: "Flavor used to build Maestro" # DNS specific data :FORJ_DNS_TENANTID: "HPCloud Project ID to use to create DNS entries for each boxes." :FORJ_DNS_ZONE: "HPCloud Domain name service to use for each boxes DNS entries. (Ex: region-a.geo-1)" :FORJ_DNS_DOMAIN: "Domain used for DNS. Each server will be attached to a public IP. An 'A' record in the DNS service will need to be added to your HPCloud DOMAIN." # Following declares generic FORJ data to handle Fog object (compute/network/dns/...) # It defines the account file structure. section/key=value # All data can be predefined by default value (config.yaml/defaults.yaml) except # those identified by :account_exclusive: true :setup: :ask_step: - :desc: "Provider configuration:" - :desc: "Maestro Cloud compute configuration:" :explanation: |- Maestro (gardener) is currently configured to access your cloud Compute service with fog openstack. Fog openstack is compatible with hpcloud services It requires the openstack project name, user and password. - :desc: "Maestro and blueprint configuration:" :add: - :keypair_files - :ssh_user - :desc: "DNS Configuration for Maestro:" :sections: # This section define updatable data available from config.yaml. But will never be added in an account file. # Used by forj set/get functions :default: :account_name: :desc: "Default account name used by forj cli" :provider_name: :desc: "Default provider name while running forj setup. By default, hpcloud is selected." # Defines account credentials data :account: :name: :desc: "Name of the Forj cli account. use forj account rename to update it." :readonly: true :account_exclusive: true :provider: :desc: "Provider name attached to the forj cli account. To update it, use forj setup." :readonly: true :account_exclusive: true :default: :provider_name # Defines services :services: :compute: :desc: "Generic service identification for compute" :account_exclusive: true :account: true :ask_step: 0 :network: :desc: "Generic service identification for network" :account_exclusive: true :account: true :ask_step: 0 # Defines ssh keys credentials :credentials: :keypair_files: :explanation: |- A keypair is a combination of SSH public and private key files. Usually, generated in your '$HOME/.ssh/' directory. The private key is used to identify yourself to access your box via ssh. The public key is used to configure your server to authorize you to access the box with your private key. This keypair files will be copied to '$HOME/.forj/keypairs/ under files for 'forj' needs. If the keypair doesn't exist locally, it will be created for you. :desc: "Base keypair file name" :default_value: "~/.ssh/<%= config[:keypair_name] %>-id_rsa" :validate_function: :forj_check_keypairs_files :account: true :ask_step: 2 :after: :keypair_name :pre_step_function: :forj_cloud_keypair_coherent? :post_step_function: :forj_setup_keypairs_files :keypair_path: :desc: "Contains the full path to the :keypair_base." :default_value: "<%= Forj.keypairs_path %>" :keypair_base: :desc: "Contains the key file base name without .pem/.pub." :keypair_name: :desc: "keypair name defined in your cloud to access your server. By default we named it 'forj'. If it doesn't exist, it will be created." :required: true :default_value: "forj" :account: true :ask_step: 2 :pre_step_function: :update_keypair_config :post_step_function: :forj_check_cloud_keypair :auth_uri: :desc: "Generic service auth url" :account_exclusive: true :account: true :required: true :ask_sort: 0 :account_id: :desc: "Generic Cloud Account name." :account_exclusive: true :account: true :required: true :account_key: :desc: "Generic cloud account key" :account_exclusive: true :account: true :required: true :encrypted: true :tenant: :desc: "Openstack Tenant Name (Project name)" :account_exclusive: true :account: true :required: true :ask_step: 0 :os_user: :desc: "Openstack compute cloud User name" :account_exclusive: true :account: true :required: true :validate: !ruby/regexp /\w+/ :ask_step: 1 :default_value: "<%= (config[:provider_name] == 'openstack')?config[:account_id]:nil %>" :os_enckey: :desc: "Openstack compute cloud password" :account_exclusive: true :encrypted: true :account: true :required: true :ask_step: 1 :default_value: "<%= (config[:provider_name] == 'openstack')?config[:account_key]:nil %>" # Defines DNS services for maestro :dns: :domain_name: :desc: "Domain name added to each hosts." :account_exclusive: true :account: true :post_step_function: :forj_dns_settings :ask_step: 3 :dns_service: :desc: "DNS service region name Maestro will use." :account_exclusive: true :account: true :pre_step_function: :forj_dns_settings? :ask_step: 3 :dns_tenant_id: :desc: "DNS Tenant ID Maestro will use" :account_exclusive: true :account: true :pre_step_function: :forj_dns_settings? :ask_step: 3 :maestro: :tenant_name: :desc: "Tenant name required by fog/openstack on gardener" :account: true :validate: !ruby/regexp /^\w?[\w_-]*$/ :ask_step: 1 :ask_sort: 0 :default_value: "<%= (config[:provider_name] == 'openstack')?config[:tenant]:nil %>" :network_name: :desc: "Network name to attach to each forge boxes. By default we use 'forj'. If it doesn't exist, it will be created." :default: network :account: true :required: true :default_value: "forj" :ask_step: 2 :security_group: :desc: "Security group name to configure and attach to each forge boxes." :account: true :validate: !ruby/regexp /^\w?\w*$/ :default_value: "forj" :ask_step: 2 :maestro_repo: :desc: "To use a different Maestro repository already cloned." :infra_repo: :desc: "Defines your Infra directory to use while booting." :box_name: :desc: "forj cli use 'build.sh' to create Maestro. See box_name option on build.sh to get more information. By default 'maestro'" :build_config: :desc: "forj cli use 'build.sh' to create Maestro. See build_config option on build.sh to get more information. By default 'box'" :bp_flavor: :desc: "Blueprint nodes default flavor" :explanation: |- Blueprint usually defines the required flavor for their nodes. If not, it will use this flavor as default. Usually, blueprint nodes are smaller than Maestro. :account: true :list_values: :query_type: :query_call # Will execute a query on flavor, query_params is empty for all. :object: :flavor :value: :name :validate: :list_strict :ask_step: 2 :flavor_name: :explanation: 'This flavor is for Maestro only.' :desc: "Maestro Flavor name" :default: :flavor :account: true :list_values: :query_type: :query_call # Will execute a query on flavor, query_params is empty for all. :object: :flavor :value: :name :validate: :list_strict :ask_step: 2 :image_name: :desc: "Image name" :explanation: |- Ubuntu image used to create Maestro and all forge boxes. Originally, Maestro uses 'Ubuntu Precise 12.04.4 LTS Server 64-bit'. You need to choose the appropriate image to make Maestro & boxes to boot normally. :account: true :ask_step: 2 :list_values: :query_type: :query_call # Will execute a query on flavor, query_params is empty for all. No filter currently working. :object: :image :value: :name :validate: :list_strict :ask_step: 2 :ssh_user: :desc: "User name for ssh connection of your selected image." :explanation: |- The image name you have selected has a unique SSH Account access. Thanks to the name of the image, setup assume the account name to use. If this name is incoherent with the image you choosed, please update it. Checking image '<%= config[:image_name] %>'... :account: true :ask_step: 2 :after: :image_name :list_values: :query_type: :process_call # Will execute a process to query on image :query_call: :setup_ssh_user # and return the list of images and a default value. :query_params: # Transmitted as hParams :image_name: '<%= config[:image_name] %>' :ports: :desc: "List of security group rules (1 port or range of ports) to open to the external network." :branch: :desc: "Branch to use to build your forge" :bootstrap_dirs: :desc: "Additional bootstrap directories (separated by space) to add in the bootstrap loop." :bootstrap_extra_dir: :desc: "Additional bootstrap directory to add in the bootstrap loop, before :bootstrap_dirs and after maestro default bootstrap directory."