'id': rowId,
'class': 'kind-' + rows[i].kind
// Row #
$td = $('').text(rowNum);
// Kind
$td = $(' ',{
'contenteditable': 'true'
// Start
$td = $(' ',{
'contenteditable': 'true'
// End
$td = $(' ',{
'contenteditable': 'true'
// Content
$td = $(' ',{
'contenteditable': 'true'
}).text(rows[i].content); // TODO: Preserve tags
// Actions
$td = this.addVtsActionButtons(rowNum,rows.length);
// Add credit for action button SVG icons
AblePlayer.prototype.addVtsActionButtons = function(rowNum,numRows) {
// rowNum is the number of the current table row (starting with 1)
// numRows is the total number of rows (excluding the header row)
// TODO: Position buttons so they're vertically aligned, even if missing an Up or Down button
var thisObj, $td, buttons, i, button, $button, $svg, $g, pathString, pathString2, $path, $path2;
thisObj = this;
$td = $(' ');
buttons = ['up','down','insert','delete'];
for (i=0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
button = buttons[i];
if (button === 'up') {
if (rowNum > 1) {
$button = $('',{
'id': 'able-vts-button-up-' + rowNum,
'title': 'Move up',
'aria-label': 'Move Row ' + rowNum + ' up'
}).on('click', function(el) {
$svg = $('',{
'focusable': 'false',
'aria-hidden': 'true',
'x': '0px',
'y': '0px',
'width': '254.296px',
'height': '254.296px',
'viewBox': '0 0 254.296 254.296',
'style': 'enable-background:new 0 0 254.296 254.296'
pathString = 'M249.628,176.101L138.421,52.88c-6.198-6.929-16.241-6.929-22.407,0l-0.381,0.636L4.648,176.101'
+ 'c-6.198,6.897-6.198,18.052,0,24.981l0.191,0.159c2.892,3.305,6.865,5.371,11.346,5.371h221.937c4.577,0,8.613-2.161,11.41-5.594'
+ 'l0.064,0.064C255.857,194.153,255.857,182.998,249.628,176.101z';
$path = $('',{
'd': pathString
$g = $('').append($path);
// Refresh button in the DOM in order for browser to process & display the SVG
else if (button === 'down') {
if (rowNum < numRows) {
$button = $('',{
'id': 'able-vts-button-down-' + rowNum,
'title': 'Move down',
'aria-label': 'Move Row ' + rowNum + ' down'
}).on('click', function(el) {
$svg = $('',{
'focusable': 'false',
'aria-hidden': 'true',
'x': '0px',
'y': '0px',
'width': '292.362px',
'height': '292.362px',
'viewBox': '0 0 292.362 292.362',
'style': 'enable-background:new 0 0 292.362 292.362'
pathString = 'M286.935,69.377c-3.614-3.617-7.898-5.424-12.848-5.424H18.274c-4.952,0-9.233,1.807-12.85,5.424'
+ 'C1.807,72.998,0,77.279,0,82.228c0,4.948,1.807,9.229,5.424,12.847l127.907,127.907c3.621,3.617,7.902,5.428,12.85,5.428'
+ 's9.233-1.811,12.847-5.428L286.935,95.074c3.613-3.617,5.427-7.898,5.427-12.847C292.362,77.279,290.548,72.998,286.935,69.377z';
$path = $('',{
'd': pathString
$g = $('').append($path);
// Refresh button in the DOM in order for browser to process & display the SVG
else if (button === 'insert') {
// Add Insert button to all rows
$button = $('',{
'id': 'able-vts-button-insert-' + rowNum,
'title': 'Insert row below',
'aria-label': 'Insert row before Row ' + rowNum
}).on('click', function(el) {
$svg = $('',{
'focusable': 'false',
'aria-hidden': 'true',
'x': '0px',
'y': '0px',
'width': '401.994px',
'height': '401.994px',
'viewBox': '0 0 401.994 401.994',
'style': 'enable-background:new 0 0 401.994 401.994'
pathString = 'M394,154.175c-5.331-5.33-11.806-7.994-19.417-7.994H255.811V27.406c0-7.611-2.666-14.084-7.994-19.414'
+ 'C242.488,2.666,236.02,0,228.398,0h-54.812c-7.612,0-14.084,2.663-19.414,7.993c-5.33,5.33-7.994,11.803-7.994,19.414v118.775'
+ 'H27.407c-7.611,0-14.084,2.664-19.414,7.994S0,165.973,0,173.589v54.819c0,7.618,2.662,14.086,7.992,19.411'
+ 'c5.33,5.332,11.803,7.994,19.414,7.994h118.771V374.59c0,7.611,2.664,14.089,7.994,19.417c5.33,5.325,11.802,7.987,19.414,7.987'
+ 'h54.816c7.617,0,14.086-2.662,19.417-7.987c5.332-5.331,7.994-11.806,7.994-19.417V255.813h118.77'
+ 'c7.618,0,14.089-2.662,19.417-7.994c5.329-5.325,7.994-11.793,7.994-19.411v-54.819C401.991,165.973,399.332,159.502,394,154.175z';
$path = $('',{
'd': pathString
$g = $('').append($path);
// Refresh button in the DOM in order for browser to process & display the SVG
else if (button === 'delete') {
// Add Delete button to all rows
$button = $('',{
'id': 'able-vts-button-delete-' + rowNum,
'title': 'Delete row ',
'aria-label': 'Delete Row ' + rowNum
}).on('click', function(el) {
$svg = $('',{
'focusable': 'false',
'aria-hidden': 'true',
'x': '0px',
'y': '0px',
'width': '508.52px',
'height': '508.52px',
'viewBox': '0 0 508.52 508.52',
'style': 'enable-background:new 0 0 508.52 508.52'
pathString = 'M397.281,31.782h-63.565C333.716,14.239,319.478,0,301.934,0h-95.347'
+ 'c-17.544,0-31.782,14.239-31.782,31.782h-63.565c-17.544,0-31.782,14.239-31.782,31.782h349.607'
+ 'C429.063,46.021,414.825,31.782,397.281,31.782z';
$path = $('',{
'd': pathString
pathString2 = 'M79.456,476.737c0,17.544,14.239,31.782,31.782,31.782h286.042'
+ 'c17.544,0,31.782-14.239,31.782-31.782V95.347H79.456V476.737z M333.716,174.804c0-8.772,7.151-15.891,15.891-15.891'
+ 'c8.74,0,15.891,7.119,15.891,15.891v254.26c0,8.74-7.151,15.891-15.891,15.891c-8.74,0-15.891-7.151-15.891-15.891V174.804z'
+ 'M238.369,174.804c0-8.772,7.119-15.891,15.891-15.891c8.74,0,15.891,7.119,15.891,15.891v254.26'
+ 'c0,8.74-7.151,15.891-15.891,15.891c-8.772,0-15.891-7.151-15.891-15.891V174.804z M143.021,174.804'
+ 'c0-8.772,7.119-15.891,15.891-15.891c8.772,0,15.891,7.119,15.891,15.891v254.26c0,8.74-7.119,15.891-15.891,15.891'
+ 'c-8.772,0-15.891-7.151-15.891-15.891V174.804z';
$path2 = $('',{
'd': pathString2
$g = $('').append($path,$path2);
// Refresh button in the DOM in order for browser to process & display the SVG
return $td;
AblePlayer.prototype.updateVtsActionButtons = function($buttons,nextRowNum) {
// TODO: Add some filters to this function to add or delete 'Up' and 'Down' buttons
// if row is moved to/from the first/last rows
var i, $thisButton, id, label, newId, newLabel;
for (i=0; i < $buttons.length; i++) {
$thisButton = $buttons.eq(i);
id = $thisButton.attr('id');
label = $thisButton.attr('aria-label');
// replace the integer (id) within each of the above strings
newId = id.replace(/[0-9]+/g, nextRowNum);
newLabel = label.replace(/[0-9]+/g, nextRowNum);
AblePlayer.prototype.getIconCredit = function() {
var credit;
credit = '';
return credit;
AblePlayer.prototype.getAllLangs = function(tracks) {
// update this.langs with any unique languages found in tracks
var i;
for (i in tracks) {
if (tracks[i].hasOwnProperty('language')) {
if ($.inArray(tracks[i].language,this.langs) === -1) {
// this language is not already in the langs array. Add it.
this.langs[this.langs.length] = tracks[i].language;
AblePlayer.prototype.getAllRows = function(lang) {
// returns an array of data to be displayed in VTS table
// includes all cues for tracks of any type with matching lang
// cues are sorted by start time
var i, track, c, cues;
cues = [];
for (i=0; i < this.vtsTracks.length; i++) {
track = this.vtsTracks[i];
if (track.language == lang) {
// this track matches the language. Add its cues to array
for (c in track.cues) {
'kind': track.kind,
'lang': lang,
'id': track.cues[c].id,
'start': track.cues[c].start,
'end': track.cues[c].end,
'content': track.cues[c].content
// Now sort cues by start time
cues.sort(function(a,b) {
return a.start > b.start ? 1 : -1;
return cues;
AblePlayer.prototype.onClickVtsActionButton = function(el) {
// handle click on up, down, insert, or delete button
var idParts, action, rowNum;
idParts = $(el).attr('id').split('-');
action = idParts[3];
rowNum = idParts[4];
if (action == 'up') {
// move the row up
else if (action == 'down') {
// move the row down
else if (action == 'insert') {
// insert a row below
else if (action == 'delete') {
// delete the row
AblePlayer.prototype.insertRow = function(rowNum) {
// Insert empty row below rowNum
var $table, $rows, numRows, newRowNum, newRowId, newTimes, $tr, $td;
var $select, options, i, $option, newKind, newClass, $parentRow;
var i, nextRowNum, $buttons;
$table = $('#able-vts table');
$rows = $table.find('tr');
numRows = $rows.length - 1; // exclude header row
newRowNum = parseInt(rowNum) + 1;
newRowId = 'able-vts-row-' + newRowNum;
// Create an empty row
$tr = $('',{
'id': newRowId
// Row #
$td = $('').text(newRowNum);
// Kind (add a select field for chosing a kind)
newKind = null;
$select = $('',{
'id': 'able-vts-kind-' + newRowNum,
'aria-label': 'What kind of track is this?',
'placeholder': 'Select a kind'
}).on('change',function() {
newKind = $(this).val();
newClass = 'kind-' + newKind;
$parentRow = $(this).closest('tr');
// replace the select field with the chosen value as text
// add a class to the parent row
options = ['','captions','chapters','descriptions','subtitles'];
for (i=0; i',{
'value': options[i]
$td = $('').append($select);
// Start
$td = $(' ',{
'contenteditable': 'true'
}); // TODO; Intelligently assign a new start time (see getAdjustedTimes())
// End
$td = $(' ',{
'contenteditable': 'true'
}); // TODO; Intelligently assign a new end time (see getAdjustedTimes())
// Content
$td = $(' ',{
'contenteditable': 'true'
// Actions
$td = this.addVtsActionButtons(newRowNum,numRows);
// Now insert the new row
// Update row.id, Row # cell, & action items for all rows after the inserted one
for (i=newRowNum; i <= numRows; i++) {
nextRowNum = i + 1;
$rows.eq(i).attr('id','able-vts-row-' + nextRowNum); // increment tr id
$rows.eq(i).find('td').eq(0).text(nextRowNum); // increment Row # as expressed in first td
$buttons = $rows.eq(i).find('button');
// Auto-adjust times
// Announce the insertion
this.showVtsAlert('A new row ' + newRowNum + ' has been inserted'); // TODO: Localize this
// Place focus in new select field
AblePlayer.prototype.deleteRow = function(rowNum) {
var $table, $rows, numRows, i, nextRowNum, $buttons;
$table = $('#able-vts table');
$rows = $table.find('tr'); // this does not include the deleted row
numRows = $rows.length - 1; // exclude header row
// Update row.id, Row # cell, & action buttons for all rows after the deleted one
for (i=rowNum; i <= numRows; i++) {
nextRowNum = i;
$rows.eq(i).attr('id','able-vts-row-' + nextRowNum); // increment tr id
$rows.eq(i).find('td').eq(0).text(nextRowNum); // increment Row # as expressed in first td
$buttons = $rows.eq(i).find('button');
// Announce the deletion
this.showVtsAlert('Row ' + rowNum + ' has been deleted'); // TODO: Localize this
AblePlayer.prototype.moveRow = function(rowNum,direction) {
// swap two rows
var $rows, $thisRow, otherRowNum, $otherRow, newTimes, msg;
$rows = $('#able-vts table').find('tr');
$thisRow = $('#able-vts table').find('tr').eq(rowNum);
if (direction == 'up') {
otherRowNum = parseInt(rowNum) - 1;
$otherRow = $('#able-vts table').find('tr').eq(otherRowNum);
else if (direction == 'down') {
otherRowNum = parseInt(rowNum) + 1;
$otherRow = $('#able-vts table').find('tr').eq(otherRowNum);
// Update row.id, Row # cell, & action buttons for the two swapped rows
$thisRow.attr('id','able-vts-row-' + otherRowNum);
$otherRow.attr('id','able-vts-row-' + rowNum);
// auto-adjust times
// Announce the move (TODO: Localize this)
msg = 'Row ' + rowNum + ' has been moved ' + direction;
msg += ' and is now Row ' + otherRowNum;
AblePlayer.prototype.adjustTimes = function(rowNum) {
// Adjusts start and end times of the current, previous, and next rows in VTS table
// after a move or insert
// NOTE: Fully automating this process would be extraordinarily complicated
// The goal here is simply to make subtle tweaks to ensure rows appear
// in the new order within the Able Player transcript
// Additional tweaking will likely be required by the user
// HISTORY: Originally set minDuration to 2 seconds for captions and .500 for descriptions
// However, this can results in significant changes to existing caption timing,
// with not-so-positive results.
// As of 3.1.15, setting minDuration to .001 for all track kinds
// Users will have to make further adjustments manually if needed
// TODO: Add WebVTT validation on save, since tweaking times is risky
var minDuration, $rows, prevRowNum, nextRowNum, $row, $prevRow, $nextRow,
kind, prevKind, nextKind,
start, prevStart, nextStart,
end, prevEnd, nextEnd;
// Define minimum duration (in seconds) for each kind of track
minDuration = [];
minDuration['captions'] = .001;
minDuration['descriptions'] = .001;
minDuration['chapters'] = .001;
// refresh rows object
$rows = $('#able-vts table').find('tr');
// Get kind, start, and end from current row
$row = $rows.eq(rowNum);
if ($row.is('[class^="kind-"]')) {
// row has a class that starts with "kind-"
// Extract kind from the class name
kind = this.getKindFromClass($row.attr('class'));
else {
// Kind has not been assigned (e.g., newly inserted row)
// Set as captions row by default
kind = 'captions';
start = this.getSecondsFromColonTime($row.find('td').eq(2).text());
end = this.getSecondsFromColonTime($row.find('td').eq(3).text());
// Get kind, start, and end from previous row
if (rowNum > 1) {
// this is not the first row. Include the previous row
prevRowNum = rowNum - 1;
$prevRow = $rows.eq(prevRowNum);
if ($prevRow.is('[class^="kind-"]')) {
// row has a class that starts with "kind-"
// Extract kind from the class name
prevKind = this.getKindFromClass($prevRow.attr('class'));
else {
// Kind has not been assigned (e.g., newly inserted row)
prevKind = null;
prevStart = this.getSecondsFromColonTime($prevRow.find('td').eq(2).text());
prevEnd = this.getSecondsFromColonTime($prevRow.find('td').eq(3).text());
else {
// this is the first row
prevRowNum = null;
$prevRow = null;
prevKind = null;
prevStart = null;
prevEnd = null;
// Get kind, start, and end from next row
if (rowNum < ($rows.length - 1)) {
// this is not the last row. Include the next row
nextRowNum = rowNum + 1;
$nextRow = $rows.eq(nextRowNum);
if ($nextRow.is('[class^="kind-"]')) {
// row has a class that starts with "kind-"
// Extract kind from the class name
nextKind = this.getKindFromClass($nextRow.attr('class'));
else {
// Kind has not been assigned (e.g., newly inserted row)
nextKind = null;
nextStart = this.getSecondsFromColonTime($nextRow.find('td').eq(2).text());
nextEnd = this.getSecondsFromColonTime($nextRow.find('td').eq(3).text());
else {
// this is the last row
nextRowNum = null;
$nextRow = null;
nextKind = null;
nextStart = null;
nextEnd = null;
if (isNaN(start)) {
if (prevKind == null) {
// The previous row was probably inserted, and user has not yet selected a kind
// automatically set it to captions
prevKind = 'captions';
// Current row has no start time (i.e., it's an inserted row)
if (prevKind === 'captions') {
// start the new row immediately after the captions end
start = (parseFloat(prevEnd) + .001).toFixed(3);
if (nextStart) {
// end the new row immediately before the next row starts
end = (parseFloat(nextStart) - .001).toFixed(3);
else {
// this is the last row. Use minDuration to calculate end time.
end = (parseFloat(start) + minDuration[kind]).toFixed(3);
else if (prevKind === 'chapters') {
// start the new row immediately after the chapter start (not end)
start = (parseFloat(prevStart) + .001).toFixed(3);
if (nextStart) {
// end the new row immediately before the next row starts
end = (parseFloat(nextStart) - .001).toFixed(3);
else {
// this is the last row. Use minDuration to calculate end time.
end = (parseFloat(start) + minDurartion[kind]).toFixed(3);
else if (prevKind === 'descriptions') {
// start the new row minDuration['descriptions'] after the description starts
// this will theoretically allow at least a small cushion for the description to be read
start = (parseFloat(prevStart) + minDuration['descriptions']).toFixed(3);
end = (parseFloat(start) + minDuration['descriptions']).toFixed(3);
else {
// current row has a start time (i.e., an existing row has been moved))
if (prevStart) {
// this is not the first row.
if (prevStart < start) {
if (start < nextStart) {
// No change is necessary
else {
// nextStart needs to be incremented
nextStart = (parseFloat(start) + minDuration[kind]).toFixed(3);
nextEnd = (parseFloat(nextStart) + minDuration[nextKind]).toFixed(3);
// TODO: Ensure nextEnd does not exceed the following start (nextNextStart)
// Or... maybe this is getting too complicated and should be left up to the user
else {
// start needs to be incremented
start = (parseFloat(prevStart) + minDuration[prevKind]).toFixed(3);
end = (parseFloat(start) + minDuration[kind]).toFixed(3);
else {
// this is the first row
if (start < nextStart) {
// No change is necessary
else {
// nextStart needs to be incremented
nextStart = (parseFloat(start) + minDuration[kind]).toFixed(3);
nextEnd = (parseFloat(nextStart) + minDuration[nextKind]).toFixed(3);
// check to be sure there is sufficient duration between new start & end times
if (end - start < minDuration[kind]) {
// duration is too short. Change end time
end = (parseFloat(start) + minDuration[kind]).toFixed(3);
if (nextStart) {
// this is not the last row
// increase start time of next row
nextStart = (parseFloat(end) + .001).toFixed(3);
// Update all affected start/end times
if ($prevRow) {
if ($nextRow) {
AblePlayer.prototype.getKindFromClass = function(myclass) {
// This function is called when a class with prefix "kind-" is found in the class attribute
// TODO: Rewrite this using regular expressions
var kindStart, kindEnd, kindLength, kind;
kindStart = myclass.indexOf('kind-')+5;
kindEnd = myclass.indexOf(' ',kindStart);
if (kindEnd == -1) {
// no spaces found, "kind-" must be the only myclass
kindLength = myclass.length - kindStart;
else {
kindLength = kindEnd - kindStart;
kind = myclass.substr(kindStart,kindLength);
return kind;
AblePlayer.prototype.showVtsAlert = function(message) {
// this is distinct from greater Able Player showAlert()
// because it's positioning needs are unique
// For now, alertDiv is fixed at top left of screen
// but could ultimately be modified to appear near the point of action in the VTS table
AblePlayer.prototype.parseVtsOutput = function($table) {
// parse table into arrays, then into WebVTT content, for each kind
// Display the WebVTT content in textarea fields for users to copy and paste
var lang, i, kinds, kind, vtt, $rows, start, end, content, $output;
lang = $table.attr('lang');
kinds = ['captions','chapters','descriptions','subtitles'];
vtt = {};
for (i=0; i < kinds.length; i++) {
kind = kinds[i];
vtt[kind] = 'WEBVTT' + "\n\n";
$rows = $table.find('tr');
if ($rows.length > 0) {
for (i=0; i < $rows.length; i++) {
kind = $rows.eq(i).find('td').eq(1).text();
if ($.inArray(kind,kinds) !== -1) {
start = $rows.eq(i).find('td').eq(2).text();
end = $rows.eq(i).find('td').eq(3).text();
content = $rows.eq(i).find('td').eq(4).text();
if (start !== undefined && end !== undefined) {
vtt[kind] += start + ' --> ' + end + "\n";
if (content !== 'undefined') {
vtt[kind] += content;
vtt[kind] += "\n\n";
$output = $('',{
'id': 'able-vts-output'
for (i=0; i < kinds.length; i++) {
kind = kinds[i];
if (vtt[kind].length > 8) {
// some content has been added
AblePlayer.prototype.showWebVttOutput = function(kind,vttString,lang) {
var $heading, filename, $p, pText, $textarea;
$heading = $('
').text(kind.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + kind.slice(1));
filename = this.getFilenameFromTracks(kind,lang);
pText = 'If you made changes, copy/paste the following content ';
if (filename) {
pText += 'to replace the original content of your ' + this.getLanguageName(lang) + ' ';
pText += '' + kind + ' WebVTT file (' + filename + ' ).';
else {
pText += 'into a new ' + this.getLanguageName(lang) + ' ' + kind + ' WebVTT file.';
$p = $(' ',{
'class': 'able-vts-output-instructions'
$textarea = $('