OpenCascade is a subclass of OpenObject. It differs in a few significant ways, in particular entries cascade to new entries.
The main reason this class is labeled "cascade", every internal Hash is trandformed into an OpenCascade dynamically upon access. This makes it easy to create "cascading" references.
h = { :x => { :y => { :z => 1 } } } c = OpenCascade[h] c.x.y.z #=> 1
- Thomas Sawyer
- Think about this more!
- What about parent when descending downward? Should parent even be part of OpenObject? Maybe that should be in a differnt class?
- Should cascading work via hash on the fly like this? Or perhaps converted all at once?
- Returning nil doesn‘t work if assigning!
Copyright (c) 2006 Thomas Sawyer
Ruby License
This module is free software. You may use, modify, and/or redistribute this software under the same terms as Ruby.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Required Files
- facets/boolean
- facets/openobject