#= require jasmine-1.3.1 #= require teabag/base/teabag #= require teabag/jasmine/reporters/html class Teabag.Runner extends Teabag.Runner constructor: -> super env.execute() setup: -> env.updateInterval = 1000 # add the spec filter if grep = @params["grep"] env.specFilter = (spec) -> return spec.getFullName().indexOf(grep) == 0 # add the reporter and set the filter reporter = new (@getReporter())() reporter.setFilter?(@params["grep"]) env.addReporter(reporter) # add fixture support @addFixtureSupport() addFixtureSupport: -> return unless jasmine.getFixtures && @fixturePath jasmine.getFixtures().containerId = "teabag-fixtures" jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath = @fixturePath jasmine.getStyleFixtures().fixturesPath = @fixturePath jasmine.getJSONFixtures().fixturesPath = @fixturePath class Teabag.Spec constructor: (@spec) -> @fullDescription = @spec.getFullName() @description = @spec.description @link = "?grep=#{encodeURIComponent(@fullDescription)}" @parent = @spec.suite @suiteName = @parent.getFullName() @viewId = @spec.viewId @pending = @spec.pending errors: -> return [] unless @spec.results for item in @spec.results().getItems() continue if item.passed() {message: item.message, stack: item.trace.stack} getParents: -> return @parents if @parents @parents ||= [] parent = @parent while parent parent = new Teabag.Suite(parent) @parents.unshift(parent) parent = parent.parent @parents result: -> results = @spec.results() status = "failed" status = "passed" if results.passed() status = "pending" if @spec.pending status: status skipped: results.skipped class Teabag.Suite constructor: (@suite) -> @fullDescription = @suite.getFullName() @description = @suite.description @link = "?grep=#{encodeURIComponent(@fullDescription)}" @parent = @suite.parentSuite @viewId = @suite.viewId class Teabag.fixture extends Teabag.fixture window.fixture = @ @load: -> args = arguments throw "Teabag can't load fixtures outside of describe." unless env.currentSuite || env.currentSpec if env.currentSuite env.beforeEach => fixture.__super__.constructor.load.apply(@, args) env.afterEach => @cleanup() super else env.currentSpec.after => @cleanup() super @set: -> args = arguments throw "Teabag can't load fixtures outside of describe." unless env.currentSuite || env.currentSpec if env.currentSuite env.beforeEach => fixture.__super__.constructor.set.apply(@, args) env.afterEach => @cleanup() super else env.currentSpec.after => @cleanup() super # set the environment env = jasmine.getEnv()