Feature: Syntax Checking for Ruby As a user I want to get annotations on syntax errors in Ruby files Background: When I have opened "plugins/ruby/features/fixtures/test.rb" Scenario: A syntax-clean Ruby file has no syntax error annotations When I replace the contents with "def foo\n bar\nend" And I save the tab Then the tab should not have annotations And the file "plugins/ruby/features/fixtures/test.rb" should be deletable Scenario: A syntax-error in a Ruby file should cause syntax error annotations When I replace the contents with "def foo\n => bar\nend" And I save the tab Then the tab should have annotations And the tab should have an annotation on line 2 Scenario: Fixing a syntax-error in a Ruby file should cause syntax error annotations to vanish When I replace the contents with "def foo\n => bar\nend" And I save the tab Then the tab should have annotations When I replace the contents with "def foo\n bar\nend" And I save the tab Then the tab should not have annotations