Capistrano::Configuration.instance(true).load do # configurations root directory markets_root = File.expand_path(fetch(:markets_root, "config/deploy/markets")) # list of configurations files config_files = Dir["#{markets_root}/**/*.{rb,yml}"] # remove configuration file if it's part of another configuration config_files.reject! do |config_file| config_dir = config_file.gsub(/\.(rb|yml)$/, '/') config_files.any? { |file| file[0, config_dir.size] == config_dir } end # build configuration names list config_names = do |config_file| config_file.sub("#{markets_root}/", '').sub(/\.(rb|yml)$/, '').gsub('/', ':') end.uniq # ensure that configuration segments don't override any method, task or namespace config_names.each do |config_name| config_name.split(':').each do |segment| if all_methods.any? { |m| m == segment } raise ArgumentError, "Config task #{config_name} name overrides #{segment.inspect} (method|task|namespace)" end end end # create configuration task for each configuration name config_names.each do |config_name| segments = config_name.split(':') namespace_names = segments[0, segments.size - 1] task_name = segments.last # create configuration task block. # NOTE: Capistrano 'namespace' DSL invokes instance_eval that # that pass evaluable object as argument to block. block = lambda do |parent| desc "Load #{config_name} configuration" task(task_name) do # set configuration name as :config_name variable top.set(:config_name, config_name) # recursively load configurations segments.size.times do |i| path = ([markets_root] + segments[0..i]).join('/') yml_path = path + '.yml' if File.exists?(yml_path) # variables: # application: "foo" # app_servers: # - # - configs = YAML.load_file(yml_path) (configs['variables'] || {}).each do |k, v| top.set(k.to_sym, v) end # roles: # web: "" # roles: # web: # - "" # - "" # roles: # db: # - "" # - {primary: true} (configs['roles'] || {}).each do |k, v| top.role(k.to_sym) { v } end # string: | # set :scm, :subversion # set :branch, :master if (v=configs['string']) top.load(:string => v) end end rb_path = path + '.rb' if File.exists?(rb_path) top.load(:file => rb_path) end end end end # wrap task block into namespace blocks # # namespace_names = [nsN, ..., ns2, ns1] # # block = block0 = lambda do |parent| # desc "DESC" # task(:task_name) { TASK } # end # block = block1 = lambda { |parent| parent.namespace(:ns1, &block0) } # block = block2 = lambda { |parent| parent.namespace(:ns2, &block1) } # ... # block = blockN = lambda { |parent| parent.namespace(:nsN, &blockN-1) } # block = namespace_names.reverse.inject(block) do |child, name| lambda do |parent| parent.namespace(name, &child) end end # create namespaced configuration task # # block = lambda do # namespace :nsN do # ... # namespace :ns2 do # namespace :ns1 do # desc "DESC" # task(:task_name) { TASK } # end # end # ... # end # end end # set configuration names list set(:config_names, config_names) end