# wrap the action rendering for ActiveScaffold controllers module ActionController #:nodoc: class Base def render_with_active_scaffold(*args, &block) if self.class.uses_active_scaffold? and params[:adapter] and @rendering_adapter.nil? @rendering_adapter = true # recursion control # if we need an adapter, then we render the actual stuff to a string and insert it into the adapter template opts = args.blank? ? Hash.new : args.first render :partial => params[:adapter][1..-1], :locals => {:payload => render_to_string(opts.merge(:layout => false), &block).html_safe}, :use_full_path => true, :layout => false, :content_type => :html @rendering_adapter = nil # recursion control else render_without_active_scaffold(*args, &block) end end alias_method_chain :render, :active_scaffold # Rails 2.x implementation is post-initialization on :active_scaffold method end end