module PactBroker::Client describe PactBrokerClient, :pact => true do include_context "pact broker" describe "publishing a pact" do let(:options) { { pact_hash: pact_hash, consumer_version: consumer_version }} let(:location) { '' } context "when the provider already exists in the pact-broker" do before do pact_broker. given("the 'Pricing Service' already exists in the pact-broker"). upon_receiving("a request to publish a pact"). with( method: :put, path: '/pacts/provider/Pricing%20Service/consumer/Condor/version/1.3.0', headers: default_request_headers, body: pact_hash ). will_respond_with( headers: pact_broker_response_headers, status: 201, body: { _links: { :'pb:latest-pact-version' => { href: location } } } ) end it "returns the URL to find the newly published pact" do expect(pact_broker_client.pacticipants.versions.pacts.publish(options)).to eq location end end context "when the provider, consumer, pact and version already exist in the pact-broker" do shared_examples "an already-existing pact" do |method| before do pact_broker. given("the 'Pricing Service' and 'Condor' already exist in the pact-broker, and Condor already has a pact published for version 1.3.0"). upon_receiving("a request to publish a pact with method #{method}"). with( method: method, path: '/pacts/provider/Pricing%20Service/consumer/Condor/version/1.3.0', headers: default_request_headers, body: pact_hash ). will_respond_with( headers: pact_broker_response_headers, status: 200, body: { _links: { :'pb:latest-pact-version' => { href: location } } } ) end it "returns true" do expect(pact_broker_client.pacticipants.versions.pacts.publish(options)).to be_truthy end end context "when the write method is set to merge" do let(:client_config) { super().merge(client_options: {write: :merge}) } it_behaves_like "an already-existing pact", :patch end context "when the write method is not set" do it_behaves_like "an already-existing pact", :put end end context "when the provider does not exist, but the consumer, pact and version already exist in the pact-broker" do before do pact_broker. given("'Condor' already exist in the pact-broker, but the 'Pricing Service' does not"). upon_receiving("a request to publish a pact"). with( method: :put, path: '/pacts/provider/Pricing%20Service/consumer/Condor/version/1.3.0', headers: default_request_headers, body: pact_hash ). will_respond_with( headers: pact_broker_response_headers, status: 201, body: { _links: { :'pb:latest-pact-version' => { href: location } } } ) end it "returns true" do expect(pact_broker_client.pacticipants.versions.pacts.publish(options)).to be_truthy end end context "when publishing is not successful" do before do pact_broker. given("an error occurs while publishing a pact"). upon_receiving("a request to publish a pact"). with( method: :put, path: '/pacts/provider/Pricing%20Service/consumer/Condor/version/1.3.0', headers: default_request_headers, body: pact_hash ). will_respond_with( status: 500, headers: {'Content-Type' => Pact.term(generate: 'application/hal+json', matcher: %r{application/.*json})}, body: { message: /.*/, generate: 'An error occurred') } ) end it "raises an error" do expect { pact_broker_client.pacticipants.versions.pacts.publish options }.to raise_error /An error occurred/ end end end end end