# :stopdoc:
# This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation 
# generator. Do not alter this file.
# :startdoc:

module Wx

  # {Wx::WizardPage} is one of the screens in {Wx::Wizard}: it must know what are the following and preceding pages (which may be NULL for the first/last page).
  # Except for this extra knowledge, {Wx::WizardPage} is just a panel, so the controls may be placed directly on it in the usual way.
  # This class allows the programmer to decide the order of pages in the wizard dynamically (during run-time) and so provides maximal flexibility. Usually, however, the order of pages is known in advance in which case {Wx::WizardPageSimple} class is enough and it is simpler to use.
  # == Virtual functions to override
  # To use this class, you must override {Wx::WizardPage#get_prev} and {Wx::WizardPage#get_next} pure virtual functions (or you may use {Wx::WizardPageSimple} instead). {Wx::WizardPage#get_bitmap} can also be overridden, but this should be very rarely needed.
  # === 
  # Category:  Miscellaneous Windows
  # @see Wx::Wizard
  # @see  Wizard Sample 
  class WizardPage < Panel
    # Default constructor.
    # @return [Wx::WizardPage]
    def initialize; end
    # Creates the wizard page.
    # Must be called if the default constructor had been used to create the object.
    # @param parent [Wx::Wizard]  The parent wizard
    # @param bitmap [Wx::BitmapBundle,Wx::Bitmap,Wx::Icon,Wx::Image]  The page-specific bitmap if different from the global one
    # @return [Boolean]
    def create(parent, bitmap=(Wx::BitmapBundle.new())) end
    # This method is called by {Wx::Wizard} to get the bitmap to display alongside the page.
    # By default, m_bitmap member variable which was set in the {Wx::WizardPage#initialize} constructor.
    # If the bitmap was not explicitly set (i.e. if {Wx::NULL_BITMAP} is returned), the default bitmap for the wizard should be used.
    # The only cases when you would want to override this function is if the page bitmap depends dynamically on the user choices, i.e. almost never.
    # @return [Wx::Bitmap]
    def get_bitmap; end
    alias_method :bitmap, :get_bitmap
    # Get the page which should be shown when the user chooses the <code>"Next"</code> button: if NULL is returned, this button will be disabled.
    # The last page of the wizard will usually return NULL from here, but the others will not.
    # @see Wx::WizardPage#get_prev 
    # @return [Wx::WizardPage]
    def get_next; end
    alias_method :next_, :get_next
    # Get the page which should be shown when the user chooses the <code>"Back"</code> button: if NULL is returned, this button will be disabled.
    # The first page of the wizard will usually return NULL from here, but the others will not.
    # @see Wx::WizardPage#get_next 
    # @return [Wx::WizardPage]
    def get_prev; end
    alias_method :prev, :get_prev
  end # WizardPage
