# frozen_string_literal: true
module Net
class IMAP
# Pluggable authentication mechanisms for protocols which support SASL
# (Simple Authentication and Security Layer), such as IMAP4, SMTP, LDAP, and
# XMPP. {RFC-4422}[https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4422] specifies the
# common \SASL framework:
# >>>
# SASL is conceptually a framework that provides an abstraction layer
# between protocols and mechanisms as illustrated in the following
# diagram.
# SMTP LDAP XMPP Other protocols ...
# \ | | /
# \ | | /
# SASL abstraction layer
# / | | \
# / | | \
# EXTERNAL GSSAPI PLAIN Other mechanisms ...
# Net::IMAP uses SASL via the Net::IMAP#authenticate method.
# == Mechanisms
# Each mechanism has different properties and requirements. Please consult
# the documentation for the specific mechanisms you are using:
# See AnonymousAuthenticator.
# Allows the user to gain access to public services or resources without
# authenticating or disclosing an identity.
# See ExternalAuthenticator.
# Authenticates using already established credentials, such as a TLS
# certificate or IPSec.
# See OAuthBearerAuthenticator.
# Login using an OAuth2 Bearer token. This is the standard mechanism
# for using OAuth2 with \SASL, but it is not yet deployed as widely as
# +XOAUTH2+.
# +PLAIN+::
# See PlainAuthenticator.
# Login using clear-text username and password.
# +SCRAM-SHA-1+::
# +SCRAM-SHA-256+::
# See ScramAuthenticator.
# Login by username and password. The password is not sent to the
# server but is used in a salted challenge/response exchange.
# +SCRAM-SHA-1+ and +SCRAM-SHA-256+ are directly supported by
# Net::IMAP::SASL. New authenticators can easily be added for any other
# SCRAM-* mechanism if the digest algorithm is supported by
# OpenSSL::Digest.
# +XOAUTH2+::
# See XOAuth2Authenticator.
# Login using a username and an OAuth2 access token. Non-standard and
# obsoleted by +OAUTHBEARER+, but widely supported.
# See the {SASL mechanism
# registry}[https://www.iana.org/assignments/sasl-mechanisms/sasl-mechanisms.xhtml]
# for a list of all SASL mechanisms and their specifications. To register
# new authenticators, see Authenticators.
# === Deprecated mechanisms
# Obsolete mechanisms should be avoided, but are still available for
# backwards compatibility.
# >>>
# For +DIGEST-MD5+ see DigestMD5Authenticator.
# For +LOGIN+, see LoginAuthenticator.
# For +CRAM-MD5+, see CramMD5Authenticator.
# Using a deprecated mechanism will print a warning.
module SASL
# Exception class for any client error detected during the authentication
# exchange.
# When the _server_ reports an authentication failure, it will respond
# with a protocol specific error instead, e.g: +BAD+ or +NO+ in IMAP.
# When the client encounters any error, it *must* consider the
# authentication exchange to be unsuccessful and it might need to drop the
# connection. For example, if the server reports that the authentication
# exchange was successful or the protocol does not allow additional
# authentication attempts.
Error = Class.new(StandardError)
# Indicates an authentication exchange that will be or has been canceled
# by the client, not due to any error or failure during processing.
AuthenticationCanceled = Class.new(Error)
# Indicates an error when processing a server challenge, e.g: an invalid
# or unparsable challenge. An underlying exception may be available as
# the exception's #cause.
AuthenticationError = Class.new(Error)
# Indicates that authentication cannot proceed because one of the server's
# messages has not passed integrity checks.
AuthenticationFailed = Class.new(Error)
# Indicates that authentication cannot proceed because the server ended
# authentication prematurely.
class AuthenticationIncomplete < AuthenticationFailed
# The success response from the server
attr_reader :response
def initialize(response, message = "authentication ended prematurely")
@response = response
# autoloading to avoid loading all of the regexps when they aren't used.
sasl_stringprep_rb = File.expand_path("sasl/stringprep", __dir__)
autoload :StringPrep, sasl_stringprep_rb
autoload :SASLprep, sasl_stringprep_rb
autoload :StringPrepError, sasl_stringprep_rb
autoload :ProhibitedCodepoint, sasl_stringprep_rb
autoload :BidiStringError, sasl_stringprep_rb
sasl_dir = File.expand_path("sasl", __dir__)
autoload :AuthenticationExchange, "#{sasl_dir}/authentication_exchange"
autoload :ClientAdapter, "#{sasl_dir}/client_adapter"
autoload :ProtocolAdapters, "#{sasl_dir}/protocol_adapters"
autoload :Authenticators, "#{sasl_dir}/authenticators"
autoload :GS2Header, "#{sasl_dir}/gs2_header"
autoload :ScramAlgorithm, "#{sasl_dir}/scram_algorithm"
autoload :AnonymousAuthenticator, "#{sasl_dir}/anonymous_authenticator"
autoload :ExternalAuthenticator, "#{sasl_dir}/external_authenticator"
autoload :OAuthBearerAuthenticator, "#{sasl_dir}/oauthbearer_authenticator"
autoload :PlainAuthenticator, "#{sasl_dir}/plain_authenticator"
autoload :ScramAuthenticator, "#{sasl_dir}/scram_authenticator"
autoload :ScramSHA1Authenticator, "#{sasl_dir}/scram_authenticator"
autoload :ScramSHA256Authenticator, "#{sasl_dir}/scram_authenticator"
autoload :XOAuth2Authenticator, "#{sasl_dir}/xoauth2_authenticator"
autoload :CramMD5Authenticator, "#{sasl_dir}/cram_md5_authenticator"
autoload :DigestMD5Authenticator, "#{sasl_dir}/digest_md5_authenticator"
autoload :LoginAuthenticator, "#{sasl_dir}/login_authenticator"
# Returns the default global SASL::Authenticators instance.
def self.authenticators; @authenticators ||= Authenticators.new end
# Creates a new SASL authenticator, using SASL::Authenticators#new.
# +registry+ defaults to SASL.authenticators. All other arguments are
# forwarded to to registry.new.
def self.authenticator(*args, registry: authenticators, **kwargs, &block)
registry.new(*args, **kwargs, &block)
# Delegates to ::authenticators. See Authenticators#add_authenticator.
def self.add_authenticator(...) authenticators.add_authenticator(...) end
# See Net::IMAP::StringPrep::SASLprep#saslprep.
def saslprep(string, **opts)
Net::IMAP::StringPrep::SASLprep.saslprep(string, **opts)