require "asciidoctor" require "asciidoctor/standoc/converter" require "fileutils" module Asciidoctor module ITU class Converter < Standoc::Converter def metadata_status(node, xml) xml.status do |s| s.stage (node.attributes.has_key?("draft") ? "draft" : (node.attr("status") || node.attr("docstage") || "published" )) end end def title_english(node, xml) at = { language: "en", format: "text/plain", type: "main" } a = node.attr("title") || node.attr("title-en") xml.title **attr_code(at) do |t| t << (Metanorma::Utils::asciidoc_sub(a) || node.title) end if a = node.attr("annextitle") || node.attr("annextitle-en") at[:type] = "annex" xml.title **attr_code(at) do |t| t << Metanorma::Utils::asciidoc_sub(a) end end end def title_otherlangs(node, xml) node.attributes.each do |k, v| next unless /^(annex)?title-(?<lang>.+)$/ =~ k next if lang == "en" type = /^annex/.match(k) ? "annex" : "main" xml.title **attr_code(language: lang, format: "text/plain", type: type) do |t| t << Metanorma::Utils::asciidoc_sub(v) end end end def title(node, xml) super %w(subtitle amendment-title corrigendum-title).each do |t| other_title_english(node, xml, t) other_title_otherlangs(node, xml, t) end end def other_title_english(node, xml, type) at = { language: "en", format: "text/plain", type: type.sub(/-title/, "") } a = node.attr(type) || node.attr("#{type}-en") xml.title **attr_code(at) do |t| t << Metanorma::Utils::asciidoc_sub(a) end end def other_title_otherlangs(node, xml, type) node.attributes.each do |k, v| next unless m = /^#{type}-(?<lang>.+)$/.match(k) next if m[:lang] == "en" xml.title **attr_code(language: m[:lang], format: "text/plain", type: type.sub(/-title/, "")) do |t| t << Metanorma::Utils::asciidoc_sub(v) end end end def default_publisher "International Telecommunication Union" end def metadata_committee(node, xml) metadata_committee1(node, xml, "") suffix = 2 while node.attr("bureau_#{suffix}") metadata_committee1(node, xml, "_#{suffix}") suffix += 1 end end def metadata_committee1(node, xml, suffix) xml.editorialgroup do |a| a.bureau ( node.attr("bureau#{suffix}") || "T" ) if node.attr("group#{suffix}") **attr_code(type: node.attr("grouptype#{suffix}")) do |g| metadata_committee2(node, g, suffix, "") end end if node.attr("subgroup#{suffix}") a.subgroup **attr_code(type: node.attr("subgrouptype#{suffix}")) do |g| metadata_committee2(node, g, suffix, "sub") end end if node.attr("workgroup#{suffix}") a.workgroup **attr_code(type: node.attr("workgrouptype#{suffix}")) do |g| metadata_committee2(node, g, suffix, "work") end end end end def metadata_committee2(node, g, suffix, prefix) node.attr("#{prefix}group#{suffix}") node.attr("#{prefix}groupacronym#{suffix}") and g.acronym node.attr("#{prefix}groupacronym#{suffix}") if node.attr("#{prefix}groupyearstart#{suffix}") g.period do |p| p.start node.attr("#{prefix}groupyearstart#{suffix}") node.attr("#{prefix}groupacronym#{suffix}") and p.end node.attr("#{prefix}groupyearend#{suffix}") end end end def metadata_id(node, xml) provisional_id(node, xml) itu_id(node, xml) recommendation_id(node, xml) end def provisional_id(node, xml) return unless node.attr("provisional-name") xml.docidentifier **{type: "ITU-provisional"} do |i| i << node.attr("provisional-name") end end ITULANG = { "en" => "E", "fr" => "F", "ar" => "A", "es" => "S", "zh" => "C", "ru" => "R" }.freeze def itu_id1(node, lang) bureau = node.attr("bureau") || "T" id = doctype(node) == "service-publication" ? @i18n.annex_to_itu_ob_abbrev.sub(/%/, node.attr("docnumber")) : "ITU-#{bureau} #{node.attr("docnumber")}" id + (lang ? "-#{ITULANG[@lang]}" : "") end def itu_id(node, xml) return unless node.attr("docnumber") xml.docidentifier **{type: "ITU"} do |i| i << itu_id1(node, false) end xml.docidentifier **{type: "ITU-lang"} do |i| i << itu_id1(node, true) end xml.docnumber { |i| i << node.attr("docnumber") } end def recommendation_id(node, xml) return unless node.attr("recommendationnumber") node.attr("recommendationnumber").split("/").each do |s| xml.docidentifier **{type: "ITU-Recommendation"} do |i| i << s end end end def metadata_series(node, xml) node.attr("series") and xml.series **{ type: "main" } do |s| s.title node.attr("series") end node.attr("series1") and xml.series **{ type: "secondary" } do |s| s.title node.attr("series1") end node.attr("series2") and xml.series **{ type: "tertiary" } do |s| s.title node.attr("series2") end end def metadata_recommendationstatus(node, xml) return unless node.attr("recommendation-from") xml.recommendationstatus do |s| s.from node.attr("recommendation-from") node.attr("recommendation-to") if node.attr("recommendation-to") if node.attr("approval-process") s.approvalstage **{process: node.attr("approval-process")} do |a| a << node.attr("approval-status") end end end end def metadata_ip_notice(node, xml) xml.ip_notice_received (node.attr("ip-notice-received") || "false") end def structured_id(node, xml) return unless node.attr("docnumber") xml.structuredidentifier do |i| i.bureau node.attr("bureau") || "T" i.docnumber node.attr("docnumber") a = node.attr("annexid") and i.annexid a a = node.attr("amendment-number") and i.amendment a a = node.attr("corrigendum-number") and i.corrigendum a end end def metadata_techreport(node, xml) a = node.attr("meeting") and metadata_meeting(a, node.attr("meeting-acronym"), xml) a = node.attr("meeting-place") and xml.meeting_place a a = node.attr("meeting-date") and metadata_meeting_date(a, xml) a = node.attr("intended-type") and xml.intended_type a a = node.attr("source") and xml.source a end def metadata_meeting(mtg, acronym, xml) xml.meeting **attr_code(acronym: acronym) do |m| m << mtg end end def metadata_meeting_date(a, xml) xml.meeting_date do |m| d = a.split("/") if d.size > 1 m.from d[0] d[1] else m.on d[0] end end end def personal_role(node, c, suffix) if node.attr("role#{suffix}")&.downcase == "rapporteur" c.role "raporteur", **{ type: "editor" } else super end end def metadata_ext(node, xml) metadata_doctype(node, xml) metadata_committee(node, xml) metadata_ics(node, xml) metadata_recommendationstatus(node, xml) metadata_ip_notice(node, xml) metadata_techreport(node, xml) structured_id(node, xml) end end end end