require 'albacore/version' require 'albacore/cross_platform_cmd' require 'albacore/cli_dsl' require 'open-uri' module Albacore class Cli include Albacore::CliDSL def initialize args # Run a semver command. Raise a CommandError if the command does not exist. # Expects an array of commands, such as ARGV. @args = args run_command(@args.shift || :help) end private def next_param_or_error(error_message) @args.shift || raise(CommandError, error_message) end # Gets the help text if the command line is used in the wrong way def help_text <<-HELP albacore commands ----------------- Albacore v#{Albacore::VERSION} init[ialze] # initialize a new Rakefile with defaults help # display this help version # display only the version of albacore PLEASE READ HELP end command :version do puts "v#{Albacore::VERSION}" end # Create a new Rakefile file if the file does not exist. command :initialize, :init do files = [Albacore.rakefile, Albacore.semver_file] if files.any? { |file| File.exist? file } puts "One of #{files.inspect} already exists" else write_semver! unless ENV['TEST'] write_gemfile bundle! write_gitignore write_rakefile! download_paket unless ENV['TEST'] end end # Output instructions for using the semvar command. command :help do puts help_text end private def write_semver! Albacore::CrossPlatformCmd.system 'semver init' end def write_gemfile unless File.exists? Albacore.gemfile Albacore.gemfile, 'w+' do |io| io.puts <<-DATA source '' gem 'albacore', '~> #{Albacore::VERSION}' DATA end end end def bundle! Albacore::CrossPlatformCmd.system 'bundle' end def write_gitignore unless File.exists? '.gitignore' '.gitignore', 'w+' do |io| io.puts %{ paket.exe bin/ obj/ packages/ .DS_Store *.db *.suo *.userprefs AssemblyVersionInfo.cs AssemblyVersionInfo.fs AssemblyVersionInfo.vb build/ } end end end def write_rakefile! # guesses: sln = Dir.glob('**/*.sln').first || 'MyProj.sln' Albacore.rakefile, 'w+' do |io| io.puts <<-DATA require 'bundler/setup' require 'albacore' # require 'albacore/tasks/release' require 'albacore/tasks/versionizer' require 'albacore/ext/teamcity' Configuration = ENV['CONFIGURATION'] || 'Release' :versioning desc 'create assembly infos' asmver_files :assembly_info do |a| a.files = FileList['**/*proj'] # optional, will find all projects recursively by default a.attributes assembly_description: 'TODO', assembly_configuration: Configuration, assembly_company: 'Foretag AB', assembly_copyright: "(c) #{} by John Doe", assembly_version: ENV['LONG_VERSION'], assembly_file_version: ENV['LONG_VERSION'], assembly_informational_version: ENV['BUILD_VERSION'] end desc 'Perform fast build (warn: doesn\\'t d/l deps)' build :quick_compile do |b| b.prop 'Configuration', Configuration b.logging = 'detailed' b.sln = '#{sln}' end task :paket_bootstrap do system 'tools/paket.bootstrapper.exe', clr_command: true unless \ File.exists? 'tools/paket.exe' end desc 'restore all nugets as per the packages.config files' task :restore => :paket_bootstrap do system 'tools/paket.exe', 'restore', clr_command: true end desc 'Perform full build' build :compile => [:versioning, :restore, :assembly_info] do |b| b.prop 'Configuration', Configuration b.sln = '#{sln}' end directory 'build/pkg' desc 'package nugets - finds all projects and package them' nugets_pack :create_nugets => ['build/pkg', :versioning, :compile] do |p| p.configuration = Configuration p.files = FileList['src/**/*.{csproj,fsproj,nuspec}']. exclude(/Tests/) p.out = 'build/pkg' p.exe = 'packages/NuGet.CommandLine/tools/NuGet.exe' p.with_metadata do |m| # = 'MyProj' m.title = 'TODO' m.description = 'TODO' m.authors = 'John Doe, Foretag AB' m.project_url = '' m.tags = '' m.version = ENV['NUGET_VERSION'] end end namespace :tests do #task :unit do # system "src/MyProj.Tests/bin/\#{Configuration}/MyProj.Tests.exe", clr_command: true #end end # task :tests => :'tests:unit' task :default => :create_nugets #, :tests ] #task :ensure_nuget_key do # raise 'missing env NUGET_KEY value' unless ENV['NUGET_KEY'] #end :release, # pkg_dir: 'build/pkg', # depend_on: [:create_nugets, :ensure_nuget_key], # nuget_exe: 'packages/NuGet.CommandLine/tools/NuGet.exe', # api_key: ENV['NUGET_KEY'] DATA end def download_paket download_tool '', 'paket.bootstrapper.exe' unless File.exists? './tools/paket.bootstrapper.exe' end def download_tool uri, file_name target = "./tools/#{file_name}" Dir.mkdir './tools' unless Dir.exists? './tools', "wb") do |saved_file| open(uri, "rb") do |read_file| saved_file.write( end end end end end end