# Provide an abstract base class for detecting the installer name on # POSIX systems. # # @abstract # @protected class PEBuild::Cap::DetectInstaller::POSIX < PEBuild::Cap::DetectInstaller::Base # @!method name # @abstract # @return [String] The name of the distribution # @!method release_file # @abstract # @return [String] The file to use as the release file for the guest # @!method release_file_format # @abstract # @return [Regexp] A regular expression with one capture that parses the distro version # @!method supported_releases # @abstract # @return [Array] All supported releases for the distribution def detect dist_version = parse_release_file unless supported_releases.include? dist_version raise PEBuild::Cap::DetectInstaller::DetectFailed, :name => @machine.name, :error => "#{self.class.name} release #{dist_version} not supported" end "puppet-enterprise-#{@version}-#{name}-#{dist_version}-#{arch}.#{ext}" end def arch results = execute_command("uname -m") unless results[:retval] == 0 raise PEBuild::Cap::DetectInstaller::DetectFailed, :name => @machine.name, :error => "Could not run 'uname -m' on #{@machine.name}: got #{results[:stderr]}" end content = results[:stdout] content = 'i386' if content.match /i\d86/ content end def ext # Posix release versions of Puppet Enterprise are packaged as .tar.gz # files. Pre-release builds are not gzip'd. Select a default extension # accordingly. As usual, for exceptional circumstances it's always possible # to specify an explicit filename rather than relying on the # detect_installer capability. if @version =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/ 'tar.gz' else 'tar' end end private def release_content results = execute_command("cat #{release_file}") unless results[:retval] == 0 raise PEBuild::Cap::DetectInstaller::DetectFailed, :name => @machine.name, :error => "Could not read #{release_file} on #{@machine.name}: got #{results[:stderr]}" end results[:stdout] end def parse_release_file matchdata = release_content.match(release_file_format) if matchdata.nil? or matchdata[1].nil? raise PEBuild::Cap::DetectInstaller::DetectFailed, :name => @machine.name, :error => "#{self.class.name} could not determine release value: content #{release_content.inspect} did not match #{release_file_format}" end matchdata[1] end def execute_command(cmd) stdout = '' stderr = '' retval = @machine.communicate.execute(cmd, :error_check => false) do |type, data| if type == :stderr stderr << data else stdout << data end end {:stdout => stdout.chomp, :stderr => stderr.chomp, :retval => retval} end end