# Repres Dosser 领域特定语意表现引擎 [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-green.svg)](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/repres-dosser.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/repres-dosser) Repres (REsource PRESentation) is a series of resource presentation engines. The Dosser (DOmain-Specific SEmantic Representation) resource presentation engine includes JSON and XML resource presentation templates. Repres (资源表现)是一系列的资源表现引擎。Dosser (领域特定语意表现) 资源表现引擎包括JSON和XML表现模版。 ## Why Use Repres Dosser Dosser pre-defined some glossaries for RESTful Web API, which follows the Template Method design pattern. Dosser 预定义了一些适用于 RESTful Web API 的词汇,并且采用了“模版方法”设计模式。 ## Recent Update Check out the [Road Map](ROADMAP.md) to find out what's the next. Check out the [Change Log](CHANGELOG.md) to find out what's new. ## Usage in Gemfile ```ruby gem 'repres-dosser' ``` ## Include the Concern in Controllers & Respond the Calls ```ruby include Repres::Dosser::Concerns::ResourcePresentation def index self.criteria = { page: params[:page] } render_ok collection: [ { name: 'Topbit' }, { name: 'Roland' } ] end ``` The following responding methods are supported: - 200 render_ok - 201 render_created - 204 render_no_content - 400 render_bad_request - 401 render_unauthorized - 403 render_forbidden - 404 render_not_found - 409 render_conflict - 500 render_internal_server_error ### Pagination ```ruby include Repres::Dosser::Concerns::ResourcePresentation paginate total_items: 108, per_page: 10, current_page: 2 # The pagination will be added into the meta of the response body. ``` ```javascript onIndexResourceSuccess: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { var pagination = data.meta.pagination; console.info('Here are '+pagination.total_items+' items totally.'); console.info('Ideally '+pagination.per_page+' items on each page.'); console.info('The current page is '+pagination.current_page+'.'); // If the required current_page is greater than the total_pages, the current_page is changed to be equal the total_pages. // If the required current_page is less than 1, the current_page is changed to 1. The current_page starts from 1. console.info('Here are '+pagination.total_pages+' pages totally.'); console.info('Here are '+pagination.items_on_current_pages+' items on the current page.'); console.info('The item index is from '+pagination.min_item_on_current_page+' to '+pagination.max_item_on_current_page+' on the current page.'); } ``` ## Generators ### Platform generator ```shell rails generate repres:dosser:platform administration --version 2 ``` This will insert the following routings into the config/routes.rb file: ```ruby scope '/administration-api/v2', module: 'administration/dosser/v2', as: 'administration_dosser_v2' do resources :portals, only: :show end ``` and create the following files: ```shell app/controllers/administration/dosser/v2/presentation_controller.rb app/controllers/administration/dosser/v2/portals_controller.rb ``` ### Swagger generator ```shell rails generate repres:dosser:swagger administration --version 2 ``` This will call the following command: ```shell rails generate repres:dosser:platform administration --version 2 ``` before insert the swagger_engine & the latest repres-dosser gem into the Gemfile file and will create the following file: ```shell lib/swagger/administration_api_v2.json ```