# frozen_string_literal: true # Note: This file uses `sleep` to sync up parts of the tests. This is only implemented like this # because of the methods being tested. In tests using Capybara this type of behavior should be implemented # using Capybara provided assertions with builtin waiting behavior. Capybara::SpecHelper.spec 'node' do before do @session.visit('/with_html') end it 'should act like a session object' do @session.visit('/form') @form = @session.find(:css, '#get-form') expect(@form).to have_field('Middle Name') expect(@form).to have_no_field('Languages') @form.fill_in('Middle Name', with: 'Monkey') @form.click_button('med') expect(extract_results(@session)['middle_name']).to eq('Monkey') end it 'should scope CSS selectors' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#second')).to have_no_css('h1') end describe '#query_scope' do it 'should have a reference to the element the query was evaluated on if there is one' do node = @session.find(:css, '#first') expect(node.query_scope).to eq(node.session.document) expect(node.find(:css, '#foo').query_scope).to eq(node) end end describe '#text' do it 'should extract node texts' do expect(@session.all('//a')[0].text).to eq('labore') expect(@session.all('//a')[1].text).to eq('ullamco') end it 'should return document text on /html selector' do @session.visit('/with_simple_html') expect(@session.all('/html')[0].text).to eq('Bar') end end describe '#[]' do it 'should extract node attributes' do expect(@session.all('//a')[0][:class]).to eq('simple') expect(@session.all('//a')[1][:id]).to eq('foo') expect(@session.all('//input')[0][:type]).to eq('text') end it 'should extract boolean node attributes' do expect(@session.find('//input[@id="checked_field"]')[:checked]).to be_truthy end end describe '#style', requires: [:css] do it 'should return the computed style value' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#first').style('display')).to eq('display' => 'block') expect(@session.find(:css, '#second').style(:display)).to eq('display' => 'inline') end it 'should return multiple style values' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#first').style('display', :'line-height')).to eq('display' => 'block', 'line-height' => '25px') end end describe '#value' do it 'should allow retrieval of the value' do expect(@session.find('//textarea[@id="normal"]').value).to eq('banana') end it 'should not swallow extra newlines in textarea' do expect(@session.find('//textarea[@id="additional_newline"]').value).to eq("\nbanana") end it 'should not swallow leading newlines for set content in textarea' do @session.find('//textarea[@id="normal"]').set("\nbanana") expect(@session.find('//textarea[@id="normal"]').value).to eq("\nbanana") end it 'return any HTML content in textarea' do @session.find('//textarea[1]').set('some html here') expect(@session.find('//textarea[1]').value).to eq('some html here') end it "defaults to 'on' for checkbox" do @session.visit('/form') expect(@session.find('//input[@id="valueless_checkbox"]').value).to eq('on') end it "defaults to 'on' for radio buttons" do @session.visit('/form') expect(@session.find('//input[@id="valueless_radio"]').value).to eq('on') end end describe '#set' do it 'should allow assignment of field value' do expect(@session.first('//input').value).to eq('monkey') @session.first('//input').set('gorilla') expect(@session.first('//input').value).to eq('gorilla') end it 'should fill the field even if the caret was not at the end', requires: [:js] do @session.execute_script("var el = document.getElementById('test_field'); el.focus(); el.setSelectionRange(0, 0);") @session.first('//input').set('') expect(@session.first('//input').value).to eq('') end if ENV['CAPYBARA_THOROUGH'] it 'should raise if the text field is readonly' do expect { @session.first('//input[@readonly]').set('changed') }.to raise_error(Capybara::ReadOnlyElementError) end it 'should raise if the textarea is readonly' do expect { @session.first('//textarea[@readonly]').set('changed') }.to raise_error(Capybara::ReadOnlyElementError) end else it 'should not change if the text field is readonly' do @session.first('//input[@readonly]').set('changed') expect(@session.first('//input[@readonly]').value).to eq 'should not change' end it 'should not change if the textarea is readonly' do @session.first('//textarea[@readonly]').set('changed') expect(@session.first('//textarea[@readonly]').value).to eq 'textarea should not change' end end it 'should use global default options' do Capybara.default_set_options = { clear: :backspace } element = @session.first(:fillable_field, type: 'text') allow(element.base).to receive(:set) element.set('gorilla') expect(element.base).to have_received(:set).with('gorilla', clear: :backspace) end context 'with a contenteditable element', requires: [:js] do it 'should allow me to change the contents' do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.find(:css, '#existing_content_editable').set('WYSIWYG') expect(@session.find(:css, '#existing_content_editable').text).to eq('WYSIWYG') end it 'should allow me to set the contents' do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.find(:css, '#blank_content_editable').set('WYSIWYG') expect(@session.find(:css, '#blank_content_editable').text).to eq('WYSIWYG') end it 'should allow me to change the contents of a child element' do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.find(:css, '#existing_content_editable_child').set('WYSIWYG') expect(@session.find(:css, '#existing_content_editable_child').text).to eq('WYSIWYG') expect(@session.find(:css, '#existing_content_editable_child_parent').text).to eq("Some content\nWYSIWYG") end end end describe '#tag_name' do it 'should extract node tag name' do expect(@session.all('//a')[0].tag_name).to eq('a') expect(@session.all('//a')[1].tag_name).to eq('a') expect(@session.all('//p')[1].tag_name).to eq('p') end end describe '#disabled?' do it 'should extract disabled node' do @session.visit('/form') expect(@session.find('//input[@id="customer_name"]')).to be_disabled expect(@session.find('//input[@id="customer_email"]')).not_to be_disabled end it 'should see disabled options as disabled' do @session.visit('/form') expect(@session.find('//select[@id="form_title"]/option[1]')).not_to be_disabled expect(@session.find('//select[@id="form_title"]/option[@disabled]')).to be_disabled end it 'should see enabled options in disabled select as disabled' do @session.visit('/form') expect(@session.find('//select[@id="form_disabled_select"]/option')).to be_disabled expect(@session.find('//select[@id="form_disabled_select"]/optgroup/option')).to be_disabled expect(@session.find('//select[@id="form_title"]/option[1]')).not_to be_disabled end it 'should see enabled options in disabled optgroup as disabled' do @session.visit('/form') expect(@session.find('//option', text: 'A.B.1')).to be_disabled expect(@session.find('//option', text: 'A.2')).not_to be_disabled end it 'should see a disabled fieldset as disabled' do @session.visit('/form') expect(@session.find(:xpath, './/fieldset[@id="form_disabled_fieldset"]')).to be_disabled end context 'in a disabled fieldset' do # https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#the-fieldset-element it 'should see elements not in first legend as disabled' do @session.visit('/form') expect(@session.find('//input[@id="form_disabled_fieldset_child"]')).to be_disabled expect(@session.find('//input[@id="form_disabled_fieldset_second_legend_child"]')).to be_disabled expect(@session.find('//input[@id="form_enabled_fieldset_child"]')).not_to be_disabled end it 'should see elements in first legend as enabled' do @session.visit('/form') expect(@session.find('//input[@id="form_disabled_fieldset_legend_child"]')).not_to be_disabled end it 'should sees options not in first legend as disabled' do @session.visit('/form') expect(@session.find('//option', text: 'Disabled Child Option')).to be_disabled end end it 'should be boolean' do @session.visit('/form') expect(@session.find('//select[@id="form_disabled_select"]/option').disabled?).to be true expect(@session.find('//select[@id="form_disabled_select2"]/option').disabled?).to be true expect(@session.find('//select[@id="form_title"]/option[1]').disabled?).to be false end it 'should be disabled for all elements that are CSS :disabled' do @session.visit('/form') # sanity check expect(@session.all(:css, ':disabled')).to all(be_disabled) end end describe '#visible?' do before { Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = false } it 'should extract node visibility' do expect(@session.first('//a')).to be_visible expect(@session.find('//div[@id="hidden"]')).not_to be_visible expect(@session.find('//div[@id="hidden_via_ancestor"]')).not_to be_visible expect(@session.find('//div[@id="hidden_attr"]')).not_to be_visible expect(@session.find('//a[@id="hidden_attr_via_ancestor"]')).not_to be_visible expect(@session.find('//input[@id="hidden_input"]')).not_to be_visible end it 'template elements should not be visible' do expect(@session.find('//template')).not_to be_visible end it 'should be boolean' do expect(@session.first('//a').visible?).to be true expect(@session.find('//div[@id="hidden"]').visible?).to be false end it 'closed details > summary elements and descendants should be visible' do expect(@session.find(:css, '#closed_details summary')).to be_visible expect(@session.find(:css, '#closed_details summary h6')).to be_visible end it 'details non-summary descendants should be non-visible when closed' do descendants = @session.all(:css, '#closed_details > *:not(summary), #closed_details > *:not(summary) *', minimum: 2) expect(descendants).not_to include(be_visible) end it 'deatils descendants should be visible when open' do descendants = @session.all(:css, '#open_details *') expect(descendants).to all(be_visible) end it 'works when details is toggled open and closed' do @session.find(:css, '#closed_details > summary').click expect(@session).to have_css('#closed_details *', visible: true, count: 5) .and(have_no_css('#closed_details *', visible: :hidden)) @session.find(:css, '#closed_details > summary').click descendants_css = '#closed_details > *:not(summary), #closed_details > *:not(summary) *' expect(@session).to have_no_css(descendants_css, visible: true) .and(have_css(descendants_css, visible: :hidden, count: 3)) end end describe '#obscured?', requires: [:css] do it 'should see non visible elements as obscured' do Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = false expect(@session.find('//div[@id="hidden"]')).to be_obscured expect(@session.find('//div[@id="hidden_via_ancestor"]')).to be_obscured expect(@session.find('//div[@id="hidden_attr"]')).to be_obscured expect(@session.find('//a[@id="hidden_attr_via_ancestor"]')).to be_obscured expect(@session.find('//input[@id="hidden_input"]')).to be_obscured end it 'should see non-overlapped elements as not obscured' do @session.visit('/obscured') expect(@session.find(:css, '#cover')).not_to be_obscured end it 'should see elements only overlapped by descendants as not obscured' do expect(@session.first(:css, 'p:not(.para)')).not_to be_obscured end it 'should see elements outside the viewport as obscured' do @session.visit('/obscured') off = @session.find(:css, '#offscreen') off_wrapper = @session.find(:css, '#offscreen_wrapper') expect(off).to be_obscured expect(off_wrapper).to be_obscured @session.scroll_to(off_wrapper) expect(off_wrapper).not_to be_obscured expect(off).to be_obscured off_wrapper.scroll_to(off) expect(off).not_to be_obscured expect(off_wrapper).not_to be_obscured end it 'should see overlapped elements as obscured' do @session.visit('/obscured') expect(@session.find(:css, '#obscured')).to be_obscured end it 'should be boolean' do Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = false expect(@session.first('//a').obscured?).to be false expect(@session.find('//div[@id="hidden"]').obscured?).to be true end it 'should work in frames' do @session.visit('/obscured') frame = @session.find(:css, '#frameOne') @session.within_frame(frame) do div = @session.find(:css, '#divInFrameOne') expect(div).to be_obscured @session.scroll_to div expect(div).not_to be_obscured end end it 'should work in nested iframes' do @session.visit('/obscured') frame = @session.find(:css, '#nestedFrames') @session.within_frame(frame) do @session.within_frame(:css, '#childFrame') do gcframe = @session.find(:css, '#grandchildFrame2') @session.within_frame(gcframe) do expect(@session.find(:css, '#divInFrameTwo')).to be_obscured end @session.scroll_to(gcframe) @session.within_frame(gcframe) do expect(@session.find(:css, '#divInFrameTwo')).not_to be_obscured end end end end end describe '#checked?' do it 'should extract node checked state' do @session.visit('/form') expect(@session.find('//input[@id="gender_female"]')).to be_checked expect(@session.find('//input[@id="gender_male"]')).not_to be_checked expect(@session.first('//h1')).not_to be_checked end it 'should be boolean' do @session.visit('/form') expect(@session.find('//input[@id="gender_female"]').checked?).to be true expect(@session.find('//input[@id="gender_male"]').checked?).to be false expect(@session.find('//input[@id="no_attr_value_checked"]').checked?).to be true end end describe '#selected?' do it 'should extract node selected state' do @session.visit('/form') expect(@session.find('//option[@value="en"]')).to be_selected expect(@session.find('//option[@value="sv"]')).not_to be_selected expect(@session.first('//h1')).not_to be_selected end it 'should be boolean' do @session.visit('/form') expect(@session.find('//option[@value="en"]').selected?).to be true expect(@session.find('//option[@value="sv"]').selected?).to be false expect(@session.first('//h1').selected?).to be false end end describe '#==' do it 'preserve object identity' do expect(@session.find('//h1') == @session.find('//h1')).to be true # rubocop:disable Lint/UselessComparison expect(@session.find('//h1') === @session.find('//h1')).to be true # rubocop:disable Style/CaseEquality, Lint/UselessComparison expect(@session.find('//h1').eql?(@session.find('//h1'))).to be false end it 'returns false for unrelated object' do expect(@session.find('//h1') == 'Not Capybara::Node::Base').to be false end end describe '#path' do # Testing for specific XPaths here doesn't make sense since there # are many that can refer to the same element before do @session.visit('/path') end it 'returns xpath which points to itself' do element = @session.find(:link, 'Second Link') expect(@session.find(:xpath, element.path)).to eq(element) end end describe '#trigger', requires: %i[js trigger] do it 'should allow triggering of custom JS events' do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.find(:css, '#with_focus_event').trigger(:focus) expect(@session).to have_css('#focus_event_triggered') end end describe '#drag_to', requires: %i[js drag] do it 'should drag and drop an object' do @session.visit('/with_js') element = @session.find('//div[@id="drag"]') target = @session.find('//div[@id="drop"]') element.drag_to(target) expect(@session).to have_xpath('//div[contains(., "Dropped!")]') end it 'should drag and drop if scrolling is needed' do @session.visit('/with_js') element = @session.find('//div[@id="drag_scroll"]') target = @session.find('//div[@id="drop_scroll"]') element.drag_to(target) expect(@session).to have_xpath('//div[contains(., "Dropped!")]') end it 'should drag a link' do @session.visit('/with_js') link = @session.find_link('drag_link') target = @session.find(:id, 'drop') link.drag_to target expect(@session).to have_xpath('//div[contains(., "Dropped!")]') end it 'should work with Dragula' do @session.visit('/with_dragula') @session.within(:css, '#sortable') do src = @session.find('div', text: 'Item 1') target = @session.find('div', text: 'Item 3') src.drag_to target expect(@session).to have_content(/Item 2.*Item 1/, normalize_ws: true) end end it 'should work with jsTree' do @session.visit('/with_jstree') @session.within(:css, '#container') do @session.assert_text(/A.*B.*C/m) source = @session.find(:css, '#j1_1_anchor') target = @session.find(:css, '#j1_2_anchor') source.drag_to(target) @session.assert_no_text(/A.*B.*C/m) @session.assert_text(/B.*C/m) end end it 'should simulate a single held down modifier key' do %I[ alt ctrl meta shift ].each do |modifier_key| @session.visit('/with_js') element = @session.find('//div[@id="drag"]') target = @session.find('//div[@id="drop"]') element.drag_to(target, drop_modifiers: modifier_key) expect(@session).to have_css('div.drag_start', exact_text: 'Dragged!') expect(@session).to have_xpath("//div[contains(., 'Dropped!-#{modifier_key}')]") end end it 'should simulate multiple held down modifier keys' do @session.visit('/with_js') element = @session.find('//div[@id="drag"]') target = @session.find('//div[@id="drop"]') modifier_keys = %I[alt ctrl meta shift] element.drag_to(target, drop_modifiers: modifier_keys) expect(@session).to have_xpath("//div[contains(., 'Dropped!-#{modifier_keys.join('-')}')]") end it 'should support key aliases' do { control: :ctrl, command: :meta, cmd: :meta }.each do |(key_alias, key)| @session.visit('/with_js') element = @session.find('//div[@id="drag"]') target = @session.find('//div[@id="drop"]') element.drag_to(target, drop_modifiers: [key_alias]) expect(target).to have_text("Dropped!-#{key}", exact: true) end end context 'HTML5', requires: %i[js html5_drag] do it 'should HTML5 drag and drop an object' do @session.visit('/with_js') element = @session.find('//div[@id="drag_html5"]') target = @session.find('//div[@id="drop_html5"]') element.drag_to(target) expect(@session).to have_xpath('//div[contains(., "HTML5 Dropped string: text/plain drag_html5")]') end it 'should HTML5 drag and drop an object child' do @session.visit('/with_js') element = @session.find('//div[@id="drag_html5"]/p') target = @session.find('//div[@id="drop_html5"]') element.drag_to(target) expect(@session).to have_xpath('//div[contains(., "HTML5 Dropped string: text/plain drag_html5")]') end it 'should set clientX/Y in dragover events' do @session.visit('/with_js') element = @session.find('//div[@id="drag_html5"]') target = @session.find('//div[@id="drop_html5"]') element.drag_to(target) expect(@session).to have_css('div.log', text: /DragOver with client position: [1-9]\d*,[1-9]\d*/, count: 2) end it 'should preserve clientX/Y from last dragover event' do @session.visit('/with_js') element = @session.find('//div[@id="drag_html5"]') target = @session.find('//div[@id="drop_html5"]') element.drag_to(target) conditions = %w[DragLeave Drop DragEnd].map do |text| have_css('div.log', text: text) end expect(@session).to(conditions.reduce { |memo, cond| memo.and(cond) }) # The first "DragOver" div is inserted by the last dragover event dispatched drag_over_div = @session.first('//div[@class="log" and starts-with(text(), "DragOver")]') position = drag_over_div.text.sub('DragOver ', '') expect(@session).to have_css('div.log', text: /DragLeave #{position}/, count: 1) expect(@session).to have_css('div.log', text: /Drop #{position}/, count: 1) expect(@session).to have_css('div.log', text: /DragEnd #{position}/, count: 1) end it 'should not HTML5 drag and drop on a non HTML5 drop element' do @session.visit('/with_js') element = @session.find('//div[@id="drag_html5"]') target = @session.find('//div[@id="drop_html5"]') target.execute_script("$(this).removeClass('drop');") element.drag_to(target) sleep 1 expect(@session).not_to have_xpath('//div[contains(., "HTML5 Dropped")]') end it 'should HTML5 drag and drop when scrolling needed' do @session.visit('/with_js') element = @session.find('//div[@id="drag_html5_scroll"]') target = @session.find('//div[@id="drop_html5_scroll"]') element.drag_to(target) expect(@session).to have_xpath('//div[contains(., "HTML5 Dropped string: text/plain drag_html5_scroll")]') end it 'should drag HTML5 default draggable elements' do @session.visit('/with_js') link = @session.find_link('drag_link_html5') target = @session.find(:id, 'drop_html5') link.drag_to target expect(@session).to have_xpath('//div[contains(., "HTML5 Dropped")]') end it 'should work with SortableJS' do @session.visit('/with_sortable_js') @session.within(:css, '#sortable') do src = @session.find('div', text: 'Item 1') target = @session.find('div', text: 'Item 3') src.drag_to target expect(@session).to have_content(/Item 3.*Item 1/, normalize_ws: true) end end it 'should drag HTML5 default draggable element child' do @session.visit('/with_js') source = @session.find_link('drag_link_html5').find(:css, 'p') target = @session.find(:id, 'drop_html5') source.drag_to target expect(@session).to have_xpath('//div[contains(., "HTML5 Dropped")]') end it 'should simulate a single held down modifier key' do %I[alt ctrl meta shift].each do |modifier_key| @session.visit('/with_js') element = @session.find('//div[@id="drag_html5"]') target = @session.find('//div[@id="drop_html5"]') element.drag_to(target, drop_modifiers: modifier_key) expect(@session).to have_css('div.drag_start', exact_text: 'HTML5 Dragged!') expect(@session).to have_xpath("//div[contains(., 'HTML5 Dropped string: text/plain drag_html5-#{modifier_key}')]") end end it 'should simulate multiple held down modifier keys' do @session.visit('/with_js') element = @session.find('//div[@id="drag_html5"]') target = @session.find('//div[@id="drop_html5"]') modifier_keys = %I[alt ctrl meta shift] element.drag_to(target, drop_modifiers: modifier_keys) expect(@session).to have_xpath("//div[contains(., 'HTML5 Dropped string: text/plain drag_html5-#{modifier_keys.join('-')}')]") end it 'should support key aliases' do { control: :ctrl, command: :meta, cmd: :meta }.each do |(key_alias, key)| @session.visit('/with_js') element = @session.find('//div[@id="drag_html5"]') target = @session.find('//div[@id="drop_html5"]') element.drag_to(target, drop_modifiers: [key_alias]) expect(target).to have_text(%r{^HTML5 Dropped string: text/plain drag_html5-#{key}$}m, exact: true) end end end end describe 'Element#drop', requires: %i[js html5_drag] do it 'can drop a file' do @session.visit('/with_js') target = @session.find('//div[@id="drop_html5"]') target.drop( with_os_path_separators(File.expand_path('../fixtures/capybara.jpg', File.dirname(__FILE__))) ) expect(@session).to have_xpath('//div[contains(., "HTML5 Dropped file: capybara.jpg")]') end it 'can drop multiple files' do @session.visit('/with_js') target = @session.find('//div[@id="drop_html5"]') target.drop( with_os_path_separators(File.expand_path('../fixtures/capybara.jpg', File.dirname(__FILE__))), with_os_path_separators(File.expand_path('../fixtures/test_file.txt', File.dirname(__FILE__))) ) expect(@session).to have_xpath('//div[contains(., "HTML5 Dropped file: capybara.jpg")]') expect(@session).to have_xpath('//div[contains(., "HTML5 Dropped file: test_file.txt")]') end it 'can drop strings' do @session.visit('/with_js') target = @session.find('//div[@id="drop_html5"]') target.drop('text/plain' => 'Some dropped text') expect(@session).to have_xpath('//div[contains(., "HTML5 Dropped string: text/plain Some dropped text")]') end it 'can drop multiple strings' do @session.visit('/with_js') target = @session.find('//div[@id="drop_html5"]') target.drop('text/plain' => 'Some dropped text', 'text/url' => 'http://www.google.com') expect(@session).to have_xpath('//div[contains(., "HTML5 Dropped string: text/plain Some dropped text")]') expect(@session).to have_xpath('//div[contains(., "HTML5 Dropped string: text/url http://www.google.com")]') end end describe '#hover', requires: [:hover] do it 'should allow hovering on an element' do @session.visit('/with_hover') expect(@session.find(:css, '.wrapper:not(.scroll_needed) .hidden_until_hover', visible: false)).not_to be_visible @session.find(:css, '.wrapper:not(.scroll_needed)').hover expect(@session.find(:css, '.wrapper:not(.scroll_needed) .hidden_until_hover', visible: false)).to be_visible end it 'should allow hovering on an element that needs to be scrolled into view' do @session.visit('/with_hover') expect(@session.find(:css, '.wrapper.scroll_needed .hidden_until_hover', visible: false)).not_to be_visible @session.find(:css, '.wrapper.scroll_needed').hover expect(@session.find(:css, '.wrapper.scroll_needed .hidden_until_hover', visible: false)).to be_visible end it 'should hover again after following a link and back' do @session.visit('/with_hover') @session.find(:css, '.wrapper:not(.scroll_needed)').hover @session.click_link('Other hover page') @session.click_link('Go back') @session.find(:css, '.wrapper:not(.scroll_needed)').hover expect(@session.find(:css, '.wrapper:not(.scroll_needed) .hidden_until_hover', visible: false)).to be_visible end end describe '#click' do it 'should not follow a link if no href' do @session.find(:css, '#link_placeholder').click expect(@session.current_url).to match(%r{/with_html$}) end it 'should go to the same page if href is blank' do @session.find(:css, '#link_blank_href').click sleep 1 expect(@session).to have_current_path('/with_html') end it 'should be able to check a checkbox' do @session.visit('form') cbox = @session.find(:checkbox, 'form_terms_of_use') expect(cbox).not_to be_checked cbox.click expect(cbox).to be_checked end it 'should be able to uncheck a checkbox' do @session.visit('/form') cbox = @session.find(:checkbox, 'form_pets_dog') expect(cbox).to be_checked cbox.click expect(cbox).not_to be_checked end it 'should be able to select a radio button' do @session.visit('/form') radio = @session.find(:radio_button, 'gender_male') expect(radio).not_to be_checked radio.click expect(radio).to be_checked end it 'should allow modifiers', requires: [:js] do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.find(:css, '#click-test').click(:shift) expect(@session).to have_link('Has been shift clicked') end it 'should allow multiple modifiers', requires: [:js] do @session.visit('with_js') @session.find(:css, '#click-test').click(:control, :alt, :meta, :shift) # Selenium with Chrome on OSX ctrl-click generates a right click so just verify all keys but not click type expect(@session).to have_link('alt control meta shift') end it 'should allow to adjust the click offset', requires: [:js] do @session.visit('with_js') @session.find(:css, '#click-test').click(x: 5, y: 5) link = @session.find(:link, 'has-been-clicked') locations = link.text.match(/^Has been clicked at (?[\d\.-]+),(?[\d\.-]+)$/) # Resulting click location should be very close to 0, 0 relative to top left corner of the element, but may not be exact due to # integer/float conversions and rounding. expect(locations[:x].to_f).to be_within(1).of(5) expect(locations[:y].to_f).to be_within(1).of(5) end it 'should raise error if both x and y values are not passed' do @session.visit('with_js') el = @session.find(:css, '#click-test') expect { el.click(x: 5) }.to raise_error ArgumentError expect { el.click(x: nil, y: 3) }.to raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should be able to click a table row', requires: [:js] do @session.visit('/tables') tr = @session.find(:css, '#agent_table tr:first-child').click expect(tr).to have_css('label', text: 'Clicked') end it 'should retry clicking', requires: [:js] do @session.visit('/animated') obscured = @session.find(:css, '#obscured') @session.execute_script <<~JS setTimeout(function(){ $('#cover').hide(); }, 700) JS expect { obscured.click }.not_to raise_error end it 'should allow to retry longer', requires: [:js] do @session.visit('/animated') obscured = @session.find(:css, '#obscured') @session.execute_script <<~JS setTimeout(function(){ $('#cover').hide(); }, 3000) JS expect { obscured.click(wait: 4) }.not_to raise_error end it 'should not retry clicking when wait is disabled', requires: [:js] do @session.visit('/animated') obscured = @session.find(:css, '#obscured') @session.execute_script <<~JS setTimeout(function(){ $('#cover').hide(); }, 2000) JS expect { obscured.click(wait: 0) }.to(raise_error { |e| expect(e).to be_an_invalid_element_error(@session) }) end context 'offset', requires: [:js] do before do @session.visit('/offset') end let :clicker do @session.find(:id, 'clicker') end context 'when w3c_click_offset is false' do before do Capybara.w3c_click_offset = false end it 'should offset from top left of element' do clicker.click(x: 10, y: 5) expect(@session).to have_text(/clicked at 110,105/) end it 'should offset outside the element' do clicker.click(x: -15, y: -10) expect(@session).to have_text(/clicked at 85,90/) end it 'should default to click the middle' do clicker.click expect(@session).to have_text(/clicked at 150,150/) end end context 'when w3c_click_offset is true' do before do Capybara.w3c_click_offset = true end it 'should offset from center of element' do clicker.click(x: 10, y: 5) expect(@session).to have_text(/clicked at 160,155/) end it 'should offset outside from center of element' do clicker.click(x: -65, y: -60) expect(@session).to have_text(/clicked at 85,90/) end it 'should default to click the middle' do clicker.click expect(@session).to have_text(/clicked at 150,150/) end end end context 'delay', requires: [:js] do it 'should delay the mouse up' do @session.visit('with_js') @session.find(:css, '#click-test').click(delay: 2) delay = @session.evaluate_script('window.click_delay') expect(delay).to be >= 2 end end end describe '#double_click', requires: [:js] do it 'should double click an element' do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.find(:css, '#click-test').double_click expect(@session.find(:css, '#has-been-double-clicked')).to be_truthy end it 'should allow modifiers', requires: [:js] do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.find(:css, '#click-test').double_click(:alt) expect(@session).to have_link('Has been alt double clicked') end it 'should allow to adjust the offset', requires: [:js] do @session.visit('with_js') @session.find(:css, '#click-test').double_click(x: 10, y: 5) link = @session.find(:link, 'has-been-double-clicked') locations = link.text.match(/^Has been double clicked at (?[\d\.-]+),(?[\d\.-]+)$/) # Resulting click location should be very close to 10, 5 relative to top left corner of the element, but may not be exact due # to integer/float conversions and rounding. expect(locations[:x].to_f).to be_within(1).of(10) expect(locations[:y].to_f).to be_within(1).of(5) end it 'should retry clicking', requires: [:js] do @session.visit('/animated') obscured = @session.find(:css, '#obscured') @session.execute_script <<~JS setTimeout(function(){ $('#cover').hide(); }, 700) JS expect { obscured.double_click }.not_to raise_error end context 'offset', requires: [:js] do before do @session.visit('/offset') end let :clicker do @session.find(:id, 'clicker') end context 'when w3c_click_offset is false' do before do Capybara.w3c_click_offset = false end it 'should offset from top left of element' do clicker.double_click(x: 10, y: 5) expect(@session).to have_text(/clicked at 110,105/) end it 'should offset outside the element' do clicker.double_click(x: -15, y: -10) expect(@session).to have_text(/clicked at 85,90/) end it 'should default to click the middle' do clicker.double_click expect(@session).to have_text(/clicked at 150,150/) end end context 'when w3c_click_offset is true' do before do Capybara.w3c_click_offset = true end it 'should offset from center of element' do clicker.double_click(x: 10, y: 5) expect(@session).to have_text(/clicked at 160,155/) end it 'should offset outside from center of element' do clicker.double_click(x: -65, y: -60) expect(@session).to have_text(/clicked at 85,90/) end it 'should default to click the middle' do clicker.double_click expect(@session).to have_text(/clicked at 150,150/) end end end end describe '#right_click', requires: [:js] do it 'should right click an element' do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.find(:css, '#click-test').right_click expect(@session.find(:css, '#has-been-right-clicked')).to be_truthy end it 'should allow modifiers', requires: [:js] do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.find(:css, '#click-test').right_click(:meta) expect(@session).to have_link('Has been meta right clicked') end it 'should allow to adjust the offset', requires: [:js] do @session.visit('with_js') @session.find(:css, '#click-test').right_click(x: 10, y: 10) link = @session.find(:link, 'has-been-right-clicked') locations = link.text.match(/^Has been right clicked at (?[\d\.-]+),(?[\d\.-]+)$/) # Resulting click location should be very close to 10, 10 relative to top left corner of the element, but may not be exact due # to integer/float conversions and rounding expect(locations[:x].to_f).to be_within(1).of(10) expect(locations[:y].to_f).to be_within(1).of(10) end it 'should retry clicking', requires: [:js] do @session.visit('/animated') obscured = @session.find(:css, '#obscured') @session.execute_script <<~JS setTimeout(function(){ $('#cover').hide(); }, 700) JS expect { obscured.right_click }.not_to raise_error end context 'offset', requires: [:js] do before do @session.visit('/offset') end let :clicker do @session.find(:id, 'clicker') end context 'when w3c_click_offset is false' do before do Capybara.w3c_click_offset = false end it 'should offset from top left of element' do clicker.right_click(x: 10, y: 5) expect(@session).to have_text(/clicked at 110,105/) end it 'should offset outside the element' do clicker.right_click(x: -15, y: -10) expect(@session).to have_text(/clicked at 85,90/) end it 'should default to click the middle' do clicker.right_click expect(@session).to have_text(/clicked at 150,150/) end end context 'when w3c_click_offset is true' do before do Capybara.w3c_click_offset = true end it 'should offset from center of element' do clicker.right_click(x: 10, y: 5) expect(@session).to have_text(/clicked at 160,155/) end it 'should offset outside from center of element' do clicker.right_click(x: -65, y: -60) expect(@session).to have_text(/clicked at 85,90/) end it 'should default to click the middle' do clicker.right_click expect(@session).to have_text(/clicked at 150,150/) end end end context 'delay', requires: [:js] do it 'should delay the mouse up' do @session.visit('with_js') @session.find(:css, '#click-test').right_click(delay: 2) delay = @session.evaluate_script('window.right_click_delay') expect(delay).to be >= 2 end end end describe '#send_keys', requires: [:send_keys] do it 'should send a string of keys to an element' do @session.visit('/form') @session.find(:css, '#address1_city').send_keys('Oceanside') expect(@session.find(:css, '#address1_city').value).to eq 'Oceanside' end it 'should send special characters' do @session.visit('/form') @session.find(:css, '#address1_city').send_keys('Ocean', :space, 'sie', :left, 'd') expect(@session.find(:css, '#address1_city').value).to eq 'Ocean side' end it 'should allow for multiple simultaneous keys' do @session.visit('/form') @session.find(:css, '#address1_city').send_keys([:shift, 'o'], 'ceanside') expect(@session.find(:css, '#address1_city').value).to eq 'Oceanside' end it 'should hold modifiers at top level' do @session.visit('/form') @session.find(:css, '#address1_city').send_keys('ocean', :shift, 'side') expect(@session.find(:css, '#address1_city').value).to eq 'oceanSIDE' end it 'should generate key events', requires: %i[send_keys js] do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.find(:css, '#with-key-events').send_keys([:shift, 't'], [:shift, 'w']) expect(@session.find(:css, '#key-events-output')).to have_text('keydown:16 keydown:84 keydown:16 keydown:87') end end describe '#execute_script', requires: %i[js es_args] do it 'should execute the given script in the context of the element and return nothing' do @session.visit('/with_js') expect(@session.find(:css, '#change').execute_script("this.textContent = 'Funky Doodle'")).to be_nil expect(@session).to have_css('#change', text: 'Funky Doodle') end it 'should pass arguments to the script' do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.find(:css, '#change').execute_script('this.textContent = arguments[0]', 'Doodle Funk') expect(@session).to have_css('#change', text: 'Doodle Funk') end end describe '#evaluate_script', requires: %i[js es_args] do it 'should evaluate the given script in the context of the element and return whatever it produces' do @session.visit('/with_js') el = @session.find(:css, '#with_change_event') expect(el.evaluate_script('this.value')).to eq('default value') end it 'should ignore leading whitespace' do @session.visit('/with_js') expect(@session.find(:css, '#change').evaluate_script(' 2 + 3 ')).to eq 5 end it 'should pass arguments to the script' do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.find(:css, '#change').evaluate_script('this.textContent = arguments[0]', 'Doodle Funk') expect(@session).to have_css('#change', text: 'Doodle Funk') end it 'should pass multiple arguments' do @session.visit('/with_js') change = @session.find(:css, '#change') expect(change.evaluate_script('arguments[0] + arguments[1]', 2, 3)).to eq 5 end it 'should support returning elements' do @session.visit('/with_js') change = @session.find(:css, '#change') # ensure page has loaded and element is available el = change.evaluate_script('this') expect(el).to be_instance_of(Capybara::Node::Element) expect(el).to eq(change) end it 'should support multiple statements via IIFE' do @session.visit('/with_js') change = @session.find(:css, '#change') # ensure page has loaded and element is available res = change.evaluate_script(<<~JS, 3) (function(n){ var el = this; return [el, n]; }).apply(this, arguments) JS expect(res).to eq [change, 3] end end describe '#evaluate_async_script', requires: %i[js es_args] do it 'should evaluate the given script in the context of the element' do @session.visit('/with_js') el = @session.find(:css, '#with_change_event') expect(el.evaluate_async_script('arguments[0](this.value)')).to eq('default value') end it 'should support returning elements after asynchronous operation' do @session.visit('/with_js') change = @session.find(:css, '#change') # ensure page has loaded and element is available el = change.evaluate_async_script('var cb = arguments[0]; setTimeout(function(el){ cb(el) }, 100, this)') expect(el).to eq(change) end end describe '#reload', requires: [:js] do it 'should reload elements found via ancestor with CSS' do @session.visit('/with_js') node = @session.find(:css, '#reload-me em').ancestor(:css, 'div') node.reload expect(node[:id]).to eq 'reload-me' end it 'should reload elements found via ancestor with XPath' do @session.visit('/with_js') node = @session.find(:css, '#reload-me em').ancestor(:xpath, './/div') node.reload expect(node[:id]).to eq 'reload-me' end it 'should reload elements found via sibling' do @session.visit('/with_js') node = @session.find(:css, '#the-list li', text: 'Item 1').sibling(:css, 'li') expect(node.text).to eq 'Item 2' node.reload expect(node.text).to eq 'Item 2' end context 'without automatic reload' do before { Capybara.automatic_reload = false } after { Capybara.automatic_reload = true } it 'should reload the current context of the node' do @session.visit('/with_js') node = @session.find(:css, '#reload-me') @session.click_link('Reload!') sleep(0.3) expect(node.reload.text).to eq('has been reloaded') expect(node.text).to eq('has been reloaded') end it 'should reload a parent node' do @session.visit('/with_js') node = @session.find(:css, '#reload-me').find(:css, 'em') @session.click_link('Reload!') sleep(0.3) expect(node.reload.text).to eq('has been reloaded') expect(node.text).to eq('has been reloaded') end it 'should not automatically reload' do @session.visit('/with_js') node = @session.find(:css, '#reload-me') @session.click_link('Reload!') sleep(0.3) expect do expect(node).to have_text('has been reloaded') end.to(raise_error do |error| expect(error).to be_an_invalid_element_error(@session) end) end end context 'with automatic reload' do before do Capybara.default_max_wait_time = 4 end it 'should reload the current context of the node automatically' do @session.visit('/with_js') node = @session.find(:css, '#reload-me') @session.click_link('Reload!') sleep(1) expect(node.text).to eq('has been reloaded') end it 'should reload a parent node automatically' do @session.visit('/with_js') node = @session.find(:css, '#reload-me').find(:css, 'em') @session.click_link('Reload!') sleep(1) expect(node.text).to eq('has been reloaded') end it 'should reload a node automatically when using find' do @session.visit('/with_js') node = @session.find(:css, '#reload-me') @session.click_link('Reload!') sleep(1) expect(node.find(:css, 'a').text).to eq('has been reloaded') end it "should not reload nodes which haven't been found with reevaluateable queries" do @session.visit('/with_js') node = @session.all(:css, '#the-list li')[1] @session.click_link('Fetch new list!') sleep(1) expect do expect(node).to have_text('Foo') end.to(raise_error { |error| expect(error).to be_an_invalid_element_error(@session) }) expect do expect(node).to have_text('Bar') end.to(raise_error { |error| expect(error).to be_an_invalid_element_error(@session) }) end it 'should reload nodes with options' do @session.visit('/with_js') node = @session.find(:css, 'em', text: 'reloaded') @session.click_link('Reload!') sleep(1) expect(node.text).to eq('has been reloaded') end end end context 'when #synchronize raises server errors' do it 'sets an explanatory exception as the cause of server exceptions', requires: %i[server js] do quietly { @session.visit('/error') } expect do @session.find(:css, 'span') end.to(raise_error(TestApp::TestAppError) do |e| expect(e.cause).to be_a Capybara::CapybaraError expect(e.cause.message).to match(/Your application server raised an error/) end) end it 'sets an explanatory exception as the cause of server exceptions with errors with initializers', requires: %i[server js] do quietly { @session.visit('/other_error') } expect do @session.find(:css, 'span') end.to(raise_error(TestApp::TestAppOtherError) do |e| expect(e.cause).to be_a Capybara::CapybaraError expect(e.cause.message).to match(/Your application server raised an error/) end) end end end