describe 'up.browser', -> u = up.util describe 'JavaScript functions', -> describe 'up.browser.navigate', -> afterEach -> # We're preventing the form to be submitted during tests, # so we need to remove it manually after each example. $('form.up-page-loader').remove() describe "for GET requests", -> it "creates a GET form, adds all { params } as hidden fields and submits the form", -> submitForm = spyOn(up.browser, 'submitForm') up.browser.navigate('/foo', method: 'GET', params: { param1: 'param1 value', param2: 'param2 value' }) expect(submitForm).toHaveBeenCalled() $form = $('form.up-page-loader') expect($form).toExist() # GET forms cannot have an URL with a query section in their [action] attribute. # The query section would be overridden by the serialized input values on submission. expect($form.attr('action')).toMatchUrl('/foo') expect($form.find('input[name="param1"][value="param1 value"]')).toExist() expect($form.find('input[name="param2"][value="param2 value"]')).toExist() it 'merges params from the given URL and the { params } option', -> submitForm = spyOn(up.browser, 'submitForm') up.browser.navigate('/foo?param1=param1%20value', method: 'GET', params: { param2: 'param2 value' }) expect(submitForm).toHaveBeenCalled() $form = $('form.up-page-loader') expect($form).toExist() # GET forms cannot have an URL with a query section in their [action] attribute. # The query section would be overridden by the serialized input values on submission. expect($form.attr('action')).toMatchUrl('/foo') expect($form.find('input[name="param1"][value="param1 value"]')).toExist() expect($form.find('input[name="param2"][value="param2 value"]')).toExist() describe "for POST requests", -> it "creates a POST form, adds all { params } params as hidden fields and submits the form", -> submitForm = spyOn(up.browser, 'submitForm') up.browser.navigate('/foo', method: 'POST', params: { param1: 'param1 value', param2: 'param2 value' }) expect(submitForm).toHaveBeenCalled() $form = $('form.up-page-loader') expect($form).toExist() expect($form.attr('action')).toMatchUrl('/foo') expect($form.attr('method')).toEqual('POST') expect($form.find('input[name="param1"][value="param1 value"]')).toExist() expect($form.find('input[name="param2"][value="param2 value"]')).toExist() it 'merges params from the given URL and the { params } option', -> submitForm = spyOn(up.browser, 'submitForm') up.browser.navigate('/foo?param1=param1%20value', method: 'POST', params: { param2: 'param2 value' }) expect(submitForm).toHaveBeenCalled() $form = $('form.up-page-loader') expect($form).toExist() expect($form.attr('action')).toMatchUrl('/foo') expect($form.attr('method')).toEqual('POST') expect($form.find('input[name="param1"][value="param1 value"]')).toExist() expect($form.find('input[name="param2"][value="param2 value"]')).toExist() u.each ['PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'], (method) -> describe "for #{method} requests", -> it "uses a POST form and sends the actual method as a { _method } param", -> submitForm = spyOn(up.browser, 'submitForm') up.browser.navigate('/foo', method: method) expect(submitForm).toHaveBeenCalled() $form = $('form.up-page-loader') expect($form).toExist() expect($form.attr('method')).toEqual('POST') expect($form.find('input[name="_method"]').val()).toEqual(method) describe 'CSRF', -> beforeEach -> up.protocol.config.csrfToken = -> 'csrf-token' up.protocol.config.csrfParam = -> 'csrf-param' @submitForm = spyOn(up.browser, 'submitForm') it 'submits an CSRF token as another hidden field', -> up.browser.navigate('/foo', method: 'post') expect(@submitForm).toHaveBeenCalled() $form = $('form.up-page-loader') $tokenInput = $form.find('input[name="csrf-param"]') expect($tokenInput).toExist() expect($tokenInput.val()).toEqual('csrf-token') it 'does not add a CSRF token if there is none', -> up.protocol.config.csrfToken = -> '' up.browser.navigate('/foo', method: 'post') expect(@submitForm).toHaveBeenCalled() $form = $('form.up-page-loader') $tokenInput = $form.find('input[name="csrf-param"]') expect($tokenInput).not.toExist() it 'does not add a CSRF token for GET requests', -> up.browser.navigate('/foo', method: 'get') expect(@submitForm).toHaveBeenCalled() $form = $('form.up-page-loader') $tokenInput = $form.find('input[name="csrf-param"]') expect($tokenInput).not.toExist() it 'does not add a CSRF token when loading content from another domain', -> up.browser.navigate('http://other-domain.tld/foo', method: 'get') expect(@submitForm).toHaveBeenCalled() $form = $('form.up-page-loader') $tokenInput = $form.find('input[name="csrf-param"]') expect($tokenInput).not.toExist() describe 'up.browser.sprintf', -> describe '(string argument)', -> it 'serializes with surrounding quotes', -> formatted = up.browser.sprintf('before %o after', 'argument') expect(formatted).toEqual('before "argument" after') describe '(undefined argument)', -> it 'serializes to the word "undefined"', -> formatted = up.browser.sprintf('before %o after', undefined) expect(formatted).toEqual('before undefined after') describe '(null argument)', -> it 'serializes to the word "null"', -> formatted = up.browser.sprintf('before %o after', null) expect(formatted).toEqual('before null after') describe '(number argument)', -> it 'serializes the number as string', -> formatted = up.browser.sprintf('before %o after', 5) expect(formatted).toEqual('before 5 after') describe '(function argument)', -> it 'serializes the function code', -> formatted = up.browser.sprintf('before %o after', `function foo() {}`) expect(formatted).toEqual('before function foo() {} after') describe '(array argument)', -> it 'recursively serializes the elements', -> formatted = up.browser.sprintf('before %o after', [1, "foo"]) expect(formatted).toEqual('before [1, "foo"] after') describe '(element argument)', -> it 'serializes the tag name with id, name and class attributes, but ignores other attributes', -> $element = $('