* @author CKJ
* @class Wando.Tbar
* @extends Ext.toolbar.Toolbar
* Extension Methods: getTbarItems, disableItems, enableItems, getTbarItem, resetHandler, enableAll, disableAll, getButtonByItemId, hideButtonByItemId, showButtonByItemId, hideAll
* 注意:使用 disableItems 或者 enableItems 时,需要为 item 配置itemId
* P.S.
* default action support grid only
* default delete action support cellSeNectionModel only
* default using => "query", "expand", "save", "add", "edit", "delete", "deleteAll",
"select", "backup", "copy", "excel", "import", "print", "calculate"
* # Example usage
* @example
* config = {
* gridId: 'gridId', // 这个id不能缺少,如果是在grid使用
* using : ["query", "expand", "save", "add", "edit", "delete", "deleteAll",
"select", "backup", "copy", "excel", "import", "print", "calculate" ],
* defaultScope: object,
* queryType: 'grid', // 'grid'(defaults) || 'tree'
* condiction: [field, emptyValue],
* whenSave: { // you can chose this way
* handler: yourHandler,
* scope: object,
* },
* whenSave: function() {...}, // or this way to implement your function
* extraItems: [{
* text: '',
* iconCls: '',
* handler: function() {},
* }],
* }
Ext.define('Wando.Tbar', {
extend: 'Ext.toolbar.Toolbar',
* @constructor create a new toolbar instance
* @params { hash } This is a hash of your config which can create a toolbar
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.applyIf(config, { queryType: 'grid' });
this.tbarItemsArray = [];
this.itemsConfiger = config;
this.defaultScope = Ext.isDefined(config.defaultScope) ? config.defaultScope : this;
Ext.apply(config, { items: this.tbarItemsArray });
//Wando.Tbar.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
if(this.itemsConfiger.qureyType == "tree") this.on("render", this.createTreeSearchBar);
/* 系统提供的按钮及所需内部函数 */
* @cfg { Object/Array } using 添加按钮
* @example
* using: ["query", "expand", "save", "add", "edit", "delete", "deleteAll",
"select", "backup", "copy", "excel", "import", "print", "calculate" ];
getDefaultItemsSequence: function() {
return ["query", "expand", "save", "add", "edit", "delete", "deleteAll",
"select", "backup", "copy", "excel", "import", "print", "calculate" ];
* @cfg { String } gridId 默认给"gridId",
* @cfg { String } queryType 赋予查询的类型,value 可以是 grid 或 tree
* @cfg { Array/String } condiction 查询条件
* @cfg { Object } defaultScope 默认作用域
* @property { String }
* @param { String } This string is a stylesheet about shortcut tip
* @return { String } This string is a stylesheet about shortcut tip
getShortcutTip: function(shortcutTip) {
return '(' + shortcutTip + ')';
* @property { Object }
* @param { String } This string is a stylesheet about shortcut tip
* @return { Object } This string is a stylesheet about shortcut tip
getScope: function(type) {
return Ext.isDefined(this.itemsConfiger["when" + Ext.String.capitalize(type)]) ? this.defaultScope : this;
/* 构造内部按钮空间及其功能方法 */
createItems: function() {
createUsingItems: function() {
// if(!Ext.isArray(this.itemsConfiger.using)) this.itemsConfiger.using = [this.itemsConfiger.using];
var using = this.itemsConfiger.using;
if(Ext.isString()) using = using.split(' ').filter(String);
this.getDefaultItemsSequence().forEach(function(item) {
this.tbarItemsArray.push(this["create" + Ext.String.capitalize(item) + "Item"]());
}, this);
* @cfg { Object } 添加items对象,
* @example
* extraItems: [{
* text: '入库',
* iconCls: Wando.icons.inbound,
* handler: function() {
* }
* }]
mergeExtraItems: function() {
this.itemsConfiger.extraItems.forEach(function(item) {
Ext.applyIf(item, { scope: this.defaultScope });
}, this);
* @cfg { Function } whenAdd 添加添加功能
createAddItem: function() {
var item = {
text: '添加' + this.getShortcutTip('A'),
iconCls: Wando.icons.add,
itemId: 'add',
scope: this.getScope('add'),
handler: this.defaultAddAction
var whenAdd = this.itemsConfiger.whenAdd;
if(Ext.isDefined(whenAdd)) {
if(Ext.isFunction(whenAdd)) whenAdd = { handler: whenAdd };
Ext.apply(item, whenAdd);
return item;
// 默认的添加功能
defaultAddAction: function() {
if(!this.itemsConfiger.gridId) return;
var grid = Ext.getCmp(this.itemsConfiger.gridId);
var store = grid.getStore();
* @cfg { Function } whenDelete 添加删除功能
createDeleteItem: function() {
var item = {
text: '删除' + this.getShortcutTip("d"),
iconCls: Wando.icons.deleteVanCorrect,
itemId: 'delete',
scope: this.getScope('delete'),
handler: this.defaultDeleteAction
var whenDelete = this.itemsConfiger.whenDelete;
if(Ext.isDefined(whenDelete)) {
if(Ext.isFunction(whenDelete)) whenDelete = { handler: whenDelte }
Ext.apply(item, whenDelete);
return item;
// 默认的删除方法
defaultDeleteAction: function() {
if(!this.itemsConfiger.gridId) return;
var grid = Ext.getCmp(this.itemsConfiger.gridId);
var sm = grid.getSelectionModel();
var store = grid.getStore();
var selected = sm.getSelection();
if(selected != false) {
Wando.msg.question("Warning", "是否要删除选中记录?", function(btn) {
if(btn !== "ok") return false;
return true;
}else {
* @cfg { Function } whenDeleteAll 添加全部删除功能
createDeleteAllItem: function() {
var item = {
text: '删除全部' + this.getShortcutTip('D'),
iconCls: Wando.icons.deleteAll,
itemCls: 'deleteAll',
scope: this.getScope('deleteAll'),
handler: this.defaultDeleteAllAction
var whenDeleteAll = this.itemsConfiger.whenDeleteAll;
if(Ext.isDefined(whenDeleteAll)) {
if(Ext.isFunction(whenDeleteAll)) whenDeleteAll = { handler: whenDeleteAll };
Ext.apply(item, whenDeleteAll);
return item;
// 默认删除全部的方法
defaultDeleteAllAction: function() {
if(!this.itemsConfiger.gridId) return;
var grid = Ext.getCmp(this.itemsConfiger.gridId);
var store = grid.getStore();
Wando.msg.question("Warning", "确定要删除全部记录吗?", function(btn) {
if(btn !== 'ok') return false;
return true;
* @cfg { Function } whenSelect 添加选择功能
createSelectItem: function() {
var item = {
text: '选择',
iconCls: Wando.icons.select,
itemCls: 'select',
scope: this.getScope('select'),
handler: this.defaultSelectAction
var whenSelect = this.itemsConfiger.whenSelect;
if(Ext.isDefined(whenSelect)) {
if(Ext.isFunction(whenSelect)) whenSelect = { handler: whenSelect };
Ext.apply(item, whenSelect);
return item;
defaultSelectAction: function() {
console.log("EMPTY: TO DO");
* @cfg { Function } whenEdit 添加修改功能
createEditItem: function() {
var item = {
text: '修改' + this.getShortcutTip("e"),
iconCls: Wando.icons.edit,
itemsId: "edit",
scope: this.getScope("edit"),
handler: this.defaultEditAction
var whenEdit = this.itemsConfiger.whenEdit;
if(Ext.isDefined(whenEdit)) {
if(Ext.isFunction(whenEdit)) return whenEdit = { handler: whenEdit };
Ext.apply(item, whenEdit);
return item;
// 创建默认修改功能
defaultEditAction: function() {
console.log("EMPTY: TO DO");
* @cfg { Function } whenSave 添加保存功能
createSaveItem: function() {
var item = {
text: '保存' + this.getShortcutTip("S"),
iconCls: Wando.icons.save,
itemsId: "save",
scope: this.getScope("save"),
handler: this.defaultSaveAction
var whenSave = this.itemsConfiger.whenSave;
if(Ext.isDefined(whenSave)) {
if(Ext.isFunction(whenSave)) return whenSave = { handler: whenSave };
Ext.apply(item, whenSave);
return item;
// 创建默认保存
defaultSaveAction: function() {
Wando.msg.info("Congratulation!", "保存成功!");
* @cfg { Function } whenBackup 添加备份功能
createBackupItem: function() {
item = {
text: '数据库备份' + this.getShortcutTip("b"),
iconCls: Wando.icons.backup,
itemCls: 'backup',
scope: this.getScope('backup'),
handler: this.defaultBackupAction
var whenBackup = this.itemsConfiger.whenBackup;
if(Ext.isDefined(whenBackup)) {
if(Ext.isFunction(whenBackup)) return whenBackup = { handler: whenBackup };
Ext.apply(item, whenBackup);
return item;
// 创建默认备份数据功能
defaultBackupAction: function() {
if(!this.itemsConfiger.gridId) return;
var requestForBackupSystem = function() {
method: 'POST',
url: "/backups/backup",
success: Wando.callback.success,
failure: Wando.callback.failure,
Ext.Msg.confirm("注意", "确定要备份数据库", function(btn) {
if(btn == 'yes') requestForBackupSystem;
* @cfg { Function } whenPrint 添加打印功能
createPrintItem: function() {
var item = {
text: '打印' + this.getShortcutTip("p"),
iconCls: Wando.icons.print,
itemCls: 'print',
scope: this.getScope("print"),
handler: this.defaultPrintAction
var whenPrint = this.itemsConfiger.whenPrint;
if(Ext.isDefined(whenPrint)) {
if(Ext.isFunction(whenPrint)) whenPrint = { handler: whenPrint };
Ext.apply(item, whenPrint);
return item;
// 创建默认打印功能
defaultPrintAction: function() {
console.log("EMPTY: TO DO");
* @cfg { Function } whenCopy 添加复制功能
createCopyItem: function() {
var item = {
text: '复制' + this.getShortcutTip("C"),
iconCls: Wando.icons.copy,
itemCls: 'copy',
scope: this.getScope("copy"),
handler: this.defaultCopyAction
var whenCopy = this.itemsConfiger.whenCopy;
if(Ext.isDefined(whenCopy)) {
if(Ext.isFunction(whenCopy)) whenCopy = { handler: whenCopy };
Ext.apply(item, whenCopy);
return item;
// 默认复制功能
defaultCopyAction: function() {
console.log("EMPTY: TO DO");
* @cfg { Function } whenExcel 添加导出Excel功能
createExcelItem: function() {
var item = {
text: '导出Excel',
iconCls: Wando.icons.excel,
itemCls: 'excel',
scope: this.getScope("excel"),
handler: this.defaultExcelAction
var whenExcel = this.itemsConfiger.whenExcel;
if(Ext.isDefined(whenExcel)) {
if(Ext.isFunction(whenExcel)) whenExcel = { handler: whenExcel };
Ext.apply(item, whenExcel);
return item;
// 创建导出Excel默认功能
defaultExcelAction: function() {
console.log("EMPTY: TO DO");
* @cfg { Function } whenImport 添加导入功能
createImportItem: function() {
var item = {
text: '导入',
iconCls: Wando.icons.importVanCorrect,
itemCls: 'import',
scope: this.getScope("import"),
handler: this.defaultImportAction
var whenImport = this.itemsConfiger.whenImport;
if(Ext.isDefined(whenImport)) {
if(Ext.isFunction(whenImport)) whenImport = { handler: whenImport };
Ext.apply(item, whenImport);
return item;
// 创建默认导入功能
defaultImportAction: function() {
console.log("EMPTY: TO DO");
* @cfg { Function } whenCalculate 添加计算功能
createCalculateItem: function() {
var item = {
text: '计算',
iconCls: Wando.icons.calculator,
itemCls: 'calculate',
scope: this.getScope("calculate"),
handler: this.defaultImportAction
var whenCalculate = this.itemsConfiger.whenCalculate;
if(Ext.isDefined(whenCalculate)) {
if(Ext.isFunction(whenCalculate)) whenCalculate = { handler: whenCalculate };
Ext.apply(item, whenCalculate);
return item;
// 创建默认计算功能
defaultCalculateAction: function() {
console.log("EMPTY: TO DO");
/* Tree && Grid query */
createQueryItem: function() {
var item = {};
if(this.itemsConfiger.queryType === "tree") {
item = {
enableToggle: true,
toggleHandler: this.queryForTree
}else {
item.handler = this.itemsConfiger.queryForGrid;
Ext.applyIf(item, {
text: '查询' + this.getShortcutTip('F'),
iconCls: Wando.icons.query,
itemId: 'query',
scope: this,
return item;
queryForGrid: function() {
var win = Ext.getCmp(this.itemsConfiger.gridId + "Win");
if(Ext.isDefined(win)) win.show();
else console.log("封装的搜索");
createTreeSearchBar: function() {
var treePanel = this.findParentByType("treepanel");
this.treeSearchBar = new Ext.toolbar.Toolbar({
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
id: 'tbarSearchConditionField',
emptyText: this.itemsConfiger.condition[1],
}, {
text: '搜索',
scope: this,
handler: this.searchByCondition,
}, {
text: '清空',
scope: this,
handler: function() {
treePanel.getRootNode().reload(function() {
this.treeSearchBar.on("show", function() {
this.treeSearchBar.getEl().slideIn("t", { callback: function() {
} });
}, this);
searchByCondition: function() {
var value = Ext.getCmp("tbarSearchConditionField").getValue();
var treePanel = this.findParentByType("treepanel");
var url = treePanel.getLoader().dataUrl;
if(!url.isInclude("?")) url += "?";
url += "&queryConditions=" + JSON.stringify([{
content: this.itemsConfiger.condition[0],
value: value,
condition: "like",
var lm = new Ext.LoadMask(treePanel.getEl(), { msg: '加载中...' });
(new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({
})).load(treePanel.getRootNode(), function() { lm.hide(); treePanel.getRootNode().expand(true); });
createExpandItem: function() {
var item = {
text: '合并',
iconCls: Wando.icons.expand,
itemId: "expand",
scope: this.getScope("expand"),
handler: this.defaultExpandAction
var whenExpand = this.itemsConfiger.whenExpand;
if(Ext.isDefined(whenExpand)) {
if(Ext.isFunction(whenExpand)) whenExpand = { handler: whenExpand };
Ext.apply(item, whenExpand);
return item;
defaultExpandAction: function(btn) {
var treePanel = this.findParentByType("treepanel");
if(btn.getText() === "展开") {
}else {
/* 供外部使用的方法 */
* @param { String } 所添加按钮的text是否有此text的按钮
* @return { Boolean } 是否存在此按钮
getTbarItems: function(skips) {
if(!Ext.isDefined(skips)) skips = ['->'];
return this.tbarItemsArray.filter(function(item) {
return !skips.isInclude(item);
}, this);
* @description 通过按钮的text获取是否有此id的按钮
* @param { String } 按钮的itemIds
* @return { Boolean } 是否有此itemIds的按钮
getTbarItem: function(itemId) {
return this.tbarItemsArray.filter(function(itemId) {
return item.itemId === itemId;
}, this)[0];
* @description 通过按钮的itemIds禁用按钮
* @param { String } 按钮的itemIds
* @return { Boolean } 是否成共禁用按钮
disableItems: function(itemsIds) {
if(!Ext.isArray(itemIds)) itemIds = [itemIds];
this.findBy(function(item) {
if(itemIds.isInclude(item.itemId)) {
this.getTbarItem(item.itemId).disabled = true;
return true;
}else {
return false;
}, this);
* @description 禁用全部按钮
disableAll: function() {
this.findBy(function(item) { item.disable(); });
this.tbarItemsArray.forEach(function(item) { item.disable = true; });
* @description 启用按钮
* @param { String } 按钮的itemIds
* @return { Boolean } 是否成功启用按钮
enableItems: function(itemIds) {
if(!Ext.isArray(itemIds)) itemIds = [itemIds];
this.findBy(function(item) {
if(itemIds.isInclude(item.itemId)) {
this.getTbarItem(item.itemId).disable = false;
return true;
}else {
return false;
* @description 启用全部按钮
enableAll: function() {
this.findBy(function(item) { item.enable() });
this.tbarItemsArray.forEach(function(item) { item.disable = false; });
getButtonByItemId: function(itemId) {
return this.findBy(function(item) {
return item.itemId === itemId;
* @description 通过itemIds隐藏按钮
* @param { Array or String } itemIds
* @return { Boolean } 是否隐藏成功
hideButtonByItemId: function(itemIds) {
if(!Ext.isArray(itemIds)) itemIds = [itemIds];
this.findBy(function(item) {
if(itemIds.isInclude(item.itemId)) {
return true;
}else {
return false;
}, this);
* @description 通过itemIds显示按钮
* @return { Boolean } 是否成功显示按钮
* @param { Array or String } itemIds
showButtonByItemId: function(itemIds) {
if(!Ext.isArray(itemIds)) itemIds = [itemIds];
this.findBy(function(item) {
if(itemIds.isInclude(item)) {
return true;
}else {
return false;
}, this);
* @description 隐藏所有按钮
hideAll: function() {
this.findBy(function(items) { item.hide(); });
this.tbarItemsArray.forEach(function(item) { item.hide = true; });
* @description 重置按钮方法
* @param { Array or String, Function, Object } 1.itemIds 2.按钮方法 3.作用域
resetHandler: function(itemIds, handler, scope) {
if(!Ext.isArray(itemIds)) itemIds = [itemIds];
this.findBy(function(item) {
if(item.itemId === itemIds)
item.setHandler(handler, scope);
}, this);