version 0.5: * Duck typed the Array class to work with Qpid::Proton::Data. * Duck typed the Hash class to work with Qpid::Proton::Data. * Fixed broken Rspec tests due to changes in under Proton C. - Messenger.receive can accept a negative maximum - When testing bad subscribe attempts, tests now use a random string. * Fixed encoding decimal128 values. * Added properties field to Qpid::Proton::Message. * Hashes are now automatically encoded into Data objects. * Fixed encoding Time objects. * Added instructions field to Qpid::Proton::Message. * Added annotations field to Qpid::Proton::Message. * Fixed encoding Symbol objects. * Added body field to Qpid::Proton::Message. version 0.4: * No language-specific features developed in this release. version 0.3: * No language-specific features developed in this release. * Dropped the Rakefile in favor of packaging with a gemspec. * Removed the qpid_proton/version.rb file as unused. version 0.2: * First implementation of the stable APIs on top of swig. * Wrote the Rspec tests to test the new APIs. * Added SimpleCov support to monitor Rspec test coverage.