###### (Automatically generated documentation) # Increase R-value of Insulation for Roofs to a Specific Value ## Description ## Modeler Description ## Measure Type ModelMeasure ## Taxonomy ## Arguments ### Insulation R-value (ft^2*h*R/Btu). **Name:** r_value, **Type:** Double, **Units:** , **Required:** true, **Model Dependent:** false ### Allow both increase and decrease in R-value to reach requested target? **Name:** allow_reduction, **Type:** Boolean, **Units:** , **Required:** true, **Model Dependent:** false ### Increase in Material and Installation Costs for Construction per Area Used ($/ft^2). **Name:** material_cost_increase_ip, **Type:** Double, **Units:** , **Required:** true, **Model Dependent:** false ### One Time Retrofit Cost to Add Insulation to Construction ($/ft^2). **Name:** one_time_retrofit_cost_ip, **Type:** Double, **Units:** , **Required:** true, **Model Dependent:** false ### Year to Incur One Time Retrofit Cost (whole years). **Name:** years_until_retrofit_cost, **Type:** Integer, **Units:** , **Required:** true, **Model Dependent:** false