module Processing # Processing context # class Context include Xot::Inspectable include GraphicsContext Capture = Processing::Capture Font = Processing::Font Graphics = Processing::Graphics Image = Processing::Image Shader = Processing::Shader TextBounds = Processing::TextBounds Touch = Processing::Touch Vector = Processing::Vector # @private @@context__ = nil # @private def self.context__() @@context__ end # @private def initialize(window) @@context__ = self tmpdir__.tap {|dir| FileUtils.rm_r dir.to_s if} @window__ = window init__( @window__.canvas_image, @window__.canvas_painter.paint {background 0.8}) @loop__ = true @redraw__ = false @frameCount__ = 0 @key__ = nil @keyCode__ = nil @keysPressed__ = @pointer__ = nil @pointerPrev__ = nil @pointersPressed__ = [] @pointersReleased__ = [] @touches__ = [] @motionGravity__ = createVector 0, 0 @window__.before_draw = proc {beginDraw__} @window__.after_draw = proc {endDraw__} @window__.update_canvas = proc {|i, p| updateCanvas__ i, p} @window__.instance_variable_set :@context, self # @private def @window__.draw_screen(painter) @context.drawImage__ painter end drawFrame = -> { begin push if @drawBlock__ ensure pop @frameCount__ += 1 end } @window__.draw = proc do |e| if @loop__ || @redraw__ @redraw__ = false end end updateKeyStates = -> event, pressed { @key__ = event.chars @keyCode__ = event.key if pressed != nil set, key = @keysPressed__, event.key pressed ? set.add(key) : set.delete(key) end } mouseButtonMap = { mouse_left: LEFT, mouse_right: RIGHT, mouse_middle: CENTER } updatePointerStates = -> event { pointer = event.find {|p| == @pointer__&.id} || event.first if !mousePressed || == @pointer__&.id @pointerPrev__, @pointer__ = @pointer__, pointer.dup end @touches__ = {|p|, *p.pos.to_a)} } updatePointersPressedAndReleased = -> event, pressed { .tap {|types| types.delete :mouse} .map {|type| mouseButtonMap[type] || type} .each do |type| (pressed ? @pointersPressed__ : @pointersReleased__).push type if !pressed && index = @pointersPressed__.index(type) @pointersPressed__.delete_at index end end } @window__.key_down = proc do |e| e, true @keyPressedBlock__&.call @keyTypedBlock__&.call if @key__ && !@key__.empty? end @window__.key_up = proc do |e| e, false @keyReleasedBlock__&.call end @window__.pointer_down = proc do |e| e e, true @mousePressedBlock__&.call if e.any? {|p| ==} @touchStartedBlock__&.call end @window__.pointer_up = proc do |e| e e, false if e.any? {|p| ==} @mouseReleasedBlock__&.call @mouseClickedBlock__&.call if (@pointer__.pos - @pointer__.down.pos).length < 3 end @touchEndedBlock__&.call @pointersReleased__.clear end @window__.pointer_move = proc do |e| e mouseMoved = e.drag? ? @mouseDraggedBlock__ : @mouseMovedBlock__ mouseMoved&.call if e.any? {|p| ==} @touchMovedBlock__&.call end @window__.move = proc do |e| @windowMovedBlock__&.call end @window__.resize = proc do |e| @windowResizedBlock__&.call end @window__.motion = proc do |e| @motionGravity__ = createVector(*e.gravity.to_a(3)) @motionBlock__&.call end end # Defines setup block. # # @return [nil] nil # def setup(&block) @window__.setup = block if block nil end # @private def hasUserBlocks__() @drawBlock__ || @keyPressedBlock__ || @keyReleasedBlock__ || @keyTypedBlock__ || @mousePressedBlock__ || @mouseReleasedBlock__ || @mouseMovedBlock__ || @mouseDraggedBlock__ || @mouseClickedBlock__ || @touchStartedBlock__ || @touchEndedBlock__ || @touchMovedBlock__ || @windowMovedBlock__ || @windowResizedBlock__ || @motionBlock__ end # Defines draw block. # # @return [nil] nil # def draw(&block) @drawBlock__ = block if block nil end # Defines keyPressed block. # # @return [Boolean] is any key pressed or not # def keyPressed(&block) @keyPressedBlock__ = block if block not @keysPressed__.empty? end # Defines keyReleased block. # # @return [nil] nil # def keyReleased(&block) @keyReleasedBlock__ = block if block nil end # Defines keyTyped block. # # @return [nil] nil # def keyTyped(&block) @keyTypedBlock__ = block if block nil end # Defines mousePressed block. # # @return [Boolean] is any mouse button pressed or not # def mousePressed(&block) @mousePressedBlock__ = block if block not @pointersPressed__.empty? end # Defines mouseReleased block. # # @return [nil] nil # def mouseReleased(&block) @mouseReleasedBlock__ = block if block nil end # Defines mouseMoved block. # # @return [nil] nil # def mouseMoved(&block) @mouseMovedBlock__ = block if block nil end # Defines mouseDragged block. # # @return [nil] nil # def mouseDragged(&block) @mouseDraggedBlock__ = block if block nil end # Defines mouseClicked block. # # @return [nil] nil # def mouseClicked(&block) @mouseClickedBlock__ = block if block nil end # Defines touchStarted block. # # @return [nil] nil # def touchStarted(&block) @touchStartedBlock__ = block if block nil end # Defines touchEnded block. # # @return [nil] nil # def touchEnded(&block) @touchEndedBlock__ = block if block nil end # Defines touchMoved block. # # @return [nil] nil # def touchMoved(&block) @touchMovedBlock__ = block if block nil end # Defines windowMoved block. # # @return [nil] nil # def windowMoved(&block) @windowMovedBlock__ = block if block nil end # Defines windowResized block. # # @return [nil] nil # def windowResized(&block) @windowResizedBlock__ = block if block nil end # Defines motion block. # # @return [nil] nil # def motion(&block) @motionBlock__ = block if block nil end # Changes canvas size. # # @param width [Integer] new width # @param height [Integer] new height # @param pixelDensity [Numeric] new pixel density # # @return [nil] nil # def size(width, height, pixelDensity: self.pixelDensity) resizeCanvas__ :size, width, height, pixelDensity nil end # Changes canvas size. # # @param width [Integer] new width # @param height [Integer] new height # @param pixelDensity [Numeric] new pixel density # # @return [nil] nil # def createCanvas(width, height, pixelDensity: self.pixelDensity) resizeCanvas__ :createCanvas, width, height, pixelDensity nil end # Changes title of window. # # @param title [String] new title # # @return [nil] nil # def setTitle(title) @window__.title = title nil end # Changes and returns canvas pixel density. # # @param density [Numeric] new pixel density # # @return [Numeric] current pixel density # def pixelDensity(density = nil) resizeCanvas__ :pixelDensity, width, height, density if density @painter__.pixel_density end # @private def resizeCanvas__(name, width, height, pixelDensity) raise '#{name}() must be called on startup or setup block' if @started__ @window__.resize_canvas width, height, pixelDensity @window__.auto_resize = false end # Returns the width of the display. # # @return [Numeric] width # def displayWidth() @window__.screen.width end # Returns the height of the display. # # @return [Numeric] height # def displayHeight() @window__.screen.height end # Returns the pixel density of the display. # # @return [Numeric] pixel density # def displayDensity() @window__.painter.pixel_density end # Move the position of the window. # # @param [Numeric] x x position of the window # @param [Numeric] y y position of the window # # @return [nil] nil # def windowMove(x, y) @window__.pos = [x, y] nil end # Sets the size of the window. # # @param [Numeric] width width of the window # @param [Numeric] height height of the window # # @return [nil] nil # def windowResize(width, height) @window__.size = [width, height] nil end # Makes the window resizable or not. # # @param [Boolean] resizable resizable or not # # @return [nil] nil # def windowResizable(resizable) @window__.resizable = resizable nil end # Returns the x position of the window. # # @return [Numeric] horizontal position of the window # def windowX() @window__.x end # Returns the y position of the window. # # @return [Numeric] vertical position of the window # def windowY() @window__.y end # Returns the width of the window. # # @return [Numeric] window width # def windowWidth() @window__.width end # Returns the height of the window. # # @return [Numeric] window height # def windowHeight() @window__.height end # Returns weather the window is active or not. # # @return [Boolean] active or not # def focused() end # Returns the number of frames since the program started. # # @return [Integer] total number of frames # def frameCount() @frameCount__ end # Returns the number of frames per second. # # @return [Float] frames per second # def frameRate() @window__.event.fps end # Returns the last key that was pressed or released. # # @return [String] last key # def key() @key__ end # Returns the last key code that was pressed or released. # # @return [Symbol] last key code # def keyCode() @keyCode__ end # Returns mouse x position # # @return [Numeric] horizontal position of mouse # def mouseX() @pointer__&.x || 0 end # Returns mouse y position # # @return [Numeric] vertical position of mouse # def mouseY() @pointer__&.y || 0 end # Returns mouse x position in previous frame # # @return [Numeric] horizontal position of mouse # def pmouseX() @pointerPrev__&.x || 0 end # Returns mouse y position in previous frame # # @return [Numeric] vertical position of mouse # def pmouseY() @pointerPrev__&.y || 0 end # Returns which mouse button was pressed # # @return [Numeric] LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER or 0 # def mouseButton() ((@pointersPressed__ + @pointersReleased__) & [LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER]).last end # Returns array of touches # # @return [Array] Touch objects # def touches() @touches__ end # Returns vector for real world gravity # # @return [Vector] gravity vector # def motionGravity() @motionGravity__ end # Enables calling draw block on every frame. # # @return [nil] nil # def loop() @loop__ = true end # Disables calling draw block on every frame. # # @return [nil] nil # def noLoop() @loop__ = false end # Calls draw block to redraw frame. # # @return [nil] nil # def redraw() @redraw__ = true end end# Context end# Processing