0C()?\4{'&)VEq*39#m2$a"K2nDG6J1.23 $I @n $ # 5 . 3 M i t 6| / 0 0 'E :m * - * , F M 5%S,y., "CC159/o6 j-b3%DZ/E<8 =FC'T0E)vB  (2E:7;9/.?^+)'0   #,(&/'! * )$%+0-". Audio playback error.Cannot identify device '%s'.Cannot operate without a clockChanging resolution at runtime is not yet supported.Could not connect to serverCould not get parameters on device '%s'Could not map buffers from device '%s'Could not open audio device for playback.Could not open audio device for playback. Device is being used by another application.Could not open audio device for playback. This version of the Open Sound System is not supported by this element.Could not open audio device for recording.Could not open device '%s' for reading and writing.Device '%s' cannot capture at %dx%dDevice '%s' cannot capture in the specified formatDevice '%s' is not a capture device.Error getting capabilities for device '%s': It isn't a v4l2 driver. Check if it is a v4l1 driver.Error recording from audio device.Failed getting controls attributes on device '%s'.Failed to decode JPEG imageFailed to enumerate possible video formats device '%s' can work withFailed to get current input on device '%s'. May be it is a radio deviceFailed to get current tuner frequency for device '%s'.Failed to get setting of tuner %d on device '%s'.Failed to get signal strength for device '%s'.Failed to get value for control %d on device '%s'.Failed to query attributes of input %d in device %sFailed to query norm on device '%s'.Failed to set current tuner frequency for device '%s' to %lu Hz.Failed to set input %d on device %s.Failed to set norm for device '%s'.Failed to set value %d for control %d on device '%s'.GainInternal data flow error.Internal data stream error.MicrophoneMonitorNo or invalid input audio, AVI stream will be corrupt.Playback is not supported by this audio device.Recording is not supported by this audio device.The video in this file might not play correctly.This file contains no playable streams.This file contains too many streams. Only playing first %dThis file is corrupt and cannot be played.This file is incomplete and cannot be played.This file is invalid and cannot be played.This isn't a device '%s'.VolumeProject-Id-Version: gst-plugins-good- Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/ POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-09 15:36+0100 PO-Revision-Date: 2008-10-26 19:09+0100 Last-Translator: Michel Bugeja Language-Team: Maltese Language: mt MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Poedit-Language: Maltese X-Poedit-Country: MALTA Żball fiid-daqq tal-awdjo.Device '%s' mhux identifikat.Ma nistax nħaddem mingħajr arloġġMa tistax tibdel ir-resolution waqt runtime.Mhux possibli naqbad mas-serverMhux possibli nġib parametri tal-apparat '%s'Ma nistax nqabbel buffers mill-apparat '%s'.Audio device ma jistax jintuża.Audio device ma jistax jintuża. Qed jintuża minn programm ieħor.Ma nistax niftaħ apparat tal-awdjo biex indoqq. Dil il-verżjoni ta' Open Sound System mhux issapportjatha minn dan l-element.Audio device ma jistax jintuża biex tirrekordja.Device '%s' ma nistax niftaħu biex naqra jew nikteb.Appart '%s' ma jistax jagħmel capture bi %dx%dAppart '%s' ma jistax jagħmel capture f'dan il-formatDevice '%s' mhux capture device.Problema biex nġib il-kapaċitajiet tal-apparat '%s': Mhux v4l2 driver. Iċċekkja jekk hux v4l1 driver. Żball fl-irrekordjar mill-apparat tal-awdjo.L-attributi ta' kontroll ta' device '%s' ma nqrawx.Problem fid-decoding tal-istampa JPEGFailed to enumerate possible video formats device '%s' can work withProblema biex inġib current input fuq apparat '%s'. Jista jkun li huwa apparat tar-radju.Problema biex inġib il-frekwenza li jitrażmetti fuqha apparat '%s'.Problema biex inġib settings tat-tuner %d fuq l-appart '%s'Problema biex inġib signal strength fuq l-apparat '%s'.Problema biex inġib valur ta' control %d fuq l-apparat '%s'.Mhux possibli tfittxja għal attributi ta' input %d ġol-apparat %sMa stajx nfittex norm fuq apparat '%s'.Problema biex nissettja l-frekwenza li jitrażmetti fuqha apparat '%s' għal %lu Hz.Problema biex nissettja input %d fuq apparat %s.Ma stajtx nissetja norm fuq apparat '%s'.Problema biex nissetja valur %d lil control %d fuq l-apparat '%s'.GainProblema interna ta' data flowProblema interna fid-data streamMikrofonuMonitorInput audio ma nstabx jew mhux validu. AVI stream jista jkun korrott.Id-daqq mhux issappartjat minn dan l-apparat tal-awdjo.Irrekordjar mhux issapportjat minn dan l-apparat tal-awdjo.Jista jkun illi l-vidjo ġo dan il-fajl ma jidhirx sewwa.Il-fajl ma fiħ l-ebda stream li tista tindaqq.Il-fajl fiħ aktar streams milli suppost. Ser indoqq l-ewwel %dIl-fajl huwa korrott u ma jistax jinfetaħ.Il-fajl mhux komplut u ma jistax jindaqq,Il-fajl mhux validu u ma jistax jindaqqDan mhux device %s.Volum