Development Tips

### Local gem modifications
If you want to modify the gems setup for development needs, create a file `Gemfile.local` in the root of your hammer-cli checkout. You can override the setup from `Gemfile` there. This file is git-ignored so you can easily keep your custom tuning.

Typical usage is for linking plugins from local checkouts:
gem 'hammer_cli_foreman', :path => '../hammer-cli-foreman'

### Debugging with Pry
[Pry]( is a runtime developer console for ruby.
It allows debugging when [Pry Debugger]( is installed alongside.

For basic usage, add following the lines to your `Gemfile.local`:

gem 'pry'
gem 'pry-debugger', :platforms => [:ruby_19]

Then add this line at the place where you want the script to break:

require 'pry'; binding.pry

Pry Debugger supports all expected debugging features.
See [its documentation]( for details.