A list of floors and rooms that describes the Building-Part being assessed b y this report.
Unique Property Reference Number
The Address of the Property that the Report covers
Describes the type of Property that is being inspected. This should be the same as the Property-Type recorded in the Property-Details section.
The name of the Organisation that occupies the Building Part being inspected
Indicates whether the Property is a Heritage Sitre ("Y") or not.
A Energy-Assessor is a person certified by a Accrediation Scheme as being qualified to carry out an Energy Assessment and produce an Energy Performance Certificate.
The unique identifier assigned to the Energy Assessor by the Accreditation Scheme by which they can be identified throughout their membership of the scheme. The Certificate Number is included in the EPC.
The name by which the Energy Assessor is registered. This is a structured name containing prefix, first name + surname.
The name of the Accreditation Scheme that certified the Energy Assessor.
The address that any written correspondence can be sent to. This is not the same as the Registered Address because it may, of course, be a Post Office Box.
The Name of the Company that the Energy Assessor is empolyed by.
Any statement that the Energy Assessor might want to make about potential conflicts of interest or commercial relationships with other parties.
The Status of the Energy Assessor - at the time of producing and lodging a report this shoudl be "Registered" but any of the values can be present on the EA Register itself.
Optional e-mail address for the Energy Assessor
The full postcode that the Energy Assessor works from.
Energy Assessor
Calculation Tool used
Indicates whether Estimated or actual readings were used to perform the energy calculations
Description of any knowledge the Energy Assessor had of the building prior to inspection.
The type oif inspection that was carried out e.g. Physical or Desk-Based
Struck Off
Indicates the type of inspection the Energy Assessor carrioed out to poroduce the report e.g. Physical inspection or Desk-Based (off-plan) inspection
A Physical Inspection was carried out
A desk-based (off-plan) inspection was carried out
Unique Property Reference Number
The types of qualificatiosn the Energy assessor may have - these indicates the types and complexity of reports the EA may produce.
Display Energy Certificate
Display Energy Certificate NOS level 3
Display Energy Certificate NOS level 4
Display Energy Certificate NOS level 5
Simple Packaged level 3
Complexed Central level 4
Display Energy Certificate
Advisory Report
Energy Performance Certificate
Recommendations Report
Air Conditioning Report
entered on the register
under appeal
Building Level = 3
Building Level = 4
Building Level = 5
Primary Key Fields definition for a Report - used when a message requires a reference tio a report to be passed.
An address is composed of a number of structured elements such as Postcode, Post-Town, Street etc.
The District part of the Address.
A District is an optional sub-part of the Post Town e.g. "Kings Heath" in "Birmingham" or "Ellington" in London.
The Postcode for the Address
Report Header contains all the identification and searchable details for the Report.
Report Reference Number is the unique report Identifier that the report will be publicly known by.
The RRN is allocated to the Report at the point that it is registered and will be algorithmically derived from the natural key characteristics of the Energy Performance Certificate.
The date that the Energy Assessor completed and issued the report. This will be after the Inspection Date but generally before the Registration Date.
The type of Energy Assessment that was carried out.
Valid Until
The RRN of the related report. For an Energy Performance Certificate this is the RRN of the Recommendations Report that was generated at the same time and for a Recommendations Report this is the related Energy Performance Certificate RRN.
For a Display Energy Certificate this is the Advisory Report RRN that was initially created with the Display Energy Certificate.
The date that the inspection was actually carried out by the Energy Assessor
The date that the report was submitted for lodging in the EPC Register.
The Status of the Report.
A Report can have a number of distinct states depending on whereabouts in its overall lifecycle the report is. The initial state in the register is always "registered" but there may be states prior to this depending on the origin of the report.
The language that the report is written in.
The Certificate Number is a 10-character fixed-length alphanumeric code consisting of 4 characters identifying the Accreditation Scheme and a 6-digit zero-padded identifier for each Energy Assessor certified by that Accreditation Scheme. For example ABCD987654, XYZ_123456 etc.