require 'test_helper' module Incline class UsersLoginTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest def setup @routes = Incline::Engine.routes @user = Incline::User.find_by(email: valid_creds[:email]) end def self.valid_creds { email: '', password: 'Password123' } end def valid_creds self.class.valid_creds end # to get the login form, you must not be logged in. access_tests_for :new, controller: 'sessions', url_helper: 'incline.login_path', allow_anon: true, allow_any_user: false, allow_admin: false, failure: 'incline.user_path(user)' # to login, you must not be logged in. access_tests_for :create, controller: 'sessions', url_helper: 'incline.login_path', allow_anon: true, allow_any_user: false, allow_admin: false, create_params: { session: valid_creds }, success: 'incline.user_path(@user)', # instance var failure: 'incline.user_path(user)' # local var test 'login template' do get incline.login_path assert_template 'incline/sessions/new' assert_select '#session_email' assert_select '#session_password' assert_select 'a[href=?]', incline.signup_path assert_select 'a[href=?]', incline.new_password_reset_path end test 'login with invalid information' do get incline.login_path assert_template 'incline/sessions/new' post incline.login_path, session: { email: '', password: '' } assert_template 'incline/sessions/new' assert_not flash.empty? get main_app.root_path assert flash.empty? assert_select 'a[href=?]', incline.login_path assert_select 'a[href=?]', incline.logout_path, count: 0 end test 'login with valid information followed by logout' do get incline.login_path post incline.login_path, session: valid_creds assert is_logged_in? assert_redirected_to @user follow_redirect! assert_template 'incline/users/show' assert_select 'a[href=?]', incline.login_path, count: 0 assert_select 'a[href=?]', incline.logout_path assert_select 'a[href=?]', incline.user_path(@user) delete incline.logout_path assert_not is_logged_in? assert_redirected_to main_app.root_path # simulate clicking 'log out' a second time. delete incline.logout_path assert_redirected_to main_app.root_path follow_redirect! assert_select 'a[href=?]', incline.login_path assert_select 'a[href=?]', incline.logout_path, count: 0 assert_select 'a[href=?]', incline.user_path(@user), count: 0 end test 'login with disabled account' do @user = incline_users(:disabled) get incline.login_path post incline.login_path, session: { email:, password: valid_creds[:password] } assert_template 'incline/sessions/new' assert_not flash.empty? end test 'login with remembering' do log_in_as @user, remember_me: '1' assert_not_nil cookies[user_token_cookie.to_s] assert_equal assigns(:user).remember_token, cookies[user_token_cookie.to_s] end test 'login without remembering' do log_in_as @user, remember_me: '0' assert_nil cookies[user_token_cookie.to_s] end end end