# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "../ext/settings" require_relative "../utils/bundle" module Datadog module CI module Configuration # Adds CI behavior to ddtrace settings module Settings InvalidIntegrationError = Class.new(StandardError) def self.extended(base) base = base.singleton_class unless base.is_a?(Class) add_settings!(base) end def self.add_settings!(base) base.class_eval do settings :ci do option :enabled do |o| o.type :bool o.env CI::Ext::Settings::ENV_MODE_ENABLED o.default false end option :agentless_mode_enabled do |o| o.type :bool o.env CI::Ext::Settings::ENV_AGENTLESS_MODE_ENABLED o.default false end option :agentless_url do |o| o.type :string, nilable: true o.env CI::Ext::Settings::ENV_AGENTLESS_URL end option :force_test_level_visibility do |o| o.type :bool o.env CI::Ext::Settings::ENV_FORCE_TEST_LEVEL_VISIBILITY o.default false end option :experimental_test_suite_level_visibility_enabled do |o| o.type :bool o.env CI::Ext::Settings::ENV_EXPERIMENTAL_TEST_SUITE_LEVEL_VISIBILITY_ENABLED o.default false o.after_set do |value| if value Datadog::Core.log_deprecation do "The experimental_test_suite_level_visibility_enabled setting has no effect and will be removed in 2.0. " \ "Test suite level visibility is now enabled by default. " \ "If you want to disable test suite level visibility set configuration.ci.force_test_level_visibility = true." end end end end option :itr_enabled do |o| o.type :bool o.env CI::Ext::Settings::ENV_ITR_ENABLED o.default false end option :git_metadata_upload_enabled do |o| o.type :bool o.env CI::Ext::Settings::ENV_GIT_METADATA_UPLOAD_ENABLED o.default true end option :itr_code_coverage_excluded_bundle_path do |o| o.type :string, nilable: true o.env CI::Ext::Settings::ENV_ITR_CODE_COVERAGE_EXCLUDED_BUNDLE_PATH o.default do Datadog::CI::Utils::Bundle.location end end option :itr_code_coverage_use_single_threaded_mode do |o| o.type :bool o.env CI::Ext::Settings::ENV_ITR_CODE_COVERAGE_USE_SINGLE_THREADED_MODE o.default false end define_method(:instrument) do |integration_name, options = {}, &block| return unless enabled integration = fetch_integration(integration_name) integration.configure(options, &block) return unless integration.enabled patch_results = integration.patch next if patch_results == true error_message = <<-ERROR Available?: #{patch_results[:available]}, Loaded?: #{patch_results[:loaded]}, Compatible?: #{patch_results[:compatible]}, Patchable?: #{patch_results[:patchable]}" ERROR Datadog.logger.warn("Unable to patch #{integration_name} (#{error_message})") end define_method(:[]) do |integration_name| fetch_integration(integration_name).configuration end option :trace_flush option :writer_options do |o| o.type :hash o.default({}) end define_method(:fetch_integration) do |name| Datadog::CI::Contrib::Integration.registry[name] || raise(InvalidIntegrationError, "'#{name}' is not a valid integration.") end end end end end end end end