require 'fileutils' $compressor = "#{$script_dir}/yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar" class SourceFile attr_accessor :parent_folder, :full_path def initialize(filepath) @full_path= File.expand_path(filepath) @parent_folder= File.dirname(@full_path) @dependencies= [] @assets= [] @@file_cache[@full_path]= self end def self.extension end def extension self.class.extension end def can_embed_as_content(file) false end def content_type ext= self.extension return if !ext ext[1..-1] end @@file_types= [] def self.inherited(subclass) @@file_types << subclass end def self.file_types @@file_types end @@file_cache= def self.from_path(filepath) full_path= File.expand_path(filepath) file= @@file_cache[full_path] return file if file extension= File.extname(filepath) @@file_types.each { |handler| next if (handler.extension != extension) return } return end def to_s @full_path end def to_str @full_path end def error(message, line_number=0) Target.current.error(message, self, line_number) end def warning(message, line_number=0) Target.current.warning(message, self, line_number) end def basename(suffix="") File.basename(@full_path, suffix) end def file_path @file_path end def file_path=(path) @file_path=path end def load_content content= Filter.each { |f| next if !f.handles_file(self) content= f.preprocess_content(self, content) } content end def escape_embeded_content(content) content end def content @content ||= load_content end def filtered_content(options) c= content || "" Filter.each { |f| next if !f.handles_file(self) c= f.filter_content(self, c, options) } c end def debug_content(options) self.filtered_content(options) end def minify_content(source) # Run the Y!UI Compressor return source if !content_type buffer= "" IO.popen("java -jar #{$compressor} --type #{content_type}", "r+") { |pipe| pipe.puts(source) pipe.close_write buffer= } # buffer = `java -jar #{$compressor} --type #{type} #{working_file}` if ('css'==content_type) # puts each rule on its own line, and deletes @import statements return buffer.gsub(/\}/,"}\n").gsub(/.*@import url\(\".*\"\);/,'') else return buffer end end def self.path_relative_to_folder(path, folder) outputFolder= File.expand_path(folder).to_s # Remove leading slash and split into parts file_parts= path.slice(1..-1).split('/'); output_parts= outputFolder.slice(1..-1).split('/'); common_prefix_length= 0 file_parts.each_index { |i| common_prefix_length= i break if file_parts[i]!=output_parts[i] } return '../'*(output_parts.length-common_prefix_length) + file_parts[common_prefix_length..-1].join('/') end def relative_to_folder(output_folder) self.class.path_relative_to_folder(@full_path, output_folder) end def relative_to_file(source_file) folder= File.dirname(File.expand_path(source_file)) self.relative_to_folder(folder) end def dependencies content @dependencies end def add_dependency(file) return if @dependencies.include?(file) @dependencies << file end def assets content @assets end def add_asset(file) @assets << file end def copy_to(folder, prefix) file_path= self.file_path || relative_to_folder(prefix||"") final_target_folder= File.join(folder, File.dirname(file_path)) FileUtils.mkdir_p final_target_folder FileUtils.cp self.full_path, final_target_folder File.join(final_target_folder, File.basename(file_path)) end end # load all the other file types Dir.glob("#{$script_dir}/file-types/*-file.rb") { |file| require file }