package sh.calaba.instrumentationbackend.query.ast; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree; import sh.calaba.instrumentationbackend.actions.webview.QueryHelper; import sh.calaba.instrumentationbackend.actions.webview.UnableToFindChromeClientException; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.webkit.WebView; public class UIQueryASTWith implements UIQueryAST { public final String propertyName; public final Object value; public UIQueryASTWith(String property, Object value) { if (property == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot instantiate Filter with null property name"); } this.propertyName = property; this.value = value; } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @Override public List evaluateWithViews(final List inputViews, final UIQueryDirection direction, final UIQueryVisibility visibility) { List queryResult = (List) UIQueryUtils.evaluateSyncInMainThread(new Callable() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception { List futureResult = new ArrayList(8); for (int i = 0; i < inputViews.size(); i++) { Object o = inputViews.get(i); if (o instanceof WebView) { Future webResult = evaluateForWebView((WebView) o); if (webResult != null) { futureResult.add(webResult); } } else if (o instanceof Map) { Map result = evaluateForMap((Map) o); if (result != null) { futureResult.add(result); } } else { Object result = evaluateForObject(o, i); if (result != null) { futureResult.add(result); } } } List visibilityFilteredResults = visibility.evaluateWithViews(futureResult, direction, visibility); return new PartialFutureList(visibilityFilteredResults); } }); List processedResult = new ArrayList(queryResult.size()); for (Object o : queryResult) { if (o instanceof Map) { Map m = (Map) o; if (m.containsKey("result")) { processedResult.addAll(UIQueryUtils.mapWebViewJsonResponse((String) m.get("result"),(WebView) m.get("webView"))); } else { processedResult.add(m); } } else { processedResult.add(o); } } return processedResult; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private Map evaluateForMap(Map map) { if (map.containsKey(this.propertyName)) { Object value = map.get(this.propertyName); if (value == this.value || (value != null && value.equals(this.value))) { return map; } } return null; } private Object evaluateForObject(Object o, int index) { if (this.propertyName.equals("id") && hasId(o, this.value)) { return o; } else if (this.propertyName.equals("marked") && isMarked(o, this.value)) { return o; } else if (this.propertyName.equals("index") && this.value.equals(index)) { return o; } else { Method propertyAccessor = UIQueryUtils.hasProperty(o, this.propertyName); if (propertyAccessor != null) { Object value = UIQueryUtils.getProperty(o, propertyAccessor); if (value == this.value || (value != null && value.equals(this.value))) { return o; } else if (this.value instanceof String && value != null && this.value.equals(value.toString())) { return o; } } } return null; } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" }) private Future evaluateForWebView(WebView o) { if (!(this.value instanceof String)) { return null; } try { return QueryHelper.executeAsyncJavascriptInWebviews(o, "calabash.js", (String) this.value,this.propertyName); } catch (UnableToFindChromeClientException e) { Log.w("Calabash","Unable to find UnableToFindChromeClientException"); return null; } } private boolean hasId(Object o, Object expectedValue) { if (!(o instanceof View)) { return false; } if (!(expectedValue instanceof String)) { return false; } View view = (View) o; String expected = (String) expectedValue; String id = UIQueryUtils.getId(view); return (id != null && id.equals(expected)); } private boolean isMarked(Object o, Object expectedValue) { if (!(o instanceof View)) { return false; } if (!(expectedValue instanceof String)) { return false; } View view = (View) o; String expected = (String) expectedValue; if (hasId(o, expectedValue)) { return true; } CharSequence contentDescription = view.getContentDescription(); if (contentDescription != null && contentDescription.toString().equals(expected)) { return true; } try { Method getTextM = view.getClass().getMethod("getText"); Object text = getTextM.invoke(view); if (text != null && text.toString().equals(expected)) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { } return false; } public static UIQueryASTWith fromAST(CommonTree step) { CommonTree prop = (CommonTree) step.getChild(0); CommonTree val = (CommonTree) step.getChild(1); Object parsedVal = UIQueryUtils.parseValue(val); return new UIQueryASTWith(prop.getText(), parsedVal); } @Override public String toString() { return "With[" + this.propertyName + ":" + this.value + "]"; } }