:javascript var organizationId = #{h @event.organization.id}; var eventName = "#{h @event.name}"; var sync_store_order_path = "#{sync_store_order_path}"; var store_checkout_path = "#{store_checkout_path}"; - content_for :title do Buy tickets to #{@event.name} .container %h1#logo= @event.name %p= @event.producer .row .span8 %h6 Buy Tickets - @use_calendar = (@event.upcoming_public_shows.length > 5 || params[:calendar] == 'true') %ul#shows.unstyled =render :partial => 'show', :collection => @event.upcoming_public_shows, :as => :show =render 'calendar' if @use_calendar .span4 - unless @event.description.blank? #description.side-section %h6 About =image_tag(@event.image.url(:thumb), :width => 140, :height => 140) if @event.image? -if @event.description.length > 300 .toggle-truncated .truncated = simple_format "#{truncate(@event.description, :length => 300)} (#{link_to 'more','#', :class => 'toggle'})" .not-truncated{:style => 'display:none;'} =simple_format "#{@event.description} (#{link_to 'less','#', :class => 'toggle'})" - else =simple_format @event.description #venue.side-section %h6 Venue =link_to image_tag("https://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?size=140x140&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:red|#{@event.venue.address_as_url_query}&sensor=false&zoom=15"), "https://maps.google.com/maps?q=#{@event.venue.address_as_url_query.html_safe}&z=15" %div %strong=@event.venue.name %div=@event.venue.street_as_string %div=@event.venue.city_state_zip_as_string - unless @event.contact_email.blank? && @event.contact_phone.blank? #contact.side-section %h6 Contact - unless @event.contact_email.blank? = mail_to @event.contact_email
- unless @event.contact_phone.blank? = @event.contact_phone - if @event.organization.authorization_hash[:authorized] #donation.side-section %h6 Donate - if @event.organization.authorization_hash[:type] == :sponsored %p="#{@event.organization.authorization_hash[:fsp_name]} is a fiscally sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the purposes of #{@event.organization.authorization_hash[:fsp_name]} must be made payable to Fractured Atlas and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law." - else %p Help support the show by adding a donation to your order! Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. = form_tag '', :class => 'add-donation-to-cart form-inline' do .input-prepend %span.add-on $ = text_field_tag :donation_amount, '', :class => 'span1' = submit_tag 'Donate Now', :class => 'btn btn-primary' #shopping-cart.shown #shopping-cart-controls %span.cart-name Shopping Cart = form_tag '', :id => 'shopping-cart-form', :class => 'form-horizontal' do #steps %ul#nav %li.active= link_to 'Cart', '#cart', 'data-toggle' => 'tab' %li= link_to 'Contact Info', '#contact-info', 'data-toggle' => 'tab' %li= link_to 'Payment Details', '#payment-details', 'data-toggle' => 'tab' %li= link_to 'Billing Address', '#billing-address', 'data-toggle' => 'tab' - if @event.show_special_instructions %li= link_to 'Special Instructions', '#special-instructions', 'data-toggle' => 'tab' %li= link_to 'Purchase', '#purchase', 'data-toggle' => 'tab' .tab-pane#cart{:style => 'display:block;'} %table %tr#service-charge{:style => 'display:none'} %td %td.details Service Charge %td.quantity %td.price %h5.formatCurrency .form-actions = link_to 'Checkout Now', '#contact-info', 'data-toggle' => 'tab', :class => 'btn btn-primary btn-large pull-right disabled' %h4#cart-total.formatCurrency .tab-pane#contact-info = fields_for "payment[customer]" do |customer| .control-group = customer.label :first_name, "First Name", :class => 'control-label required' .controls= customer.text_field :first_name, :class => 'required' .control-group = customer.label :last_name, "Last Name", :class => 'control-label required' .controls= customer.text_field :last_name, :class => 'required' .control-group = customer.label :email, "Email", :class => 'control-label required' .controls= customer.text_field :email, :class => 'required', :type => 'email' .control-group = customer.label :phone, "Phone", :class => 'control-label required' .controls= customer.text_field :phone, :class => 'required' .form-actions = link_to 'Next »', '#payment-details', 'data-toggle' => 'tab', :class => 'btn btn-primary btn-large pull-right' .tab-pane#payment-details #payment-details-fields = fields_for "payment[credit_card]" do |card| .control-group = card.label :name, "Cardholder Name", :class => 'control-label nonzero-total' .controls= card.text_field :name, :class => 'nonzero-total' .control-group = card.label :number, "Card Number", :class => 'control-label nonzero-total' .controls= card.text_field :number, :class => 'nonzero-total', :type => 'creditcard' .control-group = card.label :verification_value, "CVV", :class => 'control-label nonzero-total' .controls = card.text_field :verification_value, :class => 'span1 nonzero-total' = image_tag 'storefront/cvv.gif' .control-group = card.label :expiration, "Expiration", :class => 'control-label nonzero-total' .controls = card.select 'month', options_for_select((1..12).map{|m| "%02d" % m}), {}, :class => "span1 nonzero-total" \/ = card.select 'year', options_for_select(Date.today.year..Date.today.year+10), {}, :class => "span1 nonzero-total" #payment-details-message.hidden No payment details are necessary. Click Next to continue. .form-actions = link_to 'Next »', '#billing-address', 'data-toggle' => 'tab', :class => 'btn btn-primary btn-large pull-right' .tab-pane#billing-address = fields_for "payment[customer][address]" do |address| .control-group = address.label :address1, "Billing Address", :class => 'control-label required' .controls= address.text_field :address1, :class => 'required' .control-group = address.label :city, "City", :class => 'control-label required' .controls= address.text_field :city, :class => 'required' .control-group = address.label :state, "State", :class => 'control-label required' .controls= address.select(:state, options_for_select(sorted_us_state_names), :class => 'required') .control-group = address.label :zip, "Postal Code", :class => 'control-label required' .controls= address.text_field :zip, :class => 'required span2' .form-actions - if @event.show_special_instructions = link_to 'Next »', '#special-instructions', 'data-toggle' => 'tab', :class => 'btn btn-primary btn-large pull-right' - else = link_to 'Next »', '#purchase', 'data-toggle' => 'tab', :class => 'btn btn-primary btn-large pull-right' - if @event.show_special_instructions .tab-pane#special-instructions .control-group = label_tag :special_instructions, @event.special_instructions_caption, :class => 'control-label' .controls= text_area_tag :special_instructions, nil .form-actions = link_to 'Next »', '#purchase', 'data-toggle' => 'tab', :class => 'btn btn-primary btn-large pull-right' .tab-pane#purchase .control-group .controls %label.checkbox I have read, understand and accept the terms and conditions of the User Agreement below. = check_box_tag "payment[user_agreement]", 1, false, :id => 'agreement-checkbox' %label.error.checkbox{:style => 'display:none;'} Please agree to the terms and conditions. #user_agreement = t("pages.user_agreement.content", :default => "") = hidden_field_tag :confirmation, 1 .form-actions = submit_tag 'Complete Purchase', :id => 'complete-purchase', :class => 'btn btn-primary btn-large pull-right' .tab-pane#result .tab-pane#thanks %h2 Thank you for your order! %p= t 'artfully.checkout_message' %p You'll receive an email confirmation of your order shortly. - unless @event.contact_email.blank? && @event.contact_phone.blank? %p If you have any questions or need information about the event, contact us at .email #{mail_to @event.contact_email if @event.contact_email.present?} .phone #{@event.contact_phone}