module Formize module Helpers module FormHelper # Code picked from Justin French's formtastic gem FIELD_ERROR_PROC = proc do |html_tag, instance_tag| # :nodoc: html_tag end def with_custom_field_error_proc(&block) # :nodoc: default_field_error_proc = ::ActionView::Base.field_error_proc ::ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = FIELD_ERROR_PROC yield ensure ::ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = default_field_error_proc end # Generates a form with all its fields as defined in controller. # If no name is given, it uses the name of the controller to find the corresponding model def formize_form(*args) name, options = nil, {} name = args[0] if args[0].is_a? Symbol options = args[-1] if args[-1].is_a? Hash self.send("_#{options[:controller]||self.controller_name}_#{__method__}_#{name||self.controller_name}_tag") end # Generates all the fields as defined in controller with the
tag. # If no name is given, it uses the name of the controller to find the corresponding model def formize_fields(*args) name, options = nil, {} name = args[0] if args[0].is_a? Symbol options = args[-1] if args[-1].is_a? Hash self.send("_#{options[:controller]||self.controller_name}_#{__method__}_#{name||self.controller_name}_tag") end # Permits to create a submit button well named for the given record def submit_for(record, value=nil, options={}) value, options = nil, value if value.is_a?(Hash) value ||= ::I18n.translate("helpers.submit.#{record.new_record? ? 'create' : 'update'}", :model=>record.class.model_name.human, :record=>record.class.model_name.human.mb_chars.downcase) submit_tag(value, options.reverse_merge(:id => "#{}_submit")) end # Returns a list of radio buttons for specified attribute (identified by +method+) # on an object assigned to the template (identified by +object_name+). It works like +select+ def radio(object_name, method, choices, options = {}, html_options = {}) html = "" html_options[:class] ||= :rad for choice in choices html << content_tag(:span, radio_button(object_name, method, choice[1]) + ' '.html_safe + label(object_name, method, choice[0], :value=>choice[1]), html_options) end return html end # Returns a text field which has the same behavior of +select+ but with a search # action which permits to find easily in very long lists... def unroll(object_name, method, choices, options = {}, input_options={}, html_options = {}) object = instance_variable_get("@#{object_name}") label = options[:label] if label.is_a?(String) or label.is_a?(Symbol) label ={|x| x.send(label)} elsif !label.is_a?(Proc) label ={|x| x.inspect} end html = "" html << hidden_field(object_name, method, input_options) html << tag(:input, :type=>:text, "data-unroll"=>url_for(choices.merge(:format=>:json)), "data-value-container"=>"#{object_name}_#{method}", :value=>$/, ''))), :size=>html_options.delete(:size)||32) return content_tag(:span, html.html_safe, html_options) end # Returns a text field for selecting a Date with a hidden field containing # the well formatted date # # @example Set a date field # <%= date_field :post, :published_on -%> # # => # # # # @option options [Symbol] :format # Select date format used in visible text field. The format must be defined in locale files. To maintain compatibility with jQuery only few tokens can be used to compose the format: `%d`, `%j`, `%a`, `%A`, `%m`, `%b`, `%B`, `%y` and `%Y` # @option options [Integer] :size # Set the size of the visible text field def date_field(object_name, method, options = {}) object = instance_variable_get("@#{object_name}") format = options[:format]||:default raise"Option :format must be a Symbol referencing a translation 'date.formats.'")unless format.is_a?(Symbol) if localized_value = object.send(method) localized_value = I18n.localize(localized_value, :format=>format) end format = I18n.translate('date.formats.'+format.to_s) Formize::DATE_FORMAT_TOKENS.each{|js, rb| format.gsub!(rb, js)} key_options = {} options.each{|k,v| key_options[k] = v if k.to_s.match(/^data\-/)} html = "" html << hidden_field(object_name, method, key_options) html << tag(:input, :type=>:text, "data-datepicker"=>"#{object_name}_#{method}", "data-date-format"=>format, :value=>localized_value, "data-locale"=>::I18n.locale, :size=>options.delete(:size)||10) return html.html_safe end # Returns a text field with a default placeholder for timestamp def datetime_field(object_name, method, options = {}) default = {} default[:placeholder] = I18n.translate!('time.placeholder') rescue nil default[:size] ||= 24 return text_field(object_name, method, default.merge(options)) end # Returns a text area which can be resized in the south-east corner # Works exactly the same as +textarea+ def resizable_text_area(object_name, method, options = {}) options["data-resizable"] = "true" return text_area(object_name, method, options) end end end end