module Examples FizzBuzz = do step :make_array do depends_on :up_to provides :array execute do up_to.times.to_a end end step :apply_fizzbuzz do iterates_over :array provides :fizzbuzz execute do |num| next if num == 0 # filter 0 from the output str = '' str << "Fizz" if num % 3 == 0 str << "Buzz" if num % 5 == 0 str << num.to_s if str.empty? str end end finally do depends_on :stdout iterates_over :fizzbuzz execute do |str| stdout.puts str end end end InteractiveFizzBuzz = do step :prompt_user do depends_on :stdin, :stdout provides :up_to execute do stdout.puts "How high would you like to go?" stdout.print " => " stdout.flush value = stdin.gets value.to_i end end finally Examples::FizzBuzz end end