class InitialData extend Cms::DataLoader #Fixture-like way of creating initial data, except that it actually calls the real model methods #This way things like acts_as_list and versioning get setup properly for these records #The syntax is that you call create_whatever(:something, ...), where whatever is the model name, #something is the identifier you give this record, and the ... is the hash of options to pass #to the model constructor. By calling the create_ method, you can then refer to the record later #in the same way you would with fixtures, by saying whatevers(:something) def self.load_demo eval open("#{Rails.root}/db/demo/data.rb"){|f|} Dir["#{Rails.root}/db/demo/page_partials/*.erb"].map do |f| name, format, handler = File.basename(f).split('.') create_page_partial(name.to_sym, :name => name, :format => format, :handler => handler, :body => open(f){|f|}) end Dir["#{Rails.root}/db/demo/page_templates/*.erb"].map do |f| name, format, handler = File.basename(f).split('.') create_page_template(name.to_sym, :name => name, :format => format, :handler => handler, :body => open(f){|f|}) end end end