require "optparse" require "json" module NightcrawlerSwift class CLI CONFIG_FILE = ".nswiftrc" CACHE_FILE = ".nswift_cache" COMMANDS = { "list" => { description: "Lists all files of the bucket/container. Ex: nswift list", command: NightcrawlerSwift::List }, "download" => { description: "Downloads a file by path. Format: nswift download Ex: nswift download assets/robots.txt > my-robots.txt", command: NightcrawlerSwift::Download }, "upload" => { description: "Uploads some file. Format: nswift upload Ex: nswift upload assets/robots.txt robots.txt", command: NightcrawlerSwift::Upload }, "delete" => { description: "Deletes a file by path. Format: nswift delete Ex: nswift delete robots.txt", command: NightcrawlerSwift::Delete } } attr_reader :opt_parser, :options attr_accessor :argv def initialize argv @argv = argv STDOUT.sync = true NightcrawlerSwift.logger.formatter = lambda {|severity, datetime, progname, msg| "#{msg}\n"} end def run configure_default_options parse_parameters @command_name = argv.shift validate_command_and_options execute_command if @command_name end protected def command_list command array = array.each {|hash| log hash["name"]} end def command_download command filepath = argv.first log end def command_upload command realpath = argv.shift swiftpath = argv.shift uploaded = swiftpath,, "r") log(uploaded ? "success" : "failure") end def command_delete command filepath = argv.first deleted = log(deleted ? "success" : "failure") end def user_home_dir Dir.home end def log string string end private def configure_default_options @options = @options.configured = true @options.default_config_file = true @options.config_file = File.expand_path(File.join(user_home_dir, CONFIG_FILE)) @options.cache_file = File.expand_path(File.join(user_home_dir, CACHE_FILE)) @options.command = nil end def validate_command_and_options if @command_name.nil? or argv.nil? log exit end unless options.configured log "You must configure your swift credentials, take a look at:\n #{options.config_file}" exit end end def config_hash @config_hash ||= JSON.parse( rescue Errno::ENOENT => e log "No such file or directory - #{options.config_file}" exit 1 end def execute_command NightcrawlerSwift.configure config_hash connect_and_execute do if command = COMMANDS[@command_name] command_module = command[:command] command_method = "command_#{@command_name}" self.send(command_method, command_module) end end rescue Exceptions::BaseError => e log e.message exit 1 end def connect_and_execute &block path = options.cache_file if File.exist?(path) hash = JSON.parse NightcrawlerSwift.connection.auth_response = NightcrawlerSwift.connection.configure end begin ensure, "w") do |f| f.write(NightcrawlerSwift.connection.auth_response.to_h.to_json) end end end def parse_parameters configure_opt_parser opt_parser.parse!(argv) check_rcfile if options.default_config_file rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e log e.message exit 1 end def configure_opt_parser @opt_parser = do |opts| opts.banner = "nswift #{NightcrawlerSwift::VERSION}" opts.separator "Usage: nswift command [options]" opts.separator "" opts.separator "commands:" COMMANDS.keys.each do |key| opts.separator " #{key}\t\t\t #{COMMANDS[key][:description]}" end opts.separator "" opts.separator "options:" opts.on("-c", "--config=PATH", String, "Alternative '#{CONFIG_FILE}' file") do |path| path = File.expand_path(path.strip) log "Using custom config file at: #{path}" options.config_file = path options.default_config_file = false end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do log exit end opts.on_tail("-v", "--version", "Show version") do log NightcrawlerSwift::VERSION exit end end end def check_rcfile unless File.exist?(options.config_file), "w") { |f| f.write(sample_rcfile) } end if sample_rcfile == options.configured = false end end def sample_rcfile JSON.pretty_generate({ bucket: "", tenant_name: "", username: "", password: "", auth_url: "" }) end end end