(function() { fancy.fdoc(true, "bakkdoor/fancy", {date:"Mon Aug 27 21:16:09 -0700 2012", title:"Fancy Documentation", classes:{"Struct":{doc:"

Structs are light-weight classes with predefined read-writable slots.

\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{"new:":{doc:"

Creates a new Struct class with the given slots.

Array of slotnames the new Struct should contain.
\n\n", lines:[6, 25], file:"lib/struct.fy", arg:["slots"]}}, ancestors:["Struct", "Enumerable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Actor":{doc:"

Primitive Actor class.\nActors can be sent messages asynchronously. They process incoming messages\n(which can be any object, including Tuples, Arrays, Numbers ...) in a\nfirst-come, first-serve manner.


Actors are used to implement asynchronous and future message sends in Fancy\nusing the @ and @@ syntax.



 a = Actor spawn: {\n   loop: {\n     match Actor receive {\n       case 'hello -> \"Hello World\" println\n       case 'quit ->\n         \"OK, done!\" println\n         break # Quit loop and let actor die\n     }\n   }\n }\n\n 10 times: {\n   a ! 'hello # send 'hello to actor asynchronously\n }\n a ! 'quit\n
\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{"spawn:":{doc:"


 Actor spawn: {\n   loop: {\n     Actor receive println # print all incoming messages\n   }\n }\n
A new Actor running block in a seperate Thread.
Block that represents the Actor's code body to be executed in a new Thread.
\n\n", lines:[36, 50], file:"lib/rbx/actor.fy", arg:["block"]}}, ancestors:["Actor", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Stack":{doc:"

A simple Stack container class.

\n\n", instance_methods:{":initialize":{doc:"

Initializes a new Stack.

\n\n", lines:[6, 12], file:"lib/stack.fy", arg:[]}, ":empty?":{doc:"

Indicates, if the Stack is empty.

true if empty, otherwise false.
\n\n", lines:[62, 70], file:"lib/stack.fy", arg:[]}, ":pop":{doc:"

Pops the top-of-stack element from the Stack and returns it.

Top-of-stack element.
\n\n", lines:[36, 44], file:"lib/stack.fy", arg:[]}, ":<<":{doc:"

Pushes a value onto the Stack.

Object to be pushed onto self.
\n\n", lines:[24, 32], file:"lib/stack.fy", arg:["obj"]}, "push:":{doc:"

Pushes a value onto the Stack.

Object to be pushed onto self.
\n\n", lines:[24, 32], file:"lib/stack.fy", arg:["obj"]}, "initialize:":{doc:"

Initializes a new Stack with a given size.

Initial size of the new Stack.
\n\n", lines:[14, 22], file:"lib/stack.fy", arg:["size"]}, ":top":{doc:"\n\n
The top-of-stack element.
\n\n", lines:[46, 52], file:"lib/stack.fy", arg:[]}, ":size":{doc:"\n\n
Size of the Stack.
\n\n", lines:[54, 60], file:"lib/stack.fy", arg:[]}, "each:":{doc:"

Calls a given Block with each element in self, starting with the top of stack element.

Block to be called with each element in self.
\n\n", lines:[72, 81], file:"lib/stack.fy", arg:["block"]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Stack", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Integer":{doc:"

Base class for integer values in Fancy.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"times:":{doc:"

Calls a given Block with each number between 0 and self.

Block to be called with each number between 0 and self.
\n\n", lines:[4, 19], file:"lib/rbx/integer.fy", arg:["block"]}, "times:offset:":{doc:"

Similar to #times: but starts at a given offset.

Offset to be used as starting point of iteration.
Block to be called with each number between offset and self.
\n\n", lines:[6, 18], file:"lib/integer.fy", arg:["block", "offset"]}, "times_try:retry_with:":{doc:"

Tries to call a Block self amount of times, returning its return\nvalue or raising the last exception raised from block after self tries.



 2 times_try: {\n   # this code will be tried 2 times.\n   # if it succeeds the first time, simply return its value, otherwise try once more.\n   # if it still fails after 2 attempts, raises the exception thrown (in this case probably an IOError).\n   @connection readln\n } retry_with: { @connection reconnect }\n
Return value of calling block or raises an exception after self tries. Returns nil if self <= 0.
Block to be called and retries self amount of times if exceptions get thrown.
Block to be called before retrying execution of block. Defaults to an empty Block.
\n\n", lines:[20, 50], file:"lib/integer.fy", arg:["block", "retry_block"]}, ":decimals":{doc:"

Returns all decimals of an Integer as an Array.



 100 decimals   # => [1, 0, 0]\n 12345 decimals # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n
Array of all decimals of self.
\n\n", lines:[52, 71], file:"lib/integer.fy", arg:[]}, "times_try:":{doc:"

Forward to message times_try:retry_with:

\n\n", lines:[19, 50], file:"lib/integer.fy", arg:["block"]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Integer", "Precision", "Numeric", "Comparable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "IO":{doc:"

Base class for IO related classes (like File, Socket, Console etc.).

\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{}, ancestors:["IO", "IOMixin", "Object", "Unmarshalable", "File Constants", "Enumerable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Fancy FDoc":{doc:"

FDoc is a tool to generate API documentation from Fancy source.


Works as follows:

  1. We setup a handler to be invoked every time an object is set documentation\nSee fdoc_hook.fy, its loaded even before all of lib/rbx/*.fy so we can\nAlso have documentation for all fancy rubinius.
  2. \n
  3. We load boot.fy, so we get documentation for all fancy's lib.
  4. \n
  5. We run FDoc main\nwhich can possibly load any file/directory you specify and optionally\nrun specs, effectively associating them with documented objects.
  6. \n
  7. Generate output file.\nCurrently the plan is to output a json formatted object.\nTo be loaded by an html file and use jquery to build a GUI from it.
  8. \n
\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{":main":{doc:"

FDoc will load all .fy files you give to it, and optionally run\nany specified FancySpec, and later produce documentation output.

\n\n", lines:[29, 93], file:"lib/fdoc.fy", arg:[]}}, ancestors:["Fancy FDoc", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "DynamicSlotObject":{doc:"

Helper class to dynamically create Objects with slots defined by sending messages to it.



 dso = DynamicSlotObject new\n dso name: \"Chris\"\n dso age: 25\n dso country: \"Germany\"\n\n dso object  # => Object with slots 'name, 'age and 'country defined\n
\n\n", instance_methods:{":object":{doc:"\n\n
Object with slots defined dynamically by sending messages to self.
\n\n", lines:[18, 25], file:"lib/dynamic_slot_object.fy", arg:[]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["DynamicSlotObject", "Fancy BasicObject", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "MethodMixin":{doc:"

Mixin class with common methods included by Method and UnboundMethod.

\n\n", instance_methods:{":private?":{doc:"\n\n
true, if the Method is private in its defined context.
\n\n", lines:[44, 49], file:"lib/rbx/method.fy", arg:[]}, ":documentation":{doc:"\n\n
Docstring for self.
\n\n", lines:[6, 12], file:"lib/rbx/method.fy", arg:[]}, ":public?":{doc:"\n\n
true, if the Method is public in its defined context.
\n\n", lines:[30, 35], file:"lib/rbx/method.fy", arg:[]}, ":protected?":{doc:"\n\n
true, if the Method is protected in its defined context.
\n\n", lines:[37, 42], file:"lib/rbx/method.fy", arg:[]}, ":visibility":{doc:"\n\n
The visibility ('private, 'protected, 'public) of a Method in its defined context, if any.
\n\n", lines:[22, 28], file:"lib/rbx/method.fy", arg:[]}, ":tests":{doc:"

Returns an Array of all the FancySpec SpecTests defined for a\nMethod.

\n\n", lines:[51, 59], file:"lib/rbx/method.fy", arg:[]}, "documentation:":{doc:"\n\n
New docstring for self.
\n\n", lines:[14, 20], file:"lib/rbx/method.fy", arg:["docstring"]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["MethodMixin", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Fiber":{doc:"

Fiber class. Fibers are cooperatively scheduled coroutines supported\nby the Rubinius VM.\nControl flow between multiple Fibers is always explicitly handled.\nThere is no preemptive scheduler.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"resume:":{doc:"

Resumes self (if paused) or raises an exception, if Fiber is dead.\nPasses along vals as the return value of the last call to yield in self.

Array of values to pass along to self for resuming.
\n\n", lines:[30, 39], file:"lib/rbx/fiber.fy", arg:["vals"]}}, methods:{"yield:":{doc:"

Returns execution control to the parent Fiber and passes along vals.

Array of values to pass along to parent Fiber.
\n\n", lines:[20, 28], file:"lib/rbx/fiber.fy", arg:["vals"]}, "new:":{doc:"

Creates a new Fiber running block.

Block to be run in a new Fiber.
\n\n", lines:[10, 18], file:"lib/rbx/fiber.fy", arg:["block"]}, ":name":{doc:"


\n\n", lines:[9, 11], file:"lib/fiber.fy", arg:[]}}, ancestors:["Rubinius Fiber", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Console":{doc:"

Console class. Used for STDIO.

\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{"print:":{doc:"

Prints a given object on STDOUT.

Object to be printed on STDOUT.
\n\n", lines:[10, 18], file:"lib/rbx/console.fy", arg:["obj"]}, "println:":{doc:"

Prints a given object on STDOUT, followed by a newline.

Object to be printed on STDOUT, followed by a newline.
\n\n", lines:[20, 28], file:"lib/rbx/console.fy", arg:["obj"]}, ":readln":{doc:"

Reads a line from STDIN and returns it as a String.

Line (String) read from STDIN.
\n\n", lines:[44, 56], file:"lib/rbx/console.fy", arg:[]}, ":newline":{doc:"

Prints a newline to STDOUT.

\n\n", lines:[4, 8], file:"lib/rbx/console.fy", arg:[]}, "readln:":{doc:"

Prints a given message to STDOUT, followed by reading a line from\nSTDIN.

A String that should be printed to STDOUT before reading from STDIN.
Line (String) read from STDIN.
\n\n", lines:[31, 42], file:"lib/rbx/console.fy", arg:["message"]}, ":clear":{doc:"

Clears the Console.

\n\n", lines:[58, 62], file:"lib/rbx/console.fy", arg:[]}}, ancestors:["Console", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Proxies RespondsToProxy":{doc:"

A RespondsToProxy is a Proxy that forwards any message sent to it to it's target instance variable\nonly if it responds to that message. Any messages that target doesn't respond to simply won't be sent\nand nil will be returned.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"unknown_message:with_params:":{doc:"

Forwards all incoming message to self to @target\nonly if @target responds to them.

Paremeters of incoming message send.
Incoming message name.
\n\n", lines:[51, 63], file:"lib/proxies.fy", arg:["msg", "params"]}, "initialize:":{doc:"

Initializes a new RespondsToProxy for target.

Target receiver object.
\n\n", lines:[44, 49], file:"lib/proxies.fy", arg:["@target"]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Proxies RespondsToProxy", "Fancy BasicObject", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Thread":{doc:"

Thread class.\nDeals with parallel execution.


TODO:\n=> Still need to add more Fancy-ish wrapper methods and method\n documentation.

\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{"sleep:":{doc:"

Sets the Fancy process for a given amount of seconds to sleep.

\n\n", lines:[84, 88], file:"lib/rbx/thread.fy", arg:["seconds"]}}, ancestors:["Thread", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Tuple":{doc:"

Tuples are fixed-size containers providing index-based access to its\nelements.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"from:to:":{doc:"

Returns sub-array starting at from: and going to to:

Start index for sub-array.
End index ofr sub-array.
\n\n", lines:[54, 76], file:"lib/tuple.fy", arg:["from", "to"]}, ":[]":{doc:"

Forwards to Tuple#at:.

\n\n", lines:[46, 52], file:"lib/tuple.fy", arg:["idx"]}, "[]:":{doc:"

Sets a value for a given index within a Tuple.

Index of element to set.
Value to set at given index.
\n\n", lines:[36, 44], file:"lib/rbx/tuple.fy", arg:["idx", "val"]}, "reverse_each:":{doc:"


 (1,2,3) reverse_each: @{print}\n # prints: 321\n
Block to be called for each element (in reverse order).
\n\n", lines:[95, 109], file:"lib/tuple.fy", arg:["block"]}, ":==":{doc:"

Compares two Tuples with each other.

Other Tuple to compare self with.
true, if tuples are equal element-wise, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[111, 130], file:"lib/tuple.fy", arg:["other"]}, "at:put:":{doc:"

Sets a value for a given index within a Tuple.

Index of element to set.
Value to set at given index.
\n\n", lines:[36, 44], file:"lib/rbx/tuple.fy", arg:["idx", "val"]}, ":to_s":{doc:"\n\n
String concatenation of elements in self.
\n\n", lines:[147, 153], file:"lib/tuple.fy", arg:[]}, ":inspect":{doc:"\n\n
A String representation of self.
\n\n", lines:[132, 145], file:"lib/tuple.fy", arg:[]}, "each:":{doc:"

Calls a given Block with each element in the Tuple.

Return value of calling block on the last item in self.
Block to be called for each element in self.
\n\n", lines:[78, 93], file:"lib/tuple.fy", arg:["block"]}, "at:":{doc:"

Returns an element at a given indes.\nPossibly throws an Rubinius ObjectBoundsExceededError.

Index for the element to get.
Element at the given index within the Tuple or nil.
\n\n", lines:[24, 34], file:"lib/rbx/tuple.fy", arg:["idx"]}}, methods:{"new:":{doc:"

Initializes a new Tuple with a given amount of element slots.\nE.g. if size is 2, creates a 2-Tuple.

Size of the Tuple (amount of values to hold).
\n\n", lines:[5, 18], file:"lib/rbx/tuple.fy", arg:["size"]}, ":===":{doc:"

Matches Tuple class against an object.\nIf the given object is a Tuple instance, return a Tuple object.

Tuple instance containing the values of obj to be used in pattern matching.
Object to be matched against
\n\n", lines:[28, 40], file:"lib/tuple.fy", arg:["obj"]}, "with_values:":{doc:"

Creates a new Tuple with the values passed in.



 Tuple with_values: [1,2,3] # => (1,2,3)\n
Values of the Tuple to be created.
\n\n", lines:[11, 26], file:"lib/tuple.fy", arg:["values"]}, ":name":{doc:"


\n\n", lines:[42, 44], file:"lib/tuple.fy", arg:[]}}, ancestors:["Rubinius Tuple", "Fancy Enumerable", "Object", "Enumerable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "KVO":{doc:"

Key-Value Observing Mixin class.\nInclude this Class into any class to add support for Key-Value Observing.\nInspired by Objective-C's KVO, but using Blocks, as it fits nicer\nwith Fancy's semantics.



 class Person {\n   include: KVO\n   read_write_slots: ('name, 'age, 'city)\n }\n\n tom = Person new tap: @{\n   name: \"Tom Cruise\"\n   age: 55\n   city: \"Hollywood\"\n }\n\n tom observe: 'name with: |new old| {\n   new println\n }\n tom name: \"Tommy Cruise\"              # will cause \"Tommy Cruise\" to be printed\n tom age: 56                           # No observer Blocks defined, so nothing will happen\n
\n\n", instance_methods:{"observe:with:":{doc:"

Registers a new observer Block for slotname in self.

Block to be called with old and new value of slotname in self.
Name of slot to be observed with block.
\n\n", lines:[59, 68], file:"lib/kvo.fy", arg:["slotname", "block"]}, "observe_removal:with:":{doc:"

Registers a new removal observer Block for collection named slotname in self.

Block to be called with value removed from collection named slotname in self.
Name of collection slot to be observed with block.
\n\n", lines:[81, 90], file:"lib/kvo.fy", arg:["slotname", "block"]}, "observe_insertion:with:":{doc:"

Registers a new insertion observer Block for collection named slotname in self.

Block to be called with value inserted in collection named slotname in self.
Name of collection slot to be observed with block.
\n\n", lines:[70, 79], file:"lib/kvo.fy", arg:["slotname", "block"]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["KVO", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "TCPServer":{doc:"

TCP Server

\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{}, ancestors:["TCPServer", "Socket ListenAndAccept", "IO Socketable", "TCPSocket", "IPSocket", "BasicSocket", "IO", "IOMixin", "Object", "Unmarshalable", "File Constants", "Enumerable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "String":{doc:"

Strings are sequences of characters and behave as such.\nAll literal Strings within Fancy code are instances of the String\nclass.


They also include Fancy Enumerable, which means you can use all the\ncommon sequence methods on them, like Fancy Enumerable map:, Fancy Enumerable select: etc.

\n\n", instance_methods:{":split":{doc:"

Splits a string by whitespace.

Array of all non-whitespace Substrings in self.
\n\n", lines:[71, 78], file:"lib/rbx/string.fy", arg:[]}, ":whitespace?":{doc:"

Indicates, if a String is empty or a single whitespace character.

true, if self consists only of a single whitespace character or is empty, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[43, 51], file:"lib/string.fy", arg:[]}, ":words":{doc:"


 \"hello world\" words  # => [\"hello\", \"world\"]\n
Array of all the whitespace seperated words in self.
\n\n", lines:[85, 94], file:"lib/string.fy", arg:[]}, ":bytes":{doc:"\n\n
Fancy Enumerator of all bytes (Fixnum values) in self.
\n\n", lines:[178, 188], file:"lib/string.fy", arg:[]}, "==":{doc:"

Compares self to another String and returns true, if equal, false otherwise.

\n\n", lines:[79, 78], file:"kernel/common/string.rb"}, "if_main:":{doc:"

Forward to message if_main:else:

\n\n", lines:[223, 234], file:"lib/string.fy", arg:["main_block"]}, ":eval_global":{doc:"

Same as String#eval but evaluates self in the global binding.

\n\n", lines:[92, 95], file:"lib/rbx/string.fy", arg:[]}, ":rest":{doc:"

Returns a String containing all but the first character.

 \"hello\" rest # => \"ello\"\n
String containing all but the first character.
\n\n", lines:[104, 113], file:"lib/string.fy", arg:[]}, ":eval":{doc:"

Evaluates a String in the current Binding and returns its value.

Value of evaluating self as Fancy code.
\n\n", lines:[80, 90], file:"lib/rbx/string.fy", arg:[]}, ":<<":{doc:"

Appends object's String representation to self.



 str = \"hello\"\n str << \" \"\n str << 42\n str # => \"hello 42\"\n
An Object who's String representation will be appended to self.
self, but modified.
\n\n", lines:[125, 140], file:"lib/string.fy", arg:["object"]}, "substitute:with:":{doc:"\n\n
String or Regexp to be substituted.
A new String where substring is substituted by substitution.
String to replace substring with.
\n\n", lines:[157, 165], file:"lib/rbx/string.fy", arg:["substring", "substitution"]}, ":lowercase":{doc:"


 \"HELLO WORLD\" lowercase # => \"hello world\"\n
Lowercased version of self.
\n\n", lines:[282, 287], file:"kernel/common/string.rb"}, "relative_path:":{doc:"


 __FILE__ relative: \"../foo/bar\"\n
Absolute File path relative to self.
Relative path to self.
\n\n", lines:[190, 200], file:"lib/string.fy", arg:["path"]}, ":uppercase":{doc:"


 \"hello world\" uppercase # => \"HELLO WORLD\"\n
Uppercased version of self.
\n\n", lines:[814, 819], file:"kernel/common/string.rb"}, ":downcase":{doc:"


 \"HELLO WORLD\" lowercase # => \"hello world\"\n
Lowercased version of self.
\n\n", lines:[282, 287], file:"kernel/common/string.rb"}, "split:":{doc:"\n\n
String where self should be split at.
An Array of String values in self that are seperated by str.
\n\n", lines:[63, 69], file:"lib/rbx/string.fy", arg:["str"]}, ":main?":{doc:"\n\n
true if self is the filename of the script that got executed initially.
\n\n", lines:[216, 222], file:"lib/string.fy", arg:[]}, ":[]":{doc:"

Given an Array of 2 Numbers, it returns the substring between the given indices.\nIf given a Number, returns the character at that index.

\n\n", lines:[18, 30], file:"lib/rbx/string.fy", arg:["index"]}, ":skip_leading_indentation":{doc:"

Remove leading white space for multi-line strings.\nThis method expects the first character to be an line return.

\n\n", lines:[142, 157], file:"lib/string.fy", arg:[]}, "lowercase":{doc:"


 \"HELLO WORLD\" lowercase # => \"hello world\"\n
Lowercased version of self.
\n\n", lines:[282, 287], file:"kernel/common/string.rb"}, ":++":{doc:"

Concatenate self with another Object's String representation.

 \"foo\\\342\200\235 ++ 42 # => \\\342\200\235foo42\\\342\200\235\n
Object to concatenate self with as a String.
Concatenation of self with other.
\n\n", lines:[31, 41], file:"lib/string.fy", arg:["other"]}, ":*":{doc:"

Returns a String that is the num-fold concatenation of itself.



 \"foo\" * 3 # => \"foofoofoo\"\n
String that is the num-fold concatenation of self.
Amount of concatenations to do with self.
\n\n", lines:[67, 83], file:"lib/string.fy", arg:["num"]}, ":lines":{doc:"

Returns the lines of a String as an Array.

Array of all the lines in self.
\n\n", lines:[115, 123], file:"lib/string.fy", arg:[]}, ":upcase":{doc:"


 \"hello world\" uppercase # => \"HELLO WORLD\"\n
Uppercased version of self.
\n\n", lines:[814, 819], file:"kernel/common/string.rb"}, "if_main:else:":{doc:"

Same as:

 if: main? then: else_block else: else_block\n
Block to be called otherwise.
Block to be run if String main? returns true.
\n\n", lines:[224, 234], file:"lib/string.fy", arg:["main_block", "else_block"]}, ":characters":{doc:"\n\n
Array of all characters (as String) in self.
\n\n", lines:[159, 165], file:"lib/string.fy", arg:[]}, "each:":{doc:"

Calls a given Block with each character in a String.

Block to be called for each character in self.
\n\n", lines:[44, 51], file:"lib/rbx/string.fy", arg:["block"]}, ":multiline?":{doc:"



bar\" multiline? # => true

 \"foo bar\" multiline?  # => false\n \"\" multiline?         # => false\n \"\n

\" multiline? # => true

true if self is a multiline string, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[198, 214], file:"lib/string.fy", arg:[]}, ":character":{doc:"\n\n
Fixnum (byte / ASCII) value of first character in self.
\n\n", lines:[167, 176], file:"lib/string.fy", arg:[]}, "upcase":{doc:"


 \"hello world\" uppercase # => \"HELLO WORLD\"\n
Uppercased version of self.
\n\n", lines:[814, 819], file:"kernel/common/string.rb"}, "includes?:":{doc:"

Indicates if a given substring is in self.

String to be checked if it's in self.
true if substring is in self, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[146, 155], file:"lib/rbx/string.fy", arg:["substring"]}, "from:to:":{doc:"

Returns a Substring from from to to.

Start index.
Substring starting at index from and ending at to.
End index.
\n\n", lines:[32, 42], file:"lib/rbx/string.fy", arg:["from", "to"]}, ":raise!":{doc:"

Raises a new StandardError with self as the message.

\n\n", lines:[96, 102], file:"lib/string.fy", arg:[]}, "downcase":{doc:"


 \"HELLO WORLD\" lowercase # => \"hello world\"\n
Lowercased version of self.
\n\n", lines:[282, 287], file:"kernel/common/string.rb"}, ":==":{doc:"

Compares self to another String and returns true, if equal, false otherwise.

\n\n", lines:[79, 78], file:"kernel/common/string.rb"}, "append:":{doc:"

Appends another String onto this String.


Example usage:\n str = \"hello\"\n str append: \" world!\"\n str # => \"hello world!\"

self, but modified.
Other String to append on self.
\n\n", lines:[130, 144], file:"lib/rbx/string.fy", arg:["string"]}, "uppercase":{doc:"


 \"hello world\" uppercase # => \"HELLO WORLD\"\n
Uppercased version of self.
\n\n", lines:[814, 819], file:"kernel/common/string.rb"}, ":blank?":{doc:"

Indicates, if a String consists only of whitespace.

true if self consists only of whitespace, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[53, 65], file:"lib/string.fy", arg:[]}, "at:":{doc:"

Returns the character (as a String) at index idx.

Index of the character to retrieve.
Character in self at position idx.
\n\n", lines:[53, 61], file:"lib/rbx/string.fy", arg:["idx"]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["String", "Fancy Enumerable", "Object", "Enumerable", "Comparable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "NilClass":{doc:"

NilClass. The class of the singleton nil value.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"if_true:else:":{doc:"

Calls else_block.

Value of calling else_block.
\n\n", lines:[24, 31], file:"lib/nil_class.fy", arg:["then_block", "else_block"]}, "if_nil:":{doc:"

Calls block with self.

Value of calling block with self.
Block to be called.
\n\n", lines:[33, 42], file:"lib/nil_class.fy", arg:["block"]}, ":to_a":{doc:"\n\n
An empty Array.
\n\n", lines:[74, 80], file:"lib/nil_class.fy", arg:[]}, ":nil?":{doc:"\n\n
\n\n", lines:[56, 62], file:"lib/nil_class.fy", arg:[]}, "if_true:":{doc:"\n\n
\n\n", lines:[16, 22], file:"lib/nil_class.fy", arg:["block"]}, ":not":{doc:"\n\n
\n\n", lines:[90, 96], file:"lib/nil_class.fy", arg:[]}, "if_nil:else:":{doc:"

Calls then_block with self.

Value of calling then_block with self.
Gets ignored.
Block to be called with self.
\n\n", lines:[44, 54], file:"lib/nil_class.fy", arg:["then_block", "else_block"]}, ":to_s":{doc:"\n\n
An empty String.
\n\n", lines:[64, 70], file:"lib/nil_class.fy", arg:[]}, ":inspect":{doc:"\n\n
nil as a String.
\n\n", lines:[98, 104], file:"lib/nil_class.fy", arg:[]}, ":to_hash":{doc:"\n\n
An empty Hash.
\n\n", lines:[82, 88], file:"lib/nil_class.fy", arg:[]}}, methods:{":new":{doc:"\n\n
\n\n", lines:[6, 14], file:"lib/nil_class.fy", arg:[]}}, ancestors:["NilClass", "ImmediateValue", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Fancy FDoc Formatter":{doc:"

A documentation formater intended to be used by FDoc.


This formatter makes some transformations on a docstring\nand then converts it to html using markdown.

\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{"create_class_references:":{doc:"

Creates class references for Fancy class names.\nA docstring may contain class names sorounded by @\nwithout space between the @.


Nested classes can be indicated by using :: like


This will create references for both, Foo and Bar


Instance methods should be written:


Class methods should be written:


Some examples:\nA simple class reference:\nFancy


Nested class reference:\nFancy FDoc


A fancy method without arguments:\nFancy FDoc JSON generate_map


A ruby method reference (will link to ruby docs if available)\nString split


A fancy method with many arguments:\nFancy Package Installer initialize:version:install_path:


A singleton method:\nFancy FDoc Formatter format:

\n\n", lines:[253, 329], file:"lib/fdoc.fy", arg:["str"]}}, ancestors:["Fancy FDoc Formatter", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "System":{doc:"

System class. Holds system-wide relevant methods.

\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{"do:":{doc:"

Runs the given string as a system() command.

\n\n", lines:[26, 32], file:"lib/rbx/system.fy", arg:["command_str"]}, "piperead:":{doc:"

Runs the given string as a popen() call and returns the output\nof the call as a string.

\n\n", lines:[34, 41], file:"lib/rbx/system.fy", arg:["command_str"]}, "pipe:":{doc:"

Runs the given string as a popen3() call and returns a IO handle\nthat can be read from

String to run as a command via popen3()
IO object representing the command's STDOUT IO stream.
\n\n", lines:[43, 54], file:"lib/rbx/system.fy", arg:["command_str"]}, ":abort":{doc:"

Exits the current running Fancy process (application) with an exit\ncode of 1 (indicating failure).

\n\n", lines:[2, 9], file:"lib/system.fy", arg:[]}, "exit:":{doc:"

Exit the running Fancy process with a given exit code.

Exit code (Fixnum) to be returned to the parent process.
\n\n", lines:[16, 24], file:"lib/rbx/system.fy", arg:["exitcode"]}, "aborting:do:":{doc:"

Prints message on *stderr*, calls block and finally exits with an exit\ncode of 1 (indicating failure).

Message to print on *stderr* before calling block and exiting.
Block to be called before exiting execution.
\n\n", lines:[23, 35], file:"lib/system.fy", arg:["message", "block"]}, "abort:":{doc:"

Prints message on *stderr* and exits with an exit code of 1 (indicating\nfailure).

Error message to be printed before aborting programm execution.
\n\n", lines:[11, 21], file:"lib/system.fy", arg:["message"]}, ":exit":{doc:"

Exit the running Fancy process.

\n\n", lines:[8, 14], file:"lib/rbx/system.fy", arg:[]}, "pipe:do:":{doc:"

Runs the given string as a popen3() call, passing in a given Block.\nThe Block is expected to take 3 arguments for STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR.

String to run as a command via popen3()
Block to be called with STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR.
\n\n", lines:[56, 66], file:"lib/rbx/system.fy", arg:["command_str", "block"]}}, ancestors:["System", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Object":{doc:"

Root class of Fancy's class hierarchy.\nAll classes inherit from Object.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"receive_message:with_params:":{doc:"

Dynamically sends a given message with parameters to self.

Name of message to be sent to self dynamically.
Array of parameters used with message.
\n\n", lines:[108, 117], file:"lib/rbx/object.fy", arg:["message", "params"]}, "do:until:":{doc:"\n\n
Condition Block used to determine if body_block@ should be called again.
Block to be called at least once and as long as cond_block yields a false-ish value.
\n\n", lines:[265, 273], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["body_block", "cond_block"]}, "copy_slots_from:":{doc:"

Copies all slots from object to self.

Object to copy slots from.
\n\n", lines:[557, 565], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["object"]}, "until:do:":{doc:"

Same as:\ncond_block until_do: body_block

\n\n", lines:[246, 253], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["cond_block", "body_block"]}, "send_async:":{doc:"

Forward to message send_async:with_params:

\n\n", lines:[518, 530], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["message"]}, "if_true:":{doc:"

Calls the block (default behaviour).

Value of calling block with self.
Block to be called.
\n\n", lines:[62, 71], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["block"]}, "let:be:":{doc:"

Forward to message let:be:in:ensuring:

\n\n", lines:[672, 708], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["var_name", "value"]}, "loop:":{doc:"

Infinitely calls the block (loops).

Block to be called endlessly (loop).
\n\n", lines:[19, 27], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["block"]}, "break:":{doc:"

Returns value from iteratioen.

Value to return from iteration.
\n\n", lines:[439, 447], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["value"]}, ":false?":{doc:"\n\n
\n\n", lines:[118, 124], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, "while:do:":{doc:"

Same as:\ncond_block while_do: body_block

\n\n", lines:[237, 244], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["cond_block", "body_block"]}, ":_":{doc:"\n\n
\n\n", lines:[808, 814], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, "returning:do:":{doc:"

Returns value after calling block with it.\nUseful for returning some object after using it, e.g.:

 # this will return [1,2]\n returning: [] do: |arr| {\n   arr << 1\n   arr << 2\n }\n
A Block that gets called with value before returning value.
Value that gets returned at the end.
\n\n", lines:[335, 354], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["value", "block"]}, "do:while:":{doc:"\n\n
Condition Block used to determine if body_block@ should be called again.
Block to be called at least once and as long as cond_block yields a true-ish value.
\n\n", lines:[255, 263], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["body_block", "cond_block"]}, "ignoring:do:":{doc:"


 ignoring: (IOError, ZeroDivisionError) in: {\n   # do something\n }\n
Block to be executed while ignoring (catching but not handling) Exceptions defined in exception_classes.
Fancy Enumerable of Exceptions to ignore within block.
\n\n", lines:[769, 783], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["exception_classes", "block"]}, ":println":{doc:"

Same as:\nstdout println: self


Prints self on stdout, followed by a newline.

\n\n", lines:[29, 38], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, ":if_responds?":{doc:"

Returns a Proxies RespondsToProxy for self that forwards any messages\nonly if self responds to them.



 # only send 'some_message: if object responds to it:\n object if_responds? some_message: some_parameter\n
Proxies RespondsToProxy for self
\n\n", lines:[356, 369], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, "lambda:":{doc:"\n\n
Proc with Ruby's lambda semantics (e.g. return always becomes return_local)
Block to be used as the lambda's body.
\n\n", lines:[140, 147], file:"lib/rbx/object.fy", arg:["block"]}, "set_slot:value:":{doc:"

Sets an object's slot with a given value.

Name of slot to be set.
Value for slot to be set.
\n\n", lines:[35, 44], file:"lib/rbx/object.fy", arg:["slotname", "val"]}, ":die!":{doc:"

Tells an object to let its actor to die (quit running).

\n\n", lines:[489, 495], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, "kind_of?:":{doc:"

Same as Object#is_a?:\nIndicates, if an object is an instance of a given Class.

\n\n", lines:[89, 96], file:"lib/rbx/object.fy", arg:["class"]}, "send_future:":{doc:"

Forward to message send_future:with_params:

\n\n", lines:[506, 517], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["message"]}, ":||":{doc:"

Boolean disjunction.\nIf self is true-ish (non-nil, non-false) returns self.\nOtherwise returns other (if other is a Block, calls it first and returns its return value)

Object or Block (for short-circuit evaluation) to compare self to.
self if self is true-ish, other otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[185, 201], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["other"]}, "next:":{doc:"

Returns value for current iteration and skip to the next one.

Value for next iteration.
\n\n", lines:[421, 429], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["value"]}, ":!=":{doc:"

Indicates, if two objects are not equal.

Other object to compare against.
true if self is not equal to other, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[51, 60], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["other"]}, "and:":{doc:"

Boolean conjunction.\nIf self and other are both true-ish (non-nil, non-false), returns other.\nIf other is a Block, calls it and returns its return value.

Object or Block (for short-circuit evaluation) to compare self to.
other if both self and other are true-ish, self otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[167, 183], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["other"]}, "if_false:":{doc:"

Does nothing (default behaviour).

\n\n", lines:[86, 93], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["block"]}, "yield:":{doc:"

Same as Fiber##yield:

\n\n", lines:[405, 411], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["values"]}, "synchronized:":{doc:"

Runs a given Block in a synchronized fashion if called by multiple Threads.\nUses a Mutex in the background for synchronization (created on demand for each Object).

Block to be run only by one Thread at a time.
\n\n", lines:[532, 542], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["block"]}, ":++":{doc:"

Returns the String concatenation of self and other.\nCalls to_s on self and other and concatenates the results to a new String.

Other object to concatenate its String value with.
String concatenation of String values of self and other.
\n\n", lines:[7, 17], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["other"]}, "receive_message:":{doc:"

Dynamically sends a given message (without parameters) to self.

Name of message to be sent to self dynamically.
\n\n", lines:[98, 106], file:"lib/rbx/object.fy", arg:["message"]}, "responds_to?:":{doc:"

Indicates if an object responds to a given message.

The message to check for (preferably a Symbol).
true if self responds to message, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[119, 128], file:"lib/rbx/object.fy", arg:["message"]}, "copy_slots:from:":{doc:"

Copies slots from object to self.

Target Object to copy slots from.
Fancy Enumerable of slot names to copy from object.
\n\n", lines:[544, 555], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["slots", "object"]}, "if_nil:else:":{doc:"

Calls else_block (default behaviour).

Value of calling else_block.
Block to be called.
Does not get called (default behaviour).
\n\n", lines:[95, 105], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["then_block", "else_block"]}, "to_enum:":{doc:"\n\n
Message to use for iteration on self.
Fancy Enumerator for self using iterator for iteration.
\n\n", lines:[158, 165], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["iterator"]}, "documentation:":{doc:"

Sets the documentation string for an Object.

New docstring for self.
\n\n", lines:[315, 323], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["docstring"]}, ":<>":{doc:"

Shorthand for: MatchAll new: self with: other

Other Object to create a MatchAll matcher with.
\n\n", lines:[759, 767], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["other"]}, ":does_not":{doc:"

Returns a NegativeMatcher for self.

\n\n", lines:[438, 444], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:[]}, ":true?":{doc:"\n\n
\n\n", lines:[126, 132], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, ":break":{doc:"

Breaks / Stops current iteration.

\n\n", lines:[431, 437], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, "or:":{doc:"

Boolean disjunction.\nIf self is true-ish (non-nil, non-false) returns self.\nOtherwise returns other (if other is a Block, calls it first and returns its return value)

Object or Block (for short-circuit evaluation) to compare self to.
self if self is true-ish, other otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[185, 201], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["other"]}, "define_singleton_method:with:":{doc:"

Dynamically defines a method on self's metaclass (a singleton method) using a given Block.

Name of the method to be defined on self.
Block to be used as the method's body.
\n\n", lines:[57, 66], file:"lib/rbx/object.fy", arg:["name", "block"]}, ":&&":{doc:"

Boolean conjunction.\nIf self and other are both true-ish (non-nil, non-false), returns other.\nIf other is a Block, calls it and returns its return value.

Object or Block (for short-circuit evaluation) to compare self to.
other if both self and other are true-ish, self otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[167, 183], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["other"]}, "xor:":{doc:"\n\n
Object to compare self against.
true if only one of self and other is true, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[203, 214], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["other"]}, "let:be:in:":{doc:"

Forward to message let:be:in:ensuring:

\n\n", lines:[672, 708], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["var_name", "value", "block"]}, ":actor":{doc:"

Returns the Object's actor.\nIf none exists at this moment, a new one will be created\nand starts running in the background.

\n\n", lines:[497, 505], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, ":is_not":{doc:"

Returns a NegativeMatcher for self.

\n\n", lines:[438, 444], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:[]}, ":to_i":{doc:"\n\n
Fixnum representation of self.
\n\n", lines:[142, 148], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, "method:":{doc:"

Returns the method with a given name for self, if defined.

Method with method_name defined for self, or nil.
\n\n", lines:[296, 303], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["method_name"]}, ":to_enum":{doc:"\n\n
Fancy Enumerator for self using 'each: for iteration.
\n\n", lines:[150, 156], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, "do:":{doc:"

Helper method that calls block with self as the receiver.\nThis allows message cascading like code, e.g.:

 some_complex_object do: {\n   method_1: arg1\n   method_2: arg2\n   method_3: arg3\n }\n\n # this is the same as:\n some_complex_object method_1: arg1\n some_complex_object method_2: arg2\n some_complex_object method_3: arg3\n

If you pass it a block with 1 argument this method behaves exactly like Object tap:



 some_complex_object do: @{\n   method_1: arg1\n   method_2: arg2\n   method_3: arg3\n }\n
Block to be called in the context of self.
\n\n", lines:[607, 641], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["block"]}, ":nil?":{doc:"\n\n
\n\n", lines:[110, 116], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, ":does":{doc:"

Returns a PositiveMatcher for self.

\n\n", lines:[419, 425], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:[]}, "with_output_to:do:":{doc:"

Opens filename and rebinds *stdout* to it within block.



 with_output_to: \"/tmp/hello_world.txt\" do: {\n   \"hello\" println\n   \"world\" println\n }\n

This writes

 hello\n world\n

to /tmp/hello_world.txt

Block to be executed with *stdout* being bound to the output file.
Filename of file to write to.
\n\n", lines:[710, 731], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["filename", "block"]}, "unless:then:":{doc:"

Same as:\ncond if_true: { nil } else: block

\n\n", lines:[275, 282], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["cond", "block"]}, "get_slots:":{doc:"\n\n
Array of slot names to retrieve from self.
Array of slot values of slot names passed in via slots.
\n\n", lines:[567, 576], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["slots"]}, "tap:":{doc:"

Calls a given Block with self before returning self.

Block to be called with self.
\n\n", lines:[643, 653], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["block"]}, "rebind_method:with:within:":{doc:"

If within_block takes an argument, it is called with self.



 class MyRebindableClass {\n   def foo {\n     42\n   }\n }\n\n r = MyRebindableClass new\n r rebind_method: 'foo with: { 0 } within: @{ foo } # => 0\n
Name of (singleton) method to rebind for self.
Block in which method_name is rebound to rebind_callable.
Value of calling within_block with self.
Name of method or Block to rebind method_name to.
\n\n", lines:[785, 806], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["method_name", "rebind_callable", "within_block"]}, ":identity":{doc:"

The identity method simply returns self.

\n\n", lines:[325, 333], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, "if:then:else:":{doc:"

Same as:\ncond if_true: then_block else: else_block

\n\n", lines:[228, 235], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["cond", "then_block", "else_block"]}, ":yield":{doc:"

Same as Fiber##yield.

\n\n", lines:[397, 403], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, ":><":{doc:"

Shorthand for: MatchAny new: self with: other

Other Object to create a MatchAny matcher with.
\n\n", lines:[749, 757], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["other"]}, "if_true:else:":{doc:"

Calls the then_block (default behaviour).

Value of calling then_block with self.
Does not get called (default behaviour).
Block to be called.
\n\n", lines:[73, 84], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["then_block", "else_block"]}, "extend:":{doc:"

Extends self with the methods in class (by including its methods in self's metaclass).

Class to extend self with.
\n\n", lines:[130, 138], file:"lib/rbx/object.fy", arg:["class"]}, "require:":{doc:"

Loads and evaluates a given Fancy source file by trying to find the specified\nRelative paths are allowed (and by default expected).

in Fancy's loadpath (see Fancy CodeLoader).
\n\n", lines:[8, 15], file:"lib/rbx/object.fy", arg:["file_path"]}, ":dup":{doc:"

Returns a deep clone of self using Ruby's Marshal class.

Copy (clone) of self.
\n\n", lines:[17, 25], file:"lib/rbx/object.fy", arg:[]}, "get_slot:":{doc:"

Returns the value of a slot of self.

Value of slot with name slotname.
Name of slot to get the value of.
\n\n", lines:[46, 55], file:"lib/rbx/object.fy", arg:["slotname"]}, "let:be:in:ensuring:":{doc:"

Dynamically rebinds var_name as dynamic variable with value as the value within block.\nExceptions raised within ensure_block are ignored.\nThose raised in block will be reraised up the callstack.



 File write: \"/tmp/output.txt\" with: |f| {\n   let: '*stdout* be: f in: {\n     \"hello, world!\" println # writes it to file not STDOUT\n   }\n }\n
Symbol that represents the name of the dynamic variable to be set.
Returns value
Block to be always called, even when block raised an exception.
Block in which var_name will be dynamically bound to value.
Value for the variable.
\n\n", lines:[673, 708], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["var_name", "value", "block", "ensure_block"]}, ":to_s":{doc:"\n\n
String represenation of self.
\n\n", lines:[27, 33], file:"lib/rbx/object.fy", arg:[]}, ":?":{doc:"

Calls #value on future. Shortcut method.

Future object to get the value from.
Result of calling #value on future.
\n\n", lines:[386, 395], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["future"]}, ":print":{doc:"

Same as:\nstdout print: self


Prints self on stdout.

\n\n", lines:[40, 49], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, "send_future:with_params:":{doc:"

Creates a FutureSend object (a Future / Promise) that will hold the value of sending message to self.

Message to be sent as a FutureSend.
Array of parameters of the FutureSend.
FutureSend object that will hold the return value of message with params on self.
\n\n", lines:[507, 517], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["message", "params"]}, "undefine_singleton_method:":{doc:"

Undefines a singleton method of self.

Name of the method to be undefined no self's metaclass.
\n\n", lines:[68, 76], file:"lib/rbx/object.fy", arg:["name"]}, ":to_a":{doc:"\n\n
Array representation of self.
\n\n", lines:[134, 140], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, ":<=>":{doc:"\n\n
Other object to compare against.
-1 if self is smaller, 0 if self is equal or 1 if self is greater or equal compared to other.
\n\n", lines:[596, 605], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["other"]}, ":fancy_methods":{doc:"\n\n
Array of all class methods defined in Fancy.
\n\n", lines:[733, 739], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, ":should":{doc:"

Returns a PositiveMatcher for self.

\n\n", lines:[419, 425], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:[]}, "is_a?:":{doc:"

Indicates, if an object is an instance of a given Class.

true if self is an instance of class, false otherwise.
Class to check for if self is an instance of.
\n\n", lines:[78, 87], file:"lib/rbx/object.fy", arg:["class"]}, "backtick:":{doc:"

This is the default implementation for backtick: which gets called when using the backtick syntax.\nFor example:\ncat README\nGets translated to the following message send:\nself backtick: \"cat README\"\nWhich allows for custom implementations of the backtick: method, if needed.\nThis default implementation works the same way as in Ruby, Perl or Bash.\nIt returns the output of running the given string on the command line as a String.

\n\n", lines:[371, 384], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["str"]}, ":slots":{doc:"\n\n
Array of slot names that self has.
\n\n", lines:[655, 661], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, "send_async:with_params:":{doc:"

Sends message with params to self asynchronously and immediately returns nil.

Message to be sent asynchronously to self.
Array of parameters as part of sending message asynchronously to self.
\n\n", lines:[519, 530], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["message", "params"]}, "if_nil:":{doc:"

Does nothing (default behaviour).

\n\n", lines:[86, 93], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["block"]}, "sleep:":{doc:"

Sets the current Thread (in which self is running) for a given amount to sleep.

Amount of seconds to sleep.
\n\n", lines:[663, 671], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["seconds"]}, "if:then:":{doc:"

Same as:\ncond if_true: block

\n\n", lines:[219, 226], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["cond", "block"]}, ":documentation":{doc:"

Returns the Fancy Documentation object for an Object.

Fancy Documentation object for self.
\n\n", lines:[305, 313], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, "unless:then:else:":{doc:"

Same as:\ncond if_true: else_block else: block

\n\n", lines:[284, 291], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["cond", "block", "else_block"]}, "unless:do:":{doc:"

Same as:\ncond if_true: { nil } else: block

\n\n", lines:[275, 282], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["cond", "block"]}, ":should_not":{doc:"

Returns a NegativeMatcher for self.

\n\n", lines:[438, 444], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:[]}, ":ruby_methods":{doc:"\n\n
Array of all class methods defined in Ruby.
\n\n", lines:[741, 747], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, ":is":{doc:"

Returns a PositiveMatcher for self.

\n\n", lines:[419, 425], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:[]}, "unless:do:else:":{doc:"

Same as:\ncond if_true: else_block else: block

\n\n", lines:[284, 291], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["cond", "block", "else_block"]}, ":next":{doc:"

Skip to the next iteration.

\n\n", lines:[413, 419], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:[]}, "if_false:else:":{doc:"

Calls else_block (default behaviour).

Value of calling else_block.
Block to be called.
Does not get called (default behaviour).
\n\n", lines:[95, 105], file:"lib/object.fy", arg:["then_block", "else_block"]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Object", "Kernel"]}, "File":{doc:"

Instances of File represent files in the filesystem of the operating\nsystem on which Fancy is running.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"print:":{doc:"

Writes a given String to a File.

String to be written to a File.
\n\n", lines:[219, 227], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:["str"]}, ":expanded_path":{doc:"


 f = File open: \"README.txt\"\n f expanded_path # => \"/path/to/README.txt\" (when run from /path/to/)\n
Expanded (absolute) path of self.
\n\n", lines:[141, 151], file:"lib/file.fy", arg:[]}, ":modes":{doc:"

Returns the File access modes Array.

File access modes Array.
\n\n", lines:[189, 197], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:[]}, "println:":{doc:"

Writes a given argument as a String followed by a newline into the\nFile.

\n\n", lines:[128, 136], file:"lib/file.fy", arg:["x"]}, ":directory?":{doc:"

Indicates, if a File is a Directory.

true, if File is a Directory, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[243, 251], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:[]}, ":newline":{doc:"

Writes a newline character to the File.

\n\n", lines:[237, 241], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:[]}, "writeln:":{doc:"

Writes a given argument as a String followed by a newline into the\nFile.

\n\n", lines:[128, 136], file:"lib/file.fy", arg:["x"]}, "write:":{doc:"

Writes a given String to a File.

String to be written to a File.
\n\n", lines:[219, 227], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:["str"]}, ":close":{doc:"

Closes an opened File.

\n\n", lines:[177, 187], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:[]}, "read:":{doc:"\n\n
Integer the amount of bytes to read from a File.
\n\n", lines:[229, 235], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:["bytes"]}, ":open?":{doc:"

Indicates, if a File is opened.

true, if File opened, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[209, 217], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:[]}, "modes:":{doc:"

Sets the File access modes Array.

New File access modes Array.
\n\n", lines:[199, 207], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:["modes_arr"]}}, methods:{"open:modes:":{doc:"

Similar to open:modes:with: but takes no Block argument to be\ncalled with the File instance.\nReturns the opened File instead and expects the caller to close it manually.

Array of symbols that describe the desired operations to perform.
A File instance that represents the opened File.
Filename to open/create.
\n\n", lines:[78, 98], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:["filename", "modes_arr"]}, "open:modes:with:":{doc:"

Opens a File with a given filename, a modes_arr (Array) and a block.


E.g. to open a File with read access and read all lines and print them to STDOUT:


File open: \"foo.txt\" modes: ['read] with: |f| {

 { f eof? } while_false: {\n   f readln println\n }\n


Array of symbols that describe the desired operations to perform.
Block that gets called with the File object that has been opened.
Filename to open/create.
\n\n", lines:[15, 39], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:["filename", "modes_arr", "block"]}, "delete:":{doc:"

Deletes a File with a given filename.

Path to File to be deleted.
\n\n", lines:[115, 127], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:["filename"]}, "rename:to:":{doc:"

Renames a File on the filesystem.

Path to new filename.
Path to File to rename.
\n\n", lines:[153, 162], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:["old_name", "new_name"]}, "eval:":{doc:"\n\n
Value of evaluating code in filename.
Name of Fancy source file (*.fy) to be read and evaluated.
\n\n", lines:[80, 87], file:"lib/file.fy", arg:["filename"]}, "write:with:":{doc:"

Opens a File for writing and calls block with it.

Block called with a File object to write to.
Filename of File to write to.
\n\n", lines:[7, 16], file:"lib/file.fy", arg:["filename", "block"]}, "read:":{doc:"

Reads all the contens (in ASCII mode) of a given file and returns\nthem as an Array of lines being read.

Contents of the File as a String.
String containing the path of the File to be read.
\n\n", lines:[52, 62], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:["filename"]}, "open:":{doc:"

Forward to message open:modes:

\n\n", lines:[77, 98], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:["filename"]}, "read:with:":{doc:"

Opens a File for reading and calls block with it.

Block called with a File object to read from.
Filename of File to read from.
\n\n", lines:[29, 38], file:"lib/file.fy", arg:["filename", "block"]}, "exists?:":{doc:"

Indicates if the File with the given filename exists.

true if File exists, false otherwise.
Path to file to check for existance.
\n\n", lines:[41, 50], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:["filename"]}, "touch:":{doc:"

Creates a new empty file with the given filename, if it doesn't already exist.

Name of File to be created, if not already existant.
\n\n", lines:[67, 78], file:"lib/file.fy", arg:["filename"]}, "delete!:":{doc:"

Deletes a File with a given filename. If an IOError occurs,\nit gets ignored.

Path to File to be deleted.
\n\n", lines:[129, 140], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:["filename"]}, "modes_str:":{doc:"

Returns the appropriate String representation of the modes_arr.

Array of symbols that describe the desired operations to perform.
String that represents the File access modifiers, as used by Ruby.
\n\n", lines:[100, 113], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:["modes_arr"]}, "read_binary:":{doc:"

Opens and reads the contents of a File in binary mode and\nreturns its binary contents as a String.

String that is the binary data in filename.
Filename of File to read from.
\n\n", lines:[51, 65], file:"lib/file.fy", arg:["filename"]}, "append:with:":{doc:"

Opens a File for appending and calls block with it.

Block called with a File object to append to.
Filename of File to append to.
\n\n", lines:[18, 27], file:"lib/file.fy", arg:["filename", "block"]}, "read_binary:with:":{doc:"

Opens a File for reading and calls block with it.

Block called with a File object to read from.
Filename of File to read from.
\n\n", lines:[40, 49], file:"lib/file.fy", arg:["filename", "block"]}, "read_config:":{doc:"

Reads a .fy source file as a config file.



 # Given a file config.fy with these contents:\n {\n   host: \"\"\n   port: 1234\n   names: [\n     'foo,\n     'bar,\n     'baz\n   ]\n   something_else: {\n     another_value: 'foo\n   }\n }\n\n # It can be read like so:\n config = File read_config: \"config.fy\"\n\n # config is now:\n <[\n   'host => \"\",\n   'port => 1234,\n   'names => ['foo, 'bar, 'baz],\n   'something_else: <[\n     'another_value => 'foo\n   ]>\n ]>\n
Hash of key-value pairs of the config file.
String that is the name of file to be read as a config file.
\n\n", lines:[89, 126], file:"lib/file.fy", arg:["filename"]}, "absolute_path:":{doc:"\n\n
Absolute (expanded) path for filename.
Name of File to get absolute path for.
\n\n", lines:[164, 171], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:["filename"]}, "directory?:":{doc:"

Indicates, if a given path refers to a Directory.

true, if the path refers to a Directory, false otherwise.
Path to check if it's a Directory.
\n\n", lines:[142, 151], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:["path"]}, "read:length:":{doc:"

Forward to message read:length:offset:

\n\n", lines:[63, 76], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:["filename", "length"]}, "read:length:offset:":{doc:"

Reads all the contens (in ASCII mode) of a given file, length and offset\nand returns them as an Array of lines being read.

Fixnum being the offset in bytes to start reading from the File.
Contents of the File as a String.
Fixnum being the maximum length to read from the File.
String containing the path of the File to be read.
\n\n", lines:[64, 76], file:"lib/rbx/file.fy", arg:["filename", "length", "offset"]}}, ancestors:["File", "Enumerable", "IO", "IOMixin", "Object", "Unmarshalable", "File Constants", "Enumerable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "StandardError":{doc:"

StandardError. Base class of most Exception classes.

\n\n", instance_methods:{":initialize":{doc:"

Creates a new Exception with an empty message.

\n\n", lines:[17, 21], file:"lib/rbx/exception.fy", arg:[]}, ":raise!":{doc:"

Raises (throws) an Exception to be caught somewhere up the\ncallstack.

\n\n", lines:[33, 40], file:"lib/rbx/exception.fy", arg:[]}, "initialize:":{doc:"

Creates a new Exception with a given message.

Message (String) for the Exception.
\n\n", lines:[23, 31], file:"lib/rbx/exception.fy", arg:["msg"]}}, methods:{"raise:":{doc:"

Raises new Exception with message.



 StandardError raise: \"Error!\"\n ArgumentError raise: \"Missing argument!\"\n # is the same as:\n StandardError new: \"Error!\\\342\200\235 . raise!\n ArgumentError new: \"Missing argument!\" . raise!\n
\n\n", lines:[2, 15], file:"lib/exception.fy", arg:["message"]}}, ancestors:["StandardError", "Exception", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "TCPSocket":{doc:"

TCP Socket class.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"send:":{doc:"

Forward to message send:flags:

\n\n", lines:[20, 23], file:"lib/rbx/tcp_socket.fy", arg:["msg"]}}, methods:{"open:port:":{doc:"

Creates and opens a new TCPSocket on server and port.

Server hostname to open Socket on.
Server port to open Socket on.
\n\n", lines:[10, 19], file:"lib/rbx/tcp_socket.fy", arg:["server", "port"]}}, ancestors:["TCPSocket", "IPSocket", "BasicSocket", "IO", "IOMixin", "Object", "Unmarshalable", "File Constants", "Enumerable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Number":{doc:"

Number is a mixin-class for all number values (integer & floats for\nnow).

\n\n", instance_methods:{":even?":{doc:"

Indicates, if a Number is even.

true, if self is even, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[170, 178], file:"lib/number.fy", arg:[]}, ":odd?":{doc:"

Indicates, if a Number is odd.

true, if self is odd, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[180, 188], file:"lib/number.fy", arg:[]}, "upto:do:":{doc:"

Calls block with each Number between self and num.\nExpects num to be greater or equal to self.

Maximum Number to call block with.
A Block that should be called with each Number between self and num.
\n\n", lines:[25, 40], file:"lib/number.fy", arg:["num", "block"]}, "max:":{doc:"\n\n
Maximum value of self and other.
\n\n", lines:[190, 200], file:"lib/number.fy", arg:["other"]}, ":squared":{doc:"

Returns the square of a Number.

Squared value of self.
\n\n", lines:[116, 124], file:"lib/number.fy", arg:[]}, "downto:do:":{doc:"

Calls block with each Number between self and num.\nExpects num to be smaller or equal to self.

Minimum Number to call block with.
A Block that should be called with each Number between self and num.
\n\n", lines:[79, 95], file:"lib/number.fy", arg:["num", "block"]}, ":random":{doc:"

Returns a random number between 0 and self.

Random number between 0 and self.
\n\n", lines:[214, 222], file:"lib/number.fy", arg:[]}, ":abs":{doc:"

Returns the absolute (positive) value of a Number.

Absolute (positive) value of self.
\n\n", lines:[146, 158], file:"lib/number.fy", arg:[]}, "upto:in_steps_of:do:":{doc:"

Calls block every steps steps between self and num with the current Number.\nExpects num to be greater or equal to self.

Number of numbers to skip each step.
Maximum Number to call block with.
A Block that should be called every steps steps between self and num.
\n\n", lines:[42, 59], file:"lib/number.fy", arg:["num", "steps", "block"]}, ":doubled":{doc:"

Returns the double value of a Number.

Doubled value of self.
\n\n", lines:[126, 134], file:"lib/number.fy", arg:[]}, "upto:":{doc:"

Returns an Array with Numbers starting at self and going up to num.\nExpects num to be greater or equal to self.

Array containing numbers from self to num.
Number to create an Array up to.
\n\n", lines:[7, 23], file:"lib/number.fy", arg:["num"]}, "downto:in_steps_of:do:":{doc:"

Calls block every steps steps between self and num with the current Number.\nExpects num to be smaller or equal to self.

Number of numbers to skip each step.
Minimum Number to call block with.
A Block that should be called every steps steps between self and num.
\n\n", lines:[97, 114], file:"lib/number.fy", arg:["num", "steps", "block"]}, "min:":{doc:"\n\n
Minimum value of self and other.
\n\n", lines:[202, 212], file:"lib/number.fy", arg:["other"]}, "downto:":{doc:"

Returns an Array with Numbers starting at self and going down to num.\nExpects num to be smaller or equal to self.

Array containing numbers from self down to num.
Number to create an Array down to.
\n\n", lines:[61, 77], file:"lib/number.fy", arg:["num"]}, ":negate":{doc:"

Negates a Number (-1 becomes 1 and vice versa).

Negated value of self.
\n\n", lines:[160, 168], file:"lib/number.fy", arg:[]}, ":cubed":{doc:"

Returns the cubed value of a Number.

Cubed value of self.
\n\n", lines:[136, 144], file:"lib/number.fy", arg:[]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Number", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "OptionParser":{doc:"

Parses command-line options from a given Array (usually ARGV) and\nexecutes registered handlers for options specified.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"with:doc:do:":{doc:"


 o = OptionParser new\n o with: \"--file [filename]\" doc: \"Use this file for processing\" do: |filename| {\n   # do something with filename\n }\n
Documentation String for option_string that is used in the standard --help option.
Option flag and (optional) argument within \"[]\", e.g. \"--file [filename]\".
Block to be executed if option_string is matched during parsing. If the option takes an argument it will be passed to block as an argument.
\n\n", lines:[53, 77], file:"lib/option_parser.fy", arg:["option_string", "doc_string", "block"]}, ":initialize":{doc:"

Forward to message initialize:

\n\n", lines:[23, 51], file:"lib/option_parser.fy", arg:[]}, ":print_help_info":{doc:"

Displays the --help information on stdout based on all options that were registered via OptionParser with:doc:do:.

\n\n", lines:[103, 117], file:"lib/option_parser.fy", arg:[]}, "parse:":{doc:"

Parses options from args and executes registered option handlers.

Array of arguments to parse options from. Typically you'd pass ARGV here.
\n\n", lines:[79, 101], file:"lib/option_parser.fy", arg:["args"]}, "initialize:":{doc:"

Creates a new OptionParser.



 o = OptionParser new: @{\n   with: \"--my-option\" doc: \"Sets some option value\" do: {\n     # do stuff in here...\n   }\n }\n o parse: ARGV # parse options from ARGV\n
(Optional) Block to be called with self for easy setup.
\n\n", lines:[38, 51], file:"lib/option_parser.fy", arg:["@block"]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["OptionParser", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "FancySpec PositiveMatcher":{doc:"

PositiveMatcher expects its actual value to be equal to an\nexpected value.\nIf the values are not equal, a SpecTest failure is generated.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"unknown_message:with_params:":{doc:"

Forwards any other message and parameters to the object itself\nand checks the return value.

\n\n", lines:[347, 356], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:["msg", "params"]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["FancySpec PositiveMatcher", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "FancySpec":{doc:"

The FancySpec class is used for defining FancySpec testsuites.\nHave a look at the tests/ directory to see some examples.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"it:with:when:":{doc:"


 it: \"should be an empty Array\" with: 'empty? when: {\n   arr = [1,2,3]\n   3 times: { arr pop }\n   arr empty? is: true\n }\n
Block that holds the testcase's code (including assertions).
Name of Method that this testcase is related to.
Info String related to the test case defined in spec_block.
\n\n", lines:[66, 93], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:["spec_info_string", "method_name", "spec_block"]}, "after_each:":{doc:"\n\n
Block to be run after each test case.
\n\n", lines:[105, 111], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:["block"]}, "before_each:":{doc:"\n\n
Block to be run before each test case.
\n\n", lines:[97, 103], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:["block"]}, ":run":{doc:"

Runs a FancySpec's test cases.

\n\n", lines:[113, 136], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:[]}, "it:when:":{doc:"


 it: \"should be an empty Array\" when: {\n   arr = [1,2,3]\n   3 times: { arr pop }\n   arr empty? is: true\n }\n
Block that holds the testcase's code (including assertions).
Info String related to the test case defined in spec_block.
\n\n", lines:[49, 64], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:["spec_info_string", "spec_block"]}, "initialize:":{doc:"

Forward to message initialize:test_obj:

\n\n", lines:[15, 16], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:["@description"]}, "initialize:test_obj:":{doc:"\n\n
Object to be tested, defaults to description.
Description String for testcase.
\n\n", lines:[12, 16], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:["@description", "@test_obj"]}, "it:for:when:":{doc:"


 it: \"should be an empty Array\" with: 'empty? when: {\n   arr = [1,2,3]\n   3 times: { arr pop }\n   arr empty? is: true\n }\n
Block that holds the testcase's code (including assertions).
Name of Method that this testcase is related to.
Info String related to the test case defined in spec_block.
\n\n", lines:[66, 93], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:["spec_info_string", "method_name", "spec_block"]}}, methods:{"describe:for:with:":{doc:"

Similar to FancySpec describe:with: but also taking an explicit test_obj.



 FancySpec describe: \"My cool class\" for: MyCoolClass with: {\n   # test cases using it:for:when: here.\n }\n
\n\n", lines:[34, 47], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:["description", "test_obj", "block"]}, "describe:with:":{doc:"

Factory method for creating FancySpec instances.\nCalls block with the new FancySpec instance as the receiver, then runs it.



 FancySpec describe: MyTestClass with: {\n   # test cases using it:for:when: here.\n }\n
\n\n", lines:[18, 32], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:["test_obj", "block"]}}, ancestors:["FancySpec", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Fancy NextIteration":{doc:"

Raised to continue with next iteration (and stopping the current one).\nIt is rescued by Block#loop.

\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Fancy NextIteration", "StandardError", "Exception", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "FutureSend":{doc:"

A FutureSend gets created whenever an asynchronous message via the @ operator gets sent, yielding a FutureSend.\nThey represent Futures/Promises in Fancy.



 f = some_object @ some_method: some_argument\n f class # => FutureSend\n f value # => Value returned by some_method, but may block the current Thread if f hasn't completed yet.\n
\n\n", instance_methods:{":completed?":{doc:"\n\n
true if FutureSend completed (success or failure), false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[60, 70], file:"lib/future.fy", arg:[]}, "when_done:":{doc:"

Registers block as a continuation to be called with self's value on success.

Block to be registered as a continuation when self succeeds.
\n\n", lines:[155, 170], file:"lib/future.fy", arg:["block"]}, ":failed?":{doc:"\n\n
true if FutureSend failed, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[86, 96], file:"lib/future.fy", arg:[]}, "initialize:receiver:message:":{doc:"

Forward to message initialize:receiver:message:with_params:

\n\n", lines:[20, 21], file:"lib/future.fy", arg:["@actor", "@receiver", "@message"]}, ":failure":{doc:"

Returns the Exception that caused self to fail, or nil, if it didn't fail.\nWill block the calling Thread if self hasn't completed or failed yet.

Exception that caused the FutureSend to fail, or nil, if no failure.
\n\n", lines:[98, 114], file:"lib/future.fy", arg:[]}, "with_value:":{doc:"

Registers block as a continuation to be called with self's value on success.

Block to be registered as a continuation when self succeeds.
\n\n", lines:[155, 170], file:"lib/future.fy", arg:["block"]}, "when_failed:":{doc:"

Registers block as a continuation to be called with self's fail reason in case of failure.

Block to be registered as a continuation when self fails.
\n\n", lines:[138, 153], file:"lib/future.fy", arg:["block"]}, ":succeeded?":{doc:"\n\n
true if FutureSend completed without failure, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[72, 84], file:"lib/future.fy", arg:[]}, ":value":{doc:"

Returns the value returned by performing self.\nWill block the calling Thread if self hasn't completed or failed yet.

Return value of performing self.
\n\n", lines:[116, 132], file:"lib/future.fy", arg:[]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["FutureSend", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Bignum":{doc:"

Class for large integer values in Fancy.

\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Bignum", "Number", "Object", "Integer", "Precision", "Numeric", "Comparable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "FancySpec NegativeMatcher":{doc:"

NegativeMatcher expects its actual value to be unequal to an\nexpected value.\nIf the values are equal, a SpecTest failure is generated.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"unknown_message:with_params:":{doc:"

Forwards any other message and parameters to the object itself\nand checks the return value.

\n\n", lines:[399, 408], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:["msg", "params"]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["FancySpec NegativeMatcher", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "DynamicKeyHash":{doc:"

Helper class to dynamically create Hashes with keys and values defined by sending messages to it.



 dkh = DynamicKeyHash new\n dkh name: \"Chris\"\n dkh age: 25\n dkh country: \"Germany\"\n\n dkh hash  # => <['name => \"Chris\", 'age => 25, 'country => \"Germany\"]>\n
\n\n", instance_methods:{":initialize":{doc:"

Forward to message initialize:

\n\n", lines:[46, 53], file:"lib/dynamic_slot_object.fy", arg:[]}, ":hash":{doc:"\n\n
Hash generated dynamically by sending messages to self.
\n\n", lines:[55, 61], file:"lib/dynamic_slot_object.fy", arg:[]}, "initialize:":{doc:"\n\n
If true, recursively sends to_hash to any value passed as an argument to self that is a Block (dynamically creating nested Hashes).
\n\n", lines:[50, 53], file:"lib/dynamic_slot_object.fy", arg:["@deep"]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["DynamicKeyHash", "Fancy BasicObject", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Fancy StopIteration":{doc:"

Raised to stop the iteration, in particular by Enumerator#next.\nIt is rescued by Block#loop.



 {\n   'Hello println\n   Fancy StopIteration new raise!\n   'World println\n } loop\n 'Done! println\n


 Hello\n Done!\n
\n\n", instance_methods:{":result":{doc:"

Returns the return value of the iterator.


o = Object new\ndef o each: block {\n block call: [1]\n block call: [2]\n block call: [3]\n 100\n}


e = o to_enum\ne next p #=> 1\ne next p #=> 2\ne next p #=> 3\ntry {\n e next\n} catch Fancy StopIteration => ex {\n ex result p #=> 100\n}

\n\n", lines:[59, 83], file:"lib/iteration.fy", arg:[]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Fancy StopIteration", "StandardError", "Exception", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Proxies ActorProxy":{doc:"

An ActorProxy is a Proxy that forwards any message sent to it to\nit's target object as a future send by default. If explicitly sent\nan async message, it will forward the async send to target,\nreturning nil instead of a FutureSend, as expected.



 ap = ActorProxy new: target_actor\n\n # this:\n f = ap some_future_send: an_arg\n # is the same as:\n f = target_actor @ some_future_send: an_arg\n\n # and this:\n ap @@ some_async_send: another_arg\n # is the same as:\n target_actor @@ some_async_send: another_arg\n
\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Proxies ActorProxy", "Fancy BasicObject", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Method":{doc:"

An instance of Method represents a method on a Class.\nEvery method in Fancy is an instance of the Method class.

\n\n", instance_methods:{":call":{doc:"

Forward to message call:

\n\n", lines:[78, 81], file:"lib/rbx/method.fy", arg:[]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Method", "MethodMixin", "Object", "Unmarshalable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Exception":{doc:"

Base Exception class.\nAll Exception classes inherit from Exception.

\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Exception", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Proxies ProxyReceiver":{doc:"

A ProxyReceiver is an object which proxies all message sends to it to 2 other objects.\nIt will send each message first to its proxy instance variable and then to the obj instance variable.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"unknown_message:with_params:":{doc:"

Forwards all incoming messages to self to @proxy and then @obj.

Paremeters of incoming message send.
Incoming message name.
\n\n", lines:[19, 29], file:"lib/proxies.fy", arg:["msg", "params"]}, "initialize:for:":{doc:"

Initializes a new ProxyReceiver with proxy for obj.

Proxy receiver for obj.
Original receiver object.
\n\n", lines:[11, 17], file:"lib/proxies.fy", arg:["@proxy", "@obj"]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Proxies ProxyReceiver", "Fancy BasicObject", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Dir":{doc:"

Instances of Directory represent directories in the filesystem of\nthe operating system, in which Fancy is being run.

\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{"create!:":{doc:"

Creates a new Directory on the filesystem, ignoring any\nExceptions that might occur.\nBasically works like running mkdir -p on the shell.

Path of Directory to create.
\n\n", lines:[22, 35], file:"lib/rbx/directory.fy", arg:["dirname"]}, "delete:":{doc:"

Deletes a directory with a given name, if it's empty.

Path to Directory to delete.
\n\n", lines:[38, 50], file:"lib/rbx/directory.fy", arg:["dirname"]}, "list:":{doc:"


 Directory list: \"tests/**/*.fy\"  # => [\"tests/file1.fy\", \"tests/more/file2.fy\"]\n
Directory pattern or name containing files to be returned as an Array.
Array of files matching directory pattern.
\n\n", lines:[52, 68], file:"lib/rbx/directory.fy", arg:["pattern"]}, "create:":{doc:"

Creates a new Directory on the filesystem, possibly throwing\nIOError Exceptions that might occur.

Path of Directory to create.
\n\n", lines:[7, 20], file:"lib/rbx/directory.fy", arg:["dirname"]}, "exists?:":{doc:"

Indicates, if a Directory exists with a given pathname.

Path of Directory to check for existance.
true, if Directory exists, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[7, 16], file:"lib/directory.fy", arg:["dirname"]}}, ancestors:["Dir", "Enumerable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Date":{doc:"

Date class. Used for timely stuff.

\n\n", instance_methods:{":!=":{doc:"\n\n
Other Date to compare to.
true if equal, false otherwhise.
\n\n", lines:[14, 21], file:"lib/rbx/date.fy", arg:["other"]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Date", "Comparable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Float":{doc:"

Standard class for floating point number values in Fancy.

\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Float", "Number", "Object", "Precision", "Numeric", "Comparable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Regexp":{doc:"

Regular Expression class. Used by Regexp literals in Fancy.

\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Regexp", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Block":{doc:"

The Block class (also BlockEnvironment) is the class of all\nBlock-literal values.\nA Block is a piece of unevaluated code, that can be passed around as\nany other value and evaluated by calling the +call+ or +call:+ methods.


Blocks also work properly with their enclosing environment in that\nthey preserve any local variables that get used within the Block,\neven if the context in which they got defined has been destroyed.\n=> Blocks are proper closures.


See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closure_(computer_science) for\nmore information.

\n\n", instance_methods:{":to_proc":{doc:"

Turns a Block into a Ruby Proc object.

Ruby Proc representing self.
\n\n", lines:[89, 97], file:"lib/rbx/block.fy", arg:[]}, ":to_object":{doc:"

Creates and returns a new Object with slots defined dynamically in self.\nLooks and feels similar to Javascript object literals.



 o = {\n   something: \"foo bar baz\"\n   with: 42\n } to_object\n\n o something # => \"foo bar baz\"\n o with      # => 42\n
\n\n", lines:[139, 156], file:"lib/block.fy", arg:[]}, ":[]":{doc:"

Same as Block#call:

\n\n", lines:[131, 137], file:"lib/block.fy", arg:["args"]}, "if:":{doc:"

Calls self if obj is true-ish.

Condition object to determine if self should be called.
\n\n", lines:[92, 100], file:"lib/block.fy", arg:["obj"]}, ":receiver":{doc:"

Returns the receiver of the Block (value for self)

Receiver object of a Block.
\n\n", lines:[32, 39], file:"lib/rbx/block.fy", arg:[]}, "until:":{doc:"

Calls self while block yields nil or false.

Condition Block to be called to determine if self should be called.
\n\n", lines:[62, 70], file:"lib/block.fy", arg:["block"]}, "while_true:":{doc:"

Calls block while calling self yields a true-ish value.

Block to call while self yields true.
\n\n", lines:[34, 48], file:"lib/block.fy", arg:["block"]}, "receiver:":{doc:"

Sets the receiver (value for self) of a Block.

New receiver object for a Block.
\n\n", lines:[41, 48], file:"lib/rbx/block.fy", arg:["recv"]}, ":to_a":{doc:"

Creates and returns a new Array with values defined dynamically in self.\nSimilar to Block to_hash but returning an Array instead of a Hash



 a = {\n   something: \"foo bar baz\"\n   with: 42\n   something; else\n } to_a   # => [['something, \"foo bar baz\"], ['with, 42], 'something, 'else]\n
\n\n", lines:[191, 205], file:"lib/block.fy", arg:[]}, "while_do:":{doc:"

Calls block while calling self yields a true-ish value.

Block to call while self yields true.
\n\n", lines:[34, 48], file:"lib/block.fy", arg:["block"]}, ":*":{doc:"

Runs self iteration times.\nSame as: iterations times: self



 { \"Hello, World\" println } * 2\n # => prints \"Hello, World\" 2 times\n
Fixnum of amount of iterations to run self.
\n\n", lines:[207, 220], file:"lib/block.fy", arg:["iterations"]}, "while_nil:":{doc:"

Executes a given Block while self evals to nil or false.



 i = 0\n { i >= 10 } while_false: {\n   i println\n   i = i + 1\n }\n
\n\n", lines:[17, 30], file:"lib/block.fy", arg:["block"]}, "call:with_receiver:":{doc:"

Same as call_with_receiver: but passing along arguments to the Block.



 r1 = [1,2,3]\n r2 = \"hello world\"\n b = |arg| { self to_s + arg }\n b call: [\"foo\"] with_receiver: r1 # => \"123foo\"\n b call: [\"foo\"] with_receiver: r2 # => \"hello worldfoo\"\n
Receiver (value of self) when calling the Block.
Array of arguments passed to self for invocation.
\n\n", lines:[67, 87], file:"lib/rbx/block.fy", arg:["args", "receiver"]}, ":===":{doc:"

Matches a Block against another object by calling self with val.

Value of calling self with val.
Other object to match self against.
\n\n", lines:[112, 121], file:"lib/block.fy", arg:["val"]}, "unless:":{doc:"

Opposite of Block#if:. Calls self if obj is false-ish.

Condition object to determine if self should not be called.
\n\n", lines:[102, 110], file:"lib/block.fy", arg:["obj"]}, "call_with_receiver:":{doc:"

Calls a Block with receiver as the receiver (referenced by self within the Block).



 r1 = [1,2,3]\n r2 = \"hello world\"\n b = { self class }\n b call_with_receiver: r1 # => Array\n b call_with_receiver: r2 # => String\n
Receiver (value of self) when calling the Block.
\n\n", lines:[50, 65], file:"lib/rbx/block.fy", arg:["receiver"]}, ":&&":{doc:"

Short-circuiting && (boolean AND).

\n\n", lines:[72, 80], file:"lib/block.fy", arg:["other_block"]}, ":to_hash_deep":{doc:"

Creates and returns a new Hash with keys and values defined dynamically in self.\nSimilar to Block to_hash but converting any value that's a Block to a Hash as well.



 o = {\n   something: \"foo bar baz\"\n   with: 42\n   and: {\n     another: 'field\n   }\n } to_hash_deep   # => <['something => \"foo bar baz\", 'with => 42, 'and => <['another => 'field]>]>\n
\n\n", lines:[173, 189], file:"lib/block.fy", arg:[]}, "while_false:":{doc:"

Executes a given Block while self evals to nil or false.



 i = 0\n { i >= 10 } while_false: {\n   i println\n   i = i + 1\n }\n
\n\n", lines:[17, 30], file:"lib/block.fy", arg:["block"]}, "until_do:":{doc:"

Calls a given Block as long as self yields nil or false.

Block to be called while self yields nil or false.
\n\n", lines:[52, 60], file:"lib/block.fy", arg:["block"]}, ":to_hash":{doc:"

Creates and returns a new Hash with keys and values defined dynamically in self.\nSimilar to Block object but returning a Hash instead of an Object



 o = {\n   something: \"foo bar baz\"\n   with: 42\n } to_hash   # => <['something => \"foo bar baz\", 'with => 42]>\n
\n\n", lines:[158, 171], file:"lib/block.fy", arg:[]}, ":||":{doc:"

Short-circuiting || (boolean OR).

\n\n", lines:[82, 90], file:"lib/block.fy", arg:["other_block"]}}, methods:{":name":{doc:"


\n\n", lines:[127, 129], file:"lib/block.fy", arg:[]}}, ancestors:["Rubinius BlockEnvironment", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Symbol":{doc:"

Symbols are unique identifiers and only created once.


If there are several occurrances of the same Symbol literal within\nFancy code, they all refer to the same Symbol object.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"call:":{doc:"

This allows Symbols to be used like Blocks (e.g. in all methods of Enumerable).



 [1, 2, 3] map: 'squared # => [1, 4, 9]\n
Argument to send self to.
Value of sending self as message to arg.
\n\n", lines:[9, 25], file:"lib/symbol.fy", arg:["arg"]}, ":call":{doc:"

Sends self as message to the sender in its context.



 'foo call\n  # => same as\n  self foo\n\n  if: x then: 'foo else: 'bar\n  # same as:\n  if: x then: { self foo } else: { self bar }\n
\n\n", lines:[27, 46], file:"lib/symbol.fy", arg:[]}, ":defined?":{doc:"

Indicates if a Symbol is defined as a constant in the senders scope.

true, if self is defined as a constant in senders scope, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[13, 25], file:"lib/rbx/symbol.fy", arg:[]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Symbol", "ImmediateValue", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Class":{doc:"

This class is the class of Class objects - e.g. Object, Array,\nString etc.\nAny class in the language is an instance of this class, as in Ruby\nor Smalltalk.

\n\n", instance_methods:{":forwards_unary_ruby_methods":{doc:"

Creates ruby_alias methods for any unary ruby methods of a class.

\n\n", lines:[210, 222], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:[]}, "define_slot_writer:":{doc:"

Defines a slot writer method with a given name.\nE.g. for a slotname count it will define the following method:

 def count: c {\n   set_slot: 'count value: c\n }\n
Name of the slot to defnie define a setter method for.
\n\n", lines:[133, 147], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["slotname"]}, "define_class_method:with:":{doc:"

Defines a class method on a Class (a singleton method) with a\ngiven name and body.

Name of the class method to be defined.
A Block to be used as the class methods body.
\n\n", lines:[82, 92], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:["name", "block"]}, "new:":{doc:"

Creates a new instance of self calling initialize:.

Argument to initialize:.
A new instance of Class self.
\n\n", lines:[17, 28], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:["arg"]}, "expose_to_ruby:":{doc:"

Forward to message expose_to_ruby:as:

\n\n", lines:[241, 267], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:["method_name"]}, "provides_interface:":{doc:"


 class MyCollection {\n   # you can skip this if you actually define each: before you include Fancy Enumerable.\n   provides_interface: ['each]\n   includes: Fancy Enumerable\n }\n
Collection of method signatures this class explicitly declares to provide.
\n\n", lines:[38, 51], file:"lib/contracts.fy", arg:["methods"]}, "define_slot_reader:":{doc:"

Defines a slot reader method with a given name.\nE.g. for a slotname count it will define the following method:

 def count {\n   get_slot: 'count\n }\n
Name of the slot to define a getter method for.
\n\n", lines:[117, 131], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["slotname"]}, "instance_method:":{doc:"

Returns an instance method for a Class with a given name.

Name of the instance method to return.
The instance Method with the given name or nil.
\n\n", lines:[125, 134], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:["name"]}, "read_slots:":{doc:"

Defines slot reader methods for all given slotnames.

Array of slotnames to define getter methods for.
\n\n", lines:[149, 159], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["slots"]}, "expose_to_ruby:as:":{doc:"

Explicitly exposes a Fancy method to Ruby. If ruby_method_name is\npassed, use that name explicitly, otherwise uses method_name.



 class Foo {\n   def === other {\n     # ...\n   }\n\n   expose_to_ruby: '===\n\n   # if you don't want to expose it as :=== in Ruby:\n   expose_to_ruby: '=== as: 'some_other_name_for_ruby\n }\n
Name of method exposed to Ruby (optional).
Fancy method name to be exposed.
\n\n", lines:[242, 267], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:["method_name", "ruby_method_name"]}, "__public__:":{doc:"

Sets any given method names to public on this Class.

One or more (Array) method names (as a Symbol) to be set to public in this Class.
\n\n", lines:[156, 166], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:["method_names"]}, ":methods":{doc:"

Forward to message methods:

\n\n", lines:[200, 208], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:[]}, ":fancy_instance_methods":{doc:"\n\n
Array of all instance methods defined in Fancy.
\n\n", lines:[343, 349], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:[]}, "__private__:":{doc:"

Sets any given method names to private on this Class.

One or more (Array) method names (as a Symbol) to be set to private in this Class.
\n\n", lines:[168, 178], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:["method_names"]}, "define_calling_chain:for_method:":{doc:"


 class Foo {\n   def foo { 'foo println }\n   def bar { 'bar println }\n   def baz { 'baz println }\n\n   define_calling_chain: ['foo, 'bar, 'baz] for_method: 'foo\n }\n\n Foo new foo\n # prints:\n # foo\n # bar\n # baz\n\n # You can also pass in Blocks:\n Foo define_calling_chain: [@{ foo }, @{ bar }, @{ baz }] for_method: 'bar\n\n Foo new bar\n # prints:\n # foo\n # bar\n # baz\n
Array of either method names or Blocks to be called in order.
Name of method to define calling chain for.
\n\n", lines:[442, 511], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["blocks_or_method_names", "method_name"]}, "alias_method:for:":{doc:"

Defines an alias method for another method.

Name of method to alias (must exist in the Class).
New method name to be used as an alias for old_method_name.
\n\n", lines:[269, 278], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["new_method_name", "old_method_name"]}, "alias_method:for_ruby:":{doc:"

Creates a method alias for a Ruby method.

\n\n", lines:[149, 154], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:["new_method_name", "ruby_method_name"]}, "public:":{doc:"

Sets any given method names to public on this Class.



 class MyClass {\n   def foo {}\n   def bar {}\n\n   public: 'foo\n   public: 'bar\n\n   # same as:\n   public: ('foo, 'bar)\n\n   # same as:\n   public: {\n     def foo {}\n     def bar {}\n   }\n }\n
Block or Fancy Enumerable of method names to be public.
\n\n", lines:[83, 115], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["public_methods"]}, "included:":{doc:"

Default include hook. Make sure to call this via super included: class.

Class to be included in self. Checks possible interface requirements.
\n\n", lines:[73, 88], file:"lib/contracts.fy", arg:["class"]}, "write_slots:":{doc:"

Defines slot writer methods for all given slotnames.

Array of slotnames to define setter methods for.
\n\n", lines:[171, 181], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["slots"]}, "private:":{doc:"

Sets any given method names to private on this Class.



 class MyClass {\n   def foo {}\n   def bar {}\n\n   private: 'foo\n   private: 'bar\n\n   # same as:\n   private: ('foo, 'bar)\n\n   # same as:\n   private: {\n     def foo {}\n     def bar {}\n   }\n }\n
Block or Fancy Enumerable of method names to be private.
\n\n", lines:[15, 47], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["private_methods"]}, "write_slot:":{doc:"

Defines a slot writer method for a given slotname.

Name of slot to define a setter method for.
\n\n", lines:[183, 191], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["slotname"]}, "initialize:":{doc:"

Initializes a Class with a superclass.

\n\n", lines:[50, 55], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:["superclass"]}, "before_method:run:":{doc:"

Runs / Calls block_or_method everytime before running method_name.



 Array before_method: 'inspect run: 'compact!\n [1, nil, 2, nil, 3] inspect # => \"[1, 2, 3]\"\n\n # Or pass a Block:\n Array before_method: 'inspect run: @{ compact! }\n
Block or name of other Method to be called before method_name.
Name of Method to run another Method or Block before, when called.
\n\n", lines:[369, 385], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["method_name", "block_or_method_name"]}, "methods:":{doc:"\n\n
Array of all class method names for this Class.
Boolean indicating if methods of all superclasses should be included (defaults to true).
\n\n", lines:[201, 208], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:["include_superclasses?"]}, "read_slot:":{doc:"

Defines a slot reader method for a given slotname.

Name of slot to define a getter method for.
\n\n", lines:[161, 169], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["slotname"]}, "protected:":{doc:"

Sets any given method names to protected on this Class.



 class MyClass {\n   def foo {}\n   def bar {}\n\n   protected: 'foo\n   protected: 'bar\n\n   # same as:\n   protected: ('foo, 'bar)\n\n   # same as:\n   protected: {\n     def foo {}\n     def bar {}\n   }\n }\n
Block or Fancy Enumerable of method names to be protected.
\n\n", lines:[49, 81], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["protected_methods"]}, "class_eval:":{doc:"

Evaluates a given String of Fancy code or a Block in the class context of self.\nUseful for dynamically defining methods on a class etc.



 Array class_eval: \"def foo { 'foo println }\"\n [1,2,3] foo  # => prints 'foo\n
String or Block to be evaluated in the context of this Class.
\n\n", lines:[224, 240], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:["str_or_block"]}, "read_write_slots:":{doc:"

Defines slot reader & writer methods for all given slotnames.

Array of slotnames to define getter & setter methods for.
\n\n", lines:[193, 204], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["slots"]}, "delegate:to_slot:":{doc:"


 class MyClass {\n   delegate: ('to_s, 'inspect) to_slot: 'my_slot\n   def initialize: @my_slot\n }\n\n m = MyClass new: [1, 2, 3]\n m to_s      # => \"123\"\n m inspect   # => \"[1, 2, 3]\"\n
Fancy Enumerable of method names to be delegated.
Name of slot to delegate methods to.
\n\n", lines:[280, 325], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["methods", "slotname"]}, "__protected__:":{doc:"

Sets any given method names to protected on this Class.

One or more (Array) method names (as a Symbol) to be set to protected in this Class.
\n\n", lines:[180, 190], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:["method_names"]}, "define_method:with:":{doc:"

Defines an instance method on a Class with a given name and\nbody.

Name of the method to be defined.
A Block that is used as the method's body.
\n\n", lines:[57, 70], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:["name", "block"]}, "after_method:run:":{doc:"

Runs / Calls block_or_method_name everytime after running method_name.



 Array after_method: 'inspect run: 'compact!\n x = [1, nil, 2, nil, 3]\n x inspect # => \"[1, nil, 2, nil, 3]\"\n x inspect # => \"[1, 2, 3]\"\n\n # Or pass a Block:\n Array after_method: 'inspect run: @{ compact! }\n
Block or name of other Method to be called after method_name.
Name of Method to run another Method or Block after, when called.
\n\n", lines:[387, 405], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["method_name", "block_or_method_name"]}, ":nested_classes":{doc:"

Returns all the nested classes within a Class as an Array.

Array of all nested classes for self.
\n\n", lines:[115, 123], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:[]}, "subclass:":{doc:"

Creates a new Class with self as superclass and the given body.

A Block that gets used as the body of the Class.
A new Class inherited from self.
\n\n", lines:[104, 113], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:["body_block"]}, "around_method:run:":{doc:"

Runs / Calls block_or_method_name everytime before & after running method_name.



 class MyController {\n   def do_stuff {\n     \"Doing stuff\" println\n   }\n\n   def log_data {\n     \"Log data\" println\n   }\n\n   around_method: 'do_stuff run: 'log_data\n }\n\n controller = MyController new\n controller do_stuff\n\n # which will print:\n # Log data\n # Doing stuff\n # Log data\n\n # Or pass a Block:\n MyController around_method: 'do_stuff run: { \"Log data\" println }\n
Block or name of other Method to be called before & after method_name.
Name of Method to run another Method or Block before & after, when called.
\n\n", lines:[407, 440], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["method_name", "block_or_method_name"]}, ":initialize":{doc:"

Initializes a Class with Object set as superclass (default superclass).

\n\n", lines:[43, 48], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:[]}, "expects_interface_on_inclusion:":{doc:"

Declares a required interface (collection of method signatures) an including class has to provide.



 class Enumerable {\n   expects_interface_on_inclusion: ['each:]\n }\n
Collection of method signatures to expect on inclusion into another Class.
\n\n", lines:[21, 34], file:"lib/contracts.fy", arg:["methods"]}, "instance_methods:":{doc:"\n\n
Array of all instance method names for this Class.
Boolean indicating if instance methods of all superclasses should be included (defaults to true).
\n\n", lines:[192, 199], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:["include_superclasses?"]}, "undefine_class_method:":{doc:"

Undefines a class method on a Class with a given name.

Name of the class method to undefine (remove).
\n\n", lines:[94, 102], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:["name"]}, ":inspect":{doc:"


 Fixnum inspect # => \"Fixnum : Integer\"\n Object inspect # => \"Object\"\n
Name of class and its superclass as a String.
\n\n", lines:[327, 341], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:[]}, "subclass?:":{doc:"

Indicates, if a Class is a subclass of another Class.

true, if self is a subclass of class_obj, false otherwise.
Class object to check for, if self is a subclass of class_obj.
\n\n", lines:[251, 267], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["class_obj"]}, "remove_slot_accessors_for:":{doc:"

Removes both reader and writer methods for slots in slotnames.

Name of slot or Array of slotnames to remove accessor methods for.
\n\n", lines:[234, 249], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["slotnames"]}, "read_write_slot:":{doc:"

Defines slot reader & writer methods for a given slotname.

Name of slot to define getter & setter methods for.
\n\n", lines:[206, 215], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["slotname"]}, "alias_method_rbx:for:":{doc:"

Rbx specific version of alias_method:for: due to bootstrap order\nreasons. Should not be used directly.

\n\n", lines:[140, 147], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:["new_method_name", "old_method_name"]}, "missing_methods_for_interface:":{doc:"\n\n
Collection of method signatures to check.
Collection of methods in methods this class doesn't provide.
\n\n", lines:[63, 71], file:"lib/contracts.fy", arg:["methods"]}, ":ruby_instance_methods":{doc:"\n\n
Array of all instance methods defined in Ruby.
\n\n", lines:[351, 357], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:[]}, "undefine_method:":{doc:"

Undefines an instance method on a Class with a given name.

Name of the method to undefine (remove) from a Class.
\n\n", lines:[72, 80], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:["name"]}, ":new":{doc:"

Creates a new instance of self calling initialize.

A new instance of Class self.
\n\n", lines:[4, 14], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:[]}, "expects_interface:":{doc:"

Declares a required interface (collection of method signatures) an including class has to provide.



 class Enumerable {\n   expects_interface_on_inclusion: ['each:]\n }\n
Collection of method signatures to expect on inclusion into another Class.
\n\n", lines:[21, 34], file:"lib/contracts.fy", arg:["methods"]}, "rebind_instance_method:with:within:":{doc:"

Forward to message rebind_instance_method:with:within:receiver:

\n\n", lines:[535, 567], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["method_name", "rebind_callable", "within_block"]}, "provides_interface?:":{doc:"\n\n
Collection of method signatures (an interface) to check for.
true if all methods in methods are provided by self, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[53, 61], file:"lib/contracts.fy", arg:["methods"]}, "rebind_instance_method:with:within:receiver:":{doc:"

Rebinds method_name to rebind_callable within within_block.\nIf within_block takes an argument, it will be called with receiver (defaults to self).

Name of instance method to rebind in self.
Block to be called with receiver or self.
Value of calling within_block with receiver.
Argument to within_block. Defaults to self.
Name of method or Block to rebind method_name to.
\n\n", lines:[536, 567], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["method_name", "rebind_callable", "within_block", "receiver"]}, "lazy_slot:value:":{doc:"

Defines a lazy getter for slotname that yields the result of calling block and caches it in slotname.

will be called with self as the implicit receiver, so other slots can be used within block.
Name of slot to be lazily set.
\n\n", lines:[217, 232], file:"lib/class.fy", arg:["slotname", "block"]}, ":instance_methods":{doc:"

Forward to message instance_methods:

\n\n", lines:[191, 199], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:[]}}, methods:{"superclass:body:":{doc:"

Creates a new Class by subclassing superclass and\nusing body_block as its body.

A Block that is used as the body of the new Class.
A new Class inherited from superclass.
The superclass to inherit from.
\n\n", lines:[30, 41], file:"lib/rbx/class.fy", arg:["superclass", "body_block"]}}, ancestors:["Class", "Module", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Time":{doc:"

Time class. Used for even more timely stuff.

\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Time", "Comparable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Proxies DistributingProxy":{doc:"

DistributingProxy is a Proxy that round-robin distributes messages to objects\nin a Fancy Enumerable specified upon creation.



 p = DistributingProxy new: [worker1, worker2, worker3, worker4]\n loop: {\n   req = @input receive_request\n   p handle_request: req         # will be forwarded to worker1-4\n }\n
\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Proxies DistributingProxy", "Fancy BasicObject", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Array":{doc:"

Array class.\nArrays are dynamically resizable containers with a constant-time\nindex-based access to members.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"remove_if:":{doc:"

Like Array remove:, but taking a condition Block.\nRemoves all elements that meet the given condition Block.

Block (or Callable) that indicates, if an element should be removed from self.
self, with all elements removed for which condition yields true.
\n\n", lines:[251, 262], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["condition"]}, "[]:":{doc:"

Inserts a given object at a given index (position) in the Array.

Index to set a value for.
Value (object) to be set at the given index.
\n\n", lines:[76, 86], file:"lib/rbx/array.fy", arg:["idx", "obj"]}, "select_with_index:":{doc:"

Same as #select:, just gets also called with an additional argument\nfor each element's index value.

\n\n", lines:[392, 405], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["block"]}, "reverse_each:":{doc:"


 [1,2,3] reverse_each: @{print}\n # prints: 321\n
Block to be called for each element (in reverse order).
\n\n", lines:[115, 129], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["block"]}, "reject!:":{doc:"

Same as Array#reject: but doing so in-place (destructive).

\n\n", lines:[220, 227], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["block"]}, ":compact!":{doc:"

Removes all nil-value elements in place.

\n\n", lines:[229, 238], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:[]}, "index:":{doc:"

Returns the index of an item (or nil, if it isn't in the Array).\nIf item is a Block, it will return the index of an element for which it yields true.

Index of the value passed in within the Array, or nil, if value not present.
Item/Value for which the index is requested within an Array.
\n\n", lines:[90, 103], file:"lib/rbx/array.fy", arg:["item"]}, ":println":{doc:"

Prints each element on a seperate line.

\n\n", lines:[264, 273], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:[]}, ":rest":{doc:"

Returns all elements except the first one as a new Array.

All elements in an Array after the first one.
\n\n", lines:[89, 96], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:[]}, ":inspect":{doc:"

Returns a pretty-printed String representation of self.\nExample:

 [1, 'foo, \"bar\", 42] inspect # => \"[1, 'foo, \\\"bar\\\", 42]\"\n
Pretty-printed String representation of self.
\n\n", lines:[275, 291], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:[]}, ":>>":{doc:"

Returns new Array with elements of other_arr appended to these.

New Array with other_arr and self appended.
Array to be appended to self.
\n\n", lines:[196, 206], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["other_arr"]}, ":indices":{doc:"

Returns an Array of all the indices of an Array.

 [1,2,3] indices # => [0,1,2]\n
Array of all indices of self.
\n\n", lines:[342, 351], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:[]}, ":to_hash":{doc:"

Returns a Hash with each key-value pair in self.



 [[1,2],[3,4]] to_hash  # => <[1 => 2, 3 => 4]>\n
\n\n", lines:[407, 421], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:[]}, "values_at:":{doc:"

Returns new Array with elements at given indices.

Array of all the items with the given indices in idx_arr.
Array of indices.
\n\n", lines:[181, 194], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["idx_arr"]}, "find_by:":{doc:"

Like find: but takes a block that gets called with each element to find it.

The first element, for which block yields true.
Block to be called for each element in the Array.
\n\n", lines:[165, 179], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["block"]}, ":[]":{doc:"

Given an Fancy Enumerable of 2 Fixnums, it returns the sub-array between the given indices.\nIf given a single Fixnum, returns the element at that index.

Element(s) stored in self at index, possibly nil or an empty Array.
Index to get the value for or Fancy Enumerable of 2 indices used for a sub-array.
\n\n", lines:[72, 87], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["index"]}, "prepend:":{doc:"

Prepends another Array to this one.



 a = [1,2,3]\n a prepend: [4,5,6]\n a # => [4,5,6,1,2,3]\n
Other Array to be prepended to self.
\n\n", lines:[53, 70], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["arr"]}, ":to_a":{doc:"\n\n
\n\n", lines:[293, 299], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:[]}, "select!:":{doc:"

Removes all elements in place, that don't meet the condition.

A condition Block (or something Callable) for selecting items from self.
self, but changed with all elements removed that don't yield true for condition.
\n\n", lines:[208, 218], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["condition"]}, "remove:":{doc:"

Removes all occurances of obj in the Array.

self, with all occurances of obj removed.
Object to be removed within self.
\n\n", lines:[240, 249], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["obj"]}, "unshift:":{doc:"

Inserts a value at the front of self.



 a = [1,2,3]\n a unshift: 10\n a # => [10,1,2,3]\n
Value to be added at the front of self.
\n\n", lines:[142, 156], file:"lib/rbx/array.fy", arg:["value"]}, ":*":{doc:"

Returns a new Array that contains the elements of self num times\nin a row.

\n\n", lines:[301, 312], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["num"]}, "each:":{doc:"

Calls a given Block with each element in the Array.

Block to be called for each element in self.
\n\n", lines:[98, 113], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["block"]}, "find:":{doc:"

Returns the item, if it's in the Array or nil (if not found).

item if, it's found in the Array, otherwise nil.
Object / Element to find in the Array.
\n\n", lines:[148, 163], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["item"]}, ":join":{doc:"

Joins all elements with the empty String.



 [\"hello\", \"world\", \"!\"] join # => \"hello,world!\"\n
Elements of Array joined to a String.
\n\n", lines:[129, 140], file:"lib/rbx/array.fy", arg:[]}, "includes?:":{doc:"

Indicates, if an Array includes a given value.

true, if obj is in self, false otherwise.
Object to search for in self.
\n\n", lines:[28, 37], file:"lib/rbx/array.fy", arg:["obj"]}, "join:":{doc:"

Joins all elements in the Array with a given String.



 [1,2,3] join: \", \\\342\200\235 # => \\\342\200\2351, 2, 3\"\n
String by which to join all elements in self into a new String.
Joined String with all elements with join_str.
\n\n", lines:[115, 127], file:"lib/rbx/array.fy", arg:["join_str"]}, "from:to:":{doc:"

Returns sub-array starting at from: and going to to:

Start index for sub-array.
End index for sub-array.
\n\n", lines:[371, 390], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["from", "to"]}, "indices_of:":{doc:"

Returns an Array of all indices of this item. Empty Array if item does not occur.

 [1, 'foo, 2, 'foo] indices_of: 'foo # => [1, 3]\n
Array of all indices for a given value within an Array (possibly empty).
Item/Value for which a list of indices is requested within an Array.
\n\n", lines:[353, 369], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["item"]}, "remove_at:":{doc:"

Removes an element at a given index.\nIf given an Array of indices, removes all the elements with these indices.\nReturns the deleted object if an index was given, the last deleted object for an Array given.

\n\n", lines:[39, 61], file:"lib/rbx/array.fy", arg:["index"]}, ":-":{doc:"

Returns an Array of all values in self that are not in other.



 [1,2,3,4] - [2,4,5] # => [1,3]\n
Fancy Enumerable to be subtracted from self.
Array of elements in self excluding all elements in self and other.
\n\n", lines:[328, 340], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["other"]}, "at:put:":{doc:"

Inserts a given object at a given index (position) in the Array.

Index to set a value for.
Value (object) to be set at the given index.
\n\n", lines:[76, 86], file:"lib/rbx/array.fy", arg:["idx", "obj"]}, "last:":{doc:"

Returns new Array with last n elements specified.

Number of last elements to get from an Array.
Array with up to count size of last elements in self.
\n\n", lines:[105, 113], file:"lib/rbx/array.fy", arg:["count"]}, ":+":{doc:"

Returns concatenation with another Fancy Enumerable.



 [1,2,3] + [3,4,5] # => [1,2,3,3,4,5]\n
Fancy Enumerable to be appended.
Concatenation of self with other.
\n\n", lines:[314, 326], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["other"]}, ":clone":{doc:"

Clones (shallow copy) the Array.

A shallow copy of the Array.
\n\n", lines:[20, 32], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:[]}, "append:":{doc:"

Appends another Array onto this one.



 a = [1,2,3]\n a append: [3,4,5]\n a # => [1,2,3,3,4,5]\n
Other Array to be appended to self.
\n\n", lines:[34, 51], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["arr"]}, ":=?":{doc:"

Compares two Arrays where order does not matter.

Other Array to compare this one to.
true, if all elements of other are in self, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[131, 146], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["other"]}, "at:":{doc:"

Returns the element in the Array at a given index.

Index for value to retrieve.
Value with the given index (if available), or nil.
\n\n", lines:[63, 72], file:"lib/rbx/array.fy", arg:["idx"]}}, methods:{"new:":{doc:"

Creates a new Array with a given size (default value is nil).

Initial size of the Array to be created (values default to nil).
\n\n", lines:[10, 18], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["size"]}, ":===":{doc:"

Matches an Array against another object.

Object to match self against.
nil, if no match, matched values (in an Array) otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[423, 434], file:"lib/array.fy", arg:["object"]}, "new:with:":{doc:"

Creates a new Array with a given size and default-value.\nIf default is a Block, call it with each index instead and\nstore the return value.



 Array new: 3 with: 'hello    # => ['hello, 'hello, 'hello]\n # default can also be a block, taking the current index.\n Array new: 3 with: @{ * 2 }  # => [0, 2, 4]\n
Initial size of Array.
Default value of new Array. Inserted size times.
New Array with size values of default in it.
\n\n", lines:[6, 26], file:"lib/rbx/array.fy", arg:["size", "default"]}}, ancestors:["Array", "Fancy Enumerable", "Object", "Enumerable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Set":{doc:"

A simple Set data structure class.

\n\n", instance_methods:{":[]":{doc:"

Indicates, if the Set includes value.

true if value is in self, nil otherwise.
Value to be checked for if included in self.
\n\n", lines:[104, 113], file:"lib/set.fy", arg:["value"]}, "remove:":{doc:"

Removes a given object from a Set, if available.

Object to be removed from self.
\n\n", lines:[143, 151], file:"lib/set.fy", arg:["obj"]}, ":values":{doc:"\n\n
Values in self as an Array.
\n\n", lines:[29, 35], file:"lib/set.fy", arg:[]}, "initialize:":{doc:"

Initialize a new Set with a given collection of values.

Fancy Enumerable of values to be used as values for self.
\n\n", lines:[8, 19], file:"lib/set.fy", arg:["values"]}, ":&":{doc:"\n\n
Other Set to use for creating Set.
Intersection Set containing only values that are in both self and other.
\n\n", lines:[175, 186], file:"lib/set.fy", arg:["other"]}, "each:":{doc:"

Calls a given Block for each element of the Set.

Block to be called with each value in self.
\n\n", lines:[115, 125], file:"lib/set.fy", arg:["block"]}, "includes?:":{doc:"

Indicates, if the Set includes value.

true if value in self, false otherwise.
Value to be checked for if included in self.
\n\n", lines:[93, 102], file:"lib/set.fy", arg:["value"]}, ":initialize":{doc:"

Initialize a new empty Set.

\n\n", lines:[21, 27], file:"lib/set.fy", arg:[]}, ":-":{doc:"\n\n
Other Set to use for creating difference Set.
Difference Set by removing all values from self that are in other.
\n\n", lines:[162, 173], file:"lib/set.fy", arg:["other"]}, ":==":{doc:"

Indicates, if two Sets are equal.

Set to compare self against.
true, if self is equal to other, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[55, 69], file:"lib/set.fy", arg:["other"]}, ":empty?":{doc:"

Indicates, if a Set is empty.

true, if Set is emty, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[45, 53], file:"lib/set.fy", arg:[]}, ":+":{doc:"\n\n
Other Set to use for creating union Set.
Union Set containing all values in both self and other.
\n\n", lines:[153, 160], file:"lib/set.fy", arg:["other"]}, ":<<":{doc:"

Insert a value into the Set.

Value to be inserted into self.
\n\n", lines:[81, 91], file:"lib/set.fy", arg:["value"]}, ":size":{doc:"\n\n
Amount of values in self as a Fixnum.
\n\n", lines:[37, 43], file:"lib/set.fy", arg:[]}, ":to_s":{doc:"

Returns a String representation of a Set.

\n\n", lines:[127, 133], file:"lib/set.fy", arg:[]}, ":inspect":{doc:"

Returns a detailed String representation of a Set.

\n\n", lines:[135, 141], file:"lib/set.fy", arg:[]}}, methods:{":[]":{doc:"

Initialize a new Set with a given collection of values.

Fancy Enumerable of values used for new Set.
\n\n", lines:[71, 79], file:"lib/set.fy", arg:["values"]}}, ancestors:["Set", "Fancy Enumerable", "Object", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Fancy MessageSink":{doc:"

A MessageSink just swallows all messages that are sent to it.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"unknown_message:with_params:":{doc:"

m Message sent to self.\np Array of parameters sent along with m.


Catches all messages and arguments and simply always returns self.

\n\n", lines:[7, 17], file:"lib/message_sink.fy", arg:["m", "p"]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Fancy MessageSink", "Fancy BasicObject", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Fancy BreakIteration":{doc:"

Raised to break the current iteration.\nIt is rescued by Block#loop.



 10 times: |i| {\n     i println\n     if: (i == 3) then: {\n       Fancy BreakIteration new raise!\n     }\n }\n \"Done!\" println\n


 0\n 1\n 2\n 3\n Done!\n
\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Fancy BreakIteration", "StandardError", "Exception", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "FancySpec SpecTest":{doc:"

FancySpec test case class.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"failed:":{doc:"

Forward to message failed:location:

\n\n", lines:[244, 251], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:["actual_and_expected"]}}, methods:{"failed_test:":{doc:"

Gets called when a SpecTest failed.

Pair of actual and expected values for a failed test case.
\n\n", lines:[157, 167], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:["test"]}, "failed_negative_test:":{doc:"

Gets called when a negative SpecTest (using NegativeMatcher) failed.

Value that should not have occured.
\n\n", lines:[169, 179], file:"lib/fancy_spec.fy", arg:["test"]}}, ancestors:["FancySpec SpecTest", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Fancy Enumerable":{doc:"

Mixin-Class with useful methods for collections that implement an each: method.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"skip:":{doc:"


 [1,2,3,4,5] drop: 2 # => [3,4,5]\n
Amount of elements to skip in self.
An Array of all but the first amount elements in self.
\n\n", lines:[390, 404], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["amount"]}, "reduce:init_val:":{doc:"

Calculates a value based on a given block to be called on an accumulator\nvalue and an initial value.



 [1,2,3] reduce: |sum val| { sum + val } init_val: 0 # => 6\n
\n\n", lines:[408, 422], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["block", "init_val"]}, "reverse_each:":{doc:"

Runs block for each element on reversed version of self.\nIf self is not a sorted collection, no guarantees about the reverse order can be given.

Block to be called for each element in reverse order.
\n\n", lines:[683, 693], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["block"]}, "first:":{doc:"


 (1,2,3,4) first: 2 # => [1,2]\n
Amount of first elements to take from self.
Array of first amount elements in self.
\n\n", lines:[91, 105], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["amount"]}, "grep:":{doc:"


 \"hello world\" grep: /[a-h]/                 # => [\"h\", \"e\", \"d\"]\n [\"hello\", \"world\", 1, 2, 3] grep: String  # => [\"hello\", \"world\"]\n
Pattern to be filtered by (via Object ===)
Elements in self for which pattern matches.
\n\n", lines:[771, 782], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["pattern"]}, ":random":{doc:"\n\n
Random element in self.
\n\n", lines:[596, 602], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, ":rest":{doc:"\n\n
Array of all but the first element in self.
\n\n", lines:[83, 89], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, "reject:":{doc:"

Similar to select: but inverse.\nReturns a new Array with all elements that don't meet the given condition block.

\n\n", lines:[310, 321], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["condition"]}, ":max":{doc:"

Returns the maximum value in the Enumerable (via the '>' comparison message).

Maximum value in self.
\n\n", lines:[524, 532], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, "all?:":{doc:"

Takes condition-block and returns true if all elements meet it.

true if all elements in self yield true for block, false otherwise.
Predicate Block to be called for each element until it returns false for any one of them.
\n\n", lines:[198, 212], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["condition"]}, "find_by:":{doc:"

Similar to find: but takes a block that is called for each element to find it.

\n\n", lines:[235, 246], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["block"]}, ":reverse":{doc:"

Returns self in reverse order.\nThis only makes sense for collections that have an ordering.\nIn either case, it simply converts self to an Array and returns it in reversed order.

self in reverse order.
\n\n", lines:[653, 663], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, "drop:":{doc:"


 [1,2,3,4,5] drop: 2 # => [3,4,5]\n
Amount of elements to skip in self.
An Array of all but the first amount elements in self.
\n\n", lines:[390, 404], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["amount"]}, ":unique":{doc:"

Returns a new Array with all unique values (double entries are skipped).



 [1,2,1,2,3] unique # => [1,2,3]\n
Array of all unique elements in self.
\n\n", lines:[436, 453], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, "split_at:":{doc:"


 [1,2,3,4,5] split_at: 2 # => [[1,2], [3,4,5]]\n
Array of 2 Arrays of elements in self splitted at index.
Index at which self should be split.
\n\n", lines:[747, 757], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["index"]}, "includes?:":{doc:"

Indicates, if a collection includes a given element.

true, if item in self, otherwise false.
Item to check if it's included in self.
\n\n", lines:[124, 133], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["item"]}, "join:":{doc:"

Joins a collection with a String between each element, returning a new String.

 \"hello, world\" join: \"-\" # => \"h-e-l-l-o-,- -w-o-r-l-d\"\n
Value (usually a String) to be used for the joined String.
String containing all elements in self interspersed with str.
\n\n", lines:[148, 165], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["str"]}, "each_with_index:":{doc:"

Iterate over all elements in self.\nCalls a given Block with each element and its index.

Block to be called with each element and its index in the self.
\n\n", lines:[25, 39], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["block"]}, "superior_by:":{doc:"

Forward to message superior_by:taking:

\n\n", lines:[491, 522], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["comparison_block"]}, "join_by:":{doc:"

Works similar to Fancy Enumerable inject:into: but uses first element as value injected.



 (1,2,3) reduce_by: '+  # => same as: (2,3) inject: 1 into: '+\n
Result of calling block pairwise (similar to using Fancy Enumerable reduce:into:).
Block to be called pair-wise to produce a single value.
\n\n", lines:[167, 180], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["block"]}, "take_while:":{doc:"

Returns a new Array by taking elements from the beginning\nas long as they meet the given condition block.



 [1,2,3,4,5] take_while: |x| { x < 4 } # => [1,2,3]\n
A Block that is used as a condition for filtering.
An Array of all elements from the beginning until condition yields false.
\n\n", lines:[323, 344], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["condition"]}, "last:":{doc:"


 (1,2,3,4) last: 2 # => [3,4]\n
Amount of last elements to take from self.
Array of last amount elements in self.
\n\n", lines:[107, 122], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["amount"]}, "map:":{doc:"

Returns a new Array with the results of calling a given block for every element.

An Array containing all values of calling block with each element in self.
A Block that gets called with each element in self.
\n\n", lines:[248, 261], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["block"]}, ":size":{doc:"

Returns the size of an Enumerable.

Amount of elements in self.
\n\n", lines:[455, 467], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, "any?:":{doc:"

Indicates, if any element meets the condition.

Block (or Callable) that is used to check if any element in self yields true for it.
true, if condition yields true for any element, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[182, 196], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["condition"]}, "take:":{doc:"


 [1,2,3,4] take: 2 # => [1,2]\n
Amount of elements to take from self.
Array of first amount elements in self.
\n\n", lines:[374, 388], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["amount"]}, "drop_while:":{doc:"

Similar to take_while: but inverse.\nReturns a new Array by skipping elements from the beginning\nas long as they meet the given condition block.



 [1,2,3,4,5] drop_while: |x| { x < 4 } # => [4,5]\n
\n\n", lines:[346, 372], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["condition"]}, "each:in_between:":{doc:"

Similar to each: but calls an additional Block between\ncalling the first Block for each element in self.

\n\n", lines:[135, 146], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["each_block", "between_block"]}, "grep:taking:":{doc:"


 \"hello world\" grep: /[a-h]/ taking: @{ upcase }             # => [\"H\", \"E\", \"D\"]\n [\"hello\", \"world\", 1, 2, 3] grep: String taking: 'upcase  # => [\"HELLO\", \"WORLD\"]\n
Pattern to be filtered by (via Object ===)
Return values of elements in self called with block for which pattern matches.
Block to be called with each element for which pattern matches.
\n\n", lines:[784, 802], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["pattern", "block"]}, "to_hash:":{doc:"


   [\"foo\", \\\342\200\235hello\", \"ok\", \"\"] to_hash: @{ size }\n   # => <[3 => \"foo\", 5 => \"hello\", 2 => \"ok\", 0 => \"\"]>\n
Hash of key/value pairs based on values in self.
Block to be called to get the key for each element in self.
\n\n", lines:[665, 681], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["block"]}, "split_with:":{doc:"


 [1,2,3,4,5] split_with: @{ < 3 } # => [[1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]\n
Block to be used as a predicate on where to split in self.
Array of 2 Arrays of elements split based on predicate_block.
\n\n", lines:[759, 769], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["predicate_block"]}, ":min":{doc:"

Returns the minimum value in the Enumerable (via the '<' comparison message).

Minimum value in self.
\n\n", lines:[534, 542], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, "sort_by:":{doc:"

Sorts a collection by a given comparison block.

Sorted Array of elements in self.
Block taking 2 arguments used to compare elements in a collection.
\n\n", lines:[604, 619], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["block"]}, "in_groups_of:":{doc:"

Example usage:

 [1,2,3,4,5] in_groups_of: 3 # => [[1,2,3],[4,5]]\n
Maximum size of each group.
Array of Arrays with a max size of size (grouped).
\n\n", lines:[621, 651], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["size"]}, ":sorted?":{doc:"


 (1,2,3) sorted? # => true\n (2,1,3) sorted? # => false\n \"abc\" sorted? # => true\n \"bac\" sorted? # => false\n
true if self is sorted, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[726, 745], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, ":empty?":{doc:"

Indicates, if the Enumerable is empty (has no elements).

true, if size of self is 0, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[469, 477], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, ":fourth":{doc:"\n\n
The fourth element in the Fancy Enumerable.
\n\n", lines:[62, 67], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, ":to_s":{doc:"


 (1,2,3) to_s # => \"123\"\n [1,2,3] to_s # => \"123\"\n \"foo\" to_s # => \"foo\"\n
String concatenation of elements in self.
\n\n", lines:[713, 724], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, ":third":{doc:"\n\n
The third element in the Fancy Enumerable.
\n\n", lines:[55, 60], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, ":compact":{doc:"

Returns a new Array with all values removed that are nil ( return true on nil? ).



 [1,2,nil,3,nil] compact # => [1,2,3]\n
Array with all non-nil elements in self.
\n\n", lines:[479, 490], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, "select:":{doc:"

Returns a new Array with all elements that meet the given condition block.

A Block that is used as a filter on all elements in self.
An Array containing all elements in self that yield true when called with condition.
\n\n", lines:[295, 308], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["condition"]}, "map_with_index:":{doc:"

Returns a new Array with the results of calling a given block for every element and its index.

An Array containing all values of calling block with each element and its index in self.
A Block that gets called with each element and its index in self.
\n\n", lines:[263, 276], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["block"]}, "superior_by:taking:":{doc:"

Returns the superior element in the Fancy Enumerable that has met\nthe given comparison block with all other elements,\napplied to whatever selection_block returns for each element.



 [1,2,5,3,4] superior_by: '> # => 5\n [1,2,5,3,4] superior_by: '< # => 1\n [[1,2], [2,3,4], [], [1]] superior_by: '> taking: 'size # => [2,3,4]\n [[1,2], [2,3,4], [-1]] superior_by: '< taking: 'first # => [-1]\n
Superior element in self in terms of comparison_block.
defaults to identity.
Block to be used for comparison.
\n\n", lines:[492, 522], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["comparison_block", "selection_block"]}, "inject:into:":{doc:"

Same as reduce:init_val: but taking the initial value as first\nand the reducing block as second parameter.



 [1,2,3] inject: 0 into: |sum val| { sum + val } # => 6\n
\n\n", lines:[424, 434], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["val", "block"]}, ":last":{doc:"

Returns the last element in a Fancy Enumerable.

Last element in self or nil, if empty.
\n\n", lines:[69, 81], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, ":sum":{doc:"

Calculates the sum of all the elements in the Enumerable\n(assuming them to be Numbers (implementing '+' & '*')).

\n\n", lines:[544, 551], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, "count:":{doc:"


 (0..10) count: @{ even? }                   # => 6 (even numbers are: 0,2,4,6,8,10)\n [1,2,3] count: @{ odd? }                    # => 2\n [1,2, \"foo\"] count: @{ class == String }  # => 1\n
Fixnum that is the amount of elements in self for which block yields true.
Predicate Block called with each element.
\n\n", lines:[695, 711], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["block"]}, "find:":{doc:"

Returns nil, if item (or anything that returns true when comparing to item) isn't found.\nOtherwise returns that element that is equal to item.

The first element that is equal to item or nil, if none found.
Item to be found in self.
\n\n", lines:[214, 233], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["item"]}, ":join":{doc:"

Forward to message join:

\n\n", lines:[147, 165], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, ":product":{doc:"

Calculates the product of all the elements in the Enumerable\n(assuming them to be Numbers (implementing + & *)).

\n\n", lines:[553, 560], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, ":first":{doc:"\n\n
The first element in the Fancy Enumerable.
\n\n", lines:[41, 46], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, ":average":{doc:"\n\n
Average value in self (expecting Numbers or Objects implementing + and *).
\n\n", lines:[562, 569], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, "map_chained:":{doc:"


 (1,2,3) map_chained: (@{ + 1 }, 'to_s, @{ * 2 })\n # => [\"22\", \"33\", \"44\"]\n
Collection of all values in self successively called with all blocks in blocks.
Collection of Blocks to be called sequentially for every element in self.
\n\n", lines:[278, 293], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["blocks"]}, ":second":{doc:"\n\n
The second element in the Fancy Enumerable.
\n\n", lines:[48, 53], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:[]}, "partition_by:":{doc:"


 (0..10) partition_by: @{ < 3 }  # => [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]]\n
Array of Arrays, partitioned by equal return values of calling block with each element
Block that gets used to decide when to partition elements in self.
\n\n", lines:[571, 594], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["block"]}, "at:":{doc:"


 \"foo\\\342\200\235 at: 2 # => \"o\"\n \"foo\\\342\200\235 at: 3 # => nil\n
Value in self at 0-based position defined by index.
Fixnum that is the 0-based index into self.
\n\n", lines:[9, 23], file:"lib/enumerable.fy", arg:["index"]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Fancy Enumerable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Hash":{doc:"

Class for Hashes (HashMaps / Dictionaries).\nMaps a key to a value.

\n\n", instance_methods:{":to_block":{doc:"


 <['x => 100, 'y => 150]> to_block\n # would be the same as:\n |receiver| {\n   receiver tap: @{\n     x: 100\n     y: 150\n   }\n }\n
Block that sends each key-value pair in self as a message (with one argument) to its argument.
\n\n", lines:[254, 278], file:"lib/hash.fy", arg:[]}, ":to_object":{doc:"

Creates and returns a new Object with slot names and values based on keys and values in self.



 o = <['name => \"Christopher Bertels\", 'interest => \"programming languages\"]> to_object\n o name        # => \"Christopher Bertels\"\n o interest    # => 42\n
New Object with slots defined by keys and values in self.
\n\n", lines:[122, 140], file:"lib/hash.fy", arg:[]}, ":random_value":{doc:"\n\n
Random value in self.
\n\n", lines:[207, 213], file:"lib/hash.fy", arg:[]}, ":[]":{doc:"

Returns the value for a given key.

Key for value to get.
Value for given key or nil, if key not set.
\n\n", lines:[12, 21], file:"lib/hash.fy", arg:["key"]}, "call:":{doc:"

Sends each key-value pair as a message (with one argument) to receiver.



 Person = Struct new: ('firstname, 'lastname)\n p = Person new\n <['firstname => \"Tom\", 'lastname => \"Cruise\"]> call: [p]\n\n p firstname # => \"Tom\"\n p lastname  # => \"Cruise\"\n
Receiver to apply self to.
\n\n", lines:[225, 242], file:"lib/hash.fy", arg:["receiver"]}, "values_at:":{doc:"


 <['foo => 1, 'bar => 2, 'baz => 42]> values_at: ('foo, 'baz) # => [1, 42]\n
Array of all values for the given keys.
Collection of keys to get the values for.
\n\n", lines:[155, 165], file:"lib/hash.fy", arg:["keys"]}, ":random_key":{doc:"\n\n
Random key in self.
\n\n", lines:[199, 205], file:"lib/hash.fy", arg:[]}, ":to_a":{doc:"

Returns an Array of the key-value pairs in a Hash.

Array of all key-value pairs in self.
\n\n", lines:[112, 120], file:"lib/hash.fy", arg:[]}, "select_keys:":{doc:"


 h = <['a => 1, 42 => (1,2,3), 'b => \"hello\"]>\n h select_keys: @{ is_a?: Symbol } # => <['a => 1, 'b => \"hello\"]>\n
Hash of entries for which block called with its key yields true.
Block to be called with each key in self.
\n\n", lines:[167, 184], file:"lib/hash.fy", arg:["block"]}, "each_key:":{doc:"

Calls a given Block with each key.

Block to be called with each key in self.
\n\n", lines:[88, 98], file:"lib/hash.fy", arg:["block"]}, "delete:":{doc:"

Deletes a key-value pair from self.

Key of key-value pair to be deleted in self.
\n\n", lines:[26, 34], file:"lib/rbx/hash.fy", arg:["key"]}, "each:":{doc:"

Calls a given Block with each key and value.

Block to be called with each key and value in self.
\n\n", lines:[69, 86], file:"lib/hash.fy", arg:["block"]}, "includes?:":{doc:"

Indicates if a given key is in self.

Key to search for.
true, if Hash includes key, false otherwise.
\n\n", lines:[44, 53], file:"lib/rbx/hash.fy", arg:["key"]}, "reject_keys:":{doc:"


 h = <['a => 1, 42 => (1,2,3), 'b => \"hello\"]>\n h reject_keys: @{ is_a?: Symbol } # => <[42 => (1,2,3)]>\n
Hash of entries for which block called with its key yields false.
Block to be called with each key in self.
\n\n", lines:[186, 197], file:"lib/hash.fy", arg:["block"]}, ":random":{doc:"

Same as Hash random_value.

Random value in self.
\n\n", lines:[215, 223], file:"lib/hash.fy", arg:[]}, "each_value:":{doc:"

Calls a given Block with each value.

Block to be called with each value in self.
\n\n", lines:[100, 110], file:"lib/hash.fy", arg:["block"]}, "fetch:else:":{doc:"

Returns the value for a given key.\nIf the key is not found, calls else_block and returns the value it yields.



 <['foo => 'bar]> at: 'foo else: { 42 } # => 'bar\n <['foo => 'bar]> at: 'unknown else: { 42 } # => 42\n <['nil => nil]> at: 'nil else: { 'not_found } # => nil\n
Key of the value to get.
Value for key or value of calling else_block, if key is not found.
Block to be called if key is not found.
\n\n", lines:[23, 43], file:"lib/hash.fy", arg:["key", "else_block"]}, "at:else_put:":{doc:"


 h = <['foo => 'bar]>\n h at: 'foo else_put: { 42 } # => 'bar\n h['foo] # => 'bar\n h at: 'undefined else_put: { 42 } # => 42\n h['undefined] # => 42\n
Key of value to get.
Block that gets called and its value inserted into self if key not in self.
\n\n", lines:[47, 65], file:"lib/hash.fy", arg:["key", "else_block"]}, "fetch:else_put:":{doc:"


 h = <['foo => 'bar]>\n h at: 'foo else_put: { 42 } # => 'bar\n h['foo] # => 'bar\n h at: 'undefined else_put: { 42 } # => 42\n h['undefined] # => 42\n
Key of value to get.
Block that gets called and its value inserted into self if key not in self.
\n\n", lines:[47, 65], file:"lib/hash.fy", arg:["key", "else_block"]}, "at:else:":{doc:"

Returns the value for a given key.\nIf the key is not found, calls else_block and returns the value it yields.



 <['foo => 'bar]> at: 'foo else: { 42 } # => 'bar\n <['foo => 'bar]> at: 'unknown else: { 42 } # => 42\n <['nil => nil]> at: 'nil else: { 'not_found } # => nil\n
Key of the value to get.
Value for key or value of calling else_block, if key is not found.
Block to be called if key is not found.
\n\n", lines:[23, 43], file:"lib/hash.fy", arg:["key", "else_block"]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Hash", "Fancy Enumerable", "Object", "Enumerable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "FalseClass":{doc:"

FalseClass. The class of the singleton false value.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"if_true:else:":{doc:"

Calls else_block.

\n\n", lines:[20, 26], file:"lib/false_class.fy", arg:["then_block", "else_block"]}, "if_nil:":{doc:"\n\n
\n\n", lines:[44, 50], file:"lib/false_class.fy", arg:["then_block"]}, ":to_a":{doc:"\n\n
An empty Array.
\n\n", lines:[78, 84], file:"lib/false_class.fy", arg:[]}, "if_true:":{doc:"\n\n
\n\n", lines:[12, 18], file:"lib/false_class.fy", arg:["block"]}, "if_false:":{doc:"

Calls block with self.

\n\n", lines:[28, 34], file:"lib/false_class.fy", arg:["block"]}, ":not":{doc:"

Boolean negation of false => true.

\n\n", lines:[86, 94], file:"lib/false_class.fy", arg:[]}, "if_nil:else:":{doc:"

Calls else_block with self.

\n\n", lines:[52, 58], file:"lib/false_class.fy", arg:["then_block", "else_block"]}, ":to_s":{doc:"\n\n
false as a String.
\n\n", lines:[68, 74], file:"lib/false_class.fy", arg:[]}, "if_false:else:":{doc:"

Calls then_block with self.

\n\n", lines:[36, 42], file:"lib/false_class.fy", arg:["then_block", "else_block"]}, ":inspect":{doc:"\n\n
false as a String.
\n\n", lines:[68, 74], file:"lib/false_class.fy", arg:[]}, ":false?":{doc:"\n\n
\n\n", lines:[60, 66], file:"lib/false_class.fy", arg:[]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["FalseClass", "ImmediateValue", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "TrueClass":{doc:"

TrueClass. The class of the singleton true value.

\n\n", instance_methods:{"if_true:else:":{doc:"

Calls then_block with self.

Value of calling then_block with self.
Gets ignored.
Block to be called with self.
\n\n", lines:[27, 37], file:"lib/true_class.fy", arg:["then_block", "else_block"]}, ":to_a":{doc:"\n\n
An empty Array.
\n\n", lines:[57, 63], file:"lib/true_class.fy", arg:[]}, "if_true:":{doc:"

Calls block with self.

Value of calling block with self.
Block to be called with self.
\n\n", lines:[16, 25], file:"lib/true_class.fy", arg:["block"]}, ":not":{doc:"\n\n
\n\n", lines:[65, 71], file:"lib/true_class.fy", arg:[]}, ":to_s":{doc:"\n\n
true as a String.
\n\n", lines:[47, 53], file:"lib/true_class.fy", arg:[]}, ":inspect":{doc:"\n\n
true as a String.
\n\n", lines:[47, 53], file:"lib/true_class.fy", arg:[]}, ":true?":{doc:"\n\n
\n\n", lines:[39, 45], file:"lib/true_class.fy", arg:[]}}, methods:{":new":{doc:"\n\n
\n\n", lines:[6, 14], file:"lib/true_class.fy", arg:[]}}, ancestors:["TrueClass", "ImmediateValue", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "NoMethodError":{doc:"

Exception class that gets thrown when a method wasn't found within a class.

\n\n", instance_methods:{":method_name":{doc:"

Returns the name of the method that was not found as a String.

Name of the method not found (as String).
\n\n", lines:[6, 17], file:"lib/rbx/no_method_error.fy", arg:[]}}, methods:{":inspect":{doc:"


\n\n", lines:[19, 21], file:"lib/rbx/no_method_error.fy", arg:[]}}, ancestors:["NoMethodError", "NameError", "StandardError", "Exception", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "MatchData":{doc:"

MatchData instances are created when using the #=== match operator\n(e.g. by using match/case expressions).

\n\n", instance_methods:{":to_a":{doc:"\n\n
Array representation of self containing matched values of self.
\n\n", lines:[20, 30], file:"lib/rbx/match_data.fy", arg:[]}, "at:":{doc:"\n\n
Index of value to get.
Value at index idx.
\n\n", lines:[11, 18], file:"lib/rbx/match_data.fy", arg:["idx"]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["MatchData", "Unmarshalable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "DynamicValueArray":{doc:"

Helper class to dynamically create Arrays with values defined by sending messages to it.



 dva = DynamicValueArray new\n dva name: \"Chris\"\n dva age: 25\n dva country: \"Germany\"\n dva something_else\n\n dva array  # => [['name, \"Chris\"], ['age, 25], ['country, \"Germany\"], 'something_else]\n
\n\n", instance_methods:{":array":{doc:"\n\n
Array generated dynamically by sending messages to self.
\n\n", lines:[94, 100], file:"lib/dynamic_slot_object.fy", arg:[]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["DynamicValueArray", "Fancy BasicObject", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "UnboundMethod":{doc:"

An instance UnboundMethod represents a Method object not bound to a specific Class or Object.

\n\n", instance_methods:{":call":{doc:"

Forward to message call:

\n\n", lines:[95, 98], file:"lib/rbx/method.fy", arg:[]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["UnboundMethod", "MethodMixin", "Object", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Fancy Documentation":{doc:"

A Fancy Documentation object is a holder for docstrings and specs.\nKeeps a registry of documentation for anything Fancy.


Provides methods for searching and formatting an Object's docstrings.\nThis can be be handy for users of the interactive Fancy REPL,\ndocument generators, instrospection tools, IDEs, anything!


This object can be converted to just anything by using its format:\nmethod. Formatters can be registered with Fancy Documentation#formatter:is:


By default two formatters are defined:


'fancy => Returns the Fancy::Documentation object\n 'string => Returns the docs string representation

\n\n", instance_methods:{":specs":{doc:"

An array of associated Fancy specs for the object\nbeing documented.


Its a lot better to keep the associated specs in\nFancy Documentation objects instead of just having them\nin method instances. This allows us to associate any object\nwith an spec example.


This way you can have a single Fancy spec example that\nis related to many objects (methods, constants, classes)\nthat are being specified. Later in documentation, we can\nprovide links to all specs where an object is being exercised.

\n\n"}, ":docs":{doc:"

An array of docstrings for the object beind documented.


We have an array of docstrings because in Fancy, some\nthings like classes can be re-openned and the user may\nspecify new documentation for it each time. Thus we dont\nwant to loose the previous documentation but rather build\nupon it. That is, fancy supports incremental documentation.

\n\n"}, "format:":{doc:"

If format is specified, the documentation string will be\nconverted using the corresponding formatter. This allows\nyou to extend Fancy documentation system, and produce\nhtml documents, man pages, or anything you can imagine.

\n\n", lines:[50, 61], file:"lib/documentation.fy", arg:["format"]}}, methods:{"formatter:":{doc:"

Obtains a formatter by a given name. Returns a callable object.

\n\n", lines:[78, 84], file:"lib/documentation.fy", arg:["name"]}, "for:append:":{doc:"

Append docstring to the documentation for obj.\nIf obj has no documentation, one is created for it.

\n\n", lines:[63, 76], file:"lib/documentation.fy", arg:["obj", "docstring"]}, "for:is:":{doc:"

Create a Fancy::Documentation instance.


Note: As we're bootstrapping, we cannot set documentation here as\nan string literal.


We are the very first thing to load, so just create a new\nFancy::Documentation object without using new:, and set it as\nfancy docs.

\n\n", lines:[24, 42], file:"lib/rbx/documentation.fy", arg:["obj", "docstring"]}, "remove:":{doc:"

Removes the documentation for obj.

\n\n", lines:[60, 63], file:"lib/rbx/documentation.fy", arg:["obj"]}, "for_method:on_class:is:":{doc:"

Similar to Fancy Documentation but taking the method name and the Class for which Method to define the docstring.

\n\n", lines:[44, 50], file:"lib/rbx/documentation.fy", arg:["method_name", "class", "docstring"]}, ":formatters":{doc:"

Obtain the hash of known documentation formatters.

\n\n", lines:[94, 101], file:"lib/documentation.fy", arg:[]}, "formatter:is:":{doc:"

Registers a callable object as formatter under name.

\n\n", lines:[86, 92], file:"lib/documentation.fy", arg:["name", "callable"]}, "for:":{doc:"

Obtains the Fancy Documentation for obj.

\n\n", lines:[55, 58], file:"lib/rbx/documentation.fy", arg:["obj"]}}, ancestors:["Fancy Documentation", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Fixnum":{doc:"

Standard class for integer values in Fancy.

\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Fixnum", "Number", "Object", "ImmediateValue", "Integer", "Precision", "Numeric", "Comparable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "Range":{doc:"

Class of Range values. Are created by using Range literal syntax in Fancy.



 (10..100) # Range from 10 to 100\n # the following code does the same as above:\n Range new: 10 to: 100\n
\n\n", instance_methods:{"initialize:to:":{doc:"

Initializes a new Range starting at start and ending at end.

Start element of Range.
End element of Range.
\n\n", lines:[7, 13], file:"lib/rbx/range.fy", arg:["@start", "@end"]}, ":to_s":{doc:"

Same as Range#inspect

\n\n", lines:[13, 19], file:"lib/range.fy", arg:[]}, ":inspect":{doc:"\n\n
String representation of self.
\n\n", lines:[21, 27], file:"lib/range.fy", arg:[]}, "each:":{doc:"

Calls block on each value in self. Used for iterating over a Range.

Block to be called with every value in self.
\n\n", lines:[15, 36], file:"lib/rbx/range.fy", arg:["block"]}}, methods:{}, ancestors:["Range", "Fancy Enumerable", "Object", "Enumerable", "Object", "Kernel"]}, "NameError":{doc:"

NameError exception class. Used within Rubinius.

\n\n", instance_methods:{}, methods:{}, ancestors:["NameError", "StandardError", "Exception", "Object", "Kernel"]}}, methods:{"Module#included:":{doc:"

Gets called when a Class or Module is included into another Class.

Module or Class that has been included into self.
\n\n", args:["module"]}, "Object#for_option:do:":{doc:"

Runs a given block if an option is in ARGV.

\n\n", args:["op_name", "block"]}, "Matchers MatchAny#:===":{doc:"\n\n
Object to match against.
true if objects matches either a or b in self.
\n\n", args:["object"]}, "Fancy Package Installer#initialize:":{doc:"

Forward to message initialize:version:install_path:

\n\n", args:["@package_name"]}, "Fancy Package Installer#fulfill_spec:":{doc:"

Installs all dependencies of spec, sets up symlinks for binary files in spec,\nas well as installing the include-file into the Fancy package lib dir.

Fancy Package Specification to be fulfilled.
\n\n", args:["spec"]}, "Fancy Package Installer#initialize:version:install_path:":{doc:"

Creates a new Fancy Package installer for a given package name, an\noptional version (default is 'latest) and an optional\ninstallation path (default is the standard installation path for\nFancy packages).

\n\n", args:["@package_name", "@version", "@install_path"]}, "Fancy Package Installer#:tags":{doc:"\n\n
Array of git tags in the package's Github repository.
\n\n", args:[]}, "Fancy Package Installer#:latest_tag":{doc:"

Returns the latest tag (sorted alphabetically).

\n\n", args:[]}, "Fancy Package Installer#unpack_file:":{doc:"

Unpacks the given filename and installs it into Fancy's package install dir.

File name of package's downloaded .tar.gz file (from Github) to extract
\n\n", args:["filename"]}, "Fancy Package#install:":{doc:"

Forward to message install:version:

\n\n", args:["package_name"]}, "Fancy Package Installer#download_url:":{doc:"

Returns the download url for a given version of the package\nto be installed.

\n\n", args:["version"]}, "Fancy Package Installer#initialize:version:":{doc:"

Forward to message initialize:version:install_path:

\n\n", args:["@package_name", "@version"]}, "Object#for_options:do:":{doc:"

Runs a given block if any of the given options is in ARGV.

\n\n", args:["op_names", "block"]}, "Module#[]:":{doc:"

Sets the value of a constant with the given name in self.

Name (String) of constant's name.
New value of constant to be used.
\n\n", args:["constant_name", "value"]}, "Matchers MatchAll#:===":{doc:"\n\n
Object to match against.
true if it matches both a and b in self.
\n\n", args:["object"]}, "Fancy FDoc JSON#write:":{doc:"

Forward to message write:call:

\n\n", args:["filename"]}, "Fancy Package RubyDependency#:install":{doc:"

Installs the RubyDependency (a RubyGem) via rbx -S gem on the system.

\n\n", args:[]}, "Fancy Package Handler#load_fancypack:":{doc:"

Forward to message load_fancypack:else:

\n\n", args:["success_block"]}, "Fancy Package#:install_dependencies":{doc:"

Installs dependencies found in .fancypack file in the current directory.\nIf no .fancypack file is found, fails and quits.

\n\n", args:[]}, "Fancy Package#:list_packages":{doc:"

Lists (prints) all installed packages on this system.

\n\n", args:[]}, "Fancy Package Specification#add_dependency:":{doc:"

Forward to message add_dependency:version:

\n\n", args:["name"]}, "Fancy Enumerator#initialize:":{doc:"

Initializes a new Enumerator with a given collection,\nusing #each: for iteration.

Collection to iterate over.
\n\n", args:["@collection"]}, "Fancy Package Handler#load_fancypack:else:":{doc:"

Loads the @.fancypack file within the downloaded package directory.\nIf no @.fancypack file is found, raise an error.

\n\n", args:["success_block", "else_block"]}, "Fancy Enumerator#:peek":{doc:"

Returns the next object in the Enumerator, but doesn't move the\ninternal position forward.\nWhen the position reaches the end, a Fancy StopIteration exception is\nraised.



 a = [1,2,3]\n e = a to_enum\n e next p #=> 1\n e peek p #=> 2\n e peek p #=> 2\n e peek p #=> 2\n e next p #=> 2\n e next p #=> 3\n e next p #=> raises Fancy StopIteration\n
\n\n", args:[]}, "Fancy Package#:add_to_loadpath":{doc:"

Adds the Fancy Package install dir to the loadpath so you can\neasily require: packages into your code.

\n\n", args:[]}, "Fancy Package Dependency#initialize:":{doc:"

Forward to message initialize:version:

\n\n", args:["@name"]}, "Fancy Enumerator#each:":{doc:"

Calls a given Block with each element in the collection this enumerator is attached to.\nUsed for iterating over the collection using this enumerator.

Block to be called with each element in the collection (iteration).
\n\n", args:["block"]}, "Fancy Package RubyDependency#initialize:":{doc:"

Forward to message initialize:version:

\n\n", args:["@gem_name"]}, "Object#with_mutable_slots:do:":{doc:"

Calls block with self while having slots defined in slotnames\nbe mutable during execution of block.

Block to be called with self.
Fancy Enumerable@ of slotnames to be mutable within block.
\n\n", args:["slotnames", "block"]}, "Fancy Package Installer#:run":{doc:"

Runs the installer & installs the package into\n$FANCY_PACKAGE_DIR.

\n\n", args:[]}, "Module#:[]":{doc:"

Returns the value of the constant with the given name in self.

Name (String) of constant's name.
constant_name's value.
\n\n", args:["constant_name"]}, "Fancy Package#install:version:":{doc:"

Installs a package with a given name.\nExpects package_name to be a string in the form of:\n user/repo\nWhich would get the package code from github.com/user/repo

Name of package to install.
\n\n", args:["package_name", "version"]}, "Fancy Documentation RDiscount#rdiscount:":{doc:"

Format string as HTML using RDiscount ruby gem.

\n\n", args:["doc"]}, "Fancy Package Installer#rename_dir:":{doc:"

Renames a given directory to a common way within the install path.\n=> It will rename the given dirname to $user/$repo-$version.

\n\n", args:["dirname"]}, "Fancy Enumerator#initialize:with:":{doc:"

Initializes a new Enumerator with a given collection\nand iterator selector to be used for iteration.

Collection to iterate over.
Selector to use to iterate over collection.
\n\n", args:["@collection", "@iterator"]}, "Fancy Package Specification#add_ruby_dependency:":{doc:"

Forward to message add_ruby_dependency:version:

\n\n", args:["gem_name"]}, "Fancy Package#:root_dir":{doc:"\n\n
Fancy Package root install dir.
\n\n", args:[]}, "Fancy Package Handler#initialize:":{doc:"

Forward to message initialize:install_path:

\n\n", args:["@package_name"]}, "Fancy Enumerator#:next":{doc:"

Returns the next element in the collection this enumerator is attached to.\nIt will move the internal position forward (compared to e.g. #peek, which doesn't).



 a = [1,2,3]\n e = a to_enum\n e next # => 1\n e next # => 2\n e next # => 3\n e next # => raises Fancy StopIteration\n
Next element in the collection this enumerator is attached to.
\n\n", args:[]}, "Fancy Enumerator#:ended?":{doc:"

Indicates if an enumerator has ended (no more values left).

true if the enumerator has ended (no more values left), false otherwise.
\n\n", args:[]}, "Fancy Enumerator#:rewind":{doc:"

Resets the enumerator to start from the collection's beginning.

\n\n", args:[]}, "Fancy Package Installer#download_tgz:":{doc:"

Downloads the .tar.gz file from Github with the given version\n(tag or branch name) and saves it to the specified install_path.


The Default install_path is ~/.fancy/packages/.\nIf an environment variable FANCY_PACKAGE_DIR is defined, it\nwill get used.

\n\n", args:["version"]}, "Fancy Package#:package_list_file":{doc:"\n\n
Path to installed_packages.txt File on system.
\n\n", args:[]}, "String#:raise!":{doc:"

Raises a new StdError with self as the message.

\n\n", args:[]}, "Fancy Package#uninstall:":{doc:"

Uninstalls a package with a given name (if installed).

Name of package to uninstall.
\n\n", args:["package_name"]}, "Fancy Package Installer#has_version?:":{doc:"

Indicates, if a given version for this package is available on Github.

true, if this package has the given version, false otherwise.
Version of package to check for.
\n\n", args:["version"]}, "Fancy Enumerator#with:each:":{doc:"

Similar to #each: but also passing in a given object to each invocation of block.

Object to pass along to block with each element in the collection.
A Block to be called with each element in the collection and object.
\n\n", args:["object", "block"]}}, objects:{}}); })();