PERPETUAL_HANDLER_STATE_UNKNOWN PERPETUAL_HANDLER_STATE_ACTIVE PERPETUAL_HANDLER_STATE_INACTIVE PERPETUAL_HANDLER_STATE_SUSPEND MATCH_ALGORITHM_UNKNOWN MATCH_ALGORITHM_EXACT MATCH_ALGORITHM_GLOB MATCH_ALGORITHM_REGEX MATCH_ALGORITHM_SUBNET MATCH_ALGORITHM_ACCEPT_ALL Gets the list of perpetual handlers. Creates new perpetual handlers. Deletes the specified perpetual handlers. Deletes all user-defined (non-root) perpetual handlers. Sets the description for the specified perpetual handlers. This is an arbitrary field which can be used for any purpose. Gets the descriptions for the specified perpetual handlers. Sets the states for the specified perpetual handlers. This field describes whether the handler is running and accepting events. Gets the states for the specified perpetual handlers. Sets the script for the specified perpetual handlers. This is the name of a Tcl script that will be run when an event to which this handler subscribes fires. Gets the scripts for the specified perpetual handlers. Gets a list of subscriptions. Add new subscriptions to perpetual handlers. Remove subscriptions from perpetual handlers. Remove all subscriptions from perpetual handlers. Set the event names for the specified subscriptions. Get the event names from the specified subscriptions. Gets a list of filter names for the specified subscriptions. Add the specified filters to the specified subscriptions. The initial match algorithms for these filters will all be MATCH_ALGORITHM_EXACT. Remove filters from the given subscriptions. Remove all filters from the given subscriptions. Set the values for the specified filters. Get the values for the specified filters. Set the match algorithms for the specified filters. Get the match algorithms for the specified filters. Gets the version information for this interface. Gets the list of perpetual handlers. Creates new perpetual handlers. Deletes the specified perpetual handlers. Deletes all user-defined (non-root) perpetual handlers. Sets the description for the specified perpetual handlers. This is an arbitrary field which can be used for any purpose. Gets the descriptions for the specified perpetual handlers. Sets the states for the specified perpetual handlers. This field describes whether the handler is running and accepting events. Gets the states for the specified perpetual handlers. Sets the script for the specified perpetual handlers. This is the name of a Tcl script that will be run when an event to which this handler subscribes fires. Gets the scripts for the specified perpetual handlers. Gets a list of subscriptions. Add new subscriptions to perpetual handlers. Remove subscriptions from perpetual handlers. Remove all subscriptions from perpetual handlers. Set the event names for the specified subscriptions. Get the event names from the specified subscriptions. Gets a list of filter names for the specified subscriptions. Add the specified filters to the specified subscriptions. The initial match algorithms for these filters will all be MATCH_ALGORITHM_EXACT. Remove filters from the given subscriptions. Remove all filters from the given subscriptions. Set the values for the specified filters. Get the values for the specified filters. Set the match algorithms for the specified filters. Get the match algorithms for the specified filters. Gets the version information for this interface. The PerpetualHandler interface allows you to create or delete perpetual handlers. These handlers contain a set of objects called subscriptions; a subscription registers interest in an event of a certain name. Each subscription also may optionally include a list of filters to further reduce the set of events that come in. For example, if a subscription exists to an event indicating that a pool member goes down, then the filters might be set up to restrict interest to pool members in a certain subnet. When a perpetual handler is created a Tcl script is started. It will receive and be able to handle any events that match at least one of the handler's subscriptions. Perpetual handlers have an advantage over triggered handlers (see the TriggeredHandler interface) in that they can save state. However, more than one event may be handled in parallel by a triggered handler at the same time.