module Sections private def pdf_generate_header( obj, pdf ) pdf.font( obj[:style][:font][:name] ) h = { grid: { length: { x: 5, y: 5 }, height: { total: nil, cell: nil, image: nil }, width: { total: nil, cell: nil, image: nil } }, box: { padding: 5, position: { x: nil, y: nil, }, size: { width: nil, height: nil }, range: { x: { min: nil, max: nil }, y: { min: nil, max: nil } } }, image: { image: nil, fit: nil, colspan: nil, rowspan: nil, borders: nil, border_width: nil } } h[:grid][:length][:x] = obj[:headline][:grid][:x] h[:grid][:length][:y] = obj[:headline][:grid][:y] h[:grid][:height][:total] = obj[:style][:header][:height] h[:box][:position][:x] = obj[:headline][:image][:grid][ 0 ] h[:box][:position][:y] = obj[:headline][:image][:grid][ 1 ] h[:box][:size][:width] = obj[:headline][:image][:colspan] h[:box][:size][:height] = obj[:headline][:image][:rowspan] h[:grid][:width][:total] = obj[:style][:document][:width] h[:grid][:width][:cell] = h[:grid][:width][:total] / h[:grid][:length][:x] h[:grid][:height][:cell] = h[:grid][:height][:total] / h[:grid][:length][:y] h[:grid][:width][:image] = ( h[:grid][:width][:cell] * h[:box][:size][:width] ) - h[:box][:padding] * 2 h[:grid][:height][:image] = ( h[:grid][:height][:cell] * h[:box][:size][:height] ) - h[:box][:padding] * 2 fit = [ h[:grid][:width][:image], h[:grid][:height][:image] ] obj[:headline][:image].key?( :fit ) ? fit = obj[:headline][:image][:fit] : '' if obj[:show][:logo] if !obj[:headline][:image][:src].to_s.split( '.' ).last.eql?( 'png' ) h[:image][:image] = Base64.decode64( obj[:headline][:image][:src] ) ) else h[:image][:image] = obj[:headline][:image][:src] end h[:image][:fit] = fit h[:image][:colspan] = h[:box][:size][:width] h[:image][:rowspan] = h[:box][:size][:height] h[:image][:borders] = obj[:headline][:image][:borders] h[:image][:border_width] = obj[:headline][:image][:border_width] end [ { pos: :x, size: :width }, { pos: :y, size: :height } ].each do | axis | h[:box][:range][ axis[:pos ] ][:min] = h[:box][:position][ axis[:pos ] ] h[:box][:range][ axis[:pos ] ][:max] = h[:box][:range][ axis[:pos ] ][:min] + h[:box][:size][ axis[:size ] ] -1 end data = [] h[:grid][:length][:y].times.each do | y | row = [] h[:grid][:length][:x].times.each do | x | if( y == h[:box][:position][:y] and x == h[:box][:position][:x] ) obj[:show][:logo] ? row.push( h[:image] ) : '' end a = y.between?( h[:box][:range][:y][:min], h[:box][:range][:y][:max] ) b = x.between?( h[:box][:range][:x][:min], h[:box][:range][:x][:max] ) if( a and b ) else r = obj[:headline][:texts].find { | item | item[:grid].eql?( [ x, y ] ) } if r.nil? rr = obj[:headline][:default] else rr = r [ :content, :text_color].each do | kk | keys = rr[ kk ].to_s.split( '__' ).map { | a | a.to_sym } rr[ kk ] = self.get_value( keys, obj, false ) end end cell = pdf, [ 0, 0 ], content: rr[:content], inline_format: true, borders: rr[:borders], border_width: rr[:border_width], text_color: rr[:text_color], align: rr[:align] ) row.push( cell ) end end data.push( row ) end pdf.table( data, cell_style: { size: obj[:style][:font][:small], height: h[:grid][:height][:cell] }, width: h[:grid][:width][:total] ) return pdf end def pdf_generate_two( obj, pdf ) pdf.font obj[:style][:font][:name] offset_x = obj[:style][:address_label][:offset_x] pdf.text_box( obj[:sections][:two][:small][:content], at: [ pdf.bounds.left + offset_x, pdf.cursor], width: 400, height: 200, overflow: :expand, inline_format: true, size: obj[:style][:font][:small] ) pdf.move_down obj[:style][:address_label][:move_down_one] pdf.text_box( obj[:sections][:two][:to][:content], at: [ pdf.bounds.left + offset_x , pdf.cursor], width: 400, height: 200, overflow: :expand, inline_format: true, size: obj[:style][:font][:default] ) pdf.move_down obj[:style][:address_label][:move_down_two] return pdf end def pdf_generate_three( obj, pdf ) pdf.font( obj[:style][:font][:name] ) pdf.text( obj[:sections][:three][:date][:content], inline_format: true, size: obj[:style][:font][:default] ) pdf.text( obj[:sections][:three][:headline][:content], inline_format: true, size: obj[:style][:font][:default] ) cpos = pdf.cursor if obj[:show][:qr_code] x = obj[:style][:articles] .keys .map { | key | obj[:style][:articles][ key ][:width] } .sum + 10 pdf.print_qr_code( obj[:sections][:three][:qr_code][:content], pos: [ x - obj[:style][:qr_code][:width] , cpos + obj[:style][:qr_code][:width] ], extent: obj[:style][:qr_code][:width], stroke: false ) end return pdf end def pdf_generate_four( obj, pdf ) pdf.font( obj[:style][:font][:name] ) pdf.text( obj[:sections][:four][:snippet][:content], inline_format: true, size: obj[:style][:font][:default] ) return pdf end def pdf_generate_five( obj, pdf ) table_data = [] row = [] cells = obj[:text][:articles].zip( obj[:style][:articles] ) .map { | text, style | { name: text[ 1 ] }.merge( style[ 1 ] ) } cells.each do | cell | c = pdf, [ 0, 0 ], content: cell[:name], inline_format: true, borders: [ :bottom ], align: cell[:align], width: cell[:width], ) row.push( c ) end table_data.push( row ) obj[:items][:articles].each.with_index do | article, index | contents = [ index + 1, :id, :name, :pieces, :single, :total ].map do | key | if key.class.to_s.eql?( 'Integer' ) key.to_s else keys = key.to_s.split( '__' ).map { | a | a.to_sym } case keys.length when 1 article[ keys[ 0 ] ].to_s when 2 article[ keys[ 0 ] ][ keys[ 1 ] ].to_s end end end row = [] contents.each.with_index do | text, i | c = pdf, [ 0, 0 ], content: text, inline_format: true, border_width: 0, align: cells[ i ][:align], width: cells[ i ][:width], ) row.push( c ) end table_data.push( row ) end pdf.table( table_data, cell_style: { size: obj[:style][:font][:default] }, width: obj[:style][:document][:width], row_colors: obj[:style][:colors][:rows].values ) return pdf end def pdf_generate_six( obj, pdf ) table_data = [] orders = obj[:text][:total].keys articles = obj[:style][:articles].keys grid = do | order | do | article | { text: '', width: obj[:style][:articles][ article ][:width], align: obj[:style][:articles][ article ][:align], borders: [:top], border_width: 0 } end end items = do | key, index | item = {} item[:show] = obj[:show][ key ] item[:y] = index item[:text] = obj[:text][:total][ key ] item[:value] = obj[:sections][:six][ key ][:content] item[:borders] = obj[:style][:total][ key ][:borders] item[:border_width] = obj[:style][:total][ key ][:border_width] item end items.each.with_index do | item, y | if item[:show] item.keys.each do | key | [ 3, 4, 5 ].each do | type | grid[ y ][ type ][ key ] = item[ key ] case type when 3 grid[ y ][ type ][:insert] = item[:text] when 4 grid[ y ][ type ][:insert] = '' when 5 grid[ y ][ type ][:insert] = item[:value] end end end end end grid.each do | _row | row = [] _row.each do | cell | c = pdf, [ 0, 0 ], content: cell[:insert].to_s, inline_format: true, borders: cell[:borders], border_widths: cell[:border_width], align: cell[:align], width: cell[:width] ) row.push( c ) end table_data.push( row ) end if table_data.length != 0 pdf.table( table_data, cell_style: { size: obj[:style][:font][:default] }, width: obj[:style][:document][:width] ) end return pdf end def pdf_generate_seven( obj, pdf ) pdf.font( obj[:style][:font][:name] ) pdf.text( obj[:sections][:seven][:snippet][:content], inline_format: true, size: obj[:style][:font][:default] ) return pdf end def pdf_generate_eight( obj, pdf ) pdf.font( obj[:style][:font][:name] ) pdf.text( obj[:sections][:eight][:snippet][:content], inline_format: true, size: obj[:style][:font][:default] ) return pdf end def pdf_generate_nine( obj, pdf, p ) x = obj[:style][:articles] .keys .map { | key | obj[:style][:articles][ key ][:width] } .sum measure = "#{p[:page]} / #{p[:total]}" offset = pdf .font( obj[:style][:font][:name] ) .compute_width_of( measure, size: obj[:style][:font][:small] ) options = { at: [ x - offset, pdf.bounds.height + obj[:style][:page_count][:offset_y] ], size: obj[:style][:font][:small], start_count_at: obj[:style][:page_count][:start_count_at] } pdf.go_to_page( p[:index] + 1 ) pdf.draw_text( measure, options ) return pdf end def pdf_generate_footer( obj, pdf ) table_data = [] aligns = obj[:footer].keys headlines = [ :sections__nine__left_headline__content, :sections__nine__center_headline__content, :sections__nine__right_headline__content ] headlines = do | a | keys = a.to_s.split( '__' ).map { | a | a.to_sym } self.get_value( keys, obj, false ) end row = [] for i in 0..headlines.length - 1 # str = headlines[ i ] c = pdf, [ 0, 0 ], content: '-', inline_format: true, borders: obj[:style][:footer][:borders], border_width: obj[:style][:footer][:border_width], text_color: obj[:style][:colors][:background], align: aligns[ i ], padding: 0 ) row.push( c ) end table_data.push( row ) row = [] for i in 0..headlines.length - 1 str = headlines[ i ] c = pdf, [ 0, 0 ], content: str, inline_format: true, border_width: 0, align: aligns[ i ], padding: 0 ) row.push( c ) end table_data.push( row ) combs = [] obj[:footer].keys.each { | h | obj[:footer][ h ].keys.each { | v | combs.push( [ h, v ] ) } } rows = combs .map { | a | a[ 1 ] }.to_set.to_a .map { | key | { | cell | cell[ 1 ] == key } } rows.each do | _row | row = [] _row.each do | _cell | keys = obj[:footer][ _cell[ 0 ] ][ _cell[ 1 ] ] .to_s.split( '__' ) .map { | a | a.to_sym } str = get_value( keys, obj, false ) c = pdf, [ 0, 0 ], content: str, inline_format: true, border_width: 0, align: _cell[ 0 ], padding: 0 ) row.push( c ) end table_data.push( row ) end pdf.table( table_data, cell_style: { size: obj[:style][:font][:small] }, width: obj[:style][:document][:width] ) return pdf end end