# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# frozen_string_literal: true
# This file generated automatically using rdf vocabulary format from http://bibframe.org/vocab/
require 'rdf'
module RDF::Vocab
  # @!parse
  #   # Vocabulary for <http://bibframe.org/vocab/>
  #   class Bibframe < RDF::StrictVocabulary
  #   end
  class Bibframe < RDF::StrictVocabulary("http://bibframe.org/vocab/")

    # Ontology definition
    ontology :"http://bibframe.org/vocab/",
      "dc:modified": "2014-12-10T20:23:05.638677Z".freeze,
      "owl:versionInfo": "Initially automatically generated.".freeze,
      type: "owl:Ontology".freeze

    # Class definitions
    term :Agent,
      comment: %(Entity having a role in a resource \(Person, Organization, etc.\).).freeze,
      label: "Agent".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Authority".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Annotation,
      comment: %(Resource that asserts additional information about other BIBFRAME resource.).freeze,
      label: "Annotation".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Resource".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Archival,
      comment: %(Resources organically created, accumulated, and/or used by a person, family, or organization in the course of conduct of affairs and preserved because of their continuing value.).freeze,
      "dc:modified": "2014-10-28 (Updated)".freeze,
      label: "Archival controlled".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Instance".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Arrangement,
      comment: %(Information about the organization and arrangement of a collection of items. For instance, for computer files, organization and arrangement information may be the file structure and sort sequence of a file; for visual materials, this information may be how a collection is arranged.).freeze,
      label: "Organization of materials information".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Resource".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Audio,
      comment: %(Resources expressed in an audible form, including music or other sounds.).freeze,
      label: "Audio".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Authority,
      comment: %(Representation of a key concept or thing. Works and Instances, for example, have defined relationships to these concepts and things.).freeze,
      label: "Authority".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Resource".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Cartography,
      comment: %(Resource that show spatial information, including maps, atlases, globes,digital maps, and other cartographic items.).freeze,
      label: "Cartography".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Category,
      comment: %(Generic list of values information.).freeze,
      "dc:modified": "2014-03-21 (Definition Updated)".freeze,
      label: "Category".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Resource".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Classification,
      comment: %(System of coding, assorting and organizing materials according to their subject.).freeze,
      label: "Classification Entity".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Resource".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Collection,
      comment: %(Aggregation of resources, generally gathered together artificially.).freeze,
      label: "Collection".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Instance".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :CoverArt,
      comment: %(Link to a cover illustration of an instance.).freeze,
      label: "Cover Art Annotation".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Annotation".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Dataset,
      comment: %(Data encoded in a defined structure. Includes numeric data, environmental data,etc., used by applications software to calculate averages, correlations, etc., or to produce models, etc., but not normally displayed in its raw form.).freeze,
      label: "Dataset".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :DescriptionAdminInfo,
      comment: %(Administrative metadata associated with the graph.).freeze,
      "dc:modified": "2014-03-21 (Definition Updated)".freeze,
      label: "Administrative metadata".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Resource".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Electronic,
      comment: %(Resource that is intended for manipulation by a computer, residing in a carrier accessed either directly or remotely.).freeze,
      "dc:modified": "2014-10-28 (Updated)".freeze,
      label: "Electronic".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Instance".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Event,
      comment: %(Time or place of an event.).freeze,
      "dc:modified": "2014-03-21 (Definition Updated)".freeze,
      label: "Event Entity".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Resource".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Family,
      comment: %(Two or more persons related by birth, marriage, adoption, civil union, or similar legal status, or who otherwise present themselves as a family.).freeze,
      label: "Family".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Agent".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :HeldItem,
      comment: %(Item holding information.).freeze,
      "dc:modified": "2014-03-21 (Label Updated)".freeze,
      label: "Item held".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:HeldMaterial".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :HeldMaterial,
      comment: %(Summary holdings information.).freeze,
      "dc:modified": "2014-03-21 (Label Updated)".freeze,
      label: "Material held".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Annotation".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Identifier,
      comment: %(Token or name that is associated with a resource, such as a URI, or an ISBN, etc..).freeze,
      label: "Identifier".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Resource".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Instance,
      comment: %(Resource reflecting an individual, material embodiment of the Work.).freeze,
      label: "Instance".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Resource".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Integrating,
      comment: %(Cataloging resource that is added to or changed by means of updates that do not remain discrete but are integrated into the whole.).freeze,
      label: "Integrating".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Instance".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :IntendedAudience,
      comment: %(Information that identifies the specific intended or target audience or intellectual level for which the content described item is considered appropriate. Used to record interest and motivation levels and special learner characteristics.).freeze,
      label: "Intended Audience Information".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Resource".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Jurisdiction,
      comment: %(Legal or political unit administering a geographic area.).freeze,
      label: "Jurisdiction".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Agent".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Language,
      comment: %(Language entity.).freeze,
      label: "Language Entity".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Resource".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Manuscript,
      comment: %(Resource that is written in handwriting or typescript. These are generally unique resources.).freeze,
      label: "Manuscript".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Instance".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Meeting,
      comment: %(Gathering of individuals or representatives of various bodies for the purpose of discussing and/or acting on topics of common interest.).freeze,
      label: "Meeting".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Agent".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :MixedMaterial,
      comment: %(Resource comprised of multiple types which are not driven by software. This may include materials in two or more forms that are related by virtue of their having been accumulated by or about a person or body, e.g. archival forms.).freeze,
      label: "Mixed Material".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Monograph,
      comment: %(Single unit cataloging resource.).freeze,
      label: "Single unit".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Instance".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :MovingImage,
      comment: %(Images intended to be perceived as moving, including motion pictures \(using liveaction and/or animation\), film and video recordings of performances, events,etc.).freeze,
      label: "Moving Image".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Multimedia,
      comment: %(Electronic resource that is a computer program \(i.e. digitally encoded instructions intended to be processed and performed by a computer\) or which consist of multiple media types that are software driven. Examples include videogames and websites.).freeze,
      label: "Software or Multimedia".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :MultipartMonograph,
      comment: %(Multiple unit cataloging resource that is complete or intended to be completed within a finite number of parts.).freeze,
      label: "Multiple units".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Instance".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :NotatedMovement,
      comment: %(Graphic, non-realized representations of movement intended to be perceived visually, e.g. dance.).freeze,
      label: "Notated Movement".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :NotatedMusic,
      comment: %(Graphic, non-realized representations of musical works intended to be perceived visually.).freeze,
      label: "Notated Music".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Organization,
      comment: %(Corporation or group of persons and/or organizations that acts, or may act, as a unit.).freeze,
      label: "Organization".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Agent".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Person,
      comment: %(Individual or identity established by an individual \(either alone or in collaboration with one or more other individuals\)).freeze,
      label: "Person".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Agent".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Place,
      comment: %(Geographic location.).freeze,
      label: "Place".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Authority".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Print,
      comment: %(Resource that is printed.).freeze,
      label: "Printed".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Instance".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Provider,
      comment: %(Name of agent relating to the publication, printing, distribution, issue,release, or production of a resource.).freeze,
      label: "Provider Entity".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Resource".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Relator,
      comment: %(How an agent is related to a resource.).freeze,
      "dc:modified": "2014-04-30 (New)".freeze,
      label: "Relationship".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Resource".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Resource,
      comment: %(Any BIBFRAME object.).freeze,
      label: "Resource".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Review,
      comment: %(Critique of a resource, such as a book review, analysis, etc.).freeze,
      label: "Review Annotation".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Annotation".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Serial,
      comment: %(Multiple unit cataloging resource issued in successive parts that has no predetermined conclusion.).freeze,
      label: "Serial".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Instance".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :StillImage,
      comment: %(Resource expressed through line, shape, shading, etc., intended to be perceived visually as a still image or images in two dimensions. Includes two-dimensional images and slides and transparencies.).freeze,
      label: "Still Image".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Summary,
      comment: %(Description of the content of a resource, such as an abstract, summary, etc..).freeze,
      label: "Summary Annotation".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Annotation".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :TableOfContents,
      comment: %(Table of Contents information for a resource.).freeze,
      "dc:modified": "2014-03-21 (Label Updated)".freeze,
      label: "Table of Contents Annotation".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Annotation".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Tactile,
      comment: %(Resource that is intended to be perceived by touch.).freeze,
      label: "Tactile Material".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Instance".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Temporal,
      comment: %(Chronological period.).freeze,
      label: "Temporal Concept".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Authority".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Text,
      comment: %(Form of notation for language intended to be perceived visually and understood through the use of language in written or spoken form.).freeze,
      label: "Text".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :ThreeDimensionalObject,
      comment: %(Resource in a form intended to be perceived visually in three-dimensions.Includes man-made objects such as models, sculptures, clothing, and toys, as well as naturally occurring objects such as specimens mounted for viewing.).freeze,
      label: "Three-dimensional Object".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Title,
      comment: %(Title information relating to a resource: title proper, translated title, or variant form of title.).freeze,
      label: "Title Entity".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Resource".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Topic,
      comment: %(Concept or area of knowledge.).freeze,
      label: "Topic".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Authority".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
    term :Work,
      comment: %(Resource reflecting a conceptual essence of the cataloging resource.).freeze,
      label: "Work".freeze,
      subClassOf: "bibframe:Resource".freeze,
      type: "rdfs:Class".freeze

    # Property definitions
    property :abbreviatedTitle,
      comment: %(Title as abbreviated for indexing or identification.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Instance".freeze,
      label: "Abbreviated title".freeze,
      range: "bibframe:Title".freeze,
      subPropertyOf: "bibframe:instanceTitle".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :absorbed,
      comment: %(Work that has been incorporated into another Work).freeze,
      "dc:modified": "2014-04-10 (Updated subproperty)".freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      label: "Absorbed".freeze,
      range: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      subPropertyOf: "bibframe:precededBy".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :absorbedBy,
      comment: %(Work that incorporates another work.).freeze,
      "dc:modified": "2014-04-10 (Updated subproperty)".freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      label: "Absorbed by".freeze,
      range: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      subPropertyOf: "bibframe:succeededBy".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :absorbedInPart,
      comment: %(Work that has been partially incorporated into another work.).freeze,
      "dc:modified": "2014-04-10 (Updated subproperty)".freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      label: "Absorbed in part".freeze,
      range: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      subPropertyOf: "bibframe:precededBy".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :absorbedInPartBy,
      comment: %(Work that incorporates part of the content of another work.).freeze,
      "dc:modified": "2014-04-10 (Updated subproperty)".freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      label: "Absorbed in part by".freeze,
      range: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      subPropertyOf: "bibframe:succeededBy".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :accessCondition,
      comment: %(Allowances and restrictions on access.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:HeldMaterial".freeze,
      label: "Access condition".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :accompaniedBy,
      comment: %(Resource that has an accompanying resource which adds to it).freeze,
      "dc:modified": "2014-04-10 (Range updated)".freeze,
      label: "Accompanied by".freeze,
      subPropertyOf: "bibframe:relatedTo".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :accompanies,
      comment: %(Resource that adds to or is issued with the described resource).freeze,
      "dc:modified": "2014-04-10 (Range updated)".freeze,
      label: "Accompanies".freeze,
      subPropertyOf: "bibframe:relatedTo".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :agent,
      comment: %(Entity associated with a resource or element of description).freeze,
      label: "Associated agent".freeze,
      range: "bibframe:Authority".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :annotates,
      comment: %(Resource to which the annotation relates.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Annotation".freeze,
      label: "Target of Annotation".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Resource".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :annotationAssertedBy,
      comment: %(Annotation was asserted by the given entity.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Annotation".freeze,
      label: "Annotation asserted by".freeze,
      range: "bibframe:Agent".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :annotationBody,
      comment: %(Content of the annotation about the resource.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Annotation".freeze,
      label: "Annotation Body".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Resource".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :annotationSource,
      comment: %(Source of the annotation.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Annotation".freeze,
      label: "Annotation Source".freeze,
      range: "bibframe:Agent".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :ansi,
      comment: %(American National Standards Institute identifier.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Instance".freeze,
      label: "ANSI number".freeze,
      range: "bibframe:Identifier".freeze,
      subPropertyOf: "bibframe:identifier".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :arrangement,
      comment: %(Information about the organization and arrangement of a collection of resources.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Instance".freeze,
      label: "Organization and Arrangement".freeze,
      range: "bibframe:Arrangement".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :aspectRatio,
      comment: %(Proportional relationship between an image's width and its height.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Instance".freeze,
      label: "Aspect ratio".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :assertionDate,
      comment: %(Date when annotation was asserted.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Annotation".freeze,
      label: "Annotation Assertion Date".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :audience,
      comment: %(Information that identifies the specific audience or intellectual level for which the content of the resource is considered appropriate.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:IntendedAudience".freeze,
      label: "Audience".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :audienceAssigner,
      comment: %(Entity that assigned the intended audience information.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:IntendedAudience".freeze,
      label: "Audience assigner".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :authorityAssigner,
      comment: %(Entity that assigned the information.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Authority".freeze,
      label: "Authority assigner".freeze,
      range: "bibframe:Agent".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :authoritySource,
      comment: %(Authority list from which a value is taken.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Authority".freeze,
      label: "Authority source".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :authorizedAccessPoint,
      comment: %(Controlled string form of a resource label intended to help uniquely identify it, such as a unique title or a unique name plus title.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Resource".freeze,
      label: "Authorized access point".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :awardNote,
      comment: %(Information on awards associated with the described resource.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Instance".freeze,
      label: "Award note".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :barcode,
      comment: %(Identification number of the physical item.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:HeldItem".freeze,
      label: "Barcode".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :carrierCategory,
      comment: %(Categorization reflecting the format of the storage medium and housing of a carrier.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Instance".freeze,
      label: "Carrier type".freeze,
      range: "bibframe:Category".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :cartographicAscensionAndDeclination,
      comment: %(System for identifying the location of a celestial object in the sky covered by the cartographic content of a resource using the angles of right ascension and declination.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Cartography".freeze,
      label: "Cartographic ascension and declination".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :cartographicCoordinates,
      comment: %(Mathematical system for identifying the area covered by the cartographic content of a resource, Expressed either by means of longitude and latitude on the surface of planets or by the angles of right ascension and declination for celestial cartographic content.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Cartography".freeze,
      label: "Cartographic coordinates".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :cartographicEquinox,
      comment: %(One of two points of intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator, occupied by the sun when its declination is 0 degrees.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Cartography".freeze,
      label: "Cartographic equinox".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :cartographicExclusionGRing,
      comment: %(Coordinate pairs that identify the closed non-intersecting boundary of the area contained within the G-polygon outer ring that is excluded.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Cartography".freeze,
      label: "Cartographic G ring area excluded".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :cartographicOuterGRing,
      comment: %(Coordinate pairs that identify the closed non-intersecting boundary of the area covered.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Cartography".freeze,
      label: "Cartographic outer G ring area covered".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :cartographicProjection,
      comment: %(Method or system used to represent the surface of the Earth or of a celestial sphere on a plane.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Cartography".freeze,
      label: "Cartographic projection".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :cartographicScale,
      comment: %(Ratio of the dimensions of a form contained or embodied in a resource to the dimensions of the entity it represents.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Cartography".freeze,
      label: "Cartographic scale".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :cartography,
      comment: %(Cartographic data that identifies scale, coordinates, etc.).freeze,
      "dc:modified": "2014-03-27 (Updated)".freeze,
      label: "Cartographic data".freeze,
      range: "bibframe:Cartography".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :categorySource,
      comment: %(Category list from which value is taken.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Category".freeze,
      label: "Category source".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :categoryType,
      comment: %(Type of category recorded, e.g., content, genre, media, form, carrier.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Category".freeze,
      label: "Type of category".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :categoryValue,
      comment: %(Category code or text.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Category".freeze,
      label: "Category".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :changeDate,
      comment: %(Date or date and time on which the metadata was modified.).freeze,
      label: "Description change date".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :circulationStatus,
      comment: %(Circulation status of an item.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:HeldItem".freeze,
      label: "Circulation status".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :classification,
      comment: %(Classification number in any scheme.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Work".freeze,
      label: "Classification".freeze,
      range: "bibframe:Classification".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :classificationAssigner,
      comment: %(Entity that assigned the classification number.).freeze,
      domain: "bibframe:Classification".freeze,
      label: "Institution assigning classification".freeze,
      range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
      type: "rdf:Property".freeze
    property :classificationDdc,
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      comment: %(First part of review.).freeze,
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      comment: %(Work in which the part consistently appears; the title of the larger work appears on all issues or parts of the subseries\).).freeze,
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      comment: %(Work that is updated or otherwise complemented by the augmenting work.).freeze,
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      comment: %(Table of contents of the target work or instance.).freeze,
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      comment: %(Title transcribed from an instance.).freeze,
      "dc:modified": "2014-09-03 (Updated)".freeze,
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      "dc:modified": "2014-08-07 (Example added)".freeze,
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      comment: %(Title associated with the resource that is different from the main title.).freeze,
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      comment: %(Date or sequential designation of title variation.).freeze,
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      comment: %(Work that has been translated, i.e., the text expressed in a language different from that of the original work\).).freeze,
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      comment: %(Government of other party that has formally signed a treaty.).freeze,
      "dc:modified": "2014-03-21 (Range updated)".freeze,
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