require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'net/http' require 'active_record' namespace :solr do desc 'Starts Solr. Options accepted: RAILS_ENV=your_env, PORT=XX. Defaults to development if none.' task :start do puts "Use: websolr start" end desc 'Stops Solr. Specify the environment by using: RAILS_ENV=your_env. Defaults to development if none.' task :stop do puts "Use: websolr stop" end # this task is by Henrik Nyh # desc %{Reindexes data for all acts_as_solr models. Clears index first to get rid of orphaned records and optimizes index afterwards. RAILS_ENV=your_env to set environment. ONLY=book,person,magazine to only reindex those models; EXCEPT=book,magazine to exclude those models. START_SERVER=true to solr:start before and solr:stop after. BATCH=123 to post/commit in batches of that size: default is 300. CLEAR=false to not clear the index first; OPTIMIZE=false to not optimize the index afterwards.} task :reindex => :environment do require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../config/solr_environment.rb" includes = env_array_to_constants('ONLY') if includes.empty? includes = Dir.glob("#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/*.rb").map { |path| File.basename(path, ".rb").camelize.constantize } end excludes = env_array_to_constants('EXCEPT') includes -= excludes optimize = env_to_bool('OPTIMIZE', true) start_server = env_to_bool('START_SERVER', false) clear_first = env_to_bool('CLEAR', true) batch_size = ENV['BATCH'].to_i.nonzero? || 300 debug_output = env_to_bool("DEBUG", false) RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.level = ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger::INFO unless debug_output if start_server puts "Starting Solr server..." Rake::Task["solr:start"].invoke end # Disable solr_optimize module ActsAsSolr::CommonMethods def blank() end alias_method :deferred_solr_optimize, :solr_optimize alias_method :solr_optimize, :blank end models = { |m| m.respond_to?(:rebuild_solr_index) } models.each do |model| if clear_first puts "Clearing index for #{model}..." ActsAsSolr::Post.execute( => "#{model.solr_configuration[:type_field]}:#{model}")) ActsAsSolr::Post.execute( end puts "Rebuilding index for #{model}..." model.rebuild_solr_index(batch_size) end if models.empty? puts "There were no models to reindex." elsif optimize puts "Optimizing..." models.last.deferred_solr_optimize end if start_server puts "Shutting down Solr server..." Rake::Task["solr:stop"].invoke end end def env_array_to_constants(env) env = ENV[env] || '' env.split(/\s*,\s*/).map { |m| m.singularize.camelize.constantize }.uniq end def env_to_bool(env, default) env = ENV[env] || '' case env when /^true$/i then true when /^false$/i then false else default end end end