module Gitdocs class Runner attr_accessor :root def initialize(root, opts = nil) @root = root out, status = sh_with_code "which growlnotify" @use_growl = opts && opts.key?(:growl) ? opts[:growl] : status.success? @polling_interval = opts && opts[:polling_interval] || 15 @icon = File.expand_path("../img/icon.png", __FILE__) end def run info("Running gitdocs!", "Running gitdocs in `#{@root}'") @current_revision = sh("git rev-parse HEAD").strip rescue nil mutex = do loop do mutex.synchronize do begin out, status = sh_with_code("git fetch --all && git merge origin/master") if status.success? changes = get_latest_changes unless changes.empty? info("Updated with #{changes.size} change#{changes.size == 1 ? '' : 's'}", "`#{@root}' has been updated") end else warn("Error attempting to pull", out) end push_changes rescue Exception error("There was an error", $!.message) rescue nil end end sleep @polling_interval end end listener = do |directories| directories.uniq! directories.delete_if {|d| d =~ /\/\.git/} unless directories.empty? mutex.synchronize do push_changes end end end at_exit { listener.stop } end def push_changes sh 'find . -type d -regex ``./[^.].*'' -empty -exec touch \'{}/.gitignore\' \;' sh 'git add .' # TODO make this message nicer sh "git commit -a -m'Auto-commit from gitdocs'" unless sh("git status -s").strip.empty? if @current_revision.nil? out, code = sh_with_code("git push origin master") if code.success? changes = get_latest_changes info("Pushed #{changes.size} change#{changes.size == 1 ? '' : 's'}", "`#{@root}' has been pushed") else error("Could not push changes", out) end elsif sh('git status')[/branch is ahead/] out, code = sh_with_code("git push") if code.success? changes = get_latest_changes info("Pushed #{changes.size} change#{changes.size == 1 ? '' : 's'}", "`#{@root}' has been pushed") else error("Could not push changes", out) end end end def get_latest_changes if @current_revision out = sh "git log #{@current_revision}.. --pretty='format:{\"commit\": \"%H\",%n \"author\": \"%an <%ae>\",%n \"date\": \"%ad\",%n \"message\": \"%s\"%n}'" if out.empty? [] else lines = [] do |obj| lines << obj end @current_revision = sh("git rev-parse HEAD").strip lines end else [] end end def warn(title, msg) if @use_growl Growl.notify_warning(msg, :title => title) else Kernel.warn("#{title}: #{msg}") end end def info(title, msg) if @use_growl Growl.notify_ok(msg, :title => title, :icon => @icon) else puts("#{title}: #{msg}") end end def error(title, msg) if @use_growl Growl.notify_error(msg, :title => title) else Kernel.warn("#{title}: #{msg}") end raise end def sh(cmd) out, code = sh_with_code(cmd) code == 0 ? out : raise(out.empty? ? "Running `#{cmd}' failed. Run this command directly for more detailed output." : out) end # Run in shell, return both status and output # @see #sh def sh_with_code(cmd) cmd << " 2>&1" outbuf = '' outbuf = `cd #{@root} && #{cmd}` [outbuf, $?] end end end