require 'httparty' =begin class Schwab include HTTParty debug_output $stdout base_uri '' end =end class Tda::Option include ::HTTParty debug_output $stdout # base_uri '' base_uri '' ## ## 2023-02-05 _vp_ :: Gets the entire chain ## def self.get_chain params opts = { symbol: params[:ticker] } ## use 'GME' as symbol here even though a symbol is eg 'GME_021023P2.5' query = { apikey: ::TD_AMERITRADE[:apiKey] }.merge opts puts! query, 'input opts' path = "/v1/marketdata/chains" out = self.get path, { query: query } timestamp = DateTime.parse out.headers['date'] out = out.parsed_response.deep_symbolize_keys outs = [] %w| put call |.each do |contractType| tmp_sym = "#{contractType}ExpDateMap".to_sym _out = out[tmp_sym] _out.each do |date, vs| ## date="2023-02-10:5" vs.each do |strike, _v| ## strike="18.5" v = _v[0] ## v={} many attrs v = v.except( :lastSize, :optionDeliverablesList, :settlementType, :deliverableNote, :pennyPilot, :mini ) v.each do |k, i| if i == 'NaN' v[k] = nil end end v[:timestamp] = timestamp v[:ticker] = params[:ticker] outs.push( v ) end end end outs.each do |x| opi = ::Iro::OptionPriceItem.create( x ) if !opi.persisted? puts! opi.errors.full_messages, "Cannot create OptionPriceItem" end end end ## ## 2023-03-18 _vp_ This is what I should be using to check if a position should be rolled. ## def self.get_quote params ::Tda::Option.get_quotes(params)[0] end ## ## params: contractType, strike, expirationDate, ticker ## ## ow = { contractType: 'PUT', ticker: 'GME', date: '2022-12-09' } ## query = {:apikey=>"<>", :toDate=>"2022-12-09", :fromDate=>"2022-12-09", :symbol=>"GME"} ## ## 2023-02-04 _vp_ :: Too specific, but I want the entire chain, every 1-min ## 2023-02-06 _vp_ :: Continue. ## def self.get_quotes params puts! params, 'Tda::Option#get_quotes' profile = Wco::Profile.find_by email: '' opts = {} # # Validate input ??? # validOpts = %i| contractType | validOpts.each do |s| if params[s] opts[s] = params[s] else raise"Invalid input, missing '#{s}'.") end end if params[:expirationDate] opts[:fromDate] = opts[:toDate] = params[:expirationDate].to_s[0...10] else raise"Invalid input, missing 'date'.") end if params[:ticker] opts[:symbol] = params[:ticker].upcase else raise"Invalid input, missing 'ticker'.") end if params[:strike] opts[:strike] = params[:strike] end query = { }.merge opts puts! query, 'input opts' headers = { accept: 'application/json', Authorization: "Bearer #{profile[:schwab_access_token]}", } path = "/chains" out = self.get path, { # basic_auth: { username: SCHWAB_DATA[:key], password: SCHWAB_DATA[:secret] }, headers: headers, query: query, } puts! out, 'out' timestamp = DateTime.parse out.headers['date'] # out = HTTParty.get "{path}", { query: query } out = out.parsed_response.deep_symbolize_keys tmp_sym = "#{opts[:contractType].to_s.downcase}ExpDateMap".to_sym outs = [] out = out[tmp_sym] out.each do |date, vs| vs.each do |strike, _v| v = _v[0] v = v.except( :lastSize, :optionDeliverablesList, :settlementType, :deliverableNote, :pennyPilot, :mini ) v[:timestamp] = timestamp outs.push( v ) end end # puts! outs, 'outs' return outs end def self.close_credit_call end def self.close_long_debit_call_spread end def self.close_short_debit_put_spread end def self.get_token opts = { grant_type: 'authorization_code', access_type: 'offline', code: ::TD_AMERITRADE[:code], } end def self.create_credit_call outer:, inner:, q:, price: query = { orderType: "NET_DEBIT", session: "NORMAL", price: price, duration: "DAY", orderStrategyType: "SINGLE", orderLegCollection: [ { instruction: "BUY_TO_OPEN", quantity: q, instrument: { symbol: outer.symbol, assetType: "OPTION", }, }, { instruction: "SELL_TO_OPEN", quantity: q, instrument: { symbol: inner.symbol, assetType: "OPTION", }, }, ], } File.write('tmp/query.json', JSON.pretty_generate( query )) puts! query, 'query' return headers = { Authorize: "Bearer #{::TD_AMERITRADE[:access_token]}", } path = "/v1/accounts/#{::TD_AMERITRADE[:accountId]}/orders" puts! path, 'path' out = path, { query: query, headers: headers } timestamp = DateTime.parse out.headers['date'] out = out.parsed_response.deep_symbolize_keys puts! out, 'created credit call?' end def self.create_long_debit_call_spread end def self.create_short_debit_put_spread end def self.roll_credit_call end def self.roll_long_debit_call_spread end def self.roll_short_debit_put_spread end end ## ## From: ## Buy Limit: Vertical Call Spread ## =begin { "orderType": "NET_DEBIT", "session": "NORMAL", "price": "1.20", "duration": "DAY", "orderStrategyType": "SINGLE", "orderLegCollection": [ { "instruction": "BUY_TO_OPEN", "quantity": 10, "instrument": { "symbol": "XYZ_011516C40", "assetType": "OPTION" } }, { "instruction": "SELL_TO_OPEN", "quantity": 10, "instrument": { "symbol": "XYZ_011516C42.5", "assetType": "OPTION" } } ] } =end