# Converts a String, Array or Hash (recursively) into upper case. # # This function is compatible with the stdlib function with the same name. # # The function does the following: # * For a `String`, its upper case version is returned. This is done using Ruby system locale which handles some, but not all # special international up-casing rules (for example German double-s ß is upcased to "SS", whereas upper case double-s # is downcased to ß). # * For `Array` and `Hash` the conversion to upper case is recursive and each key and value must be convertible by # this function. # * When a `Hash` is converted, some keys could result in the same key - in those cases, the # latest key-value wins. For example if keys "aBC", and "abC" where both present, after upcase there would only be one # key "ABC". # * If the value is `Numeric` it is simply returned (this is for backwards compatibility). # * An error is raised for all other data types. # # Please note: This function relies directly on Ruby's String implementation and as such may not be entirely UTF8 compatible. # To ensure best compatibility please use this function with Ruby 2.4.0 or greater - https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/10085. # # @example Converting a String to upper case # ```puppet # 'hello'.upcase() # upcase('hello') # ``` # Would both result in "HELLO" # # @example Converting an Array to upper case # ```puppet # ['a', 'b'].upcase() # upcase(['a', 'b']) # ``` # Would both result in ['A', 'B'] # # @example Converting a Hash to upper case # ```puppet # {'a' => 'hello', 'b' => 'goodbye'}.upcase() # ``` # Would result in `{'A' => 'HELLO', 'B' => 'GOODBYE'}` # # @example Converting a recursive structure # ```puppet # ['a', 'b', ['c', ['d']], {'x' => 'y'}].upcase # ``` # Would result in `['A', 'B', ['C', ['D']], {'X' => 'Y'}]` # Puppet::Functions.create_function(:upcase) do local_types do type 'StringData = Variant[String, Numeric, Array[StringData], Hash[StringData, StringData]]' end dispatch :on_numeric do param 'Numeric', :arg end dispatch :on_string do param 'String', :arg end dispatch :on_array do param 'Array[StringData]', :arg end dispatch :on_hash do param 'Hash[StringData, StringData]', :arg end # unit function - since the old implementation skipped Numeric values def on_numeric(n) n end def on_string(s) s.upcase end def on_array(a) a.map {|x| do_upcase(x) } end def on_hash(h) result = {} h.each_pair {|k,v| result[do_upcase(k)] = do_upcase(v) } result end def do_upcase(x) x.is_a?(String) ? x.upcase : call_function('upcase', x) end end