module Isomorfeus module Puppetmaster module Driver module JsdomDocument def document_accept_alert(document, **options, &block) raise Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::NotSupported # TODO maybe wrap in mutex # text = options.has_key?(:text) ? "`#{options[:text]}`" : 'null' # @context.exec <<~JAVASCRIPT # ModalText = #{text}; # AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].on('dialog', DialogAcceptHandler); # JAVASCRIPT # # sleep @reaction_timeout # @context.eval 'ModalText' # ensure # matched = await <<~JAVASCRIPT # LastResult = ModalTextMatched; # ModalTextMatched = false; # ModalText = null; # AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].removeListener('dialog', DialogAcceptHandler); # JAVASCRIPT # raise Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::NoModalError if options.has_key?(:text) && !matched end def document_accept_confirm(document, **options, &block) raise Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::NotSupported # TODO maybe wrap in mutex # text = options.has_key?(:text) ? "`#{options[:text]}`" : 'null' # @context.exec <<~JAVASCRIPT # ModalText = #{text}; # AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].on('dialog', DialogAcceptHandler); # JAVASCRIPT # # sleep @reaction_timeout # @context.eval 'ModalText' # ensure # matched = await <<~JAVASCRIPT # LastResult = ModalTextMatched; # ModalTextMatched = false; # ModalText = null; # AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].removeListener('dialog', DialogAcceptHandler); # JAVASCRIPT # raise Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::NoModalError if options.has_key?(:text) && !matched end def document_accept_leave_page(document, **options, &block) raise Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::NotSupported # TODO maybe wrap in mutex # text = options.has_key?(:text) ? "`#{options[:text]}`" : 'null' # @context.exec <<~JAVASCRIPT # ModalText = #{text}; # AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].on('dialog', DialogAcceptHandler); # JAVASCRIPT # # sleep @reaction_timeout # @context.eval 'ModalText' # ensure # matched = await <<~JAVASCRIPT # LastResult = ModalTextMatched; # ModalTextMatched = false; # ModalText = null; # AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].removeListener('dialog', DialogAcceptHandler); # JAVASCRIPT # raise Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::NoModalError if options.has_key?(:text) && !matched end def document_accept_prompt(document, **options, &block) raise Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::NotSupported # # TODO maybe wrap in mutex # text = options.has_key?(:text) ? "`#{options[:text]}`" : 'null' # @context.exec <<~JAVASCRIPT # ModalText = #{text}; # AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].on('dialog', DialogAcceptHandler); # JAVASCRIPT # # sleep @reaction_timeout # @context.eval 'ModalText' # ensure # matched = await <<~JAVASCRIPT # LastResult = ModalTextMatched; # ModalTextMatched = false; # ModalText = null; # AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].removeListener('dialog', DialogAcceptHandler); # JAVASCRIPT # raise Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::NoModalError if options.has_key?(:text) && !matched end def document_all_text(document) @context.eval "AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].window.document.documentElement.textContent" end def document_body(document) node_data = @context.exec <<~JAVASCRIPT var node = AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].window.document.body; var node_handle = RegisterElementHandle(node); var name = node.nodeName; var tag = node.tagName.toLowerCase(); return {handle: node_handle, name: name, tag: tag, type: null, content_editable: node.isContentEditable}; JAVASCRIPT if node_data node_data[:css_selector] = 'body' Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::Node.new_by_tag(self, document, node_data) end end def document_bring_to_front(_document); end def document_clear_authentication_credentials(document) raise Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::NotSupported end def document_clear_cookies(document) @context.exec "AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].cookieJar.removeAllCookiesSync()" end def document_clear_extra_headers(document) raise Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::NotSupported end def document_clear_url_blacklist(document) raise Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::NotSupported end def document_click(document, x: nil, y: nil, modifiers: nil) # modifier_keys: :alt, :control, :meta, :shift # raise unless visible? modifiers = [modifiers] if modifiers.is_a?(Symbol) modifiers = [] unless modifiers modifiers = {|key| key.to_s.camelize(:lower) } @context.exec <<~JAVASCRIPT var options = {button: 0, bubbles: true, cancelable: true}; var window = AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].window; var modifiers = #{modifiers}; if (modifiers.includes('meta')) { options['metaKey'] = true; } if (modifiers.includes('control')) { options['ctrlKey'] = true; } if (modifiers.includes('shift')) { options['shiftKey'] = true; } if (modifiers.includes('alt')) { options['altKey'] = true; } var x = #{x ? x : 'null'}; var y = #{y ? y : 'null'}; if (x && y) { options['clientX'] = x; options['clientY'] = y; } window.document.dispatchEvent(new window.MouseEvent('mousedown', options)); window.document.dispatchEvent(new window.MouseEvent('mouseup', options)); window.document.dispatchEvent(new window.MouseEvent('click', options)); JAVASCRIPT end def document_close(document) await <<~JAVASCRIPT delete AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}]; delete AllConsoleHandles[#{document.handle}]; delete ConsoleMessages[#{document.handle}]; JAVASCRIPT end def document_console(document) messages = @context.eval "ConsoleMessages[#{document.handle}]" {|m|} end def document_cookies(document) uri = document_url(document) if uri == 'about:blank' uri = if Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster.server_host u = u.scheme = Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster.server_scheme if Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster.server_scheme = Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster.server_host u.to_s else '' end end result = @context.eval "AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].cookieJar.getCookiesSync('#{uri.to_s}')" result_hash = {} result.each do |cookie| cookie['name'] = cookie['key'] cookie['expires'] = DateTime.parse(cookie['expires']).to_time if cookie.has_key?('expires') result_hash[cookie['name']] = end result_hash end def document_dismiss_confirm(document, **options, &block) # TODO text = options.has_key?(:text) ? "`#{options[:text]}`" : 'null' @context.exec <<~JAVASCRIPT ModalText = #{text}; AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].on('dialog', DialogDismissHandler); JAVASCRIPT sleep @reaction_timeout @context.eval 'ModalText' ensure matched = await <<~JAVASCRIPT LastResult = ModalTextMatched; ModalTextMatched = false; ModalText = null; AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].removeListener('dialog', DialogDismissHandler); JAVASCRIPT raise Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::ModalNotFound if options.has_key?(:text) && !matched end def document_dismiss_leave_page(document, **options, &block) # TODO text = options.has_key?(:text) ? "`#{options[:text]}`" : 'null' @context.exec <<~JAVASCRIPT ModalText = #{text}; AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].on('dialog', DialogDismissHandler); JAVASCRIPT sleep @reaction_timeout @context.eval 'ModalText' ensure matched = await <<~JAVASCRIPT LastResult = ModalTextMatched; ModalTextMatched = false; ModalText = null; AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].removeListener('dialog', DialogDismissHandler); JAVASCRIPT raise Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::ModalNotFound if options.has_key?(:text) && !matched end def document_dismiss_prompt(document, **options, &block) # TODO text = options.has_key?(:text) ? "`#{options[:text]}`" : 'null' @context.exec <<~JAVASCRIPT ModalText = #{text}; AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].on('dialog', DialogDismissHandler); JAVASCRIPT sleep @reaction_timeout @context.eval 'ModalText' ensure matched = await <<~JAVASCRIPT LastResult = ModalTextMatched; ModalTextMatched = false; ModalText = null; AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].removeListener('dialog', DialogDismissHandler); JAVASCRIPT raise Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::ModalNotFound if options.has_key?(:text) && !matched end def document_dispatch_event(document, name, event_type = nil, **options) raise ArgumentError, 'Unknown event' unless EVENTS.key?(name.to_sym) || event_type event_type, opts = *EVENTS['_', '').to_sym] if event_type.nil? opts.merge!(options) final_options = { |k,v| "#{k}: '#{v}'" } @context.exec <<~JAVASCRIPT var window = AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].window; var event = new window.#{event_type}('#{name}', { #{final_options.join(', ')} }); window.document.dispatchEvent(event); JAVASCRIPT end def document_double_click(document, x: nil, y: nil, modifiers: nil) # modifier_keys: :alt, :control, :meta, :shift modifiers = [modifiers] if modifiers.is_a?(Symbol) modifiers = [] unless modifiers modifiers = {|key| key.to_s.camelize(:lower) } await <<~JAVASCRIPT var options = {button: 0, bubbles: true, cancelable: true}; var window = AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].window; var modifiers = #{modifiers}; if (modifiers.includes('meta')) { options['metaKey'] = true; } if (modifiers.includes('control')) { options['ctrlKey'] = true; } if (modifiers.includes('shift')) { options['shiftKey'] = true; } if (modifiers.includes('alt')) { options['altKey'] = true; } var x = #{x ? x : 'null'}; var y = #{y ? y : 'null'}; if (x && y) { options['clientX'] = x; options['clientY'] = y; } window.document.dispatchEvent(new window.MouseEvent('mousedown', options)); window.document.dispatchEvent(new window.MouseEvent('mouseup', options)); window.document.dispatchEvent(new window.MouseEvent('dblclick', options)); JAVASCRIPT end def document_evaluate_script(document, script, *args) @context.eval <<~JAVASCRIPT AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].window.eval( "var arguments = #{ "#{args}".gsub('"', '\"') };" + "#{script.gsub('\\', '\\\\\\').gsub('"', '\"').gsub("\n", "\\n")}" ) JAVASCRIPT rescue ExecJS::ProgramError => e raise determine_error(e.message) end def document_execute_script(document, script, *args) @context.eval <<~JAVASCRIPT AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].window.eval( "(function() { var arguments = #{ "#{args}".gsub('"', '\"') };" + "#{script.gsub('\\', '\\\\\\').gsub('"', '\"').gsub("\n", "\\n")}" + "})()" ) JAVASCRIPT rescue ExecJS::ProgramError => e raise determine_error(e.message) end def document_find(document, selector) js_escaped_selector = selector.gsub('\\', '\\\\\\').gsub('"', '\"') node_data = @context.exec <<~JAVASCRIPT var node = AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].window.document.querySelector("#{js_escaped_selector}"); if (node) { var node_handle = RegisterElementHandle(node); var tag = node.tagName ? node.tagName.toLowerCase() : ''; var name = node.nodeName; var type = null; if (tag === 'input') { type = node.getAttribute('type'); } return {handle: node_handle, name: name, tag: tag, type: type, content_editable: node.isContentEditable}; } JAVASCRIPT if node_data node_data[:css_selector] = selector Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::Node.new_by_tag(self, document, node_data) else raise end rescue Exception => e raise determine_error(e.message) end def document_find_all(document, selector) js_escaped_selector = selector.gsub('\\', '\\\\\\').gsub('"', '\"') node_data_array = @context.exec <<~JAVASCRIPT var node_array = AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].window.document.querySelectorAll("#{js_escaped_selector}"); var node_data_array = []; if (node_array) { for (var i=0; i e raise determine_error('invalid xpath query') end def document_go_back(document) raise 'Browser history not supported.' @context.eval "AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].window.history.back()" end def document_go_forward(document) raise 'Browser history not supported.' @context.eval "AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].window.history.forward()" end def document_goto(document, uri) parsed_uri = URI.parse(uri) = unless parsed_uri.port = @app.port unless parsed_uri.port parsed_uri.scheme = @app.scheme unless parsed_uri.scheme response_hash, messages = await <<~JAVASCRIPT ConsoleMessages[#{document.handle}] = []; var cookie_jar = AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].cookieJar.cloneSync(new MemoryCookieStore()); cookie_jar.rejectPublicSuffixes = false; var con = new jsdom.VirtualConsole() con.on('error', (msg) => { ConsoleMessages[#{document.handle}].push({level: 'error', location: '', text: msg}); }); con.on('warn', (msg) => { ConsoleMessages[#{document.handle}].push({level: 'warn', location: '', text: msg}); }); con.on('info', (msg) => { ConsoleMessages[#{document.handle}].push({level: 'info', location: '', text: msg}); }); con.on('log', (msg) => { ConsoleMessages[#{document.handle}].push({level: 'dir', location: '', text: msg}); }); con.on('debug', (msg) => { ConsoleMessages[#{document.handle}].push({level: 'dir', location: '', text: msg}); }); AllConsoleHandles[#{document.handle}] = con; try { var new_dom = await JSDOM.fromURL('#{parsed_uri.to_s}', Object.assign({}, JSDOMOptions, { cookieJar: cookie_jar, virtualConsole: con })); AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}] = new_dom; var formatted_response = { headers: {}, ok: true, remote_address: '#{parsed_uri.to_s}', request: {}, status: 200, status_text: '', text: '', url: '#{parsed_uri.to_s}' }; LastResult = [formatted_response, ConsoleMessages[#{document.handle}]]; } catch (err) { var formatted_error_response = { headers: err.options.headers, ok: false, remote_address: '#{parsed_uri.to_s}', request: {}, status: err.statusCode ? err.statusCode : 500, status_text: err.response ? err.response.statusMessage : '', text: err.message ? err.message : '', url: '#{parsed_uri.to_s}' }; LastResult = [formatted_error_response, ConsoleMessages[#{document.handle}]]; } JAVASCRIPT con_messages = {|m|} # STDERR.puts 'M', con_messages # STDERR.puts 'R', response_hash con_messages.each { |m| raise determine_error(m.text) if m.level == 'error' && !m.text.start_with?('Failed to load resource:') } if response_hash response = if response.status == 500 && response.text.start_with?('Error:') error = determine_error(response.text) raise error if error end document.instance_variable_set(:@response, response) end document.response end def document_head(document) node_data = @context.exec <<~JAVASCRIPT var node = AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].window.document.head; var node_handle = RegisterElementHandle(node); var name = node.nodeName; var tag = node.tagName.toLowerCase(); return {handle: node_handle, name: name, tag: tag, type: null, content_editable: node.isContentEditable}; JAVASCRIPT if node_data node_data[:css_selector] = 'body' Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::Node.new_by_tag(self, document, node_data) end end def document_html(document) @context.eval "AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].serialize()" end def document_open_new_document(_document, uri = nil) if !uri || uri == 'about:blank' parsed_uri = 'about:blank' else parsed_uri = URI.parse(uri) = unless parsed_uri.port = @app.port unless parsed_uri.port parsed_uri.scheme = @app.scheme unless parsed_uri.scheme end handle, response_hash, messages = await <<~JAVASCRIPT var con = new jsdom.VirtualConsole(); var jar = new jsdom.CookieJar(new MemoryCookieStore(), {rejectPublicSuffixes: false, looseMode: true}); var handle_id = RegisterCon(con); con.on('error', (msg) => { ConsoleMessages[handle_id].push({level: 'error', location: '', text: msg}); }); con.on('warn', (msg) => { ConsoleMessages[handle_id].push({level: 'warn', location: '', text: msg}); }); con.on('info', (msg) => { ConsoleMessages[handle_id].push({level: 'info', location: '', text: msg}); }); con.on('log', (msg) => { ConsoleMessages[handle_id].push({level: 'dir', location: '', text: msg}); }); con.on('debug', (msg) => { ConsoleMessages[handle_id].push({level: 'dir', location: '', text: msg}); }); try { var new_dom; var uri = '#{parsed_uri.to_s}'; if (uri === 'about:blank') { new_dom = new JSDOM('', Object.assign({}, JSDOMOptions, { cookieJar: jar, virtualConsole: con })); } else { new_dom = await JSDOM.fromURL(uri, Object.assign({}, JSDOMOptions, { cookieJar: jar, virtualConsole: con })); } AllDomHandles[handle_id] = new_dom; var formatted_response = { headers: {}, ok: false, remote_address: '#{parsed_uri.to_s}', request: {}, status: 200, status_text: '', text: '', url: '#{parsed_uri.to_s}' }; LastResult = [handle_id, formatted_response, ConsoleMessages[handle_id]]; } catch (err) { var formatted_response = { headers: err.options.headers, ok: true, remote_address: '#{parsed_uri.to_s}', request: {}, status: err.statusCode, status_text: err.response ? err.response.statusMessage : '', text: '', url: '#{parsed_uri.to_s}' }; LastResult = [handle_id, formatted_response, ConsoleMessages[handle_id]]; } JAVASCRIPT # STDERR.puts 'R', response_hash # STDERR.puts 'C', messages con_messages = {|m|} con_messages.each { |m| raise determine_error(m.text) if m.level == 'error' && !m.text.start_with?('Failed to load resource:') } response = if response.status == 500 && response.text.start_with?('Error:') error = determine_error(response.text) raise error if error end, handle, response) end def document_reload(document) document_goto(document, document_url(document)) end def document_remove_cookie(document, name) uri = document_url(document) if uri == 'about:blank' uri = if Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster.server_host u = u.scheme = Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster.server_scheme if Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster.server_scheme = Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster.server_host u.to_s else '' end end domain = URI.parse(uri).host await <<~JAVASCRIPT var cookies = AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].cookieJar.getCookiesSync('#{uri.to_s}') var path = '/'; for(i=0; i @max_width height = @max_height if width > @max_height @context.exec <<~JAVASCRIPT AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].window.innerWidth = #{width}; AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].window.innerHeight = #{height}; JAVASCRIPT end def document_viewport_size(document) @context.eval "[AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].window.innerWidth, AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].window.innerHeight]" end def document_wait_for(document, selector) js_escaped_selector = selector.gsub('\\', '\\\\\\').gsub('"', '\"') node_data = await <<~JAVASCRIPT var node = null; var start_time = new Date(); var resolver = function(resolve) { node = AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].window.document.querySelector("#{js_escaped_selector}"); if (node) { var node_handle = RegisterElementHandle(node); var name = node.nodeName; var tag = node.tagName.toLowerCase(); var type = null; if (tag === 'input') { type = node.getAttribute('type'); } LastResult = {handle: node_handle, name: name, tag: tag, type: type, content_editable: node.isContentEditable}; resolve(true); } else if ((new Date() - start_time) > #{@jsdom_timeout}) { resolve(true); } else { setTimeout(resolver, #{@jsdom_reaction_timeout}, resolve) } }; var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ resolver(resolve); }); await promise; JAVASCRIPT if node_data node_data[:css_selector] = selector Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::Node.new_by_tag(self, document, node_data) end end def document_wait_for_xpath(document, query) js_escaped_query = query.gsub('\\', '\\\\\\').gsub('"', '\"') node_data = await <<~JAVASCRIPT var node = null; var start_time = new Date(); var resolver = function(resolve) { var window = AllDomHandles[#{document.handle}].window; var document = window.document; var xpath_result = document.evaluate("#{js_escaped_query}", document, null, window.XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null); node = xpath_result.singleNodeValue; if (node) { var node_handle = RegisterElementHandle(node); var name = node.nodeName; var tag = node.tagName.toLowerCase(); var type = null; if (tag === 'input') { type = node.getAttribute('type'); } LastResult = {handle: node_handle, name: name, tag: tag, type: type, content_editable: node.isContentEditable}; resolve(true); } else if ((new Date() - start_time) > #{@jsdom_timeout}) { resolve(true); } else { setTimeout(resolver, #{@jsdom_reaction_timeout}, resolve) } }; var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ resolver(resolve); }); await promise; JAVASCRIPT if node_data node_data[:xpath_query] = query Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::Node.new_by_tag(self, document, node_data) end end end end end end