(($, window, document) ->
$this = undefined
# default settings
_settings =
default: 'cool!'
_remover = $("")
_adder = $("")
# This is your public API (no leading underscore, see?)
# All public methods must return $this so your plugin is chainable.
methods =
init: (options) ->
$this = $(@)
# The settings object is available under its name: _settings. Let's
# expand it with any custom options the user provided.
$.extend _settings, (options or {})
# Do anything that actually inits your plugin, if needed, right now!
# An important thing to keep in mind, is that jQuery plugins should be
# built so that one can apply them to more than one element, like so:
# $('.matching-elements, #another-one').foobar()
$this.each (index, el) ->
$('.autocomplete-users').each (index, el) ->
$('.field-wrapper:not(:last-child) .field-controls', $this).append(_remover)
$('.field-controls:last', $this).append(_adder)
$(el).on 'click', 'button.add', (e) ->
$(el).on 'click', 'button.remove', (e) ->
return $this
# This method is often overlooked.
destroy: ->
# Do anything to clean it up (nullify references, unbind events…).
return $this
_internals =
addToList: (el) ->
$activeControls = $(el).closest('.field-controls')
$listing = $activeControls.closest('.listing')
$('.add', $activeControls).remove()
$removeControl = _remover.clone()
newRow: ($listing) ->
$listing.append _internals.newListItem($('li', $listing).size())
_internals.autocompleteUsers($('.autocomplete-users:last', $listing))
removeFromList: (el) ->
$currentUser = $(el).closest('li')
$listing = $currentUser.closest('.listing')
# set the destroy flag
$('input:not([value])', $currentUser).val('true')
newListItem: (index) ->
source = $("#entry-template").html()
template = Handlebars.compile(source)
template({index: index})
addExistingUser: ($listItem, value, label) ->
source = $("#existing-user-template").html()
template = Handlebars.compile(source)
$list = $listItem.closest('ul')
$('input[required]', $list).removeAttr('required')
$listItem.replaceWith template({index: $('li', $list).index($listItem), value: value, label: label})
autocompleteUsers: (el) ->
$targetElement = $(el)
source: (request, response) ->
$.getJSON $targetElement.data('url'), { q: request.term + "*" }, ( data, status, xhr ) ->
matches = []
$.each data.response.docs, (idx, val) ->
matches.push {label: val['desc_metadata__name_tesim'][0], value: val['id']}
response( matches )
minLength: 2
focus: ( event, ui ) ->
select: ( event, ui ) ->
_internals.addExistingUser($targetElement.closest('li'), ui.item.value, ui.item.label)
$.fn.linkUsers = (method) ->
if methods[method]
methods[method].apply this, Array::slice.call(arguments, 1)
else if typeof method is "object" or not method
methods.init.apply this, arguments
$.error "Method " + method + " does not exist on jquery.linkUsers"
) jQuery, window, document