# BitBucketAPI [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/bitbucket_rest_api.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/bitbucket_rest_api) [Wiki](https://github.com/vongrippen/bitbucket/wiki) | [RDocs](http://rubydoc.info/github/vongrippen/bitbucket/master/frames) A Ruby wrapper for the BitBucket REST API. ## Installation Install the gem by issuing ```ruby gem install bitbucket_rest_api ``` or put it in your Gemfile and run `bundle install` ```ruby gem "bitbucket_rest_api" ``` ## Usage Create a new client instance ```ruby bitbucket = BitBucket.new ``` At this stage you can also supply various configuration parameters, such as `:user`,`:repo`, `:oauth_token`, `:oauth_secret`, `:basic_auth` which are used throughout the API. These can be passed directly as hash options: ```ruby bitbucket = BitBucket.new oauth_token: 'request_token', oauth_secret: 'request_secret' ``` Alternatively, you can configure the BitBucket settings by passing a block: ```ruby bitbucket = BitBucket.new do |config| config.oauth_token = 'request_token' config.oauth_secret = 'request_secret' config.client_id = 'consumer_key' config.client_secret = 'consumer_secret' config.adapter = :net_http end ``` You can authenticate either using OAuth authentication or through basic authentication by passing your login and password credentials ```ruby bitbucket = BitBucket.new login:'vongrippen', password:'...' ``` or use convenience method: ```ruby bitbucket = BitBucket.new basic_auth: 'login:password' ``` You can interact with BitBucket interface, for example repositories, by issuing following calls that correspond directly to the BitBucket API hierarchy ```ruby bitbucket.repos.changesets.all 'user-name', 'repo-name' bitbucket.repos.keys.list 'user-name', 'repo-name' ``` The response is of type [Hashie::Mash] and allows to traverse all the json response attributes like method calls. ## Inputs Some API methods apart from required parameters such as username or repository name allow you to switch the way the data is returned to you, for instance by passing a block you can iterate over the list of repositories ```ruby bitbucket.repos.list do |repo| puts repo.slug end ``` ## Advanced Configuration The `bitbucket_rest_api` gem will use the default middleware stack which is exposed by calling `stack` on client instance. However, this stack can be freely modified with methods such as `insert`, `insert_after`, `delete` and `swap`. For instance to add your `CustomMiddleware` do ```ruby bitbucket = BitBucket.new do |config| config.stack.insert_after BitBucket::Response::Helpers, CustomMiddleware end ``` Furthermore, you can build your entire custom stack and specify other connection options such as `adapter` ```ruby bitbucket = BitBucket.new do |config| config.adapter :excon config.stack do |builder| builder.use BitBucket::Response::Helpers builder.use BitBucket::Response::Jsonize end end ``` ## API Main API methods are grouped into the following classes that can be instantiated on their own ```ruby BitBucket - full API access BitBucket::Repos BitBucket::Issues ``` Some parts of BitBucket API require you to be authenticated, for instance the following are examples of APIs only for the authenticated user ```ruby BitBucket::Issues::Create ``` You can find out supported methods by calling `actions` on a class instance in your `irb`: ```ruby >> BitBucket::Repos.actions >> bitbucket.issues.actions --- --- |--> all |--> all |--> branches |--> comments |--> collaborators |--> create |--> commits |--> edit |--> contribs |--> events |--> contributors |--> find |--> create |--> get |--> downloads |--> labels |--> edit |--> list |--> find |--> list_repo |--> forks |--> list_repository |--> get |--> milestones |--> hooks ... ... ``` ## Configuration Certain methods require authentication. To get your BitBucket OAuth credentials, register an app with BitBucket. ```ruby BitBucket.configure do |config| config.oauth_token = YOUR_OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN # Different for each user config.oauth_secret = YOUR_OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN_SECRET # Differenct for each user config.client_id = YOUR_OAUTH_CONSUMER_TOKEN config.client_secret = YOUR_OAUTH_CONSUMER_TOKEN_SECRET config.basic_auth = 'login:password' end or BitBucket.new(:oauth_token => YOUR_OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN, :oauth_secret => YOUR_OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN_SECRET) BitBucket.new(:basic_auth => 'login:password') ``` ## Development Questions or problems? Please post them on the [issue tracker](https://bitbucket.com/vongrippen/bitbucket/issues). You can contribute changes by forking the project and submitting a pull request. You can ensure the tests are passing by running `bundle` and `rake`. ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2012 James M Cochran. Original github_api gem Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Piotr Murach. See LICENSE.txt for further details.