module HQMF module Converter class SimplePrecondition < HQMF::Precondition COMPARISON = "COMPARISON" PRECONDITION = "PRECONDITION" attr_accessor :klass, :processed, :subset_comparison, :conjunction_code def initialize(id, preconditions,reference,conjunction_code,negation) super(id, preconditions,reference,conjunction_code,negation) @id = if (@id.nil?) @klass = PRECONDITION end def to_json json = super # json[:klass] = @klass json end def comparison? @klass == COMPARISON end def restriction? false end def has_preconditions? preconditions and !preconditions.empty? end def restrictions {|precondition| precondition.restriction?} end def reference=(reference) @reference = reference end def delete_converted_restrictions! preconditions.delete_if {|precondition| precondition.restriction? and precondition.converted} end end end end