require "feature_store_spec_base" require "json" require "redis" require "spec_helper" $my_prefix = 'testprefix' $base_opts = { prefix: $my_prefix, logger: $null_log } def create_redis_store(opts = {})$base_opts.merge(opts).merge({ expiration: 60 })) end def create_redis_store_uncached(opts = {})$base_opts.merge(opts).merge({ expiration: 0 })) end def clear_all_data client = client.flushdb end describe LaunchDarkly::RedisFeatureStore do subject { LaunchDarkly::RedisFeatureStore } break if ENV['LD_SKIP_DATABASE_TESTS'] == '1' # These tests will all fail if there isn't a Redis instance running on the default port. context "real Redis with local cache" do include_examples "feature_store", method(:create_redis_store), method(:clear_all_data) end context "real Redis without local cache" do include_examples "feature_store", method(:create_redis_store_uncached), method(:clear_all_data) end def make_concurrent_modifier_test_hook(other_client, flag, start_version, end_version) test_hook = version_counter = start_version expect(test_hook).to receive(:before_update_transaction) { |base_key, key| if version_counter <= end_version new_flag = flag.clone new_flag[:version] = version_counter other_client.hset(base_key, key, new_flag.to_json) version_counter = version_counter + 1 end }.at_least(:once) test_hook end it "handles upsert race condition against external client with lower version" do other_client ={ url: "redis://localhost:6379" }) flag = { key: "foo", version: 1 } test_hook = make_concurrent_modifier_test_hook(other_client, flag, 2, 4) store = create_redis_store({ test_hook: test_hook }) begin store.init(LaunchDarkly::FEATURES => { flag[:key] => flag }) my_ver = { key: "foo", version: 10 } store.upsert(LaunchDarkly::FEATURES, my_ver) result = store.get(LaunchDarkly::FEATURES, flag[:key]) expect(result[:version]).to eq 10 ensure other_client.close end end it "handles upsert race condition against external client with higher version" do other_client ={ url: "redis://localhost:6379" }) flag = { key: "foo", version: 1 } test_hook = make_concurrent_modifier_test_hook(other_client, flag, 3, 3) store = create_redis_store({ test_hook: test_hook }) begin store.init(LaunchDarkly::FEATURES => { flag[:key] => flag }) my_ver = { key: "foo", version: 2 } store.upsert(LaunchDarkly::FEATURES, my_ver) result = store.get(LaunchDarkly::FEATURES, flag[:key]) expect(result[:version]).to eq 3 ensure other_client.close end end end