module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class KushkiGateway < Gateway self.display_name = "Kushki" self.homepage_url = "" self.test_url = "" self.live_url = "" self.supported_countries = ["CO", "EC"] self.default_currency = "USD" self.money_format = :dollars self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :discover, :diners_club] def initialize(options={}) requires!(options, :public_merchant_id, :private_merchant_id) super end def purchase(amount, payment_method, options={}) do |r| r.process { tokenize(amount, payment_method, options) } r.process { charge(amount, r.authorization, options) } end end def refund(amount, authorization, options={}) action = "refund" post = {} post[:ticketNumber] = authorization commit(action, post) end def void(authorization, options={}) action = "void" post = {} post[:ticketNumber] = authorization commit(action, post) end def supports_scrubbing? true end def scrub(transcript) transcript. gsub(%r((Private-Merchant-Id: )\d+), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r((\"card\\\":{\\\"number\\\":\\\")\d+), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r((\"cvv\\\":\\\")\d+), '\1[FILTERED]') end private def tokenize(amount, payment_method, options) action = "tokenize" post = {} add_invoice(action, post, amount, options) add_payment_method(post, payment_method, options) commit(action, post) end def charge(amount, authorization, options) action = "charge" post = {} add_reference(post, authorization, options) add_invoice(action, post, amount, options) commit(action, post) end def add_invoice(action, post, money, options) if action == "tokenize" post[:totalAmount] = amount(money).to_f post[:currency] = options[:currency] || currency(money) post[:isDeferred] = false else sum = {} sum[:currency] = options[:currency] || currency(money) add_amount_defaults(sum, money, options) add_amount_by_country(sum, options) post[:amount] = sum end end def add_amount_defaults(sum, money, options) sum[:subtotalIva] = amount(money).to_f sum[:iva] = 0 sum[:subtotalIva0] = 0 if sum[:currency] == "COP" extra_taxes = {} extra_taxes[:propina] = 0 extra_taxes[:tasaAeroportuaria] = 0 extra_taxes[:agenciaDeViaje] = 0 extra_taxes[:iac] = 0 sum[:extraTaxes] = extra_taxes else sum[:ice] = 0 end end def add_amount_by_country(sum, options) if amount = options[:amount] sum[:subtotalIva] = amount[:subtotal_iva].to_f if amount[:subtotal_iva] sum[:iva] = amount[:iva].to_f if amount[:iva] sum[:subtotalIva0] = amount[:subtotal_iva_0].to_f if amount[:subtotal_iva_0] sum[:ice] = amount[:ice].to_f if amount[:ice] if extra_taxes = amount[:extra_taxes] && sum[:currency] == "COP" sum[:extraTaxes][:propina] = extra_taxes[:propina].to_f if extra_taxes[:propina] sum[:extraTaxes][:tasaAeroportuaria] = extra_taxes[:tasa_aeroportuaria].to_f if extra_taxes[:tasa_aeroportuaria] sum[:extraTaxes][:agenciaDeViaje] = extra_taxes[:agencia_de_viaje].to_f if extra_taxes[:agencia_de_viaje] sum[:extraTaxes][:iac] = extra_taxes[:iac].to_f if extra_taxes[:iac] end end end def add_payment_method(post, payment_method, options) card = {} card[:number] = payment_method.number card[:cvv] = payment_method.verification_value card[:expiryMonth] = format(payment_method.month, :two_digits) card[:expiryYear] = format(payment_method.year, :two_digits) card[:name] = post[:card] = card end def add_reference(post, authorization, options) post[:token] = authorization end ENDPOINT = { "tokenize" => "tokens", "charge" => "charges", "void" => "charges", "refund" => "refund" } def commit(action, params) response = begin parse(ssl_invoke(action, params)) rescue ResponseError => e parse(e.response.body) end success = success_from(response) success, message_from(success, response), response, authorization: success ? authorization_from(response) : nil, error_code: success ? nil : error_from(response), test: test? ) end def ssl_invoke(action, params) if ["void", "refund"].include?(action) ssl_request(:delete, url(action, params), nil, headers(action)) else ssl_post(url(action, params), post_data(params), headers(action)) end end def headers(action) hfields = {} hfields["Public-Merchant-Id"] = @options[:public_merchant_id] if action == "tokenize" hfields["Private-Merchant-Id"] = @options[:private_merchant_id] unless action == "tokenize" hfields["Content-Type"] = "application/json" hfields end def post_data(params) params.to_json end def url(action, params) base_url = test? ? test_url : live_url if ["void", "refund"].include?(action) base_url + ENDPOINT[action] + "/" + params[:ticketNumber].to_s else base_url + ENDPOINT[action] end end def parse(body) begin JSON.parse(body) rescue JSON::ParserError message = "Invalid JSON response received from KushkiGateway. Please contact KushkiGateway if you continue to receive this message." message += " (The raw response returned by the API was #{body.inspect})" { "message" => message } end end def success_from(response) return true if response["token"] || response["ticketNumber"] || response["code"] == "K000" end def message_from(succeeded, response) if succeeded "Succeeded" else response["message"] end end def authorization_from(response) response["token"] || response["ticketNumber"] end def error_from(response) response["code"] end end end end