module MessagesDictionary def self.included(klass) klass.class_exec do define_singleton_method :has_messages_dictionary do |opts = {}| if opts[:messages] messages =[:messages]) else file = opts[:file] || "#{}.yml" file = File.expand_path(file, opts[:dir]) if opts[:dir] begin messages = rescue Errno::ENOENT abort "File #{file} does not exist..." end end klass.const_set(:DICTIONARY_CONF, {msgs: messages.extend(Hashie::Extensions::DeepFetch), output: opts[:output] || STDOUT, method: opts[:method] || :puts, transform: opts[:transform]}) end define_method :pretty_output do |key, values = {}, &block| msg = klass::DICTIONARY_CONF[:msgs].deep_fetch(*key.to_s.split('.')) do raise KeyError, "#{key} cannot be found in the provided file..." end values.each do |k, v| msg.gsub!('\{\{' + k.to_s + '\}\}'), v.to_s) end transform = block || klass::DICTIONARY_CONF[:transform] transform ? : klass::DICTIONARY_CONF[:output].send(klass::DICTIONARY_CONF[:method].to_sym, msg) end private :pretty_output alias_method :pou, :pretty_output end end end